From: tokul
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 15:09:33 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Removing translations. Part three
Removing translations. Part three
git-svn-id: 7612ce4b-ef26-0410-bec9-ea0150e637f0
diff --git a/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index addb25d2..00000000
Binary files a/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index d4399d0d..00000000
--- a/locale/lt_LT/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3725 +0,0 @@
-# Squirrelmail Lithuanian Translation.
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Tomas Kuliavas , 2001.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id: squirrelmail.po,v 1.18 2003/07/22 09:54:18 tokul "
-"Exp $\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-07-20 13:47+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-22 12:47+0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Tomas Kuliavas \n"
-"Language-Team: Lithuanian \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Adresų knyga"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Visi"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Vardas"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-paštas"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Info"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Å altinis"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Kam"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "Cc"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "Bcc"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Naudoti adresus"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Paieška adresų knygoje"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Ieškoti"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr " "
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Visose adresų knygose"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Ieškoti"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Rodyti visus"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Nepavyko gauti adresų iš %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "PaieÅ¡ka nutrÅ«ko dÄl žemiau nurodytų(os) klaidų(os)"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Nerastas nei vienas asmuo, atitinkantis paieškos kriterijus"
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Grįžti"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Uždaryti"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Trumpas vardas"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "Turi nesutapti su kitu vardu"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "E-pašto adresas"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "PavardÄ"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Vardas"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Papildoma informacija"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "AsmeninÄ adresų knyga nesukurta. Susisiekite su adminu."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Galima redaguoti tik po vienÄ
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti adresÄ
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "KLAIDA"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Neaiški klaida"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Ä®traukti adresÄ
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Redaguoti pasirinktÄ
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinti pasirinktÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Ä®traukti į adresų knygÄ
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "paraÅ¡Ä"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "citata"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "kas"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "Nuo"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Data"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Originali žinutÄ"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Juodraštis išsaugotas"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Neįmanoma perkelti/kopijuoti failo. Failas neprikabintas"
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Juodraštis išsaugotas"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "JÅ«sų žinutÄ iÅ¡siųsta"
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Nuo:"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Kam:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "CC:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "BCC:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Tema:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Siųsti"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Prikabinti:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "PridÄti"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinti pasirinktus failus"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioritetas"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Aukštas"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normalus"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Žemas"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Patvirtinimas"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "Skaitymo metu"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "Pristatymo metu"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Parašas"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Adresai"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Išsaugoti juodraštį"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "JÅ«s neužpildÄte gavÄjo lauko (Kam:)"
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "JuodraÅ¡Äių aplankas"
-msgid "Server replied: "
-msgstr "Serveris atsakÄ: "
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Neteisingas aplanko vardas. Pasirinkite kitÄ
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "SpragtelÄkite Äia, kad grįžti atgal"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "Bandant trinti buvo nepasirinktas joks aplankas."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinti aplankÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti %s?"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Taip"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Ne"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Aplankai"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Užsiprenumeravote sÄkmingai!"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "AtÅ¡aukÄte prenumeratÄ
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Aplankas ištrintas!"
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Aplankas sukurtas!"
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Pervadinta!"
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "Atšaukti prenumeratos nepavyko - aplankas neegzistuoja."
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "atnaujinti"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Sukurti aplankÄ
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "kaip papildomÄ
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Joks"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Å iame aplanke galima kurti kitus aplankus"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Sukurti"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Pervardinti aplankÄ
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Pasirinkti aplankÄ
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Pervardinti"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Nerasta jokių aplankų"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinti"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "AtÅ¡aukti prenumeratÄ
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Užsiprenumeruoti"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Nerasta aplankų, kuriuose galima bÅ«ti atÅ¡aukti prenumeratÄ
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Nerasti prenumeratos aplankai!"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Užsiprenumeruoti:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "Bandant pervadinti buvo nepasirinktas joks aplankas."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Pervardinti aplankÄ
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Naujas vardas:"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Vykdyti"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "KLAIDA: Pagalbos sistemos formatas yra netinkamas!"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Pagalba"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "Pagalbos sistema neišversta į %s. Ji bus tik anglų kalba."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Dalis arba visi pagalbos sistemos dokumentai nepasiekiami!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Turinys"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Ankstesnis"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Kitas"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Viršus"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄti prikabintÄ
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄti žinutÄ"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Parsisiųsti kaip failÄ
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "INBOX"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "išvalyti"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Paskutinis atnaujinimas"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti aplankų struktÅ«rÄ
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Prisijungti"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "%s logo"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versija %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "sukurta SquirrelMail programuotojų"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "%s paštas"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Vardas:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Slaptažodis:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Nepasirinkta nei viena žinutÄ."
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Nustatymai"
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių žymÄjimas"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nauja"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Baigti"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Kam arba Cc"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "tema"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Taisyti"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Aukštyn"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Žemyn"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Joks išskyrimas neaprašytas"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Priskirtas vardas"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Spalva"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Tamsiai mÄlyna"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Tamsiai žalia"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Tamsiai geltona"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Tamsiai violetinÄ"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Tamsiai purpurinÄ"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Å viesiai mÄlyna"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Šviesiai žalia"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Å viesiai geltona"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Å viesiai violetinÄ"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Å viesiai purpurinÄ"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Tamsiai pilka"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Vidutiniškai pilka"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Å viesiai pilka"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Balta"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Kita:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Pvz: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Atitinka"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Specialus ID %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Specialūs ID"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Standartinis ID"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Sukurti naujÄ
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Pilnas vardas"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "E-pašto adresas"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Adresas, kuriuo reikia siųsti atsakymus"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti / Atnaujinti"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Padaryti standartiniu"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Perkelti aukštyn"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "RÅ«Å¡iavimo tvarka"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "Žymeklis"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Markeriai"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Dydis"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"RÅ«Å¡iavimo tvarka nustato tai, kaip tvarkomas žinuÄių sÄ
rašas. Jūs galite "
-"pridÄti arba iÅ¡mesti stulpelius arba keisti jų eiliÅ¡kumÄ
taip, kaip jums "
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "aukštyn"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "žemyn"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "išmesti"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Grįžti į nustatymų puslapį"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "AsmeninÄ informacija"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Grafiniai nustatymai"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Aplankų nustatymai"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Nustatymai sÄkmingai iÅ¡saugoti"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti aplankų sÄ
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti puslapį"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr "Äia jÅ«s nustatote asmeninÄ informacijÄ
, e-paÅ¡tÄ
ir kt.)"
