From: Alice Frumin <alicefrumin@alices-mbp-2.lan>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 01:59:36 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: [NFC] Release Notes 5.53 first pass

[NFC] Release Notes 5.53 first pass

diff --git a/contributor-key.yml b/contributor-key.yml
index 6464462ff4..12807acd23 100644
--- a/contributor-key.yml
+++ b/contributor-key.yml
@@ -149,6 +149,8 @@
 - github      : AsylumSeekersCentre
   name        : Asylum Seekers Centre
+- github      : avall-llovera
 - github      : artfulrobot
   name        : Rich Lott
   organization: Artful Robot
@@ -854,6 +856,9 @@
   name        : Carl Andrew Lema
   organization: Kanzu Code
+- github      : Levi-70
+  name        : Levi.k
 - github      : liblogger
   name        : Helen MacDonald
   organization: Glasgow Women's Library
@@ -1273,6 +1278,9 @@
   name        : Sadashiv
   organization: Gokhalemethod
+- github      : savionlee
+  name        : Savion Lee
 - github      : scoobird
   name        : Morgan Robinson
   organization: Palante Technology Cooperative
@@ -1572,7 +1580,7 @@
 - github      : rashedulislam
   name        : Md Rashedul Islam
   organization: Grype Digital Inc.
 - github      : vitius1
   name        : Vít Maňásek
   organization: KAM z.s.
diff --git a/release-notes/ b/release-notes/
index 79dba56130..c6ef929af0 100644
--- a/release-notes/
+++ b/release-notes/
@@ -13,351 +13,618 @@ Released September 7, 2022
 | *Does this version...?*                                         |         |
 |:--------------------------------------------------------------- |:-------:|
-| Fix security vulnerabilities?                                   |         |
-| Change the database schema?                                     |         |
-| Alter the API?                                                  |         |
-| Require attention to configuration options?                     |         |
-| Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version?     |         |
-| Introduce features?                                             |         |
-| Fix bugs?                                                       |         |
+| Fix security vulnerabilities?                                   |   no    |
+| **Change the database schema?**                                 | **yes** |
+| **Alter the API?**                                              | **yes** |
+| **Require attention to configuration options?**                 | **yes** |
+| **Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version?** | **yes** |
+| **Introduce features?**                                         | **yes** |
+| **Fix bugs?**                                                   | **yes** |
 ## <a name="features"></a>Features
-## <a name="bugs"></a>Bugs resolved
 ### Core CiviCRM
-- **SearchKit - Fix editable when displaying an icon ([24255](**
+- **Make Recent Items available providers an option group so extensions can  
+  extend it ([dev/core#3783](
+  [24164](**
+  Makes it so extension developers can extend the Recent Items content.
+- **Allow custom fields to have custom fields
+  ([23995](**
-- **[NFC] Convert Payment Processor ID field to payment processor in even… ([24256](**
+  Makes it so custom fields can have custom fields.
-- **dev/core#3799 - Fix incorrectly changed default for contact_dashboard.is_active ([24238](**
+- **CiviCRM Standalone: base classes
+  ([22227](**
-- **zetacomponents/mail - Ensure latest mail patches are included ([24233](**
+  Work towards a standalone CiviCRM (no CMS needed).
-- **CrmUi - Fix crmSelect2 to work with ngOptions ([24224](**
+- **SearchKit: HTML fields display
+  ([dev/core#3723](
+  [24023](**
-- **Fix regression causing custom groups to reset to 'Contact' when updated ([24220](**
+  Allows HTML in SearchKit fields.
-- **Update zetacomponents/mail to 1.9.3 so can remove patches ([24198](**
+- **APIv4 Contact.get - include email, phone, address?
+  ([dev/core#3659](
+  [23972](**
-- **CrmUi - Fix tabSetOptions variable ([24204](**
+  Makes it easier to search and display contact primary email, phone, and IM
+  without using any joins in SearchKit.
