From: rsiddharth <>
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 00:29:52 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: 2018: Remove lp2017-schedule.ics

2018: Remove lp2017-schedule.ics

* 2018/lp2017-schedule.ics: Remove file.

diff --git a/2018/lp2017-schedule.ics b/2018/lp2017-schedule.ics
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-PRODID:-//lpschedule generator//
-SUMMARY:When we fight we win: Technology and liberation in Trump’s Ameri
- ca
- d:nomail
-DESCRIPTION: The 21st century techno-surveillance state is the oil that ru
- ns the deportation and mass incarceration machines. In Donald Trump and Je
- ff Sessions' America\, it's more important than ever to fight for our core
-  values: freedom\, equality\, justice\, and democracy. That means using yo
- ur technical skills in the service of liberation\, but it also means engag
- ing as an ordinary citizen in the messy work of lobbying and organizing. T
- his talk will lay out some of the greatest challenges we face in 2017\, an
- d describe in detail some concrete ways we must unite to fight—not only 
- against the Trump regime's dastardly plans\, but also for the future we co
- llectively need to build.
-LOCATION: Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Meet them where they are: Free software and social justice today
- omail
-DESCRIPTION:At LibrePlanet\, we often talk about how free software interse
- cts with human rights and social justice issues. This talk will review rec
- ent technology choices and promotion in other activist communities\, discu
- ss how recent changes in politics and technology have motivated these chan
- ges\, and use these lessons to learn how the free software community can i
- mprove its outreach to other advocacy groups. We'll also look at imminent 
- technology developments\, and consider where the free software movement ca
- n work now to affect change in the future.
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:The set of programmers: How math restricts us
- omail
-DESCRIPTION:This presentation will open a discussion about how we are intr
- oducing new developers to programming. Most textbooks\, tutorials\, and tr
- ainings begin by introducing new developers to mathematics lessons within 
- the language. Many courses on programming require math skills as prerequis
- ites. However\, math prowess is not usually an indicator of one's potentia
- l programming abilities. Those people who have been told from a young age 
- that they aren't good at math or generally doubt their math skills often f
- eel excluded from the world of programming unnecessarily. I will pose ques
- tions about whether we can be using methods other than math skills to teac
- h programming languages to adult beginners. I propose logic and reasoning 
- skills are more important programming concepts to master to help new devel
- opers succeed. Let's change the way we're teaching programming and break d
- own more artificial barriers to entry for becoming a developer.
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:Automating a TV channel with free software
- :nomail
-DESCRIPTION:For the last year\, Sysnova has been helping a TV channel in B
- angladesh to migrate from a soon-to-be discontinued proprietary TV media a
- sset management server\, program and ad playout server and news room contr
- ol system to free alternatives. In the process\, free video editing\, offi
- ce suites and desktop operating systems are also being implemented.
-LOCATION:Room  32-144
-SUMMARY:The importance of community-managed infrastructure
- id:nomail
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:Al Carter workshop
- ail
-LOCATION:Workshop space
-SUMMARY:Software heritage: Preserving the free software commons
- valid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:The Software Commons is the vast body of human knowledge embed
- ded in software source code\, that is publicly available and can be freely
-  altered and reused. Free Software constitutes the bulk of it. Sadly we se
- em to be at increasing risk of losing this precious heritage built by the 
- Free Software community over the paste decades: once popular code hosting 
- sites shut down\, tapes of ancient versions of our toolchain (bit-)rot in 
- basements\, etc. The ambitious goal of the Software Heritage project is to
-  contribute to address this risk\, by collecting\, preserving\, and sharin
- g all publicly available software in source code form. Together with its c
- omplete VCS development history. Forever\, of course. Although still in Be
- ta\, Software Heritage has already archived more than 3 billion unique sou
- rce code files and 700 million unique commits\, spanning more than 50 mill
- ion Free Software projects from major software development hubs\, GNU/Linu
- x distributions\, and upstream software collections.
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Move fast and break democracy
- invalid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Throughout the history of mankind\, new tools have transformed
-  our lives\, bringing political and social change hard on the heels of tec
- hnological change. For technologists at the vanguard of these changes\, th
- ere is a tendency towards optimism\, toward innovation for innovation’s 
- sake. “Move fast and break things”\, the motto goes. But what if our d
- emocracy is the thing that gets broken? This talk discusses the "digital r
- evolution" and its impact on American political culture\, with a specific 
- focus on the influence of social media on news and the influence of automa
- tion on the economy.