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"JÅ«s galite pakeisti bendrÄ
SquirrelMail iÅ¡vaizdÄ
, nustatydami patinkanÄius "
-"spalvų, kalbos ir kitus nustatymus."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"LaiÅ¡kai gali bÅ«ti sužymÄti skirtingomis spalvomis pagal nustatytus "
-"kriterijus. Tai leidžia skirti laiÅ¡kų siuntÄjus ir gali bÅ«ti naudinga "
-"dirbant su persiuntimo sÄ
rašais (mailing lists)."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr "Äia jÅ«s nustatote kaip tvarkomi jÅ«sų paÅ¡to aplankai."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"RÅ«Å¡iavimo tvarka gali bÅ«ti pakeista spragtelÄjus ant stulpelio antraÅ¡tÄs."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "ŽinutÄ netinka spausdinimui"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Spausdinimui"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Spausdinti"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Rodyti spausdinamÄ
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Perskaityta:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "JÅ«sų žinutÄ"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Išsiųsta:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Buvo perskaityta %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "mažiau"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "daugiau"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Nežinomas siuntÄjas"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Pašto klientas"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Patvirtinimas apie perskaitymÄ
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "siųsti"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "praÅ¡Ä"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"ŽinutÄs siuntÄjas papraÅ¡Ä patvirtinti, kad jÅ«s jÄ
perskaitÄte. Ar norite "
-"iÅ¡siųsti patvirtinimÄ
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "IÅ¡siųsti patvirtinimÄ
apie perskaitymÄ
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Paieškos rezultatai"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių sÄ
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "TÄsti juodraÅ¡Äio redagavimÄ
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Taisyti žinutÄ kaip naujÄ
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄti žinutÄ"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Persiųsti"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Persiųsti kaip priedÄ
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Atsakyti"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Atsakyti visiems"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄti visas antraÅ¡tes"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Prikabinti:"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr ""
-"Norint pasiekti Å¡iuos puslapius, bÅ«tina žinoti teisingÄ
vartotojo vardÄ
ir "
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Visuose aplankuose"
-msgid "Please enter something to search for"
-msgstr "Įveskite ko norite ieškoti"
-msgid "There must be at least one criteria to search for"
-msgstr "Turi bÅ«ti nurodyta bent viena paieÅ¡kos sÄ
-msgid "Error in criteria argument"
-msgstr "Klaida tarp paieškos salygos parametrų"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "Y M j"
-msgid "(Illegal date)"
-msgstr "(Neteisinga data)"
-msgid "(Wrong date)"
-msgstr "(Klaidinga data)"
-msgid "In"
-msgstr "tarp"
-msgid "(Missing argument)"
-msgstr "(Trūksta parametro)"
-msgid "(Spurious argument)"
-msgstr "(Klaidingas parametras)"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "taisyti"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "ieškoti"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "ištrinti"
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Išsaugotos paieškos"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "išsaugoti"
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "pamiršti"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "PaskutinÄs paieÅ¡kos"
-msgid "Exclude Criteria:"
-msgstr "Atmetimo sÄ
-msgid "Search Criteria"
-msgstr "PaieÅ¡kos sÄ
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Aplankas:"
-msgid "Add New Criteria"
-msgstr "PridÄti naujÄ
-msgid "Remove Excluded Criteria"
-msgstr "PaÅ¡alinti atmetimo sÄ
-msgid "Remove All Criteria"
-msgstr "PaÅ¡alinti visas sÄ
-msgid "Answered"
-msgstr "Atsakyta"
-msgid "Before"
-msgstr "Prieš"
-msgid "Message Body"
-msgstr "ŽinutÄs tekstas"
-msgid "Deleted"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinta"
-msgid "Draft"
-msgstr "Juodraštis"
-msgid "Flagged"
-msgstr "PažymÄta"
-msgid "Sent By"
-msgstr "Siųsta nuo"
-msgid "Header Field"
-msgstr "AntraÅ¡tÄs laukas"
-msgid "Keyword"
-msgstr "Raktas"
-msgid "Larger Than"
-msgstr "DidesnÄ nei"
-msgid "Old"
-msgstr "Sena"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "tarp"
-msgid "Recent"
-msgstr "Nauja"
-msgid "Seen"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄta"
-msgid "Sent Before"
-msgstr "Išsiųsta prieš"
-msgid "Sent On"
-msgstr "Išsiųsta"
-msgid "Sent Since"
-msgstr "Išsiųsta nuo"
-msgid "Since"
-msgstr "Nuo"
-msgid "Smaller Than"
-msgstr "MažesnÄ nei"
-msgid "Subject Contains"
-msgstr "Tema turi"
-msgid "Header and Body"
-msgstr "AntraÅ¡tÄs ir tekstas"
-msgid "Sent To"
-msgstr "Išsiųsta adresu"
-msgid "Not"
-msgstr "ne"
-msgid "And In"
-msgstr "ir tarp"
-msgid "Or In"
-msgstr "arba tarp"
-msgid "And"
-msgstr "ir"
-msgid "Or"
-msgstr "arba"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Paieškos rezultatai:"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Naujų žinuÄių nerasta"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Atsijungti"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "JÅ«s sÄkmingai atsijungÄte."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "SpragtelÄkite ant nuorodos norÄdami vÄl prisijungti"
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "VizitinÄs kortelÄs peržiÅ«ra"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "AntraÅ¡tÄ"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "E-paštas"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "WWW puslapis"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organizacija / Padalinys"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adresas"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Darbo telefonas"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Namų telefonas"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Mobilus telefonas"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Faksas"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Pastabos"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Ä®traukti į adresų knygÄ
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Pareigos ir organizacija / padalinys"
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Pilna antraÅ¡Äių peržiÅ«ra"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄti prikabintÄ
tekstinį failÄ
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "AsmeninÄ adresų knyga"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Duomenų bazÄs klaida: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Adresų knyga yra skirta tik skaitymui"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Vartotojas '%s' jau yra"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Vartotojo '%s' nÄra"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Visose adresų knygose"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "NÄra tokio failo ar katalogo"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Nepavyko atidaryti"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Negalima keisti bendros adresų knygos"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Tai ne failo vardas"
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "Nepavyko įrašyti"
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Nepavyko atnaujinti"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Nepavyko rezervuoti duomenų failo"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Nepavyko raÅ¡yti į adresų knygÄ
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Nepavyko prisijunti prie LDAP serverio %s:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Atidarant failÄ
%s gauta klaida"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Nepavyko prisijunti prie LDAP serverio %s:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Nepavyko prisijunti prie LDAP serverio %s:"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Klaidingai pateikti duomenys"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Trūksta vardo"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "Trūksta e-pašto adreso"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "Varde yra netinkami simboliai"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "peržiūra"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "VizitinÄ kortelÄ"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Sekmadienis"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Pirmadienis"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Antradienis"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "TreÄiadienis"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Ketvirtadienis"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Penktadienis"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Šeštadienis"
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "Sek"
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Pir"
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Ant"
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "Tre"
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Ket"
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Pen"
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "Šeš"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Sausis"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Vasaris"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Kovas"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Balandis"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "GegužÄ"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Birželis"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Liepa"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "Rugpjūtis"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "RugsÄjis"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Spalis"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "Lapkritis"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Gruodis"
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Sau"
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Vas"
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "Kov"
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "Bal"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Geg"
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "Bir"
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "Lie"
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Rugp"
-msgid "Sep"
-msgstr "Rugs"
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Spa"
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "Lap"
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Gruo"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "Y F j, g:i a, D"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "Y F j, G:i, D"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a, D"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "G:i, D"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Nustatymų failas %s nerastas. Programos klaida."
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Nežinomas vartotojas arba klaidingas slaptažodis."
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "SpragtelÄkite Äia norÄdami bandyti dar kartÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "SpragtelÄkite Äia norÄdami grįžti į %s"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Grįžti į prisijungimo puslapį"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Nustatymų failas %s neegzistuoja. Prisijunkite iš naujo, kad sukurti "
-"standartinį nustatymų failÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko atidaryti nustatymų failo %s. Susisiekite su administratoriumi ir "
-"praneÅ¡kite apie Å¡iÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko raÅ¡yti į nustatymų failÄ
%s. Susisiekite su administratoriumi ir "
-"praneÅ¡kite apie Å¡iÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko nukopijuoti nustatymų failo %s iš laikino failo %s. Susisiekite su "
-"administratoriumi ir praneÅ¡kite apie Å¡iÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Klaida atidarant %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Standartinis nustatymų failas nerastas arba neperskaitomas!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Susisiekite su administratoriumi ir praneÅ¡kite apie Å¡iÄ
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti nustatymų failo!"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s turi būti prieinama vartotojui %s rašyti"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko atidaryti parašo failo %s. Susisiekite su administratoriumi ir "
-"praneÅ¡kite apie Å¡iÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko raÅ¡yti į paraÅ¡o failÄ
%s. Susisiekite su administratoriumi ir "
-"praneÅ¡kite apie Å¡iÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko nukopijuoti parašo failo %s iš laikino failo %s. Susisiekite su "
-"administratoriumi ir praneÅ¡kite apie Å¡iÄ
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-"JÅ«s turite turÄti php4 instaliacijÄ
su įjungtomis multibyte funkcijomis "
-"(configure opcija --enable-mbstring)."
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr "KLAIDA : imap srautas neprieinamas."
-msgid "ERROR : Bad function call."
-msgstr "KLAIDA : Neteisingai iškviesta funkcija"
-msgid "Reason:"
-msgstr "Priežastis:"
-msgid "ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."
-msgstr "KLAIDA : IMAP serveris nutraukÄ jungtį."
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr "Užklausa:"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "KLAIDA : Neįmanoma vykdyti užklausos."
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Priežastis: "
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "KLAIDA : Klaidingas užklausimas."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Serveris atsakÄ: "
-msgid "ERROR : Imap server closed the connection."
-msgstr "KLAIDA : IMAP serveris uždarÄ jungtį."
-msgid "ERROR : Unknown imap response."
-msgstr "KLAIDA : Nesuprantamas IMAP atsakymas."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "Įvyko klaida jungiantis prie IMAP serverio: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Klaidinga užklausa: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Neaiški klaida: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Skaitomi duomenys:"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "KLAIDA : Neįmanoma prijungti žinutÄs prie"
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Sprendimas:"
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr ""
-"PaÅ¡alinkite nereikalingas žinutes iÅ¡ savo aplankų. PradÄti valymÄ
reiktų nuo "
-"šiukšlyno (Trash aplankas)."
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(tema nenurodyta)"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Nežinomas siuntÄjas"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Nesuprantamas atsakymas iš IMAP serverio"
-msgid "The server couldn't find the message you requested."
-msgstr "Serveris nerado žinutÄs, kurios praÅ¡Äte."
-msgid ""
-"Most probably your message list was out of date and the message has been "
-"moved away or deleted (perhaps by another program accessing the same "
-msgstr ""
-"GreiÄiausiai jÅ«sų žinuÄių sÄ
raÅ¡as paseno ir žinutÄ buvo patraukta ar "
-"iÅ¡trinta (greiÄiausiai kitos programos dirbanÄios su ta paÄia dÄžute)"
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Nežinoma data"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "A"
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Naudojamas IMAP serveris nepalaiko rÅ«Å¡iavimo serverio pusÄje.
Praneškite "
-"apie klaidÄ
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Naudojamas IMAP serveris nepalaiko rÅ«Å¡iavimo serverio pusÄje.
