From: Zak Rogoff <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:29:31 +0000 (-0500)
Subject: trying to make the program using the schedule generator system. My local dev environm... 

trying to make the program using the schedule generator system. My local dev environment is temporariliy (I hope) broken so I am pushing an unfinished thing to the origin/master to test it.

diff --git a/2016/program/index.html b/2016/program/index.html
index 4843ca00..0f319bc6 100755
--- a/2016/program/index.html
+++ b/2016/program/index.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <!--#include virtual="/2016/includes/banner.html"-->
 <!--#include virtual="/2016/includes/sidebar.html"-->
-<h1>Program <small>Sessions</small></h1>
+<h1>Program <small>Sessions -- UNDER DEVELOPMENT</small></h1>
 <!--#include virtual="/2016/includes/program-menu.html"-->