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:Turning sensors into signals: Free your IoT from walled gardens wi
- th JavaScript
- lid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:People are already tired of the over-promise of IoT - the slew
-  of marginally useful products\, the overly confusing and crowded develope
- r space\, and endless examples of how to turn an LED on and off. Take a br
- eak\, step back from the crowd\, and come learn how to solve real human pr
- oblems with that old phone that's collecting dust on your shelf using an o
- pen technology\, Web and JavaScript. Break away from the walled garden of 
- proprietary solutions.
-LOCATION:Room 32-144
-SUMMARY:Aibohphobia: The Reifier's Schadenfreude
- :nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Hacker? Activist? Neophyte? This shift-of-gears workshop aims 
- to create a relaxed trans-disciplinary environment where all conference go
- ers can create new thought processes around how we use language and art. W
- e'll look at free software ideologies\, reasons to use and create free sof
- tware for art\, and look at two programmatically generated 3D printed scul
- pture series. The sculpture series\, created in part with free software an
- d free hardware\, explore communication\, word play\, and digital rights a
- cross media. Workshop participants will get to touch\, feel\, and play wit
- h sculptures.
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:Al Carter workshop
- ail
-LOCATION:Workshop space
-SUMMARY:Patents\, copyrights and trademarks: Won't someone please think of
-  the children?
- :nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Patents\, copyrights and trademark rights have been growing an
- d expanding in scope and application. In most cases\, it seems the origina
- l intent of spurring innovation or protecting creators has gotten a bit lo
- st\, if not completely inverted. Certainly\, there must be a way to suppor
- t inventors without enabling predators and protect creators without empowe
- ring trolls. We need to slay our own monsters\, instead of leaving them fo
- r the next generation. If you've ever wondered why a smell can be trademar
- ked or why math can\, no... can't\, well... maybe gets patented\, then thi
- s talk is for you. The kids of tomorrow might not want to sample our music
-  or work with our legacy codebases\, but they won't thank us for taking th
- e option off the table. There are many entities that are highly invested i
- n endless copyright\, creative trademark enforcement or patent maximalism\
- , but what do they want? More importantly\, how can they be stopped? It wo
- n't be easy\, but there are some things you can do. This talk will cover w
- hy it feels so darned difficult to get common sense policies in place. You
- 'll learn about some likely avenues for political disruption\, aka lobbyin
- g\, voting and affecting policy. Consider attending this talk\, for the ch
- ildren.
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Technology for direct actions
- :nomail
-DESCRIPTION:This strategic action session follows-up from last year's "Com
- munity Technology for Solidarity Economies." This year's session is for an
- yone interested in activism through non-violent direct actions\, such as b
- oycotts\, protests\, advocacy\, and political organizing. We explore how f
- ree software technology can empower organizers\, with special emphasis on 
- economic democracy initiatives. The session includes a presentation about 
- which technology supports and which technology hinders direct actions. The
-  session ends with an open conversation about how else organizers and tech
- nologists might support each other in the future. Please come ready to sha
- re ideas and best practices.
-SUMMARY:Striking at the roots: An ecological analysis of mass surveillance
- omail
-DESCRIPTION:To understand how mass surveillance is allowed to exist\, we m
- ust recognize it as a form of violence\; one of many kinds that are necess
- ary to support and maintain the inequities of capitalism. As free software
-  activists\, we must organize to build systems that are capable of not onl
- y defending us now\, but also strike at the roots by promoting ecological 
- and economic sustainability for the future. Using the Storj project as a c
- ase study\, we will analyze these power structures and how free software c
- an be used to undermine them.
-SUMMARY:Animated GIF workshop with Gimp
- d:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Animated GIFs have become an omnipresent form of art on the in
- ternet\; respective to their ubiquity there's a limited number of artists 
- creating them. Let's change that! Express yourself via this art form using
-  free software! Mo will cover different types of animated GIFs you can cre
- ate showcasing some examples\, explain how to obtain libre-licensed source
-  content\, and walk you through Gimp's animated GIF creation workflow so y
- ou can confidently create your own.
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:Ansible workshop
- nomail
-LOCATION:Workshop space
-SUMMARY:Verifying software freedom with reproducible builds
- alid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:The Reproducible Builds project aims to move towards a world w
- here binary software can be independently verified\, by anyone\, as the pr
- oduct of a given source. Many people interested in Free Software rely on t
- he distributors of binary software to respect their freedoms. Unfortunatel
- y\, most software incorporates unintended information into the binaries\, 
- resulting in differences in the binaries between consecutive builds. If so
- ftware normally produces different binaries every time it is built\, how c
- an we verify and prove that it is the intended result of the source code? 
