2019-11-21 Lisa Marie... RT#765026, patch for null values in civicrm_acl_cache
2019-11-21 Ruben RodriguezAdded the current uncommited changes to production...
2019-11-21 Lisa Marie... Additional files for PDF/Latex
2019-11-21 Lisa Marie... Our changes
2019-11-20 CiviCRMSet version to 5.19.2
2019-11-20 CiviCRMMerge remote-tracking branch 'security/security-fixes...
2019-11-20 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15897 from seamuslee001/dev_core_14...
2019-11-20 tottenMerge branch 'security_release_release_notes' into...
2019-11-20 eileendev/core#1409 Remove net_amount from Addtional Payment...
2019-11-20 tottenMerge branch 'public_release_fixes' into 'security_rele...
2019-11-20 tottenUpdate
2019-11-20 tottenUpdate
2019-11-20 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15893 from seamuslee001/cce_fix_can...
2019-11-20 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15896 from seamuslee001/dev_core_13...
2019-11-20 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15894 from seamuslee001/dev_core_14...
2019-11-20 Seamus LeeUpdate release notes for Public MRs being merged into...
2019-11-20 Seamus Leedev/core#1374 dev/core#1374 Fix search formValue handli...
2019-11-20 Seamus Leedev/core#1406 Ensure that we use the CRM_Member_DAO_Mem...
2019-11-20 Patrick Figeldev/core#1391 - Fix contribution cancel_date not being...
2019-11-20 tottenUpdate
2019-11-20 tottenUpdate
2019-11-20 tottenUpdate
2019-11-20 tottenMerge branch 'security_core_70' into 'security-fixes'
2019-11-20 tottenMerge branch 'security_core_62_apiv4_join' into 'securi...
2019-11-20 Tim OttenContactApiKeyTest - Add additional test-case
2019-11-20 Seamus LeeEnsure that APIv4 Properly filters out permissable...
2019-11-20 Seamus LeeUpdate to latest versions of polyfill-ctype and polyfil...
2019-11-20 Seamus Leesecuriry/core#70 Upgrade Symfony version to 2.8.50
2019-11-19 Seamus LeeMinor update to release notes
2019-11-18 Seamus LeeUpdate release notes as per Tim's copy editing of the SA
2019-11-18 Seamus LeeRelease notes for 5.19.2 Release
2019-11-12 seamusleeMerge branch 'security_core_46' into 'security-fixes'
2019-11-09 JenkinsUpdate unit test to match the output of the CRM_Utils_S...
2019-11-09 Tim OttenSavedSearch API - Only accept safe inputs
2019-11-09 Tim OttenCRM_Utils_String::unserialize() - Add wrapper for parsi...
2019-11-09 Seamus Lee[NFC] Update Doc block as per Patrick
2019-11-09 Seamus LeeRevert changes in CRM/Core/BAO{Cache|ConfigSetting...
2019-11-09 Seamus LeeReturn FALSE instead of throwing Exception if package...
2019-11-09 Seamus LeeImplement xKerman/restricted-unserialize package to...
2019-11-09 Tim OttenContactInterchangeTest - Add coverage for APIv4 joins...
2019-11-09 Tim Otten(security/core#67) Port APIv3's escaping scheme to...
2019-11-09 Tim OttenHTMLInputCoder - Add more variants for encoding arrays
2019-11-09 Seamus LeeFix unit test for APIv4 format
2019-11-09 Coleman WattsFix api_key handling from joins
2019-11-09 Patrick Figelsecurity/core#65 - Fix XSS in Dashboard Report Title
2019-11-09 Seamus Leesecurity/core#65 Fix Display of Report title that conta...
2019-11-09 Patrick Figelsecurity/core#59 - Fix SQL injection in civicrm/ajax...
2019-11-09 Tim OttenMerge pull request #15788 from seamuslee001/5_19_1_vers...
2019-11-09 Tim OttenUpdate
2019-11-09 Seamus LeeAdd in release notes for 5.19.1 drop
2019-11-09 Seamus LeeSet version to 5.19.1
2019-11-08 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15780 from seamuslee001/dev_mailing...
2019-11-08 Seamus Leedev/mailing#56 dev/mailing#57 Ensure that we don't...
2019-11-08 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15766 from seamuslee001/dev_core_13...
2019-11-07 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15763 from seamuslee001/dev_core_13...
2019-11-07 Seamus Leedev/core#1376 Catch Invalid Argument Exception when...
2019-11-07 Seamus Leedev/core#1371 Fix e-notice caused by trying to pass...
2019-11-07 Tim OttenSet version to 5.19.0
2019-11-07 Tim OttenMerge pull request #15752 from agh1/5.19.0-releasenotes...
2019-11-07 Tim OttenUpdate
2019-11-07 Andrew Hunt5.19.0 release notes: added late changes
2019-11-06 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15741 from totten/5.19-volinst
2019-11-06 Tim Otten(dev/core#1093) Fix permission error when activating...
2019-11-04 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15726 from MiyaNoctem/dev-core...
2019-11-04 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15724 from MiyaNoctem/dev-core...
2019-11-04 Camilo Rodriguezdev/core#1093: Fix Installation of Custom Fields with...
2019-11-04 Camilo Rodriguezdev/core#1360: Fix Programatic Installation Of Multiple...
2019-11-01 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15690 from seamuslee001/nfc_authori...
2019-11-01 Seamus Lee[NFC] Fix AuthorizeNet Test failure due to credit card...
2019-10-29 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15657 from demeritcowboy/pledge...
2019-10-29 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15655 from demeritcowboy/activity...
2019-10-29 DemeritCowboypledge search not working
2019-10-29 DemeritCowboyactivity search not working at all
2019-10-28 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15642 from MiyaNoctem/dev-core...
2019-10-28 Camilo Rodríguezdev/core#1093: Add Custom Fields to Logging Tables
2019-10-24 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15598 from alifrumin/rn5.19
2019-10-24 Alice Frumin5.19 Release Notes - first pass
2019-10-23 Tim OttenMerge pull request #15583 from seamuslee001/5.19
2019-10-22 Tim OttenUpdate
2019-10-22 Tim
2019-10-22 Tim Ottenrelease-notes/
2019-10-21 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15569 from eileenmcnaughton/pay_notice
2019-10-21 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15537 from eileenmcnaughton/pay_check
2019-10-21 eileenEnotice fix
2019-10-21 eileenSupport payment related fields on Payment.Create
2019-10-21 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15561 from eileenmcnaughton/payment...
2019-10-21 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15558 from eileenmcnaughton/report_...
2019-10-21 eileendev/core#1333 Fix incorrect balance amount on fully...
2019-10-20 eileenAttempt to fix paging on contact summary
2019-10-20 Matthew WireMerge pull request #15539 from eileenmcnaughton/pay_back
2019-10-19 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15545 from eileenmcnaughton/pay_email_p
2019-10-18 eileenEnsure a default FROM address is used when sending...
2019-10-18 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15538 from eileenmcnaughton/ppal_std
2019-10-18 eileenRename balanceTrxnParams to paymentTrxnParams [REF]
2019-10-18 eileenRegression fix on Paypal Std with memberships not being...
2019-10-17 Seamus LeeMerge pull request #15527 from eileenmcnaughton/merge
2019-10-17 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15521 from agh1/5.19.0-releasenotes...
2019-10-17 Eileen McNaughtonMerge branch '5.19' into 5.19.0-releasenotes-initial
2019-10-16 eileenFix default mode on Contact.merge api
2019-10-16 Eileen McNaughtonMerge pull request #15524 from seamuslee001/5_18_3_rele...