2015-01-14 Vimal Joseph#32 - Add help text to custom template text area
2015-01-14 Vimal Joseph#32 - Add number_format PHP function to the Smarty...
2015-01-11 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #31 from davexunit/remove-contributi...
2015-01-07 David ThompsonShow more than 25 contribution pages on widget edit...
2014-12-28 Vimal JosephFeature to create progress bar based on the financial...
2014-12-28 Vimal JosephReplace help popup under widget preview with inline...
2014-12-28 Vimal JosephFix typo and padding in widget creation page help text
2014-12-28 Vimal JosephAdd create new button to manage screens
2014-12-28 Vimal JosephFix embed code related issues.
2014-12-17 Vimal JosephShow progress bar percentage in rounded figure
2014-12-16 Vimal JosephFix issue with negative starting amount in the progressbar
2014-12-16 Vimal JosephFix progressbar when amount raised is negative
2014-12-16 Vimal JosephFix progress bar formating.
2014-12-16 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #28 from davexunit/fix-progress-bar
2014-12-15 David ThompsonUse total contribution amount instead of net amount...
2014-12-14 Vimal JosephMerge branch 'dev'
2014-12-14 Vimal JosephFix progress bar bug in fetching values from contributions.
2014-12-04 Vimal JosephFix text in the embed code license master
2014-12-04 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #24 from davexunit/fix-librejs
2014-12-04 David ThompsonFix LibreJS metadata in embeddable JavaScript.
2014-12-04 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #23 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-12-04 Jagadedesrc4 release
2014-12-04 Jagadedesreadme
2014-12-04 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #22 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-12-04 Jagadedesadded permissions and menu cleanup
2014-12-03 Vimal JosephHandle the case where there is no embed code id in...
2014-12-02 David ThompsonFix widget preview and embed codes.
2014-11-29 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #20 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-27 Jagadedes31453 cleanup
2014-11-26 Jagadedesauthors update
2014-11-25 Vimal JosephAdd clarification to Changelog
2014-11-25 Vimal JosephMerge ../civicrm-wci-jag
2014-11-25 Jagadedeschange log
2014-11-25 Jagadedeschange log
2014-11-25 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #19 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-25 Jagadedes31452 change module name
2014-11-25 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #18 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-25 Jagadedes31603 progress bar update not clearing widget cache
2014-11-25 Jagadedes31603 progress bar update not clearing widget cache
2014-11-25 Jagadedes31603 progress bar update not clearing widget cache
2014-11-25 Jagadedes31455 readme
2014-11-24 Jagadedes31455 readme
2014-11-24 Jagadedes#31564 create pb link in the help tip not working
2014-11-23 Vimal JosephMerge branch 'dev'
2014-11-23 Vimal JosephCode clean up.
2014-11-21 Jagadedes31499 added tips for user
2014-11-21 Jagadedes31453 code cleanup
2014-11-21 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #16 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-21 Jagadedes31453 31498 code cleanup
2014-11-20 Vimal JosephModified cache system.
2014-11-20 Vimal JosephFixed issues in create widget template.
2014-11-20 Vimal JosephMerge ../civicrm-wci-j into dev
2014-11-20 Jagadedes31456. removed unwanted bao code
2014-11-20 Jagadedes30849, 31461 colors in 2 columns and collapsible fieldset
2014-11-19 Vimal Joseph#31445 - Fixed the issue in template. Now the descripti...
2014-11-19 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #14 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-19 JagadedesRelase: rc1
2014-11-19 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #13 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-19 Jagadedesempty check for wciform.style_rules
2014-11-19 Jagadedeslicense
2014-11-19 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #12 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-19 Jagadedesmoved .js files to js folder
2014-11-19 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #11 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-19 Jagadedes31234. Made widget buttons same style
2014-11-19 Jagadedesfirst time created widget warning fix
2014-11-19 Jagadedesprofile text changed
2014-11-19 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #10 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-19 Jagadedeswidget cache code cleanup and bug fixes.
2014-11-18 Vimal JosephImproved caching system.
2014-11-18 JagadedesBeta 2 bug fixes. 31243. added agpl license and widget...
2014-11-18 JagadedesBeta 2 bug fixes. 31243. added agpl license and widget...
2014-11-18 JagadedesBeta 2 bug fixes. 31243. added agpl license and widget...
2014-11-17 Vimal JosephEnabled upgrader and set the latest changes to it.
2014-11-17 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #8 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-17 JagadedesBeta2 bug fix. 31237 Option to display current amount...
2014-11-17 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #7 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-17 JagadedesBeta2 bug fix.31242 progress bar background color
2014-11-16 Vimal JosephModified release history and version information
2014-11-16 Vimal JosephFixed DB Error when saving widgets.
2014-11-14 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #6 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-14 JagadedesBeta2 bug fix. 31241. added tip for transparent background
2014-11-14 Vimal JosephMerge pull request #5 from Jagadees-zyxware/master
2014-11-14 JagadedesBeta2 bug fixes. 31240, 31239, 31238, 31236, 31235...
2014-11-13 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-13 Jagadedesbeta 3 releas
2014-11-13 Jagadedesrelease notes
2014-11-13 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-13 Jagadedesadded width style to text area
2014-11-13 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-13 Jagadedesremoved default widget and logo and title in same h5
2014-11-12 Jagadedesfixed beta 1 bugs: 31069 divider between contrib pages...
2014-11-12 Jagadedesfixed beta 1 bugs: 31058 removed more menu andd added...
2014-11-11 Jagadedesfixed beta 1 bugs, 31062, 31063, 31101, 31067, 31065
2014-11-10 Jagadedes#31101 Decouple widgets and embed code
2014-11-10 Jagadedes#31102, #31060 combibed 2 script tags in embed code...
2014-11-07 JagadedesBeta I Bug fixes: #31066(Newsletter signup ability...
2014-11-06 Manoj K#29801 - Beta1 release.
2014-11-06 Manoj KMerge branch 'Jagadees-zyxware-master'
2014-11-06 Jagadedesrelease notes
2014-11-06 Jagadedesremoved encode function