From 70fa768718c7963f4d21e98d02863d892bc4d24e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Hunt <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 15:21:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] 5.13.0 release notes: raw from script

 release-notes/ | 497 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 497 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 release-notes/

diff --git a/release-notes/ b/release-notes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be2f7f5caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release-notes/
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+# CiviCRM 5.13.0
+Released May 8, 2019;
+- **[Features](#features)**
+- **[Bugs resolved](#bugs)**
+- **[Miscellany](#misc)**
+- **[Credits](#credits)**
+## <a name="features"></a>Features
+### Core CiviCRM
+- **CRM-18011 Missing Summary ([13854](**
+- **crm- Missing Summary ([13908](**
+- **CRM-21008 Missing Summary ([13700](**
+- **[CRM-21677](  ([13792](, [13790](, and [13780](**
+## <a name="bugs"></a>Bugs resolved
+### Core CiviCRM
+- **(NFC) SchemaStructure.php - Fix up mismatch between stored+generated code ([14046](**
+- **Arg I put these fixes in 5.12 & master while trying for 5.13 ([14036](**
+- **Disable phpcs checking in the Crypt files where mcrypt functions are ([14031](**
+- **(NFC) Ensure phpcs ignores eval notice in these files as it is required ([14032](**
+- **(NFC) Lint additional php files up to the new coder standard ([14025](**
+- **Port Code Style Fixes to 5.13 from master ([14026](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/Core CRM/Custom CRM/Dedupe to match the new coder style ([14023](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/Event folder for the new coder style ([14019](**
+- **(NFC) update CRM/Contribute to be the new coder standard ([14021](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/Friend CRM/Grant CRM/Group CRM/Mailing to be up to d… ([14016](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/Badge CRM/Campaign CRM/Case to be up to date with a … ([14017](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/Cxn CRM/Dashlet CRM/Export CRM/Extension and CRM/Fin… ([14018](**
+- **Load hooks during upgrade mode ([13551](**
+- **[NFC] Short array syntax - auto convert settings dir ([14005](**
+- **dev/financial#2 Update new payment_processor.title field to be localisable ([13995](**
+- **Improve test coverage for CRM_Utils_Color::getRgb() ([14007](**
+- **Improve flushing after creating a processor so it can be used for a recurring in the same run ([14009](**
+- **(REF) CRM_Core_Resources - Move hook declaration from addCoreResources() to Container.php ([14008](**
+- **Include lower level data when throwing an exception on payment ([14006](**
+- **Menu config screen improvements ([14002](**
+- **Add unit testing for activity creation when cancelling a recurring, related cleanup ([14000](**
+- **Configurable menubar color ([13996](**
+- **Fix 4.7.31 Upgrade in multilingual mode ([14003](**
+- **PHP warnings on Case Dashboard and Find Cases ([13998](**
+- **Add unit test for api ContributionRecur.cancel, add support for cancel_reason ([13999](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/Member CRM/Note CRM/Logging CRM/Import and CRM/Price… ([13992](**
+- **dev/core#855 Fix guzzle noisiness ([13991](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/Activity CRM/Admin and CRM/Batch folders to be the f… ([13990](**
+- **(NFC) Update coding style in PCP, Pledge, Profile, Queue, Report folders ([13987](**
+- **(NFC) Update CRM/SMS/ CRM/UF/ CRM/Upgrade/ CRM/Tag/ to be up to speed… ([13986](**
+- **(NFC) Bring CRM/Utils folder up to future coder standards ([13985](**
+- **(NFC) Set _log and _tableName variables to be public ([13988](**
+- **Update Unit test styling to cover the future coder version ([13983](**
+- **(NFC) Fix location of comment to match future coder version ([13984](**
+- **(NFC) Bring up API folder to style of future coder checker ([13980](**
+- **Encourage developers to use .then instead of .done ([13982](**