Praneškite "
-"apie klaidÄ
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Perkelti pažymÄtus į"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Apdoroti pasirinktas žinutes"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Perkelti"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinti"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "paÅ¡to dÄžÄ"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Skaityta"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Neskaityta"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Nerodyti sekų"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "Rodyti sekas"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Perjungti žymes"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "AtÅ¡aukti pažymÄjimus"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "PažymÄti visus"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių peržiÅ«ra: nuo %s iki %s (%s iÅ¡ viso)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių peržiÅ«ra: %s (1 iÅ¡ viso)"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Skaidyti į puslapius"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Rodyti viskÄ
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail nepavyko atkoduoti žinutÄs struktÅ«ros."
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr "imap serverio pateikta žinutÄs struktÅ«ra"
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-"Nepavyko atidaryti žinutÄs turinio. Tai įvyko greiÄiausiai dÄl to, kad "
-"žinutÄ buvo sugadinta."
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Komanda:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Atsakymas:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Pranešimas:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr "FETCH eilutÄ:"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "PaslÄpti nesaugius pieÅ¡inius"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄti nesaugius pieÅ¡inius"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "parsisiųsti"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_lt_LT.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Nustatymo tipas '%s' nerastas"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Dabartinis aplankas"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Rašyti"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Ä®vyko klaida kuriant katalogÄ
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti koduotų katalogų struktūros!"
-msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
-msgstr "Paslauga nepasiekiama, uždaromas kanalas"
-msgid "A password transition is needed"
-msgstr "Būtinas slaptažodžio įvedimas"
-msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "Nurodytas veiksmas neįvykdytas: paÅ¡to dÄÅ¾Ä nepasiekiama"
-msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
-msgstr "Nurodytas veiksmas nutrauktas: įvyko klaida apdorojant"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
-msgstr "Nurodytas veiksmas neįvykdytas: nepakanka vietos saugojimui"
-msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
-msgstr "Laikina autorizavimo klaida"
-msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
-msgstr "SintaksÄs klaida. Nesuprantama komanda"
-msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
-msgstr "SintaksÄs klaida komandos parametruose"
-msgid "Command not implemented"
-msgstr "Komanda nenaudojama"
-msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
-msgstr "Netinkama komandų seka"
-msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
-msgstr "Komandos opcija neįgyvendinta"
-msgid "Authentication required"
-msgstr "BÅ«tina autorizacija"
-msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
-msgstr "Per silpnas autorizavimo tipas"
-msgid "Authentication failed"
-msgstr "Autorizacija nepavyko"
-msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
-msgstr "Nurodytas autorizavimo mechanizmas reikalauja kodavimo"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "Nurodytas veiksmas neįvykdytas: paÅ¡to dÄÅ¾Ä nepasiekiama"
-msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
-msgstr "Vartotojas nevietinis. Patikrinkite persiuntimo galimybes"
-msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
-msgstr "Nurodytas veiksmas nutrauktas: nepakanka vietos informacijai saugoti"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
-msgstr "Nurodytas veiksmas neįvykdytas: netinkamas paÅ¡to dÄžÄs vardas"
-msgid "Transaction failed"
-msgstr "Transakcija nepavyko"
-msgid "Unknown response"
-msgstr "Nesuprantamas atsakymas"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Bendriniai grafiniai nustatymai"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "StandartinÄ"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "Specialus stiliaus aprašymas"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Kalba"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Naudoti JavaScript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Atpažinti automatiškai"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Visada"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Niekada"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "PaÅ¡to dÄžÄs grafiniai nustatymai"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Vienu metu rodomų žinuÄių skaiÄius"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Naudoti skirtingas spalvas eilutÄms"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Naudoti skaidymÄ
į puslapius"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Vienu metu rodomų puslapių skaiÄius"
-msgid "Always Show Full Date"
-msgstr "Visada rodyti pilnÄ
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių rodymas ir raÅ¡ymas"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Simbolių skaiÄius, iki kurio apriboti atÄjusias žinutes"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Redaktoriaus lango dydis"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Mygtukų vieta rašant laiškus"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "PrieÅ¡ antraÅ¡tÄ"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Tarp antraÅ¡tÄs ir žinutÄs teksto"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Po žinutÄs teksto"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Adresų knygos formatas"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "Javascript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Ar automatiÅ¡kai rodyti žinutÄs HTML variantÄ
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti persiuntimÄ
kaip priedÄ
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Ä®traukti CC adresus persiunÄiant laiÅ¡kus"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Įtrauk mane į CC kai atsakau visiems"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Rodyti paÅ¡to kliento informacijÄ
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Rodyti prikabintus piešinius kartu su žinute"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti Å¡varų spausdinimui skirtÄ
žinuÄių rodymÄ
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti informavimÄ
apie pristatymÄ
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Kurti žinutes naujame lange"
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "ŽinutÄs kÅ«rimo lango plotis"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "ŽinutÄs kÅ«rimo lango aukÅ¡tis"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "DÄti paraÅ¡Ä
prieÅ¡ atsakymo/persiuntimo tekstÄ
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti rÅ«Å¡iavimÄ
pagal gavimo datÄ
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti sekų rÅ«Å¡iavimÄ
pagal laiškų antraštes"
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Specialūs aplankų nustatymai"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Kelias iki aplanko"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Nenaudoti šiukšlių aplanko"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Šiukšlių aplankas"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Nenaudoti Išsiųstų laiškų aplanko"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Išsiųstų laiškų aplankas"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Nenaudoti juodraÅ¡Äių aplanko"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "JuodraÅ¡Äių aplankas"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Aplankų sÄ
rašo nustatymai"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Aplankų sÄ
rašo vieta"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "KairÄje"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "DeÅ¡inÄje"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "pikseliai"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Aplankų sÄ
rašo plotis"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "minutÄs"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "sekundÄs"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "minutÄ"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti aplankų sÄ
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti perspÄjimus apie naujas žinutes"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Jokių perspÄjimų"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Tik INBOX"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "PerspÄjimų apie naujas žinutes tipas"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Tik naujos žinutÄs"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Naujos žinutÄs ir bendras skaiÄius"
-msgid "Enable Collapsable Folders"
-msgstr "Aktyvuoti iÅ¡siskleidžianÄius aplankus"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti bendrus perspÄjimus apie naujas žinutes"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Rodyti laikrodį aplankų skyriuje"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Jokio laikrodžio"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Laiko formatas"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "12 valandų laikrodis"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "24 valandų laikrodis"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Paieška atmintyje"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Atjungta"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Aplankų pasirinkimo nustatymai"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Pasirinkimo sÄ
rašo stilius"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "Ilgas: "
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "Su paraÅ¡tÄmis: "
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "Su skirtukais: "
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Vardo ir adreso nustatymai"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "E-pašto adresas"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Taisyti specialius ID"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(visi kiti pakeitimai padaryti Å¡ioje formoje dings)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Skirtingi ID"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "Atitinka serverio laiko juostÄ
-msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Ä®vyko klaida atidarant laiko juostų failÄ
, susisiekite su administratoriumi."
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Laiko juostos nustatymai"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Jūsų laiko juosta"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Atsakymo citatų nustatymai"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Atsakymo citatų stilius"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Nieko necituoti"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "AUTORIUS pasakÄ"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Quote Who XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Nustato vartotojas"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Vartotojo nustatyta atsakymo citatų pradžia"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Vartotojo nustatyta atsakymo citatų pabaiga"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Parašo nustatymai"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Naudoti paraÅ¡Ä
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "PrieÅ¡ paraÅ¡Ä
raÅ¡yti '-- ' eilutÄ"
-msgid "Take Address"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti adresÄ
-msgid "Address Book Take:"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugojimas į adresų knygÄ
-msgid "Try to verify addresses"
-msgstr "Bandyti patikrinti adresus"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Konfiguracinio failo versija"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versija"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "PHP versija"
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Organizacijos nustatymai"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Organizacijos pavadinimas"
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Organizacijos logo"
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Organizacijos logo plotis"
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Organizacijos logo aukštis"
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Organizacijos pavadinimas"
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Atsijungimo puslapis"
-msgid "Provider Link URI"
-msgstr "TiekÄjo nuoroda"
-msgid "Provider Name"
-msgstr "TiekÄjo pavadinimas"
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "StandartinÄ kalba"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr "VirÅ¡utinis rÄmelis"
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Serverio nustatymai"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr "Pašto domenas"
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr "IMAP serverio adresas"
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "IMAP serverio jungtis"
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "IMAP serverio tipas"
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Cyrus IMAP serveris"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr "UW-IMAP serveris"
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "MS Exchange IMAP serveris"
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Courier IMAP serveris"
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Kitas (nežinomas) IMAP serveris"
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "IMAP katalogų skirtukas"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr "Naudokite \"detect\", kad atpažinti automatiškai."
-msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
-msgstr "Naudoti TLS su IMAP jungtimis"
-msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgstr "Reikalauja PHP 4.3.x! Eksperimentinis."
-msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "IMAP autorizacijos tipas"
-msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
-msgstr "Naudoti serverio sendmail programÄ
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr "Kelias iki sendmail"
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr "SMTP serverio adresas"
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr "SMTP serverio jungtis"
-msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
-msgstr "Naudoti TLS su SMTP jungtimis"
-msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "SMTP autorizacijos tipas"
-msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
-msgstr "Vykdyti POP3 prieš SMTP?"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr "Keisti laikÄ
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr "Naudoti patvirtinimo nustatymus"
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Aplankų nustatymai"
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Standartinis aplanko priedÄlis"
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Rodyti aplankų priedÄlio opcijas"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr "Standartinis šiukšlyno aplankas"
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr "Standartinis išsiųstų laiškų aplankas"
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr "Standartinis juodraÅ¡Äių aplankas"
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Rodyti specialius aplankus pirmiau"
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Pakeisti specialių aplankų spalvÄ
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "Valyti automatiškai"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr "Visi katalogai kuriami tik tarp INBOX"
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr "Rodyti 'Yra Sub.' opcijÄ
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Standartinis naujų laiškų pranešimas"
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Standartinis naujų laiškų tipas"
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Sukurti specialius aplankus automatiškai"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "StandartinÄ Javascript adresų knyga"
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Automatiškai ištrinti aplankus"
-msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
-msgstr "Naudoti /NoSelect aplanko pataisas"
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Bendriniai nustatymai"
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "StandartinÄ simbolių koduotÄ (charset)"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr "Duomenų saugojimo katalogas"
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr "Laikinas katalogas"
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr "Kodavimo (hash) lygis"
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr "Kodavimas (hash) atjungtas"
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Patenkinamas"
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Vidutiniškas"
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Standartinis kairio rÄmelio dydis"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr "Vartotojų vardai mažosiomis raidÄmis"
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr "Leisti naudoti prioritetus"
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr "PaslÄpti SquirrelMail atributus"
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr "Ä®jungti pristatymo patvirtinimų naudojimÄ
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr "Leisti keisti ID"
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr "Leisti keisti vardÄ
-msgid "Use server-side sorting"
-msgstr "Naudoti rÅ«Å¡iavimÄ
serverio pusÄje"
-msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
-msgstr "Naudoti sekų rÅ«Å¡iavimÄ
serverio pusÄje"
-msgid "Allow server charset search"
-msgstr "Leisti paieÅ¡kÄ
pagal koduotÄ serveryje"
-msgid "UID support"
-msgstr "UID palaikymas"
-msgid "PHP session name"
-msgstr "PHP sesijos vardas"
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Standartinis pranešimas"
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Duomenų bazÄ"
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "Adresų knygos DSN"
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Adresų knygos lentelÄ"
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "Nustatymų DSN"
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Nustatymų lentelÄ"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr "Nustatymų vartotojo vardo laukas"
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr "Nustatymų rakto laukas"
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr "Nustatymų reikÅ¡mÄs laukas"
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Temos"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr "Stiliaus lentelÄs adresas (CSS)"
-msgid "Default theme"
-msgstr "StandartinÄ tema"
-msgid "Use index number of theme"
-msgstr "Naudoti temÄ
nurodytu numeriu"
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Konfiguracijos valdymas"
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Temos vardas"
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Kelias iki temos"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Priedai"
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "Pakeisti nustatymus"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr "Nepavyko atidaryti konfiguracinio failo. Patikrinkite config.php"
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administravimas"
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr "Å is priedas leidžia keisti SquirrelMail konfiguracijÄ
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr "Klaidų pranešimai:"
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr "Rodyti mygtukÄ
įrankių juostoje"
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "Å IANDIEN"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "Pirmyn"
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "Y F j, l"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr "PRIDÄTI"
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr "TAISYTI"
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr "TRINTI"
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr "Pradžia:"
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "TrukmÄ:"
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Prioritetas:"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "AntraÅ¡tÄ:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Įvesti įvykį"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr "Įvykis buvo įtrauktas!"
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Data:"
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Laikas:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr "Dienos peržiūra"
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti šį įvykį?"
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Įvykis ištrintas!"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr "NÄra ko trinti!"
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Atnaujinti įraÅ¡Ä
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr "Ar tikrai jūs norite pakeisti įvykį iš"
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "į:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr "Įrašas atnaujintas!"
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr "MÄnesio peržiÅ«ra"
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr "0 min."
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr "15 min."
-msgid "30 min."
-msgstr "30 min."
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr "45 min."
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr "1 val."
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr "1,5 val."
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr "2 val."
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr "2,5 val."
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr "3 val."
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr "3,5 val."
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr "4 val."
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr "5 val."
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr "6 val."
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Kalendorius"
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Trinti ir grįžti"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Trinti ir eiti toliau"
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Perkelti:"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Trynimo/PerkÄlimo/JudÄjimo mygtukai:"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "Rodyti viršuje"
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "rodyti ir permetimo opcijÄ
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "Rodyti apachioje"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERCINIS - Å iame sÄ
raše saugomi serveriai yra patikrinti spameriai. Tai "
-"yra gana patikimas sÄ
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERCINIS - Tai yra sÄ
rašas serverių, kurie yra sukonfiguruoti taip, kad "
-"leidžia pro juos siųsti spamÄ
. Dar vienas patikimas sÄ
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERCINIS - Šiame saraše surašyti dinaminių adresų tinklai, iš kurių "
-"užfiksuoti spaminimo atvejai."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "KOMERCINIS - RBL+ Blackhole įrašai."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "KOMERCINIS - RBL+ OpenRelay įrašai."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "KOMERCINIS - RBL+ Dial-up įrašai."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusoft saugo patikrintus atvirų pašto "
-"serverių sarašus. Panašu, kad įtraukia ir pateikiamus "
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusoft dinaminių adresų, iš kurių "
-"siunÄiami spam tipo laiÅ¡kai, sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Adresai, kurie nuolat "
-"siuntinÄja spamÄ
ir kurie buvo įtraukti dÄl pasikartojanÄių skundų. Reiktų "
-"naudoti atsargiai. Atrodo, kad pagauna ir dalies IPT antispaminius atsakymus."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - Serveriai, kurie nÄra atviri, taÄiau "
-"priimantys paÅ¡tÄ
iš kitų neapsaugotų serverių."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - Manoma, kad Å¡ie IP priklauso "
-"kompanijoms, kurios gamina programas, naudojamas spamui. Atrodo, kad pagauna "
-"ir dalies IPT automatinius antispamo atsakymus."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - Grupinių žinuÄių (mailing "
-"lists) serverių, kurie įtraukia adresus negavÄ iÅ¡ adresato patvirtinimo, "
rašai. "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft pažeidžiami formmail.cgi skriptai - Nesaugių frommail."
-"cgi skriptų sÄ
rašai. (Planuojamas)"
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Osirusoft atviri proxy serveriai - Atvirų proxy serverių sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - ORDB pasirodÄ pasitraukus ORBS filtrams. Atrodo, kad yra Å¡iek "
-"tiek tikslesnis už ORBS."
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - - Tiesioginių spamerių sÄ
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - - Dial-up sÄ
rašai - saugo dalį DSL tinklų adresų."
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - - Grupiniai žinuÄių siuntinÄjimo serveriai, "
-"nereikalaujantys patvirtinimo iš adresato."
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - - Kiti spamerių sÄ
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - - Single Stage serverių sÄ
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - - SpamÄ
palaikinÄių serverių sÄ
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - - WWW formų sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Dorklayers saugo tik rimtus atvirus serverius, esanÄius už JAV "
-"ribų (kad nepaduotų į teismÄ
). Ä®domiausia, kad jų paÄių puslapiai "
-"rekomenduoja nesinaudoti jų paslaugomis."