-- **removed import contacts access argument for summary path ([24206](**
+- **Add (pixels) to available label & pdf layout units
+  ([24136](**
-- **APIv4 - Fix resolving pseudoconstants for less-permissioned users ([24203](**
+  Makes `px` (pixels) an available layout unit for labels and pdfs.
-- **composer.json - Declare requirement for `composer-runtime-api` ([24202](**
+- **Metadata - Add label field for SavedSearch
+  ([24162](**
-- **Remove reference to CiviAuction ([24187](**
+  Adds a label field to the metadata for the SavedSearch entity.
-- **dev/core#3783 convert Recent Items providers into an option group ([24164](**
+- **Make civi 2 nanoseconds faster
+  ([24169](**
-- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid CRM_Utils_System::url null for $query param ([24192](**
+  Performance improvement.
-- **Api4 Explorer - Use metadata for field suffixes instead of guessing ([24168](**
+- **Importer - Increase size of queue batches
+  ([24151](**
-- **APIv4 - Read & write contact primary and billing locations as implicit joins ([23972](**
+  Performance improvement.
-- **Add  (pixels) to available label & pdf layout units ([24136](**
+- **Afform - provide easy way to add navigation menu from the form
+  ([24013](**
-- **dev/core#3784 fix contribution/membership/participant import matching on external id or contact id ([24166](**
+  Allows administrators to create a navigation menu entry while editing an
+  Afform.
-- **dev/core/-/issues/3786 💩 Matching by External / Contact ID always matches contacts with ID < 10 for Participant importer and possibly others because return params is not an array ([24153](**
+- **Afform - Allow groups and tags and age to be filters
+ ([23974](**
-- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid CRM_Utils_System::url null for $query param ([24176](**
+  Ensures Contact filter fields (groups, tags, age) are available as Afform
+  search filters.
-- **Metadata - Add label field for SavedSearch ([24162](**
+- **Afform - Post-submit redirect tokens
+ ([24016](**
-- **SearchKit - Fix viewing search display for anonymous user ([24180](**
+  Supports tokens in the redirect url, so that e.g. after creating a new contact
+  you can be redirected to that contacts' summary page.
-- **Afform - Update correct existing email,phone,address & prevent deletion of others ([24172](**
+- **define format at one place
+  ([24049](**
-- **[REF] Convert Elavon Payment Processor to use Guzzle and ensure that … ([24131](**
+  Moves pdf format array to one place so that it can be altered using hooks.
-- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid passing null to explode() ([24177](**
+- **Set target="_blank" on external footer links
+ ([23875](**
-- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid passing null to strlen ([24178](**
+  Adds rel="external" and target="_blank" attributes to external links in the
+  footer.
-- **Fix line item 'title' determination ([24142](**
+- **Status Check - Report the overall status (accurately)
+ ([24027](**
-- **Downgrade Symfony Service Contracts to 2.2.0 to fix php fatal error i… ([24171](**
+  Improves the Status reported in the footer.
-- **Make civi 2 nanoseconds faster ([24169](**
+- **Upgrade task to handle %A date format specifier change
+  ([24077](**
-- **E-notice fix on Is delete record ([24157](**
+  Adds a post upgrade message about the change to teh date token %A output.
-- **Afform - Fix js error when checking to refresh menuBar ([24163](**
+### CiviCase
-- **(dev/core#3768) expose contact custom data as columns in case detail … ([24155](**
+- **Case custom field with clickable contact reference
+  ([24072](**
-- **Remove `loadAll` parameter from loadRelatedObjects ([24140](**
+  Makes Case contact reference custom fields clickable.