+- **(NFC) Upgrade Civi Folder to the new coder version ([13981](**
+- **(NFC) Update various files to pass future civicrm/coder ruleset ([13979](**
+- **(NFC) Update various files to pass current phpcs ([13978](**
+- **[NFC] Reformat tricksy file CRM_Mailing_BAO_Mailing ([13973](**
+- **[NFC] Reformat tricksy file CRM/Contribute/Import/Form/MapField ([13974](**
+- **[NFC] short array syntax Autoformat - just  the tricksy bits of CRM/Activity ([13969](**
+- **[NFC] array format tricksie file  CRM/Admin/Form/MessageTemplates ([13970](**
+- **[NFC] array format tricksie file CRM_Utils_Rest ([13971](**
+- **[NFC] array formatting tricksy tricksie file (another CRM/UF/Form/Group.php) ([13972](**
+- **[NFC] short array syntax Autoformat - just CRM/ACL dir ([13968](**
+- **[NFC] Short array syntax - auto-format CRM directory ([13915](**
+- **[REF] extract token functions ([13967](**
+- **Improve data when known time-dependent-failing test fails ([13964](**
+- **Remove reference to non-iso date format from membership form tests ([13965](**
+- **Allow extensions to enable validate.tpl ([13961](**
+- **Flush ContributionRecur static cache when flushing processors ([13962](**
+- **dev/core#704 Fix loss of links for recurrings with no payment_processor_id ([13935](**
+- **Add payment_processor column/filter to recurring contribution report ([13699](**
+- **Grammar fixes ([13960](**
+- **Extract assignPaymentFields ([13957](**
+- **Move code to assign tax information into shared parent ([13899](**
+- **Added a DB check to prevent deleting exisiting CiviCRM data from database. ([13944](**
+- **Convert receive_date and renewal_date on membership forms to use date… ([13950](**
+- **Promise Polyfill for older browsers ([13955](**
+- **dev/core#655 Don't sum on the contribution total_amount in contribution detail report ([13906](**
+- **Add billingblock region to event registration thankyou to match contribution thankyou ([13762](**
+- **Add minimal api ([13953](**
+- **Replaced get_headers functions call with Guzzle HTTP request. ([13946](**
+- **dev/financial#38 : Support refund payment using payment processor ([13952](**
+- **dev/financial#2 add PaymentProcessor.title field ([13954](**
+- **Rationalise url variables onto shared parent for recurring contribution forms ([13940](**
+- **Optimise the loading of the CiviCRM Deduplication Exception page ([13435](**
+- **Unfork Zetacomponents mail and use patch to apply differences ([13934](**
+- **Quote fee levels for regular expression in Participant search. ([12998](**
+- **[unreleased regression] Add error handling for when no test procesor row exists. ([13947](**
+- **Test fix ([13949](**
+- **5.12 ([13948](**
+- **Update PHPWord Patches to match the latest versions of their code ([13923](**
+- **dev/core/issues/823, fixed code to set contact type correctly ([13945](**
+- **Core/725 - Get state_province_id given non numeric country_id or country parameter ([13938](**
+- **Fix status type (error, not fail) for CRM_Core_Session::setStatus ([13943](**
+- **Event Cart: Fix PHP 7.2 fatal error (pass by ref) ([13927](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13942](**
+- **dev/core#499 Fix CustomField Checkbox display when values are non-sorted ([13051](**
+- **(dev/core#835) Expose Registered by Participant Name field to partici… ([13936](**
+- **Add shared parent for ContributionRecur forms ([13931](**
+- **(NFC) Fix mode on files ([13933](**
+- **dev/core#830 Recur cancel reason ([13930](**
+- **dev/core#288 : Use the correct membership date for the notification that appear after completing the membership payment in case pre hook is used ([12583](**
+- **dev/core/issues/840, fixed notice error ([13926](**
+- **Payment test cleanup ([13924](**
+- **Convert the Fullfilled Date field in preimum section on backoffice co… ([13919](**
+- **Convert trxn_date field in the Update Pending Status task option from… ([13918](**
+- **dev/core/issues/837, Fixed notice error on Contribution Agrreagate custom search. ([13921](**
+- **[NFC] Cleanup DAO factory classes for code standards ([13922](**