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - SPAMhaus - Gerai žinomų spamerių sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS, šiuo metu - SPAMCOP - Įdomus sprendimas, kuris saugo serverius, "
-"kuriuose spamas sudaro didesnÄ dalį nuo bendro žinuÄių srauto (85% ir "
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - - NÄra informacijos apie šį sÄ
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - - Atvirų serverių sÄ
rašas. Gana konservatyvus"
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - atviri serveriai - Dar vienas atvirų serverių (Open "
-"Relay) sÄ
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - SPAM'o Å¡altiniai - Tiesioginių spamerių sÄ
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS - SPAM IPT - IPT, kurie palaiko spamÄ
, sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Leadmon DUL - Dar vienas Dial-up ar kitų dinamiškai skirstomų "
-"adresų sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Leadmon SPAM'o šaltiniai - Adresų, iš kurių buvo pasiųstas "
-"spamas į, sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Leadmon Bult Mailers - SiuntÄjai, kurie nereikalauja sutikimo "
-"patvirtinimo arba kurie praleido žinomus spamerius"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Leadmon Open Relays - Vienetiniai atviri serveriai nepaminÄti "
-"kituose tokių serverių sÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Leadmon Multi-stage - Susieti atviri serveriai, kurie nepaminÄti "
-"kituose sÄ
raÅ¡uose ir kurie siuntÄ spamÄ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Leadmon SpamBlock - Å iame sÄ
raÅ¡e esantys serveriai siuntÄ spamÄ
-"į iš adresų, kurie neturi DNS įrašų"
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS, kol kas - Not Just Another Blacklist - atvirų serverių ir "
-"tiesioginių spamerių sÄ
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr "NEMOKAMAS, kol kas - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up adresai"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Distributed Sender Boycott List - patvirtinti atviri serveriai"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Distributed Sender Boycott List - patvirtinti aukštesnio lygio "
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-"NEMOKAMAS - Distributed Sender Boycott List - nepatvirtinti atviri serveriai"
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr "Išsaugotas paieškos tipas"
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių filtravimas"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "KÄ
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Visas žinutes"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Tik neperskaitytas žinutes"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti"
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Laukas:"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "AntraÅ¡tÄ"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Turi:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Jei %s turi %s, tada perkelti laiÅ¡kÄ
į %s "
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių filtrai"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtravimas leidžia iÅ¡skirstyti į skirtingus aplankus žinutes atitinkanÄias "
-"nustatytus kriterijus ir taip valdyti savo ateinantį paÅ¡tÄ
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "Spamo filtrai"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"Spamo filtrai leidžia jums pasinaudoti įvairiais DNS pagrindu sudarytais "
raÅ¡ais, kad atsikratyti Å¡iukÅ¡lių, kurios pasiekia jÅ«sų paÅ¡to dÄžÄ."
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Spamo filtravimas"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-"DÄMESIO! PapraÅ¡ykite jÅ«sų paÅ¡to administratorių nustatyti "
-"SpamFilters_YourHop kintamÄ
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Perkelti spamÄ
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Spamo siuntimas tiesiai į Å¡iukÅ¡lių dÄÅ¾Ä gali bÅ«ti ne pati geriausia mintis, "
-"kadangi jÅ«s netyÄia galite ten nusiųsti žinutes nuo draugų ar žinuÄių "
-"serverių. Kad ir kokį nustatytumÄte aplankÄ
, įsitikinkite, kad jis būtų "
-"periodiÅ¡kai valomas ir neiÅ¡sipÅ«stų bendra jÅ«sų paÅ¡to dÄžÄs užimama vieta."
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Kuo daugiau žinuÄių skanuojate, tuo ilgiau tai užtrunka. Rekomenduotina "
-"skanuoti tik naujas žinutes. Jei padarÄte kokius nors pakitimus filtruose - "
-"laikinai nustatykite visų žinuÄių skanavimÄ
, apsilankykite INBOX aplanke ir "
-"vÄl grÄ
žinkite tik naujų žinuÄių skanavimÄ
. Taip jūsų nauji spamo filtrai "
-"bus pritaikyti seniesiems laiškams."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Spamas siunÄiamas į %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[dar nenustatyta]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Spamo tikrinimas ribojamas iki %s žinuÄių"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Tik naujas žinutes"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Visas žinutes"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "Įjungta"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "IÅ¡jungta"
-msgid " not found."
-msgstr " nerasta."
-msgid "Today's Fortune"
-msgstr "EilinÄ citata"
-msgid "Fortunes:"
-msgstr "Citatos:"
-msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
-msgstr "Rodyti citatas virÅ¡ žinuÄių sÄ
-msgid "IMAP server information"
-msgstr "IMAP serverio informacija"
-msgid ""
-"Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. "
-"These tests use the Squirrelmail IMAP commands and your current Squirrelmail "
-"configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Galima paleisti bandomÄ
sias IMAP komandas ir patikrinti serverio reakcijas. "
-"Paprastai testai naudoja IMAP komandas atitinkanÄias dabartinÄ SquirrelMail "
. Galima naudoti ir kitas komandas."
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "SusiraÅ¡inÄjimo sÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Å i komanda nusiųs žinutÄ Ä¯ %s, praÅ¡ydama pagalbos. Atsakymai turÄtų grįžti į "
-"žemiau esantį adresÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Å i komanda nusiųs žinutÄ Ä¯ %s, praÅ¡ydama jus įtraukti į šį susiraÅ¡inÄjimo "
. Bandoma bus įtraukti žemiau esantį adresÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-"Å i komanda nusiųs žinutÄ Ä¯ %s, praÅ¡ydama jus paÅ¡alinti iÅ¡ Å¡io susiraÅ¡inÄjimo "
raÅ¡o. Bandoma bus nuraÅ¡yti žemiau esantį adresÄ
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "IÅ¡siųsti žinutÄ"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "IÅ¡siųsti žinutÄ sÄ
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Atsakyti į sÄ
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "SusiraÅ¡inÄjimo archyvai"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "Susisiekti su sÄ
raÅ¡o prižiÅ«rÄtoju"
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "SusiraÅ¡inÄjimo sÄ
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "POP3 susijungimo komanda:"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Serveris nenurodytas"
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Klaida "
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "POP3 vartotojas:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "nepateiktas joks prisijungimo ID"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "nÄra susijungimo"
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "POP3 slaptažodis:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Nebuvo pateiktas slaptažodis"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "autorizacija nepavyko "
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "POP3 apop:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Prisijungti prie serverio nepavyko"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Nebuvo pateiktas vartotojo vardas"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "Serveris neprisistatÄ"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "nutraukti"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "apop autorizacija nepavyko"
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "POP3 prisijungimas:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 top:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "Netvarkinga sÄ
rašo pabaiga"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 žinuÄių gavimo komanda:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 paskutinÄs žinutÄs komanda:"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "TuÅ¡Äia komandos eilutÄ"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 quit:"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "susijungimas neegzistuoja"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "POP3 trynimo komanda:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Nebuvo pateiktas žinuÄių skaiÄius"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Komanda nepavyko"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Pasirinkti serverį:"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Slaptažodis skirtas"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Atsiųsti paÅ¡tÄ
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "NutolÄs POP serveris. Gauname žinutes"
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "AtsiunÄiame iÅ¡ "
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "Vai, vai, vai, "
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Atidaromas IMAP serveris"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Atidaromas POP serveris"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Prisijungti nepavyko:"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Prisijungti pavyko: NÄra naujų žinuÄių"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Prisijungti pavyko. DÄÅ¾Ä tuÅ¡Äia"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Prisijungti pavyko: DÄžÄje yra ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] žinuÄių"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "SiunÄiame UIDL..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Serveris nepalaiko UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "ŽinutÄs paliekamos serveryje..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Trinamos žinutÄs serveryje..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "AtsiunÄiame žinutÄ "
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr "Serverio klaida...Atsijungiam"
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr "Prisijungiam iš naujo po ryšio sutrikimo"
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugomas UIDL"
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "PersiunÄiame žinutÄ "
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Ä®vyko klaida bandant prijungti žinutÄ!"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Uždaromas POP susijungimas"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Atsijungiam nuo IMAP serverio"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "ŽinutÄ padÄta į esamÄ
paÅ¡to dÄžÄ"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "ŽinutÄ "
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " ištrinta nutolusiame serveryje!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Nepavyko ištrinti:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Nutolusio POP serverio nustatymai"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"JÅ«s turite suprasti, kad kodavimas, kuriuo saugomas jÅ«sų slaptažodis nÄra "
-"visiÅ¡kai saugus. TaÄiau jei jÅ«s naudojate paprastÄ
POP tipo paÅ¡tÄ
, jame "
-"taipogi nÄra jokio kodavimo ir jÅ«sų neužkoduotas slaptažodis jau daug kartų "
-"lankÄsi :) tinkle. Be to Äia naudojamas kodavimas gali bÅ«ti atkoduotas "
-"kiekvieno įsilaužÄlio, kuris mokÄs skaityti slaptažodį užkodavusios "
-"programos tekstus."
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Jei nenurodysite slaptažodžio, jo jūsų paklaus, kai bandysite atsisiųsti "
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Užkoduoti slaptažodžius (tik informacijai)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "PridÄti serverį"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Serveris:"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Jungtis:"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Trumpas vardas:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Vartotojo vardas:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti aplanke:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "Palikti žinutes serveryje"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Patikrinti paÅ¡tÄ
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "Patikrinti paÅ¡tÄ
perkraunant puslapius"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Keisti serverį"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Serverio vardas:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Keisti"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Nesukurta jokių serverių apraÅ¡ymų. Pabandykite pridÄti nors vienÄ
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "SiunÄiame iÅ¡ serverių"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Patvirtinkite, kad norite iÅ¡trinti pasirinktÄ
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Pasirinktas serveris:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Ar tikrai norite iÅ¡trinti pasirinktÄ
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Patvirtinkite, kad tikrai norite ištrinti"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Neaprašyta funkcija"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Ei! Ko jūs ieškote?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Atsiųsti iš kitur"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "PerspÄjimas, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių persiuntimo rezultatai:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "ŽinuÄių paÄmimas iÅ¡ kito serverio"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-"Äia apraÅ¡omi paÅ¡to paÄmimo iÅ¡ kito pop3 serverio ir jo patalpinimo į jÅ«sų "
paÅ¡to dÄÅ¾Ä parametrai."