- By incorportating best practices documented by the Reproducible Builds pro
- ject into software development projects\, an independently verifyable chai
- n from the source code to the binaries can be formed. Once independent ver
- ification becomes common practice\, people can get back to working with so
- ftware that respects user freedoms.
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Accessibility\, free software and the rights of people with disabi
- lities
- id:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:A high level view of accessibility in the context of free soft
- ware with a focus on issues involving security\, privacy and what some act
- ivists are doing. It will touch on the technical\, legal and software deve
- lopment projects going on today.
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:Civilian Code Conservation Corps: Free software for governments of
-  all sizes
- lid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Software purchased and used by our cities\, states\, and natio
- nal governments is both a resource to be managed\, like our wild places\, 
- and an infrastructure to be maintained\, like our roads and bridges. These
-  are our collective property and responsibility. Many governments are afra
- id of releasing software into public view because of security concerns\, l
- ack of support\, or contract complications. Education for civil servants a
- nd improved oversight for vendors can mitigate these concerns and increase
-  the amount of government-purchased software that is released under a free
-  license.
-LOCATION:Room 32-144
-SUMMARY:Let's encrypt office hours
- omail
-DESCRIPTION:Want to encrypt your website? Noah Swartz from EFF will be on 
- hand to help people with installing certificates using Let's Encrypt & EFF
- 's tool Certbot. If you manage a website but haven't set up HTTPS this is 
- your chance. Whether you've never gotten around to trying or have run into
-  problems trying Noah will be available to answer questions and help debug
-  issues. Come by with your computer and get your website converted to HTTP
- S and learn about how to use Certbot and Let's Encrypt!
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:Ansible workshop
- nomail
-LOCATION:Workshop space
-SUMMARY:The free software movement in the age of Trump
- omail
-DESCRIPTION:One sixth of the human race lives under the control of a regim
- e that intends to use the Net to extinguish the very idea of freedom. Pett
- ier despots of every description use computer networks to perfect civil un
- freedom on a platform of unfree technology. Illiberal movements are sweepi
- ng towards political power in advanced democratic societies\, which are al
- so the hubs of surveillance capitalism. The rush to cashless society is re
- placing the anonymity of the free market with the tracked and monitored co
- ntrol points of a new totalitarian economy. The most powerful man in the w
- orld has no respect for freedom of speech or the rule of law. The free sof
- tware movement came into existence fighting to prevent a future which is n
- ow our present. Ready or not\, we have entered a new phase. Training is ov
- er. Here's the plan.
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-BEGIN:VEVENT - the federated\, extensible social network
- omail
-CLASS:PUBLIC is a promising project to create a federated social ne
- twork - think email\, where you can have multiple providers that all work 
- together\, but for social networking. It stagnated for a while\, but the p
- roject has recently completed the transfer of governance and code maintena
- nce to the community. This presentation will talk about's history 
- (right up to its newly-created community governance)\, its API\, and why i
- t's pretty freakin' neat. We'll end with the work that's gone out the door
-  in recent releases\, the work that remains\, and how you can (should?) ge
- t involved. Attendees will walk out with an understanding of the historica
- l context behind\, an understanding of how the software works on a
-  technical level\, and how it fits into wider social web efforts. No prior
-  knowledge necessary\, although a basic familiarity with JSON and HTTP wil
- l help.
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:Freedom and loathing on the campaign trail '16
- alid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Like it or Loathe it\, this election was historic--for the can
- didates\, for citizens\, and even the Free Software Movement. The creation
-  of marks the first time that a major national political pa
- rty or presidential campaign in the United States has officially adopted c
- ontribution policies embracing copyleft licenses. Come hear about how hack
- ers and artists from around the world made an impact up and down the ticke
- t\, and ways #wewillcontinue.
-LOCATION:Room 32-144
-SUMMARY:Pentesting loves Free Software
- nvalid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:A session describing how and why is possible to do professiona
- l security penetration testing solely using free software code and tools. 
- We will be showcasing some of this tools and having a conversation to see 
- how we can make this tools succeed in the field\, come up with new ideas a
- nd maybe a project we can work on during the year for the intention to pro
- mote free software in the redteam security field.