+- **dev/core#836 Do not track CSS urls when added as link urls ([13920](**
+- **Possible paypal fix to avoid sending 500 errors from ipn triggerred b… ([13867](**
+- **Covert the CRM_Core_Error::fatal calls to exceptions when trying to a… ([13917](**
+- **dev/core/issues/806, Fixed DB error already exist when recording recurring payment having tax ([13852](**
+- **Fix mis-formatting of Email greeting id, Address greeting id etc ([13895](**
+- **Do not cause a fatal error if no contact_id field for a note is fille… ([13910](**
+- **NFC - Short array syntax - auto-convert ang dir ([13912](**
+- **NFC - Short array syntax - auto-convert Civi dir ([13911](**
+- **[NFC] Short array syntax - auto-convert api dir ([13909](**
+- **Add pseudoconstant support for payment_processor_id on ContributionRecur ([13698](**
+- **Upgrade htmlpurifier to 4.10 to support PHP7.2 and install via composer ([13840](**
+- **dev/core#253: Cancelling or An Error during event registration payment should cancel all additional participates ([12457](**
+- **dev/core/544 Add report support for filter on multiple contact subtypes ([13158](**
+- **Mutliple activity type filters on activity tab on contact records ([13873](**
+- **Use TempTable methods ([13819](**
+- **dev/core#755 - CRM/Core - Fix missing group name in custom field cache ([13900](**
+- **Convert activity tab to use datepicker ([13855](**
+- **CiviCRM API, lookup state_province_id options based on country parame… ([13596](**
+- **Add Unit test for export with incomplete data ([13904](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13905](**
+- **dev/core/issues/819, Fixed fatal error on export screen ([13889](**
+- **Expose sort_name as a dedupe-matchable field ([13864](**
+- **[NFC] IDE formatting only ([13896](**
+- **dev/core#824 Render contact type icons in std way on merge screen ([13898](**
+- **PHP Error on Grant Detail Report ([13883](**
+- **Refactor CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommon ([13892](**
+- **5.12 ([13894](**
+- **Allow payment processor to determine the text around 'continue' ([13787](**
+- **Fix Contact.create calls to respect passed in variables & variables set via hook for sort_name & display_name ([13863](**
+- **Minor code cleanups around invoicing assignment ([13857](**
+- **dev/core#709, fixed date filter for custom fields ([13567](**
+- **Added unit test for dev/core/issues/726 ([13888](**
+- **Remove switch statement that no longer switches ([13886](**
+- **Use label not name for payment processor type ([13885](**
+- **dev/core#502 fix bug on sorting by address fields when viewing search results by profile ([13884](**
+- **dev/core#784 - On civicase case type editing screen creating a new relationship type on the fly inserts a blank row ([13785](**
+- **dev/core/issues/740, Show form on validation error ([13640](**
+- **dev/core#560 Update Cancel Billing & update billing to use status bounce rather than fatal ([13850](**
+- **send action links on any page that extends CRM_Core_Page_basic thru hook_civicrm_links ([13068](**
+- **dev/core#314 Event self-service Transfer picks up the deleted contact ID basically transferring to the wrong contact ([12639](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13882](**
+- **Improve ContributionPage.validate api ([13798](**
+- **Fix up composer for composer 2.0 compatibility ([13872](**
+- **Use TempTable methods. ([13880](**
+- **[nfc] Reset entire session object between tests ([13878](**
+- **Fix php 7.2 count notice ([13877](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13879](**
+- **dev/core#641: Case Activity Assignment Restriction ([13541](**
+- **CRM/Event - Fix participant note search parameter being ignored ([13697](**
+- **Use tempTable class in creation of dedupe table. ([13865](**
+- **BAO_Participant - Use default status if not specified for create ([13875](**
+- **Remove now-obsolete additionalFromClause parameter from prepareOrderBy ([13874](**
+- **dev/core#748 Switch alphabetQuery to use new getSearchSQLParts() function ([13772](**
+- **Add hook findDuplicates ([13234](**