-- **Importer - Increase size of queue batches ([24151](**
+- **Improvements to Case Detail report
+  ([dev/core#3768](
+  [24120](,
+  [24155]( and
+  [24109](**
-- **(NFC) Add common `@group` for import-related tests ([24150](**
+  Improves the Case Detail report by adding an option to include city as a
+  column and adding a filter for 'Activity type of the last activity'
-- **NFC - remove unused variables, minor tidy up ([24139](**
+### CiviContribute
-- **5.52 ([24148](**
+- **Add `paid_amount `, `balance_amount`, `tax_exclusive_amount` available to
+  apiv4 ([24118](**
-- **Skip warning about event-online message template during upgrade ([24141](**
+  Improves APIv4 by adding `paid_amount `, `balance_amount` and
+  `tax_exclusive_amount`.
-- **Fix test to not use Contribution option group for ContributionRecur status ([24135](**
+- **Get offline contribution-receipt fully working with preview screen (Work
+  Towards [dev/core#3694](
+  [23870](**
-- **[REF] OAuth - Move some API code to the BAO for better reusability ([23725](**
+  Improves user experience of the offline contribution receipt preview.
-- **Add upgrade for contribution offline receipt ([24101](**
+## <a name="bugs"></a>Bugs resolved
-- **define format at one place ([24049](**
+### Core CiviCRM
-- **dev/financial#201 Fix pledge payment not to refer to contribution status ([24051](**
+- **CiviCRM Reports, setting the Report option "Available for Dashboard?" will
+  now add the Report to all users Dashboards, which is new and undesirable
+  behaviour ([dev/core#3799](
+  [24238](**
-- **Remove unused variable ([24128](**
+- **Export fails for contact reference of type multi-select
+  ([dev/core#3751](
+  [24047](**
-- **Issue #3772: Fix undefined index notice. ([24124](**
+- **Some file upload fields not uploading
+  ([dev/core#3736](
+  [24004](**
-- **Remove deprecated call to `loadRelatedObjects` ([24088](**
+  Fixes uploading files on the message template form.
-- **Add `paid_amount `, `balance_amount`, `tax_exclusive_amount` available to apiv4 ([24118](**
+- **Errors with multiple-contact reference field handling
+  ([dev/core#3712](
+  [23932](**
-- **Remove call to `loadRelatedObjects` from `completetransaction` ([24087](**
+- **Upgrader - Apply extension updates after core updates
+  ([dev/core#3490](
+  [24030](**
-- **Remove legacy `apiquery` call from `isContactInGroup` ([24062](**
+- **E-notice fix on Is delete record  
+  ([24157](**
-- **add filter for 'Activity type of the last activity' for case detail r… ([24120](**
+- **APIv4 - Fix resolving pseudoconstants for less-permissioned users
+  ([24203](**
-- **Regenerate sql ([24119](**
+- **Fix regression causing custom groups to reset to 'Contact' when updated
+  ([24220](**
-- **Move hook_civicrm_translateFields from message_admin to core ([24063](**
+- **Fix ActionLog BAO to not overwrite existing data
+  ([24035](**
-- **Whitespace cleanup  in invoice template ([24113](**
+- **Call static function statically
+  ([24114](**
-- **Call static function statically ([24114](**
+- **Remove extraneous closing tags
+  ([24108](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Another batch of fixes for passing in NULL values into … ([24082](**
+- **Fix regex on windows
+  ([24094](**
-- **5.52 to master ([24117](**
+- **Fix Angular datepicker to keep up with $digest cycle
+  ([24079](**
-- **Minor test cleanup ([24071](**
+- **Fix grep in guzzle mock patch
+  ([24096](**
-- **dev/core#3766 Keep league/csv on 9.6 for D9 as well so patches can apply ([24098](**
+- **Update cweagans/composer-patches to 1.7.2 to fix delete-and-reinstall
+  problem ([24015](**
-- **Afform - Check is_public directly ([24022](**
+- **SearchKit - Fix editable when displaying an icon
+  ([24255](**
-- **Make unshared function private, remove unused return ([24105](**
+- **SearchKit - Fix adding deep joins
+  ([23993](**
-- **Fix and followups for invoice receipt message template ([24111](**
+  Fixes a UI bug that was preventing joins past a depth of 2 to be added.
