From: Andrew Hunt Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2020 15:35:43 +0000 (-0500) Subject: 5.32.0 release notes: raw from script X-Git-Url:;h=c1fca5967ead3af3f74a81356064f2dbba790dd5;p=civicrm-core.git 5.32.0 release notes: raw from script --- diff --git a/release-notes/ b/release-notes/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab96e241e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/release-notes/ @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@ +# CiviCRM 5.32.0 + +Released December 2, 2020; + +- **[Features](#features)** +- **[Bugs resolved](#bugs)** +- **[Miscellany](#misc)** +- **[Credits](#credits)** + +## Features + +### Core CiviCRM + +- **crm- Missing Summary ([18913](** + +- **CRM-5048 Missing Summary ([18859](** + +- **CRM-9362 Missing Summary ([18411](** + +- **CRM- Missing Summary ([115](** + +## Bugs resolved + +### Core CiviCRM + +- **get log date from tables available in query with data instead of last table ([18868](** + +- **Adds performance improvement when browsing the report logs ([18851](** + +- **Schema handler fixes ([18932](** + +- **5.31.0 - Set version. Update notes. ([18933](** + +- **5.31 ([18931](** + +- **closes financial/#156: Set contribution status to refunded even if cancelled_payment_id is set ([18930](** + +- **dev/core#2166 - E_NOTICE when deleting mail account ([18927](** + +- **dev/mail#2141 - MailSettings - Add button+API for testing a connection ([18911](** + +- **5.31 to master ([18923](** + +- **Add UI metadata for payment_processor_id on financialTrxn ([18917](** + +- **dev/core#2139 fix defaulting for multi-select custom fields ([18907](** + +- **Search ext: Fix validation and saving on search admin screen ([18919](** + +- **dev/core#2141 - Add "oauth-client" extension (hidden) ([18914](** + +- **dev/core#2148 - Incorrect use of ts, quotes, escape in log call ([18864](** + +- **Use standard names for entity paths and add a few more paths ([18915](** + +- **CRM_Core_Error::formatFooException - Don't bomb on 'Error' ([18910](** + +- **Search ext: Add links to search admin and improve links in displays ([18909](** + +- **dev/core#2141 - composer.json - Require league/oauth2-{client,google} ([18908](** + +- **5.31 ([18904](** + +- **dev/core#2043 Remove instance of pass-by-ref ([18802](** + +- **Move call to update related pledges on contribution cancel to extension ([18894](** + +- **Remove IPN reference to _relatedObjects, deprecate property ([18895](** + +- **[Ref] Simplify params ([18896](** + +- **[REF] Simplify use of shared code. ([18900](** + +- **Remove deprecated code ([18903](** + +- **Add postProcess hook to MessageTemplates ([18807](** + +- **[REF] Remove silly if ([18897](** + +- **dev/core#2141 - Add hook_civicrm_alterMailStore ([18902](** + +- **[Ref] Move sending the email back out of the recur function ([18852](** + +- **5.31 to master ([18893](** + +- **dev/core#927 Move handling of participant.cancel from BaseIPN to contributioncancelactions ([18881](** + +- **[Ref] Use direct version of participant id ([18882](** + +- **Hack away at false negative test fails ([18892](** + +- **5.31 ([18891](** + +- **Add entity paths to schema & APIv4 ([18887](** + +- **Lotsa new features for the Search Kit extension ([18876](** + +- **Deprecate hook_civicrm_crudLink ([18888](** + +- **dev/core#2141 - "Add Mail Account" - Allow hookable listing of setup links ([18885](** + +- **(NFC) Fix typo in Money valueFormat depretation warning ([18886](** + +- **/dev/core#2152: Merge contacts keep case roles ([18884](** + +- **Remove always-true & otherwise silly if ([18883](** + +- **Fix extension generated DAO files to pass civilint ([18879](** + +- **Merge branch 5.31 into master ([18875](** + +- **Participant Calculate/Fees: fix ts usage, simplify wording ([18874](** + +- **dev/core#1879 Fix inconsistent ability to view event information ([18712](** + +- **Show only Active SMS provider List on Mass SMS form ([18867](** + +- **dev/core#2150 Re-enact the recapture validation by validating the res… ([18872](** + +- **APIv4 - Add `$result->single()` helper ([18871](** + +- **ClassLoader - Fix autoloading of `API_Exception` ([18870](** + +- **Refactor entityParams in Order.Create API so it is easier to understand/modify ([18306](** + +- **(core/dev#2104) Add gender column for target contact to activity report ([18840](** + +- **dev/core#927 Move cancelling of related memberships to extension from BaseIPN ([18853](** + +- **Move filtering of unpermitted options for reports/ search select to financialacl extension ([18849](** + +- **dev/core#2146 - Long unicode