+- **Reformat test files for array format ([13862](**
+- **Try Reverting commit removing require once to see if it fixes the pro… ([13870](**
+- **Add ID / Test ID for payment processors to list - makes setup of IPNs much easier! ([13869](**
+- **As discussed, delete webtests ([13861](**
+- **Update test to reflect recently merged PR lower permission to access dedupecheck ([13866](**
+- **dev/core/issues/570, Check Dedupe fails for limited permission user ([13398](**
+- **Fix bug whereby sorting by state province gives an error in search builder ([13748](**
+- **dev/core#811 - Autocomplete only enabled options ([13859](**
+- **Test fix ([13856](**
+- **Fixing formatting of contributors section ([13860](**
+- **dev/core#795 Fix PHP warning when updating a multiselect country field. ([13858](**
+- **Add FrontEndPaymentFormTrait to start to share functionality between Event and Contribution forms ([13843](**
+- **[NFC] code formatting only ([13846](**
+- **[NFC] Code reformatting ([13849](**
+- **Activity tab performance fix - switch to faster getActivities & getActivitiesCount ([13768](**
+- **Disabling or deleting Expired status breaks membership status update ([13259](**
+- **"Contact Sub Type" dropdown disappears when fields validation occurs ([13545](**
+- **Code cleanup on membership block loop ([13851](**
+- **refs issue 788 fix Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in ... ([13795](**
+- **dev/core#771 - Smart group with uf_group_id does not load contacts wi… ([13742](**
+- **Core-688 - Contacts - New Email Fix Smarty/plugins/function.crmSettin… ([13508](**
+- **core#571 - check logged in OR checksum user permissions to edit recur… ([13237](**
+- **dev/core#706 Edit contribution : wrong decimal separator on total_amount for participant(s) ([13554](**
+- **Use TempTable methods - contribution detail ([13848](**
+- **dev/core#664 - CRM/Logging - Add indexes when updating log schema ([13462](**
+- **Use TempTable methods - bookkeeping report ([13847](**
+- **dev/core/issues/726, Fixed fatal error when searched using group type ([13603](**
+- **Add in tests of purifying HTML output ([13845](**
+- **Remove Log.php require_once statements ([13842](**
+- **Fix contact.merge api to pass check_permissions parameter through to the deeper layer ([13807](**
+- **Minor code cleanup ([13839](**
+- **Minor code cleanup - remove unnecessary ids declaration ([13838](**
+- **Deploy PEAR Log package and upgrade to latest version in the process ([13835](**
+- **Remove amavisd now that it is removed from the packages repository ([13841](**
+- **[NFC] remove unnecessary variable ([13836](**
+- **Logging - attempt to fix tests ([13832](**
+- **Import date test ([13823](**
+- **REF Extract case action links into a separate function to facilitate refactoring ([13793](**
+- **5.12 ([13834](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13833](**
+- **(NFC, infra/ops#878) AssetBuilderTest - Relax getUrl() assertion for WP compat ([13826](**
+- **NFC Whitespace cleanup MembershipBlock.tpl ([13830](**
+- **Display test contributions when viewing contributions related to a test recurring contribution ([13779](**
+- **Make cacheCode optional in CRM.loadScript ([13824](**
+- **[nfc] Attempt to improve false negatives on Logging test ([13829](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13828](**
+- **Further cleanup on getRelatedMemberships - just get them with the api ([13797](**
+- **Update lockfile to take into account of civicrm/zetacomponents-mail#4… ([13822](**
+- **core#798 - fix rendering of public-facing prefix/suffix select2 ([13816](**
+- **[REF] small cleanups on payment.create flow. ([13778](**
+- **Upgrade zetacomponents/base and zetacomponents/mail ([13799](**
+- **Membership form address fields for payment processors ([13802](**
+- **Use temp table methods; provide TempTable::getCreateSql() method for debugging ([13703](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13818](**
+- **(ops#878) phpunit.xml.dist - Prevent conflict in WordPress E2E with "stderr=true" ([13810](**