-- **Remove extraneous closing tags ([24108](**
+- **SearchKit - Fix viewing search display for anonymous user
+  ([24180](**
-- **expose city in case detail report ([24109](**
+- **Cannot uninstall Searchkit (dmaster)
+  ([dev/core#3179](
+  [23895](**
-- **Remove some fixmes from message tpls ([24107](**
+- **Update zetacomponents/mail to 1.9.3 so can remove patches
+  ([24198](**
-- **Remove extra space, offline receipt ([24106](**
+- **zetacomponents/mail - Ensure latest mail patches are included
+  ([24233](**
-- **APIv4 - Improve pseudoconstant support in getFields ([24099](**
+- **CrmUi - Fix crmSelect2 to work with ngOptions
+  ([24224](**
-- **[REF] Fix Test fails on import by ensuring that Month Abbreviations a… ([24100](**
+- **CrmUi - Fix tabSetOptions variable
+  ([24204](**
-- **Fix grep in guzzle mock patch ([24096](**
+- **composer.json - Declare requirement for `composer-runtime-api`
+  ([24202](**
-- **5.52 ([24095](**
+- **Api4 Explorer - Use metadata for field suffixes instead of guessing
+  ([24168](**
-- **dev/core#3765 Ensure that CiviCRM's Guzzle shim does not conflict with Drupal's guzzle shim ([24097](**
+- **API - Consistently save custom data for v3 & v4
+  ([24036](**
-- **Fix regex on windows ([24094](**
+- **APIv4 - Allow values to start with a dollar sign in chaining
+  ([24052](**
-- **[NFC][PHP8.1] Ensure that Trait function is only accessed by classes … ([24081](**
+- **APIv4 - Fix mishandling of boolean custom values
+  ([23970](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Permit single quotes within html attributes ([24083](**
+- **APIv4 export action: find DAO by ID instead of just calling the constructor
+  and setting the ID  
+  ([24089](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Do not set auto_detect_line_endings to true on php vers… ([24092](**
+- **Afform - Require Authx
+  ([23767](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Apply patch in PHPWord to fix passing in null value into strlen in validating locale ([24093](**
+  Makes Authx a dependency for Afform.
-- **[NFC] Resolve phpunit warning about using assertContains on strings ([24091](**
+- **Form Builder: Load contact summary blocks on Print Summary page
+  ([dev/core#3743](
+  [24024](**
-- **Fix Angular datepicker to keep up with $digest cycle ([24079](**
+- **Afform - show icon on button only if icon is selected
+  ([24073](**
-- **APIv4 export action: find DAO by ID instead of just calling the constructor and setting the ID ([24089](**
+- **Afform - Update correct existing email,phone,address & prevent deletion of
+  others ([24172](**
-- **fix broken url for wordpress in example code ([24084](**
+- **Afform - Fix js error when checking to refresh menuBar
+  ([24163](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Replace usage of the date_format modifer with crmDate t… ([24008](**
+- **Afform - Switch to APIv4 for managed afform_type option group
+  ([23896](**
-- **Upgrade task to handle %A date format specifier change ([24077](**
+  Updates managed entity code, with handling to prevent errors in weird upgrade
+  scenarios.
-- **dev/core#3749 Fix process pledges to throw exception when civiPledge disabled ([24059](**
+- **Afform - Add "clear" button to non-required radios
+  ([23413](**
-- **Afform - Add "clear" button to non-required radios  ([23413](**
+- **afform: breadcrumbs present when flagged for frontend
+  ([dev/core#3741](
+  [24022](**
-- **Update contributor-key.yml ([24078](**
+- **remove start/end date as mandatory in Demographics report
+  ([24048](**
-- **Case custom field with clickable contact reference ([24072](**
+- **Poly-fill-me-up
+  ([23954](**
-- **Afform - show icon on button only if icon is selected ([24073](**
+  Adds polyfill for PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2.