-msgid "Message Details"
-msgstr "ŽinutÄs detalÄs"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Uždaryti langÄ
-msgid "Save Message"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti žinutÄ"
-msgid "View Message details"
-msgstr "PeržiÅ«rÄti žinutÄs detales"
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "PerspÄjimai apie naujas žinutes"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Pasirinkite Groti garsus norÄdami, kad narÅ¡yklÄ praneÅ¡tų apie "
-"pasirodžiusias naujas žinutes išleisdama kokius nors garsus. Jums teks "
-"nurodyti, kÄ
bÅ«tent turÄs groti narÅ¡yklÄ."
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"Tikrinti visus aplankus, ne tik INBOX nustatymas leidžia tikrinti, ar "
-"naujos žinutÄs pasirodo ne tik INBOX aplanke, net ir kituose aplankuose."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"Pasirinkdami IÅ¡kviesti naujÄ
, įjungsite naujo "
-"narÅ¡yklÄs lango iÅ¡Å¡okimÄ
pasirodžius naujoms žinutÄms (reikalauja JavaScript "
-"palaikymo narÅ¡yklÄje)."
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Pasirinkdami Įvertinti tik paskutines žinutes nustatote, kad naujų "
-"žinuÄių informacimo posistemÄ turi tikrinti tik tas žinutes, kurios nebuvo "
-"peržiÅ«rÄtos arba nebuvo patikrintos anksÄiau. Tai leidžia iÅ¡vengti pastoviai "
-"lendanÄių langų ar garsų apie tas paÄias žinutes."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"Pasirinkdami Pakeisti antraÅ¡tÄ nustatote, kad naujų žinuÄių posistemÄ "
-"turi pakeisti narÅ¡yklÄs antraÅ¡tÄ pasirodžius naujoms žinutÄms (reikia "
-"JavaScript, garantuotai veikia tik IE, kitos narÅ¡yklÄs gali neveikti arba "
-"visai nereaguoti). Galioja nepriklausomai nuo Įvertinti tik paskutines "
-"žinutes nustatymo."
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. If no file is specified, \"(none)\", no sound will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Garsus galima pasirinkti iš serverio failų arba lokalių failų "
-"esanÄių jÅ«sų kompiuteryje. Nenurodžius nieko, garsas nebus naudojamas."
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "Groti garsus"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Tikrinti visus aplankus, ne tik INBOX"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Įvertinti tik paskutines žinutes"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Pakeisti antraÅ¡tÄ, jei narÅ¡yklÄ tai palaiko."
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "reikalauja JavaScript"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "IÅ¡kviesti naujÄ
pasirodžius naujoms žinutÄms"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Pasirinkti failÄ
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr "(joks)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Patikrinti"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Dabar nustatytas failas:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Naujas paštas"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail informacija:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "JÅ«s gavote naujų paÅ¡to žinuÄių!"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Naujų žinuÄių nustatymai"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"Äia jÅ«s nustatote, kaip jus reikia informuoti (iÅ¡leisti kokį nors garsÄ
ar "
-"atidaryti iÅ¡Å¡okantį langÄ
) apie atÄjusius naujus laiÅ¡kus."
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Nauji informavimo apie atÄjusius laiÅ¡kus nustatymai iÅ¡saugoti"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s naujų žinuÄių"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s nauja žinutÄ"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Patikrinti garsÄ
-msgid "No sound specified"
-msgstr "Garsas nenurodytas"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "Kraunasi audio..."
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Išsiųstų laiškų aplankų nustatymai"
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Naudoti išsiųstų laiškų aplankus"
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "MÄnesiniai"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr "Ketvirtiniai"
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr "Metiniai"
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Pagrindinis išsiųstų laiškų aplankas"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr "PraneÅ¡ti apie spamÄ
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr "SpamCop - spamo registras"
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-"PadÄkite kovoti prieÅ¡ nepriimtinus masinius laiÅ¡kus. SpamCop priedas "
-"įvertina nepriimtino laiško antraštes ir nustato adresus, kuriems reiktų "
-"skųstis. Tai yra gana greitas, protingas ir lengvai naudojamas įrankis."
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimo nustatymai"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"Äia jÅ«s galite nustatyti, kaip saugomas jÅ«sų asmeninis žodynas, taisyti jį "
-"arba pasirinkti kalbas, kurias naudosite vykdydami raÅ¡ybos tikrinimÄ
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Patikrinti raÅ¡ybÄ
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Atgal į "Rašybos tikrinimo nustatymų" puslapį"
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "DÄMESIO:"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-"SquirrelSpell nesugebÄjo atkoduoti jÅ«sų asmeninio žodyno. GreiÄiausiai tai "
-"atsitiko todÄl, kad jÅ«s pakeitÄte savo paÅ¡to slaptažodį. Norint tÄsti jums "
-"teks pasakyti senajį slaptažodį, kad SquirrelSpell galÄtų atkoduoti jÅ«sų "
. Po to jis bus perkoduotas naudojant jÅ«sų naujÄ
jį slaptažodį.
Jei "
-"jūs nekodavote savo žodyno, vadinas jis buvo negrįžtamai apgadintas ir jį "
-"teks iÅ¡trinti. Taip pat žodynÄ
teks ištrinti, jei jūs pamiršote senajį "
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinti mano žodynÄ
ir pradÄti naujÄ
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "Atkoduoti žodynÄ
naudojant senajį slaptažodį:"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "TÄsti"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr "JÅ«s turite pasirinkti"
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-"JÅ«s galite arba iÅ¡trinti savo žodynÄ
, arba įvesti senÄ
jį slaptažodį. Ne abu "
-"dalykus vienu metu."
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Asmeninis žodynas bus iÅ¡trintas. TÄsti?"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "Ä®vyko klaida atkoduojant žodynÄ
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "Gražu."
-#, c-format
-msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-msgstr "Bandant vykdyti '%s', buvo išvesta"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-msgstr "SquirrelSpell klaidingai sukonfiguruotas"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimo rezultatai"
-msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimas baigtas. Pritaikyti pakeitimus?"
-msgid "No changes were made."
-msgstr "Niekas nepakeista."
-msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-msgstr "Asmeninis žodynas saugomas... Laukite."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s errors"
-msgstr "Rasta %s klaidų(os/a)"
-msgid "Line with an error:"
-msgstr "EilutÄ su klaida:"
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "Klaida:"
-msgid "Suggestions:"
-msgstr "Pasiūlymai:"
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Pasiūlymai"
-msgid "Change to:"
-msgstr "Keisti į:"
-msgid "Occurs times:"
-msgstr "Rasta atvejų:"
-msgid "Change this word"
-msgstr "Pakeisti šį žodį"
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr "Pakeisti"
-msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-msgstr "Pakeisti visus šio žodio atvejus"
-msgid "Change All"
-msgstr "Pakeisti visus"
-msgid "Ignore this word"
-msgstr "Ignoruoti šį žodį"
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ignoruoti"
-msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-msgstr "Ignoruoti visus šio žodžio atvejus"
-msgid "Ignore All"
-msgstr "Ignoruoti visus"
-msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Ä®traukti žodį į asmeninį žodynÄ
-msgid "Add to Dic"
-msgstr "Ä®traukti į žodynÄ
-msgid "Close and Commit"
-msgstr "Uždaryti ir išsaugoti"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"Rašybos tikrinimas nebaigtas. Ar tikrai uždaryti ir išsaugoti pakeitimus?"
-msgid "Close and Cancel"
-msgstr "Uždaryti ir atšaukti"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"Rašybos tikrinimas nebaigtas. Ar tikrai uždaryti ir atšaukti visus "
-msgid "No errors found"
-msgstr "Nerasta jokių klaidų"
-msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-msgstr "Jūsų asmeninis žodynas ištrintas"
-msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-msgstr "Žodynas ištrintas"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-"\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-msgstr ""
-"JÅ«sų asmeninis žodynas buvo iÅ¡trintas. Uždarykite šį langÄ
ir paspauskite "
-"\"Patikrinti raÅ¡ybÄ
\" mygtukÄ
dar kartÄ
, kad iÅ¡ naujo patikrinti raÅ¡ybÄ
-msgid "Close this Window"
-msgstr "Uždaryti langÄ
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-msgstr ""
-"JÅ«sų žodynas buvo sÄkmingai iÅ¡ naujo užkoduotas. Dabar galite grįžti į ""
-"RaÅ¡ybos tikrinimo nustatymų" meniu ir tÄsti darbÄ
-msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-msgstr "SÄkmingai perkoduota"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-"window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-msgstr ""
-"JÅ«sų asmeninis žodynas buvo sÄkmingai perkoduotas. Uždarykite šį langÄ
ir "
-"paspauskite \"Patikrinti raÅ¡ybÄ
\" mygtukÄ
dar kartÄ
, kad iš naujo patikrinti "
-msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-msgstr "Žodynas perkoduotas"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-"stored in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Jūsų asmeninis žodynas buvo užkoduotas ir dabar yra "
-"saugomas užkoduotu formatu."
