From 169c7097c9a1f5838e0545dec701838b22bf86d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zoe1 # Copy your keyID gnupg --list-key [your@email] will list your public ("pub") key information, including your keyID, which is a unique list of numbers and letters. Copy this keyID, so you can use it in the following command. # Generate a revocation certificate: gpg --gen-revoke --output revoke.asc [keyID] # It will prompt you to give a reason for revocation, we recommend to use 1 "key has been compromised" # You don't have to fill in a reason, but you can, then press enter for an empty line, and comfirm your selection. # You don't have to fill in a reason, but you can, then press enter for an empty line, and confirm your selection.
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ it, then reply to you.
Edward will send you an encrypted email back saying your email was received and decypted. Your email client will automatically decrypt Edward's message.
+Edward will send you an encrypted email back saying your email was received and decrypted. Your email client will automatically decrypt Edward's message.
The OpenPGP button in the email will show a little green checkmark over the lock symbol to show the message is encrypted, and a little orange warning sign which means that you have accepted the key, but not verified it. When you have not yet accepted the key, you will see a little question mark there. Clicking the prompts in this button will lead you to key properties as well.
-- 2.25.1