-- **5.52 to master ([24074](**
+### CiviCase
-- **dev/core#3694 - get preview working & tested for offline-contribution receipt ([23870](**
+- **Use fontawesome icon helper for activity/Page/AJAX
+  ([24021](**
-- **Log a bit more deprecation info ([24064](**
+  Fixes a missing delete icon on case roles on some themes.
-- **[REF][PHP8.1][INTL] Remove dependency on strftime function by using t… ([24032](**
+### CiviContribute
-- **Avoid sending blank invoices ([24065](**
+- **Fix line item 'title' determination
+  ([24142](**
-- **dev/financial#201 Fix PaypalPro IPN to refer to correct option group ([24050](**
+- **Fix and followups for invoice receipt message template
+  ([24111]( and
+  [24101](**
-- **Merge forward 5.52-rc => master ([24068](**
+  Removes extraneous closing tags from the invoice receipt message template and
+  adds an upgrade warning regarding the change.
-- **Add whitespace to exception message ([24057](**
+- **5.51 regression - Contribution import - external id/contact id matches to
+  wrong records
+  ([dev/core#3784](
+  [24166](**
-- **(NFC) HookStyleListener - Comments ([24055](**
+- **Scheduled Job, Process Pledges reports an error when executed - Scheduled
+  Job Failure: Finished execution of Process Pledges with result: Failure,
+  Error message: invalid criteria for IN
+  ([dev/core#3749](
+  [24059](**
-- **APIv4 - Allow values to start with a dollar sign in chaining ([24052](**
+- **remove pledge status as mandatory in Pledge report
+  ([24028](**
-- **dev/core#3751 - export error fixes for multi-select contact reference custom field ([24047](**
+- **Fix 'Pledge Made Date' display to show date and not time
+  ([24031](**
-- **API - Consistently save custom data for v3 & v4 ([24036](**
+- **E_NOTICEs from CRM_Contribute_Task::permissionedTaskTitles() - undefined /
+  null array errors
+  ([dev/core#3737](
+  [24010](**
-- **remove start/end date as mandatory in Demographics report ([24048](**
+- **Error thrown when 'remove'ing from CiviContribute Batch
+  ([dev/core#3050](
+  [24025](**
-- **dev/core#3737 ensure tasks are loaded (notice fix) ([24010](**
+- **Stop adding 'In Progress' and 'Overdue' statuses to
+  civicrm_contribution.contribution_status_id option group (Work Towards
+  [dev/financial#201](
+  [24050]( and
+  [24051](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Apply patches from upstream to ensure league/csv can work on php8.1 ([24046](**
+  Fixes PaypalPro IPN to refer to correct option group and fixes pledge payment
+  to not refer to Contribution status.
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Update phpoffice/phpword and tecnickcom/tcpdf  packages… ([24045](**
+- **Avoid sending blank invoices
+  ([24065](**
-- **Set target="_blank" on external footer links ([23875](**
+### CiviEvent
-- **(NFC) CRM_Core_Permission - More docblocks ([24043](**
+- **CiviCRM 5.51, Import Participants when matching by External / Contact ID
+  always matches to Contacts with ID < 10
+  ([dev/core#3786](
+  [24153](**
-- **composer.json - Update scssphp and related libraries (for PHP 8.1) ([24044](**
+### CiviMember
-- **5.52 ([24042](**
+- **Notice: Undefined offset: 18 in CRM_Member_Form_Task_Batch->buildQuickForm()
+  ([dev/core#3772](
+  [24124](**
-- **Afform - Switch to APIv4 for managed afform_type option group ([23896](**
+### Drupal Integration
-- **dev/core#3490 - Apply extension updates after core updates  ([24030](**
+- **Error: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in
+  Drupal\civicrm\Plugin\Block\CivicrmBlock->build
+  ([dev/drupal#181](
+  [75](**
-- **Afform - Post-submit redirect tokens ([24016](**
+  Fixes an error when a user without proper permissions tries to view the Recent
+  Items block.