+- **(ops#878) Enforce common signature for CRM_Utils_System::loadBootStrap(). Fix WP E2E error. ([13811](**
+- **(dev/core#491) Standardise the adding of campaign fields on the maili… ([13383](**
+- **Add a class to handle test entities consistently ([13814](**
+- **Add comments about usage for doPayment() function ([13812](**
+- **5.12 to master ([13817](**
+- **[NFC] reformat Contact api file to switch to new array formatting ([13806](**
+- ** civicrm/admin/setting/uf - Fix advice about Backdrop Views ($database_prefix) ([13803](**
+- **checkEditInboundEmailsPermissions should be a static function ([13805](**
+- **[REF] minor code simplification - remove over-handling of amount comp with zero ([13783](**
+- **Attempted test fix ([13791](**
+- **Standardise setTitle method on forms ([13781](**
+- **Fatal error to exception on Membership BAO ([13774](**
+- **dev/core#562 remove more instances of ->free() ([13786](**
+- **Remove reference to google checkout ([13784](**
+- **[NFC] template whitespace cleanup ([13782](**
+- **(NFC) Update for compliance with next phpcs standard ([577](**
+- **Lint .inc files in Drupal module folder to match newer coder standard ([574](**
+- **(NFC) Get phpcs to ignore the use of eval in this file as it is required ([575](**
+- **Update 7.x Drupal code to be that of the new coder style ([571](**
+- **Cleaner front-end URLs ([144](**
+- **(NFC) Update for compliance with next phpcs standard ([72](**
+- **(NFC) Lint .inc files and ensure that the eval usage in tests/phpunit… ([71](**
+- **1.x 5.13 ([70](**
+- **Fix up to newer coder style ([69](**
+- **drupal#42 - authenticate D8 when using kcfinder ([242](**
+- **Fix E-notice in IDS ([247](**
+- **Remove htmlpurifier from within the IDS to facilitate it being provid… ([246](**
+- **Remove Log.php from the Original folder as well ([245](**
+- **Remove log files as now supplied by composer ([244](**
+- **remove amavisd ([243](**
+## <a name="misc"></a>Miscellany
+## <a name="credits"></a>Credits
+This release was developed by the following code authors:
+AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andrew Hunt, Eli Lisseck; Agileware - Alok Patel, Francis Whittle; Australian Greens - Seamus Lee; Christian Wach; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; CompuCorp - Omar Abu Hussein; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy; Dave D; Electronic Frontier Foundation - Mark Burdett; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit; GreenPeace Central and Eastern Europe - Patrick Figel; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb; kewljuice; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Pradeep Nayak; Skvare - Mark Hanna; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Stephen Palmstrom; Timbsoft Technologies - Tunbola Ogunwande; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
+Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following
+reviewers contributed their comments:
+AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andrew Hunt, Eli Lisseck; Agileware - Alok Patel, Francis Whittle, Justin Freeman; Aniessh Sethh; Artful Robot - Rich Lott; Australian Greens - Seamus Lee; British Humanist Association - Andrew West; Christian Wach; Circle Interactive - Dave Jenkins; civibot[bot]; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; CompuCorp - Omar Abu Hussein, Shitij Gugnani; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove; Dave D; Electronic Frontier Foundation - Mark Burdett; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit; GreenPeace Central and Eastern Europe - Patrick Figel; GValFr35; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray, Monish Deb; Joinery - Allen Shaw; kewljuice; khorporative; Korlon - Stuart Gaston; Lighthouse Design and Consulting - Brian Shaughnessy; mcuradoc; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Pradeep Nayak; prondubuisi; Skvare - Mark Hanna; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Timbsoft Technologies - Tunbola Ogunwande; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
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