contact names get truncated badly causing a crash ([18862](** + +- **APIv4 - Fix type coersion of non-string input ([18860](** + +- **Remove meaningless legacy code ([18856](** + +- **5.31 ([18861](** + +- **Fix campaign_id handling for batch entry ([18792](** + +- **Set id after save for the mailing component in the postProcess ([18808](** + +- **Move CRM_Member_BAO_MembershipType::getPermissionedMembershipTypes to financial acl extension ([18848](** + +- **backdrop#116 Override sessionStart function and use backdrop function… ([18745](** + +- **Get phone_type by name. dev/core#2138 ([18842](** + +- **dev/user-interface#34 Replace with on ContributionPage configuration Amount tab ([18850](** + +- **dev/financial#152 [REF] Clean up interaction with contribution recur object ([18835](** + +- **dev/core#927 preliminary cleanup ([18813](** + +- **dev/core#2029 exclude ornery test ([18846](** + +- **[REF] Determine values where they are needed rather than passing them around (in tested function) ([18837](** + +- **5.31 to master ([18847](** + +- **dev/core#2140 Fix site path for Drupal 8 and 9 ([18843](** + +- **5.31 ([18839](** + +- **5.31 ([18836](** + +- **[REF] Minor extraction ([18829](** + +- **Remove a few lines of deprecated code ([18826](** + +- **(core/dev#2104) Add birth date column for target contact to activity … ([18827](** + +- **[REF] Include contributioncancelactions extension in dismaker and reg… ([18825](** + +- **dev/core#927 Remove code to update recur on cancel & fail where there is no recur ([18814](** + +- **[REF] Extract handling for loading contribution recur object. ([18746](** + +- **5.31 ([18818](** + +- **(NFC) dev/core#2029 - Make assertions in PrevNextTest more skimmable ([18822](** + +- **dev/core#2115 Move some more financialacl code to a hook within the extension ([18740](** + +- **dev/financial#152 move code only relevant to repeattransaction into that function ([18815](** + +- **dev/core#927 Enable contribution cancel actions extension ([18812](** + +- **Rationalise date formatting ([18805](** + +- **SavedSearch: add UI_name index to upgrade script ([18811](** + +- **dev/core#927 add first test on cancel ([18786](** + +- **Update CRM_Utils_Constant::value to support env variables ([18806](** + +- **Declare support for cancelRecurring in manual processor ([18804](** + +- **Remove always-true IF ([18803](** + +- **dev/core#927 Add shell extension to move contribution cancel actions into ([18784](** + +- **SavedSearch - Add name and label columns ([18809](** + +- **Display public title and description on profiles and unsubscribe/subs… ([18645](** + +- **Remove always true if ([18801](** + +- **Add test for recurring links and clean up method of retrieving recurring ([18790](** + +- **Replace BAO calls with api calls in test class ([18798](** + +- **Switch to calling api ([18797](** + +- **Switch to calling the api ([18796](** + +- **unit test for #18306 - order create api test for contribution ([18785](** + +- **Fix sendconfirmation api to override receipt params ([18789](** + +- **[Test] - Fix some tests to call API not BAO ([18795](** + +- **Remove instances of variable variables ([18791](** + +- **[Ref] Minor code extraction ([18739](** + +- **5.31 ([18788](** + +- **dev/core#2034 Fix paypal standard cancel url ([18540](** + +- **dev/core#2066 Use shared function to set the next url ([18773](** + +- **dev/core#2066 Further cleanup on search actions ([18783](** + +- **Contribution confirmation page should not display the name of payment processor type ([17568](** + +- **Fix pluralize function for words like 'display' ([18778](** + +- **5.31 ([18777](** + +- **[REF] Search ext: Reorganize code into modules ([18775](** + +- **class.api.php: In remote api calls, allow referer and useragent to be set. ([18400](** + +- **5.31 to master ([18774](** + +- **Test for event#43 ([18761](** + +- **5.31 ([18770](** + +- **dev/core#2066 Extract getSelectedIDs ([18768](** + +- **dev/core#2066 Use shared function to set the next url ([18767](** + +- **Allow custom fields of type Autocomplete-Select to be multivalued ([18449](** + +- **5.31 ([18764](** + +- **dev/drupal#137 - Alternate PR - On drupal status report need different check when civi is already installed ([18581](** + +- **Typo in call to fixSchemaDifferencesForAll ([18762](** + +- **5.31 ([18757](** + +- **Angular Loader: Allow modules to specify permissions to add client-side ([18754](** + +- **5.31 to master ([18756](** + +- **Extract setNextUrl ([18750](** + +- **crmMailing - Only load Angular settings if they're needed ([18749](** + +- **AngularLoader: Support 'settingsFactory' callbacks in angular modules. ([18731](** + +- **[REF] Replace long if block with early return ([18747](** + +- **dev/financial#152 simplify passed parameters ([18744](** + +- **More accurate language around social media sharing ([18743](** + +- **Fix main contact uf url on merge screen ([18742](** + +- **dev/core#2115 remove reference to financialACLs in bounce ([18738](** + +- **dev/financial#152 simplify interaction with membership, deprecate function ([18735](** + +- **dev/financial#152 simplify passed parameters ([18736](** + +- **dev/core#2079 Eliminate unused query on CRM_Core_BAO_CustomQuery::_construct ([18668](** + +- **[REF] Separate export form classes out & simplify task handling ([18589](** + +- **dev/core#2047 Fix merge code so that deleted contacts are not left without a primary address ([18555](** + +- **dev/financial#152 remove unused parameter ([18737](** + +- **[REF] Minor simplification - don't use a variable for table name ([18651](** + +- **dev/financial#152 Pass contribution directly to completeOrder ([18728](** + +- **dev/financial#152 [REF] Extract getMembershipID ([18733](** + +- **dev/financial#152 Remove unreachable code ([18734](** + +- **[Test] Ensure all APIv4 entities have basic info ([18727](** + +- **dev/financial#152 Remove unused parameters from BaseIPN->failed signature ([18732](** + +- **dev/financial#152 Remove unused parameters from BaseIPN->cancelled signature ([18730](** + +- **dev/financial#152 Clean up & test contributionPageID handling ([18729](** + +- **dev/core#2110 - Warning "Non-static method CRM_Contact_Page_AJAX::pdfFormat() should not be called statically" when changing the page format on print/merge document ([18726](** + +- **dev/financial#152 [REF] Parse ids before sending to single function (minor simplification) ([18631](** + +- **dev/financial#152 [REF] Parse ids before sending to recur function (minor simplification) ([18629](** + +- **dev/cloud-native#16 Migrate Contribution Page widget extern url to us… ([17969](** + +- **5.31 ([18725](** + +- **dev/core#1428 Add test for Activity::update() ([18720](** + +- **dev/financial#11 Expand unit test to ensure that the correct currency… ([18715](** + +- **Financial#111: Contribution tokens always display amount with default… ([18714](** + +- **[REF] Upgrade DomPDF to v0.8.6 ([18688](** + +- **Protect against undefined index query in heartbeat callback ([220](** + +- **(dev/joomla#14) Joomla 4.0 compatibility fixes ([52](** + +- **dev/core#2150 Update checking of response function to work with v2 api ([311](** + +## Miscellany + +## Credits + +This release was developed by the following code authors: + +AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin, Andrew Hunt; Agileware - Francis Whittle, Justin Freeman, Pengyi Zhang; Andrew Thompson; Christian Wach; Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Sunil Pawar, Yashodha Chaku; CiviFirst - John Kirk; CompuCorp - Debarshi Bhaumik; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy; Dave D; Diego Muñio; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit; iXiam - Luciano Spiegel, Vangelis Pantazis; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; John Kingsnorth; masetto; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; mglaman; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Nicol Wistreich; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Richard van Oosterhout; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton + +Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following +reviewers contributed their comments: + +AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin; Agileware - Justin Freeman; Andrew Thompson; Artful Robot - Rich Lott; Australian Greens - John Twyman; Circle Interactive - Pradeep Nayak; civibot[bot]; civicrm-builder; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk - Sunil Pawar, Yashodha Chaku; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy; Dave D; Diego Muñio; Freeform Solutions - Herb van den Dool; Fuzion - Jitendra Purohit, Luke Stewart; Greenpeace Central and Eastern Europe - Patrick Figel; iXiam - Vangelis Pantazis; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray, Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; jvos; Lighthouse Consulting and Design - Brian Shaughnessy; masetto; maxtsero; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; mglaman; MJCO - Mikey O'Toole; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Nicol Wistreich; Semper IT - Karin Gerritsen; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton \ No newline at end of file