-- **APIv4 - Fix mishandling of boolean custom values ([23970](**
+- **Drupal 10 requires Guzzle 7
+  ([dev/drupal#171](
+  [22918](**
-- **SearchKit - Switch to APIv4 for managed entities ([23895](**
+  Allows guzzle 7 for drupal 10.
-- **Fix ActionLog BAO to not overwrite existing data ([24035](**
+- **Lower minimum polyfill version since conflicts with drupal/core-recommended
+  ([24017](**
-- **Status Check - Report the overall status (accurately) ([24027](**
+### WordPress Integration
-- **Fix 'Pledge Made Date' display to show date and not time ([24031](**
+- **Downgrade Symfony Service Contracts to 2.2.0 to fix php fatal error in
+  wordpress ([24171](**
-- **dev/core#3050 - (Alternate) Fix crash removing an entry from a batch ([24025](**
+- **fix broken url for wordpress in example code
+  ([24084](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Batch 4 of fixing issues found in unit tests where pass… ([24018](**
+## <a name="misc"></a>Miscellany
-- **Afform - Require Authx ([23767](**
+- **Log a bit more deprecation info
+  ([24064](**
-- **remove pledge status as mandatory in Pledge report ([24028](**
+- **Skip warning about event-online message template during upgrade
+  ([24141](**
-- **SearchKit - Allow html in columns ([24023](**
+- **APIv4 - Improve pseudoconstant support in getFields
+  ([24099](**
-- **Add afform blocks to print summary ([24024](**
+- **Replace all calls to deprecated method
+  CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType()
+  ([dev/core#3692](
+  [23981](,
+  [23982]( and
+  [23979](**
-- **Use fontawesome icon helper for activity/Page/AJAX ([24021](**
+- **[REF] Move reCAPTCHA to core extension
+  (Work Towards [dev/core#2571](
+  [20588](**
-- **Afform - provide easy way to add navigation menu from the form ([24013](**
+- **Regenerate sql
+  ([24119](**
-- **Lower minimum polyfill version since conflicts with drupal/core-recommended ([24017](**
+- **composer.json - Update scssphp and related libraries (for PHP 8.1)
+  ([24044](**
-- **Update cweagans/composer-patches to 1.7.2 to fix delete-and-reinstall problem ([24015](**
+- **net_smtp upgrade to 1.10.0
+  ([23998](**
-- **composer.lock hash out of date ([24011](**
+- **Add whitespace to exception message
+  ([24057](**
-- **add classes to the contribution view page  ([24012](**
+- **Update contributor-key.yml
+  ([24078](**
-- **Poly-fill-me-up ([23954](**
+- **Make unshared function private, remove unused return
+  ([24105](**
-- **dev/core#3736 - Fix uploaded file on message template form ([24004](**
+- **Move hook_civicrm_translateFields from message_admin to core
+  ([24063](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Apply PR patch to fix issue in php8.1 where mysqli erro… ([23996](**
+- **Minor test cleanup
+  ([24071](**
-- **Fix test. Don't hide errors. (Followup to 23999) ([24007](**
+- **Whitespace cleanup  in invoice template
+  ([24113](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] A third batch of fixes where passing in NULL values cau… ([23999](**
+- **Fix test to not use Contribution option group for ContributionRecur status
+  ([24135](**
-- **Allow custom fields to have custom fields ([23995](**
+- **composer.lock hash out of date
+  ([24011](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix Return type hints and passing in NULL values causin… ([24000](**
+- **add classes to the contribution view page
+  ([24012](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix issues in core extensions where passing in NULL val… ([23997](**
+- **removed import contacts access argument for summary path
+  ([24206](**
-- **Afform - Allow groups and tags and age to be filters ([23974](**
+- **Remove `loadAll` parameter from loadRelatedObjects
+  ([24140](**
-- **SearchKit - Fix adding deep joins ([23993](**
+- **Remove some fixmes from message tpls
+  ([24107](**
-- **net_smtp upgrade to 1.10.0 ([23998](**
+- **Remove extra space, offline receipt
+  ([24106](**
-- **5.52 ([23992](**
+- **Remove call to `loadRelatedObjects` from `completetransaction`
+  ([24087](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Upgrade oauth2-client,zetacomponents/base,htmlpurfier packages … ([23984](**
+- **Remove legacy `apiquery` call from `isContactInGroup`
+  ([24062](**
-- **5.52 ([23990](**
+- **Remove deprecated call to `loadRelatedObjects`
+  ([24088](**
