2021-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated irc commands to include password
2021-03-11 Andrew Engelbrechtadded demo bof space to static site
2021-03-10 Andrew Engelbrechtimproved responsiveness of vip space
2021-03-10 Andrew Engelbrechtchanged demo video urls
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtmargin fixes
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtadded demos exhibitor pages
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtadded exhibitors list page
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtadded vip hallway page
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtremoved extraneous closing tags
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtchanges to /2021/vip/ space
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated text on vip page
2021-03-09 Andrew Engelbrechtinitial commit for 2021/vip/
2021-03-08 zoe1schedule + sponsor link
2021-03-06 Greg Faroughdoesn't make sense to link to blog post here
2021-03-05 zoe1sponsors
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughhide other panel
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughremove panel and collapse
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughspace
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughcarousel
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughmove emphasis
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughrecent updates item
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughremove hpp
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughchief gnuisance
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughuncomment buttons
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughrms ul
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughexpand program path
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughmore colors
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughprogram link
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughrms grammar
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughcss change colors
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughcss
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughdiv check
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughtest div 2
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughtest div
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughremove data fields
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughintial commit
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughtypo again
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughtypo
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughchange year
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughchange program include
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughuncomment expand; comment video
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughremove julia tba
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughreorder keynotes
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughremove second block of fsf keyntoes
2021-03-05 Greg Faroughremote first fsf keynote
2021-03-05 Ruben RodriguezForce ipv4 on makefile
2021-03-04 Ruben RodriguezUpdated makefile for new path parameters
2021-03-02 zoe1nadya added to recent updates
2021-03-02 zoe1link update in carousel
2021-03-02 zoe1keynote subtitle
2021-03-01 Greg Faroughfix link
2021-03-01 Greg Faroughresolve conflict; update sponsors
2021-03-01 Greg Faroughexhibit
2021-03-01 zoe1fix sponsors
2021-03-01 zoe1text conflict erased
2021-03-01 zoe1Merge branch 'master' into stable
2021-03-01 zoe1sponsoring docs
2021-02-28 zoe1sponsoring
2021-02-18 Greg Faroughtext test 2
2021-02-18 Greg Faroughtext test
2021-02-18 Greg Faroughcomma
2021-02-18 Greg Faroughcorrect image link
2021-02-18 Greg Faroughkeynote circles image, carousel
2021-02-17 Greg FaroughRevert "change url to andrew's redirect; make it memorable"
2021-02-17 Greg Faroughchange url to andrew's redirect; make it memorable
2021-02-17 Greg Faroughnathan - cle
2021-02-08 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2021-02-08 Greg Faroughedit
2021-01-19 Michael McMahonEnd fundraiser
2021-01-13 Andrew Engelbrechtupdated weblabels for piwik.js
2021-01-12 Andrew Engelbrechttrying to fix weblabels for piwik.js
2021-01-12 Andrew Engelbrechtpotential weblablels fix
2021-01-12 Andrew Engelbrechtthis is already covered by the weblabels
2021-01-12 Andrew Engelbrechttrying to fix librejs for piwik.js
2021-01-12 Andrew Engelbrechtadded image-based matomo/piwik tracking
2021-01-04 Michael McMahonExtend fundraiser
2020-12-15 Greg Faroughitem has to be active
2020-12-15 Greg Faroughregister
2020-12-15 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2020-12-15 Greg Faroughremove cfs links, add registration
2020-12-15 Greg Faroughregistration
2020-12-08 zoeform update donations
2020-12-08 zoesponsoring update (no more sponsor attendee)
2020-12-08 zoesessions and awards removed from nav-list
2020-11-17 Greg Faroughupdate carousel with reda keynote
2020-11-17 Greg FaroughMerge branch 'stable' of ssh://
2020-11-17 Greg Faroughadd date to small bar
2020-11-16 Michael McMahonAdd banner and modal window
2020-11-11 zoereda
2020-11-11 Greg Faroughblog post to updates
2020-11-11 Greg Faroughreda update
2020-11-11 Greg Faroughremove extra full stop
2020-11-11 Greg Faroughadd date to end of home content
2020-11-11 Greg Faroughadd date
2020-11-10 Greg Faroughadd note
2020-11-10 Greg Faroughadd "online"
2020-11-10 Greg Faroughcfs date
2020-10-22 zoeCFS Extended
2020-10-11 Michael McMahonRemove fsf35 modal window
2020-10-05 Michael McMahonAdd fsf35 modal window