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-"stored as clear text."
-msgstr ""
-"Jūsų asmeninis žodynas buvo atkoduotas ir dabar yra "
-"saugomas paprasto teksto formatu."
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-msgstr "Asmeninio žodyno kodavimo nustatymai"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Asmeninis žodynas"
-msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-msgstr "Asmeninis žodynas tuÅ¡Äias."
-msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-msgstr "PažymÄkite žodžius, kuriuos norite iÅ¡trinti iÅ¡ žodyno."
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s dictionary"
-msgstr "%s žodynas"
-msgid "Delete checked words"
-msgstr "IÅ¡trinti pasirinktÄ
(us) žodžius"
-msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Taisyti asmeninį žodynÄ
-msgid "Please make your selection first."
-msgstr "Turite pirmiau pasirinkti."
-msgid ""
-"This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Asmeninis žodynas bus užkoduotas (jo turinys be slaptažodio neperskaitomas). "
-msgid ""
-"This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Asmeninis žodynas bus atkoduotas (saugomas paprasto teksto formate). TÄsti?"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-"helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and "
-"your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the "
-"password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see "
-"what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-"strong> If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become "
-"unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your "
-"mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your "
-"old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key.
-msgstr ""
-"Jūsų asmeninis žodynas yra užkoduotas. Tai leidžia "
-"apsaugoti jÅ«sų asmeninÄ informacijÄ
, jei www pašto sistemos saugumas "
-"pažeidžiamas. Šiuo metu žodynas yra užkoduojamas jūsų pašto slaptažodžiu."
DÄMESIO: PamirÅ¡us slaptažodį, jums nepavyks "
-"pasinaudoti žodynu, kadangi nebeišeis jo atkoduoti. Pakeitus pašto "
-"slaptažodį raÅ¡ybos tikrinimo posistemÄ pastebÄs neatitikimÄ
ir pasiūlys "
-"pateikti senÄ
jį slaptažodį ir perkoduoti žodynÄ
nauju slaptažodžiu."
-msgid ""
-"Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-msgstr "PraÅ¡au atkoduoti mano žodynÄ
ir saugoti jį paprasto teksto formate."
-msgid "Change crypto settings"
-msgstr "Pakeisti kodavimo nustatymus"
-msgid ""
Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You "
-"may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case "
-"the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets "
-"stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to "
-"decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
-"p> ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal "
-"dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your "
-"mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator "
-"changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and "
-"will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator "
-"change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, "
-"you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the "
-"new value.
-msgstr ""
-"Jūsų asmeninis žodynas šiuo metu yra neužkoduotas. Jūs "
-"galite užkoduoti žodynÄ
, siekdami apsaugoti savo asmeninÄ informacijÄ
www "
-"paÅ¡to sistemos saugumo pažeidimo atveju. Užkoduoto žodyno informacijÄ
galima "
-"perskaityti tik žinant jÄ
užkoduojant naudota raktÄ
(jūsų pašto slaptažodį)."
DÄMESIO: Užkodavus žodynÄ
jūs turite atsiminti savo "
-"paÅ¡to slaptažodį. PamirÅ¡Ä savo slaptažodį, jÅ«s dar galÄsite pasiekti paÅ¡tÄ
-"administratoriui pakeitus slaptažodį, taÄiau žodyno informacijos atgaminti "
-"nebepavyks. Pakeitus slaptažodį raÅ¡ybos tikrinimo posistemÄ tai pastebÄs ir "
-"papraÅ¡ys pateikti senÄ
jį slaptažodį, kad perkoduoti jÅ«sų žodynÄ
-msgid ""
-"Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-msgstr "PraÅ¡au užkoduoti mano asmeninį žodynÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-msgstr "Triname nurodytus įrašus iš %s žodyno:"
-msgid "All done!"
-msgstr "Baigta!"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-msgstr "Asmeninis žodynas atnaujintas"
-msgid "No changes requested."
-msgstr "Niekas nepakeista."
-msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-msgstr "Palaukite, bandome susisiekti su serveriu..."
-msgid ""
-"Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-msgstr "Pasirinkite žodynÄ
, kurį naudosite žinutÄs tikrinimui:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-msgstr "Pasileidžia rašybos tikrinimas"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-"default dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-"Nustatymai pakeisti į: %s su %s "
-"pagrindiniu žodynu."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-msgstr "Naudojame %s žodynÄ
(standartinį) rašybos tikrinimui."
-msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-msgstr "Tarptautiniai žodynų nustatymai atnaujinti"
-msgid ""
-"Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like "
-"to use when spellchecking:"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite kurios žodynus jÅ«s norite naudoti tikrinant raÅ¡ybÄ
-msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-msgstr "Padaryti šį žodynÄ
-msgid "Make these changes"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti pakeitimus"
-msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-msgstr "PridÄti tarptautinius žodynus"
-msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-msgstr "Pasirinkite opcijas, kurias norite įjungti:"
-msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Taisyti asmeninį žodynÄ
-msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-msgstr "Nustatyti tarptautinius žodynus"
-msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Užkoduoti/atkoduoti asmeninį žodynÄ
-msgid "not available"
-msgstr "neprieinamas"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimo nustatymų meniu"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "VertÄjas"
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "IÅ¡saugoti vertimo nustatymai"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Jūsų serverio nustatymai yra:"
-msgid "Maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "VerÄiama iki 1000 simbolių, naudojamas Systran vertÄjas"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported language pairs: %s"
-msgstr "Palaikomų kalbų porų skaiÄius: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Jokių žinomų apribojimų, naudojamas Systran vertÄjas"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Translation Experts's InterTran"
-msgstr ""
-"Jokių žinomų apribojimų, naudojamas Translation Expert's InterTran vertÄjas"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported languages: %s"
-msgstr "Palaikomų kalbų skaiÄius: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr ""
-"Jokių žinomų apribojimų, naudojamas GPLTrans (nemokamas, atviro kodo) "
-msgid "Hellenic translations, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr ""
-"GraikiÅ¡ki vertimai, jokių žinomų apribojimų, naudojamas Systran vertÄjas"
-msgid "Russian translations, maximum of 500 characters translated"
-msgstr "RusiÅ¡ki vertimai, verÄiama iki 500 simbolių"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr ""
-"Galite pasirinkti, ar vertimo meniu turi būti rodomas ir kur jis turi būti "
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Pasirinkti vertÄjÄ
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "Skaitant:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Rodyti vertÄjo pasirinkimo meniu"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "kairÄje"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "centre"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "deÅ¡inÄje"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "Versti nepaliekant SquirrelMail"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "Rašant:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Å iuo metu neveikia, nenaudojamas"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Vertimo nustatymai"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr "Kurį vertÄjÄ
naudoti gavus laiškus kita kalba?"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "iš %s į %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "anglų"
-msgid "Chinese"
-msgstr "kinų"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "prancūzų"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "vokieÄių"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "italų"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "japonų"
-msgid "Korean"
-msgstr "korÄjieÄių"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "portugalų"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "ispanų"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "rusų"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Versti"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "portugalų (brazilų)"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "bulgarų"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "kroatų"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Äekų"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "danų"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "olandų"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "ispanų (euro)"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "suomių"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "graikų"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "vengrų"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "islandų"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "ispanų (lotynų-amerikieÄių)"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "norvegų"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "lenkų"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "rumunų"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "serbų"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "slovÄnų"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "švedų"
-msgid "Turkish"
-msgstr "turkų"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "velsieÄių"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "indonezieÄių"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "lotynų"
-msgid "to English"
-msgstr "į anglų"
-msgid "from English"
-msgstr "iš anglų"
-msgid "Interface language"
-msgstr "Interfeiso kalba"
-msgid "Translation direction"
-msgstr "Vertimo kryptis"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr "Ataskaita apie pristatymo klaidÄ
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr "Nepristatytos žinutÄs antraÅ¡tÄs"
-msgid ""
-"Here you can install an automatic reply message. Specify the subject, reply "
-"message, and if you want, a forwarding address. This will copy all incoming "
-"mail to another address as well as keep it in your mailbox."
-msgstr ""
-"Äia jÅ«s galite nustatyti automatinius atsakymus. Galima nustatyti žinutÄs "
, tekstÄ
ir adresÄ
, kuriuo reikia persiųsti gautus laiškus. Tai "
-"leistų persiųsti žinutes kitam adresatui ir kartu išsaugoti jas savo pašto "
-msgid "Change Vacation Message"
-msgstr "Pakeisti atostogų praneÅ¡imÄ
-msgid ""
-"You are not currently sending a reply message.
You can enter one by "
-"typing the subject and reply message and checking the box."
-msgstr ""
-"Å iuo metu jÅ«s nesiunÄiate jokio praneÅ¡imo.
Jūs galite jį nustatyti "
-"užpildydami temos ir žinutÄs teksto laukus bei pažymÄdami šį laukÄ
-msgid "You are currently responding with the following:"
-msgstr "Å iuo metu jÅ«s siunÄiate žemiau nurodytÄ
-msgid ""
-"You are not currently forwarding incoming messages.