-- **CiviCRM Standalone: base classes ([22227](**
+- **Remove unused variable
+  ([24128](**
-- **[NFC] Add in convertDeprecationsToExceptions='true' to core extension… ([23986](**
+- **Remove reference to CiviAuction
+  ([24187](**
-- **[NFC] Convert Deprecations in tests to exceptions ([23985](**
+- **[REF] Fix Test fails on import by ensuring that Month Abbreviations are
+  formatted based on the first of each month
+  ([24100](**
-- **dev/core#3692 Remove hard coded activity_type_id ([23982](**
+- **[REF] OAuth - Move some API code to the BAO for better reusability
+  ([23725](**
-- **dev/core#3692 Remove call to deprecated function ([23981](**
+- **[REF] Convert Elavon Payment Processor to use Guzzle and ensure that we are
+  using POST requests not GET requests to Elavon end point
+  ([24131](**
-- **dev/core#3692 Comment fixes ([23979](**
+- **[REF] Upgrade DOMPDF to 2.x branch
+  ([23946](**
-- **Add support for multiple-selection of contact IDs in _civicrm_api3_custom_data_get() ([23932](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Batch 4 of fixing issues found in unit tests where passing
+  NULL values triggers deprecations
+  ([24018](**
-- **[NFC] fix composer.lock hash ([23978](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Upgrade oauth2-client,zetacomponents/base,htmlpurfier packages
+  to versions that support php8.1
+  ([23984](**
-- **[NFC] dompdf patch whitespace fix ([23977](**
+- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid passing null to explode()
+  ([24177](**
-- **REF dev/core#2571 Move reCAPTCHA code to extension ([20588](**
+- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid passing null to strlen
+  ([24178](**
-- **dev/drupal#171 - Allow guzzle 7 for drupal 10 ([22918](**
+- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid CRM_Utils_System::url null for $query param
+  ([24176](**
-- **[REF] Upgrade DOMPDF to 2.x branch ([23946](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix a couple of deprecations in php8.1 by specifying that
+  return type may change in BaseParamQuery and by ensuring that we don't pass
+  null into function_exists in I18n class
+  ([23851](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix a couple of deprecations in php8.1 by specifying th… ([23851](**
+- **[REF] Additional PHP8.1 fix for passing in NULL value to strlen
+  ([349](**
-- **5.52 ([23976](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] A third batch of fixes where passing in NULL values causes
+  deprecation notices in php8.1
+  ([23999](**
-- **Issue 181: Ensure content key exists ([75](**
+- **Fix test. Don't hide errors. (Followup to 23999)
+  ([24007](**
-- **[REF] Additional PHP8.1 fix for passing in NULL value to strlen ([349](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Replace usage of the date_format modifer with crmDate to
+  resolve issues with strftime
+  ([24008](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix some further places where passing in NULL is deprec… ([348](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1][INTL] Remove dependency on strftime function by using ts to
+  generate day full names and abbreviations and month abbreviations
+  ([24032](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix issues where passing in NULL values causes deprecat… ([346](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Apply patches from upstream to ensure league/csv can work on
+  php8.1 ([24046](**
-- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix return type hint deprecations in php8.1 in the IDS ([347](**
+- **[php 8.1 compat] Avoid CRM_Utils_System::url null for $query param
+  ([24192](**
-## <a name="misc"></a>Miscellany
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Update phpoffice/phpword and tecnickcom/tcpdf  packages for
+  php8.1 compatability
+  ([24045](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Another batch of fixes for passing in NULL values into
+  functions that expect string|array parameters
+  ([24082](**
+- **[NFC][PHP8.1] Ensure that Trait function is only accessed by classes that
+  use the trait ([24081](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Permit single quotes within html attributes
+  ([24083](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Do not set auto_detect_line_endings to true on php versions
+  8.1 and later as it is deprecated