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:Reproducible builds workshop
- ail
- alid:nomail
- :nomail
-LOCATION:Workshop space
-SUMMARY:Awards presentation and speech
- lid:nomail
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Welcome to LibrePlanet  (Day 2)
- :nomail
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Beyond unfree: The software you can go to jail for talking about
- :nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Software has eaten the world\, and all too often\, that code i
- s a black box — not just designed to be unauditable\, but to be illegal 
- to audit\, to improve\, to reconfigure. Software freedom is human freedom:
-  not because 'information wants to be free\,' but because people can't be 
- free in an information age when their information technology is designed t
- o control them.
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Free software for free culture
- d:nomail
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Contacts to connections: CRM funneling for FLOSS projects
- nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Do you have a pile of sticky notes and a folder full of spread
- sheets with contacts? Have you ever had a donor approached by two people t
- rying to gather the same information? As an organization or project grows\
- , it often becomes hard to keep track of the various community members\, d
- onors\, and volunteers who are connected. An answer to this is the often u
- sed sales tool\, a contact relationship manager (CRM). You will learn abou
- t a non-sales focused tool\, CiviCRM and see how it can be combined with D
- iscourse and various Drupal forms to clean up and funnel your contact data
- .
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:The surreptitious assault on privacy\, security\, and freedom
- nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Privacy\, security\, and personal freedom: each of these essen
- tial rights are being surreptitiously assaulted by governments\, corporati
- ons\, and ill-minded individuals that are spying and preying upon us with 
- unprecedented frequency and breadth. This talk will survey the most pressi
- ng issues of today\, including topics of government surveillance and espio
- nage\; advertisers and data analytics\; IoT\; policy and the crypto wars\;
-  the Web\, "cloud"\, and centralization\; vehicles\; societal pressures an
- d complacency\; and more. Attendees will be presented with an overview of 
- mitigations and dozens of resources.
-LOCATION:Room 32-144
-SUMMARY:Text\, layout\, and calligraphy on the Arabic Web
- omail
-DESCRIPTION:In this workshop\, you will learn principles of internationali
- zation to support Arabic and other right-to-left languages. The focus will
-  be on practical examples where you can adapt CSS and JavaScript to suppor
- t both languages. Some of the real examples will include: the OpenStreetMa
- p iD editor\, right-to-left text in the HTML5 Canvas\, a calligraphy edito
- r\, and use of the zero-width-join character to stylize Arabic text.
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:Birds of a Feather
- il
-LOCATION:Room 32-123\, Room 31-141\, Room 32-144\, Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:A free software portfolio: The importance of free software in comp
- uter science
- nomail
-DESCRIPTION:As Free Software becomes more widespread in technology solutio
- ns across all industries\, there is demand for workers who not only have e
- xperience with Free Software tools\, but also for those who can help organ
- izations to become involved in those communities. Companies are increasing
- ly looking to take the leap from consumer to contributor\, but they are of
- ten unsure how to actually proceed. I will discuss the idea of exposing st
- udents to the ideas and tools that Free Software depends on\, with the exp
- licit goal of enabling students to build a technology portfolio that helps
-  them to stand out and teaches them how to work collaboratively and transp
- arently. There are some success stories to tell\, but I hope that this tal
- k will inspire other educators to incorporate Free Software concepts into 
- their standard curriculum.
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Secure Drop
- d:nomail
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:Machine learning: Key battleground for free and open source techno
- logy
- omail
-DESCRIPTION:Machine learning (ML) research has a long and still prevalent 
- legacy of using proprietary technology. As ML becomes more and more popula
- r with industry-scale large applications\, many new and powerful proprieta
- ry pushes have been trying to enter different parts of the ML application 
- stack. We need to be prepared for the challenges of keeping free and open 
- source technology in ML\, and the challenges come from both the legacy sid
- e and the new proprietary push side. However\, ML is still overlooked in o
- ur conversations about free and open technology\, although many open sourc
- e alternatives have made ways into ML research\, development\, and industr
- y applications. In this session\, we will first have a quick glimpse at th
- e history ML stack in research\, development\, and applications\, then exp
- lore ML's proprietary legacy and its status quo. Then we will look at wher
- e the proprietary army is coming (again) while we were not looking. To con
- clude\, we will discuss strategies about what we can do as - a community a
- nd as individuals - to keep ML research and development free and open. Aud
- ience will walk away with the big picture of many floating pieces in curre
- nt ML development and applications\, and will also learn about less-explor
- ed historical context of ML development\, its influence on the potential f
- uture of free and open source technology in ML\, and some action recipes t
- o keep ML free and open. Your thoughts\, questions\, and further discussio
- ns are also cordially welcome!
