2020-04-28 David NégrierMerge pull request #25 from thecodingmachine/feature...
2020-04-28 David NégrierManually fixing a weird lint bug in eslint
2020-04-28 David NégrierMerge
2020-04-27 David NégrierMerge pull request #59 from thecodingmachine/map-v0
2020-04-27 David NégrierPlaying with zoom levels
2020-04-27 KharhamelMerge pull request #53 from Kharhamel/login
2020-04-26 David NégrierMerge branch 'master' of
2020-04-26 David NégrierMerge branch 'map-v0' of
2020-04-26 kharhamelprettier login page
2020-04-26 kharhamelbasic login page with a text input and a click button
2020-04-26 NIPResize chunksize from 16 to 32 pixels
2020-04-24 David NégrierMerge pull request #44 from thecodingmachine/map-v0
2020-04-24 David NégrierMerge pull request #51 from thecodingmachine/constant_speed
2020-04-22 David NégrierMerge pull request #56 from thecodingmachine/enabling_https
2020-04-22 David NégrierSwitching tests on https too
2020-04-22 David NégrierFixing API link to HTTPS
2020-04-22 David NégrierEnabling HTTPS in test deployment
2020-04-22 David NégrierAdapting deeployer to new format
2020-04-18 David NégrierComputing movement amount from framerate
2020-04-17 NIPAdd new map with embed tileset
2020-04-16 David NégrierMerge branch 'map-v0' of
2020-04-16 David NégrierMerge
2020-04-16 David NégrierMerge pull request #50 from thecodingmachine/e2e
2020-04-16 David NégrierRemoving E2E test from running in CI (it is run in...
2020-04-16 NIPMERGE and add floorLayer
2020-04-16 NIPAdd floorLayer to the map
2020-04-15 David NégrierFixing bad file name
2020-04-15 David NégrierTrying to change Cypress basu URL
2020-04-15 David NégrierBackporting master changes
2020-04-15 David NégrierRunning e2e tests on K8S environment
2020-04-15 David NégrierFirst working version of the office map! Yay!
2020-04-15 David NégrierMerge pull request #48 from moufmouf/autoload_tiles
2020-04-15 David NégrierAdding automatic loading of layers
2020-04-15 David NégrierRemoving all reference to 'Tiles' constant in code
2020-04-15 David NégrierMerging
2020-04-15 David NégrierMerge pull request #47 from moufmouf/autoload_tiles
2020-04-15 David NégrierAutoload tiles
2020-04-14 kharhamelfixed the version mismatch of cypress between local...
2020-04-14 kharhameladded artifact download
2020-04-14 kharhamelintegrate it into the ci
2020-04-14 kharhamelimplemented basic e2e testing
2020-04-13 NIPFix JS issue regarding multiple tilesets
2020-04-13 NIPChange GameScene to import new png, change map name...
2020-04-13 grégoire parantMerge pull request #45 from Kharhamel/camera
2020-04-13 NIPChange calque names into game scene TS file
2020-04-13 kharhameldeleted cameraManager, use camera follow code instead
2020-04-13 NIPAdd tilesets
2020-04-13 kharhamelcreate an env variable for debug mode
2020-04-13 NIPMy first map representing TCM office grand floor withou...
2020-04-13 David NégrierMerge pull request #41 from thecodingmachine/one_env_pe...
2020-04-13 David NégrierUsing tagged version for rlespinasse/github-slug-action
2020-04-13 David NégrierFixing version
2020-04-13 David NégrierAdding a message with deployment location at the end...
2020-04-13 David NégrierFixing slugify issue
2020-04-13 David NégrierFixing action
2020-04-13 David NégrierFixing ref slug
2020-04-13 David NégrierFixing libsonnet and changing deployment namespace
2020-04-13 David NégrierTriggering build and deploy on every branch
2020-04-13 David NégrierDeploying one environment per branch
2020-04-13 grégoire parantMerge pull request #42 from gparant/refactor-sizing...
2020-04-13 gparantAdd comment talk when user have a collision & comment...
2020-04-13 gparantRefactor sizing hitbox charactere
2020-04-13 grégoire parantMerge pull request #40 from thecodingmachine/kharhamel...
2020-04-13 gparantFix move & stop player
2020-04-13 gparantFix, current player say
2020-04-13 gparantFix feadback @Kharhamel
2020-04-13 gparantAdd feature to move bubble
2020-04-13 David NégrierMerge pull request #35 from thecodingmachine/cd
2020-04-13 David NégrierFixing Dockerfile build path
2020-04-13 gparantMerge branch 'interaction' into kharhamel-interaction
2020-04-12 kharhameladded som ebasic speech bubbles
2020-04-12 kharhamelthe other playes now run away from the player on contact
2020-04-12 kharhamelfixed the player animations
2020-04-12 kharhamelmade the player pushable by other models
2020-04-12 kharhameladded other players models and fixed collision with...
2020-04-12 kharhamelrewrote the app code to more easily allow for collisions
2020-04-12 David NégrierTriggerring CI rerun
2020-04-12 grégoire parantMerge pull request #36 from thecodingmachine/multi...
2020-04-12 gparantFix feedback @kharhamel
2020-04-11 kharhameladded a rock
2020-04-11 kharhamelcreated a class to centralize all user inputs catching...
2020-04-11 David NégrierFixing Dockerfiles
2020-04-11 David NégrierFixing hosts in deeployer config
2020-04-10 gparantMulti players on the map
2020-04-09 David MAECHLERunit test on connect is working, lets start the worst...
2020-04-09 David NégrierFixing deeployer file
2020-04-09 David NégrierTesting
2020-04-09 David NégrierSetting Kube config in deeployer
2020-04-09 David NégrierAdding namespace to deeployer
2020-04-09 David NégrierFixing push action
2020-04-09 David NégrierFixing push action
2020-04-09 David NégrierFixing action file
2020-04-09 David NégrierSetting up continuous deployment
2020-04-08 David MAECHLERblocked on some logic...WIP commit
2020-04-08 David NégrierMerge pull request #34 from thecodingmachine/Refactorin...
2020-04-07 gparantFix play anim
2020-04-07 gparantFix and refactor with comments of @moumoug
2020-04-07 gparantChange comment with new message strategy
2020-04-07 gparantFix Message send to add direction
2020-04-07 gparantFix CI