+  ([24092](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Apply patch in PHPWord to fix passing in null value into
+  strlen in validating locale
+  ([24093](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Apply PR patch to fix issue in php8.1 where mysqli error
+  reporting changed
+  ([23996](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix some further places where passing in NULL is deprecated in
+  php8.1 ([348](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix issues where passing in NULL values causes deprecations in
+  php8.1 ([346](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix return type hint deprecations in php8.1 in the IDS
+  ([347](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix Return type hints and passing in NULL values causing
+  deprecation notices in php8.1 in Property Bag
+  ([24000](**
+- **[REF][PHP8.1] Fix issues in core extensions where passing in NULL values is
+  no longer supported
+  ([23997](**
+- **[NFC] Convert Payment Processor ID field to payment processor in event
+  create in tests
+  ([24256](**
+- **(NFC) Add common `@group` for import-related tests
+  ([24150](**
+- **NFC - remove unused variables, minor tidy up
+  ([24139](**
+- **[NFC] Resolve phpunit warning about using assertContains on strings
+  ([24091](**
+- **(NFC) HookStyleListener - Comments
+  ([24055](**
+- **(NFC) CRM_Core_Permission - More docblocks
+  ([24043](**
+- **[NFC] Add in convertDeprecationsToExceptions='true' to core extension's
+  phpunit.xml.dist files
+  ([23986](**
+- **[NFC] Convert Deprecations in tests to exceptions
+  ([23985](**
+- **[NFC] fix composer.lock hash
+  ([23978](**
+- **[NFC] dompdf patch whitespace fix
+  ([23977](**
 ## <a name="credits"></a>Credits
 This release was developed by the following code authors:
-AGH Strategies - Andie Hunt; Agileware - Justin Freeman; Alexy Mikhailichenko; Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy; CSES (Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society) - Adam Wood; Dave D; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Jens Schuppe; JMA Consulting - Seamus Lee; Joinery - Allen Shaw; KAM z.s. - Vít Maňásek; Lemniscus - Noah Miller; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Robert J. Lang; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Third Sector Design - Kurund Jalmi, Michael McAndrew; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
+AGH Strategies - Andie Hunt; Agileware - Justin Freeman; Alexy Mikhailichenko;
+Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten;
+CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy;
+CSES (Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society) - Adam Wood; Dave D;
+Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Jens Schuppe;
+JMA Consulting - Seamus Lee; Joinery - Allen Shaw; KAM z.s. - Vít Maňásek;
+Lemniscus - Noah Miller; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg;
+MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Robert J. Lang;
+Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Third Sector Design - Kurund Jalmi,
+Michael McAndrew; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
 Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following
 reviewers contributed their comments:
-Agileware - Francis Whittle, Justin Freeman; Alexy Mikhailichenko; Andy Burns; Artful Robot - Rich Lott; avall-llovera; Betty Dolfing; Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak; civibot[bot]; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; civicrm-builder; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Yashodha Chaku; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy; Dave D; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Jens Schuppe; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; KAM z.s. - Vít Maňásek; Lemniscus - Noah Miller; Levi-70; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; Mikey O'Toole; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; savionlee; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
+Agileware - Francis Whittle; Andy Burns; Artful Robot - Rich Lott;
+avall-llovera; Betty Dolfing; Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak;
+CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb;
+Levi.k; Mikey O'Toole; Savion Lee; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders
 ## <a name="feedback"></a>Feedback