-LOCATION:Room 32-144
-SUMMARY:Algorithmic bias: Where it comes from and what to do about it
- omail
- :nomail
- d:nomail
- ail
-DESCRIPTION:Algorithms are the new boogie men when it comes to social cont
- rol and institutional discrimination. Recent research suggests a somewhat 
- counter-intuitive approach to ameliorating bias. One must not be blind to 
- race\, gender\, and other demographic categories that experience discrimin
- ation--on the contrary\, one must actively monitor these factors. In this 
- panel\, each panelist will present his or her views for a few minutes\, le
- aving ample time for comments and questions from the audience. This format
-  worked very well for the LibrePlanet 2014 session\, “Promoting free sof
- tware adoption (and creation) in the public sector”\, where audience inv
- olvement was passionate and well-informed.
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:The post-truth Santa Claus and the concealed present
- id:nomail
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:Prospects for free software and free culture in the workplace
- id:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:One avenue for advancing free software and free culture is the
-  workplace. It's the one place where we spend a substantial (if not the ma
- jority) of our time\, have potential access to large audiences\, funds\, a
- nd resources. The talk explores free software\, free culture\, and the pro
- spects for both in the workplace. Questions explored include: What kind of
-  workplaces are amenable to FOSS? What is the impact of the current econom
- ic trends (increasing job insecurity\, short work tenure\, stagnating wage
- s\, and increasing hours worked)? How is FOSS leveraged in environments wh
- ere workers have limited control or agency? What is the impact of wide sca
- le adoption and intensifying of 'stick' models of employee management in p
- lace of cooperative models?
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:Understanding the complexity of copyleft defense
- nomail
-DESCRIPTION:The fundamental mechanism defending software freedom is copyle
- ft\, embodied in GPL. GPL\, however\, functions only through upholding it 
- — via GPL enforcement. For some\, enforcement has for 30 years been a re
- gular activity\, but most projects don't enforce: they live with regular v
- iolations. Today\, even under the Community Principles of GPL Enforcement\
- , GPL enforcement is regularly criticized and questioned. The complex land
- scape is now impenetrable for developers who merely wish their code to rem
- ain forever free. This talk provides basic history and background informat
- ion on the topic.
-LOCATION:Room 32-144
-SUMMARY:Lightning talks
- il
-LOCATION:Room 32-155
-SUMMARY:Secret life of the bitcoin blockchain
- omail
-LOCATION:Room 32-123
-SUMMARY:The GNU philosophy: Ethics beyond ethics
- valid:nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Ethics is at the root of Free Software. In a philosophical per
- spective where ethics is operational rather than moral\, we argue that the
-  ethics of Free Software goes beyond ethics. It is morality. The ever-pres
- ent concern for self-respect\, autonomy and\, of course\, freedom makes Fr
- ee Software akin to historical philosophical movements (humanism\, Enlight
- enment\, existentialism). Besides\, the Free Software Movement contribute 
- their principles (such as transparency) and practices (such as cryptograph
- y) to support whistleblowers\, journalists\, and activists. Similarities w
- ith other social movements let us derive existing and possible coalitions.
-LOCATION:Room 31-141
-SUMMARY:Will the FCC still ban your operating system? (Maybe.)
- nomail
-DESCRIPTION:Last year\, we thought the FCC was going to ban our operating 
- system. Has anything changed? As it turns out\, plenty. Eric Schultz\, one
-  of the leaders of the Save Wifi Initiative\, highlights the changing inte
- rests by the FCC on free software. He’ll also discuss his efforts partic
- ipating as part of the FCC’s Technical Advisory Council\, Software Confi
- gurable Radio sub-group to advocate for software freedom. Finally\, Eric w
- ill detail specific ways in which we can educate regulators on the benefit
- s of free software-based wireless and protect user freedom.
-LOCATION:Room 32-144
-SUMMARY:Securely backing up GPG private keys… to the cloud?
- ail
-DESCRIPTION:Imagine a world in which GnuPG was not hard to use\, and was u
- sed widely. Users exchange encrypted email\, gpg sign comments on websites
- \, make encrypted backups\, and so on. What happens\, in that world\, when
-  a user's gpg private key gets deleted? The only backup is encrypted with 
- the lost private key. Catch 22. We're not in that world\, and so we don't 
- often worry about this problem. But solving the gpg key backup problem see
- ms a necessary step in the path toward that world. Keysafe is an attempt a
- t taking that step\, backing up to the cloud. Can that possibly be secure?
-  Come and find out.
-LOCATION:Room 32-155