From 74646bb1021aaa154a332addeec857bc0c65180b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Greg Farough
Each and every day, free software reaches more devices and is used in more and more interesting contexts. While we haven't evaluated these products specifically in our RYF program, we're including mentions of certain communities who are going in the right direction when it comes to freedom, but who aren't fully there yet. They're already making waves, but need the help of technical users in crossing the freedom "finish line" to full acceptability.
+Each and every day, free software reaches more devices and is used in more and more interesting contexts. While we haven't evaluated these products specifically in our RYF program, we're including mentions of certain communities who are going in the right direction when it comes to freedom, but who aren't fully there yet. They're already making waves, but need the help of developers or technical users in crossing the freedom "finish line" to full acceptability.
If you know of a project or company we've missed who are earnestly working to free their devices, but who need a little help in doing so, please let us know!