2014-07-10 Tim OttencrmScope - Move logic to CRM_Core_Smarty
2014-07-10 Tim OttenCRM-14949 - Replace {$timeGenerated} with {$smarty...
2014-07-09 Coleman WattsCRM-14949 - Flush dynamic resources when clearing caches
2014-07-09 Coleman WattsCRM-14949 - Switch dynamic js to a file instead of...
2014-07-09 Coleman WattsCRM-14949 - Move more stuff into dynamic js tpl
2014-07-09 Coleman WattsCRM-14949 - Move localization strings into a dynamic...
2014-07-09 Coleman WattsRename navigation.js.tpl
2014-07-09 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3627 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14956
2014-07-09 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3628 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14959
2014-07-09 atif-shaikhCRM-14959 - PHP Fatal Error when Address State is Set...
2014-07-09 atif-shaikhCRM-14956 - Copying Event Price Set Fails If Any Price...
2014-07-09 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3625 from jitendrapurohit/CRM_test_...
2014-07-09 jitendrapurohitCRM Test Fix 4.5beta2
2014-07-09 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3621 from jitendrapurohit/API_test_...
2014-07-09 jitendrapurohitApi Test fix
2014-07-09 jitendrapurohitAPI Test fix 4.5beta2
2014-07-08 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3622 from agh1/birthdaytest
2014-07-08 Andrew HuntCRM-14879 tests for reminders on contact date fields
2014-07-08 Yashodha ChakuMerge pull request #3616 from jmcclelland/greetings...
2014-07-08 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3619 from totten/master-14871
2014-07-08 Tim OttenCRM-14871 - CRM_Core_Invoke::rebuildMenuAndCaches ...
2014-07-08 Tim OttenCRM-14871 - CRM_Extension_Manager - Fix typo
2014-07-08 Frank J. GómezCRM-14871: Supply api call extension.upgrade for admins...
2014-07-08 Frank J. GómezCRM-14871: Rebuild caches after extensions are upgraded...
2014-07-08 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3618 from rohankatkar/CRM-14948
2014-07-08 Rohan KatkarCRM-14948
2014-07-07 Jamie McClellandCRM-14955 - add custom tokens to greetings
2014-07-07 Coleman WattsAdd missing ;
2014-07-07 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3612 from jitendrapurohit/CRM-14945
2014-07-07 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3613 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14944
2014-07-07 atif-shaikhCRM-14944 QA fixes
2014-07-07 jitendrapurohitCRM-14945
2014-07-07 kurundMerge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/4.4' into 4...
2014-07-07 Yashodha ChakuMerge pull request #3602 from yashodha/CRM-14629
2014-07-07 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3608 from kurund/CRM-14877
2014-07-07 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3611 from kurund/CRM-14944
2014-07-06 Coleman WattsUpgrade jQuery to 1.11.1 and jQuery UI to 1.11.0
2014-07-06 colemanwAddendum to #3607 - protect against js errors
2014-07-05 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3610 from kurund/CRM-14782
2014-07-05 kurundnotice fixes, CRM-14782
2014-07-05 kurundstrict warning fixes CRM-14944
2014-07-05 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3609 from kurund/CRM-14943
2014-07-05 kurundapplied for for strict warning, CRM-14943
2014-07-05 kurundACL's not working correctly for select all options...
2014-07-04 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3607 from colemanw/statusBounce
2014-07-03 Coleman WattsUpdate comments
2014-07-03 Coleman WattsCRM-14931 - Nicer formating of statusBounce errors
2014-07-03 Coleman WattsCRM-14931 - Nicer aja handling of statusBounce errors
2014-07-03 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3605 from monishdeb/CRM-14505
2014-07-03 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3604 from monishdeb/CRM-14913
2014-07-03 monishdebCRM-14505 fix - CiviCRM api contact dedupe check wrong...
2014-07-03 monishdebCRM-14913 fix - merging contacts does not change contac...
2014-07-03 CiviCRMCRM-14629: fix query to enable cancel/update on recurri...
2014-07-03 Monish DebMerge pull request #3600 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14941
2014-07-03 Monish DebMerge pull request #3601 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14942
2014-07-03 atif-shaikhCRM-14942 - Styling break on adding new Contact in...
2014-07-03 atif-shaikhCRM-14941 - Multi-lingual break on Event Dashboard
2014-07-03 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3599 from totten/master-caseType...
2014-07-03 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3598 from totten/master-unsavedChanges
2014-07-03 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmCaseType - Load fresh list of activity...
2014-07-03 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmApi - Allow batching
2014-07-03 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmCaseType - Cleanup newCaseTypeTemplate
2014-07-03 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmCaseType - Fix leak of activity-types...
2014-07-03 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmCaseType - Use "angular-unsavedChanges...
2014-07-02 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3597 from davecivicrm/CRM-14781
2014-07-02 Dave GreenbergCRM-14871 - Update configure contribution page help...
2014-07-02 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3596 from davecivicrm/CRM-14938
2014-07-02 Dave GreenbergCRM-14938 - add links and fix help for multi-value...
2014-07-02 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3595 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14199QAFixes
2014-07-02 CiviCRMUpdate version to 4.5.beta2
2014-07-02 atif-shaikhCRM-14199 QA fixes
2014-07-02 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3594 from civicrm/4.4.6.x
2014-07-02 CiviCRMUpdate version to 4.4.7
2014-07-02 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3593 from davecivicrm/CRM-14807
2014-07-02 Dave GreenbergCRM-14807 - replacing stale PR 3450
2014-07-01 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3581 from totten/master-casetype...
2014-07-01 Tim Ottenxml/configuration - Remove unused, duplciate CiviCase...
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - CRM_Utils_Check - Display warning if site...
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - XMLRepository - Load XML files using the...
2014-07-01 totten@civicrm.orgCRM-14798 - crmCaseType - Filter/validate caseType...
2014-07-01 totten@civicrm.orgCRM-14798 - CRM_Case_XMLRepository - Don't double-munge...
2014-07-01 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3590 from totten/master-crmCaseType...
2014-07-01 Monish DebMerge pull request #3592 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14927
2014-07-01 atif-shaikhCRM-14927 - Batch update via Profile - copy icon fails...
2014-07-01 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3558 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14782-fix
2014-07-01 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3591 from jitendrapurohit/SmartGrou...
2014-07-01 jitendrapurohitSmart Group Notice Fix
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - caseTypeDetails.html - Display warning...
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - civicrm.css - Apply ng-invalid styling...
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmCaseType - Fix handling of labels+validation
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmCaseType/timelineTable.html - Fix valida...
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmCaseType/edit.html - Only allow saving...
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - civicrm.css - Styling for disabled buttons
2014-07-01 Tim OttenCRM-14798 - crmUi - Add "goto()" helper function
2014-06-30 Tim OttenMerge pull request #3582 from totten/master-auto-reconcile
2014-06-30 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3589 from davecivicrm/CRM-14798a
2014-06-30 Dave GreenbergCRM-14798 - better fix for lock icon markup.
2014-06-30 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3571 from totten/master-casetype...
2014-06-30 Kurund JalmiMerge pull request #3585 from atif-shaikh/CRM-14199
2014-06-30 Dave GreenbergMerge pull request #3586 from jmcclelland/auth-net...