This will copy all "
-"incoming mail to another address as well as keep it in your mailbox."
-msgstr ""
-"Å iuo metu jÅ«s nepersiunÄiate laiÅ¡kų.
Persiuntimas leidžia nusiųsti "
-"gaunamus laiÅ¡kus kitam adresatui ir kartu iÅ¡saugoti juos savo paÅ¡to dÄžÄje."
-msgid "You are currently sending a copy of incoming message to:"
-msgstr "Å iuo metu jÅ«s persiunÄiate laiÅ¡ku kopijas į"
-msgid ""
-"To delete recipient and keep your vacation message, uncheck the checkbox and "
-"click "
-msgstr ""
-"NorÄdami paÅ¡alinti gavÄjÄ
ir iÅ¡saugoti atostogų praneÅ¡imÄ
, nuimkite varnikÄ "
-"ir paspauskite "
-msgid "Vacation Message"
-msgstr "Atostogų pranešimas"
-msgid "Vacation settings set by system administrator."
-msgstr "Atostogų nustatymus gali keisti tik pašto administratorius."
-msgid "Send auto-reply to sender?"
-msgstr "Ar siųsti automatinį atsakymÄ
-msgid "Forward incoming message to another email address?"
-msgstr "Ar persiųsti gautus laiškus kitam adresatui?"
-msgid "No local delivery -- Forward and/or Auto-reply only."
-msgstr "Nesaugoti laiÅ¡kų -- Naudoti tik persiuntimÄ
ir/arba autoatsakiklį."
-msgid "Vacation Subject"
-msgstr "Atostogų pranešimo tema"
-msgid "Forwarding E-Mail Addresses (One Address Per Line)"
-msgstr "Persiuntimo adresai (po vienÄ
-msgid "Could not connect to FTP server."
-msgstr "Nepavyko prisijungti prie FTP serverio."
-msgid "Failed to login to FTP server."
-msgstr "FTP serverio autorizacija nepavyko."
-msgid "Unable to switch to passive FTP mode."
-msgstr "Nepavyko persijungti į pasyvų FTP režimÄ
-msgid "An error occured uploading the file..."
-msgstr "Ä®vyko klaida bandant nusiųsti failÄ
-msgid "An error occured downloading the file."
-msgstr "Ä®vyko klaida atsisiunÄiant failÄ
-msgid "An error occured deleting the file..."
-msgstr "Ä®vyko klaida trinant failÄ
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown action %s in do_ftp."
-msgstr "Nežinomas veiksmas %s tarp do_ftp funkcijos."
diff --git a/locale/ms_MY/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/ms_MY/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c028ae..00000000
Binary files a/locale/ms_MY/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/ms_MY/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/ms_MY/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index d03c87e8..00000000
--- a/locale/ms_MY/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3514 +0,0 @@
-# Malay Language (Malaysia) Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (C) SquirrelMail Development Project , 1999-2003
-# Sapuan bin Samion , 2001-2003
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-09-02 11:50+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-02 11:50+0800\n"
-"Last-Translator: Sapuan bin Samion \n"
-"Language-Team: SquirrelMail Melayu \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Buku Alamat"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Semua"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nama"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Maklumat"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Sumber"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Kepada"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "Salinan"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "Salinan Buta"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Guna Alamat"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Carian Buku Alamat"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Cari untuk"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "dalam"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Semua buku alamat"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Cari"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Senaraikan semua"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Gagal menyenaraikan senarai alamat dari %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "Carian anda gagal dengan kesilapan berikut"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Carian individu tiada"
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Kembali"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Tutup"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Nama samaran"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "Mesti unik"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "Alamat email"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Nama akhir"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Nama pertama"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Maklumat tambahan"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "Tiada buku alamat peribadi disediakan. Hubungi pentadbir"
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Anda hanya boleh kemaskinikan satu alamat dalam satu masa"
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Kemaskini alamat"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "MASALAH"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Masalah tidak diketahui"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Tambah alamat"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Ubah yang telah ditanda"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "Padam yang telah ditanda"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Tambah kepada %s"
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "berkata"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "quote"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "siapa"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Perkara"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "Dari"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Tarikh"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Mesej Asal"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Draf email disimpan"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Tidak dapat pindah/salin fail. Fail tidak disertakan"
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Draf disimpan"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "Mesej anda telah dihantar"
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Dari:"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Kepada:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "Salinan:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "Salinan Buta:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Perkara:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Hantar"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Kepilan:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Tambah"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "Padam fail yang telah ditanda"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Keutamaan"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Tinggi"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Biasa"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Rendah"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Resit"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "Sedang dibaca"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "Dalam Penghantaran"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Tandatangan"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Alamat"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Simpan Draf"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "Anda tidak mengisi maklumat dalam ruangan \"Kepada:\""
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Folder Draf"
-msgid "Server replied: "
-msgstr "Jawapan Komputer Pelayan:"
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Nama folder tidak sah. Sila pilih nama lain"
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Klik sini untuk kembali"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "Anda tidak memilih sebarang folder untuk dipadam. Sila berbuat demikian"
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "Padam Folder"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "Adakah anda pasti nak memadam %s?"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ya"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Tidak"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Folder"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Berjaya melanggan"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Berjaya batalkan langganan"
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Berjaya memadam folder"
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Berjaya membuat folder baru"
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Berjaya menukar nama"
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "Langganan gagal - Folder tidak ujud"
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "kemaskini senarai folder"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Buat folder"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "sebagai sub-folder kepada"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Tiada"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Biarkan folder ini mengandungi sabfolder"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Cipta"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Tukar nama folder"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Pilih folder"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Tukar nama"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Tiada folder dijumpai"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Padam"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Batal langganan"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Langgan"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Tiada folder dijumpai untuk pembatalan!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Tiada folder dijumpai untuk langganan!"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Langgan kepada:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "Anda tidak memilih folder untuk ditukar nama. Sila berbuat demikian."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Tukar nama folder"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Nama baru:"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Hantar"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "MASALAH: Fail bantuan tidak dalam format yang betul!"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Bantuan"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "Bantuan tidak diterjemah kepada %s. Ia akan dipaparkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris"
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Sebahagian atau semua dokumen bantuan tidak wujud!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Senarai Isi Kandungan"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Sebelum"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Seterusnya"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Atas"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Lihat imej yang dikepilkan"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Lihat mesej"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Muat turun sebagai fail"
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "INBOX"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "padam"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Terakhir Perbaharui"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr "Simpan jalinan folder"
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Log Masuk"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "%s Logo"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versi %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "Oleh Tim Pembangunan SquirrelMail"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "%s Log Masuk"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Email:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Kata Laluan:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Tiada mesej yang ditanda."
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi"
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Penonjolan Mesej"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Baru"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Selesai"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Kepada atau Salinan"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "perkara"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Ubah"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Atas"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Bawah"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Tiada highligting dipilih"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Mengenalpasti nama"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Warna"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Biru Gelap"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Hijau Gelap"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Kuning Gelap"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Cyan Gelap"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Magenta Gelap"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Biru Terang"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Hijau Terang"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Kuning Terang"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Cyan Terang"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Magenta Terang"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Kelabu Gelap"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Kelabu Sederhana"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Kelabu Terang"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Putih"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Lain-lain:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Contoh: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Serasi"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Identiti pilihan %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Identiti Lanjutan"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Identiti asal"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Tambah Identiti Baru"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Nama Penuh"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "Alamat Email"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Jawab Kepada"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Simpan / Kemaskini"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Sebagai asal"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Gerak ke atas"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Susunan Index"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "Kotak tandaan"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Bendera"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Saiz"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"Susunan index ialah bagaimana kolum disusun dalam index mesej. Anda boleh "
-"menambah, membuang dan memindahkan kolum mengikut citarasa anda."
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "atas"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "bawah"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "buang"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Kembali kepada mukasurat konfigurasi"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Maklumat Peribadi"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Gaya Paparan"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Gaya Folder"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Berjaya Disimpan"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Perbaharui Senarai Folder"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Perbaharui Muka Surat"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini mengandungi maklumat peribadi tentang diri anda seperti nama, alamat "
-"email dan lain-lain."
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Anda boleh mengubah wajah SquirrelMail dengan memaparkan maklumat kepada "
-"anda seperti warna, bahasa dan konfigurasi lain."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"Berdasarkan kriteria yang diberikan, mesej yang masuk boleh diberi latar "
-"belakang warna yang berbeza dalam senarai mesej. Ini dengan mudahnya "
-"membantu dari mana datangnya mesej, terutamanya untuk senarai email."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr ""
-"Setting ini mengubah bagaimana folder anda dipaparkan dan dimanipulasi."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"Susunan index mesej boleh diatur dan diubah supaya mengandungi kepala mesej "
-"mengikut susunan yang anda kehendaki."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "Mesej tidak boleh dicetak"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Paparan Cetakan"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "Salinan"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Cetak"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Lihat Paparan Untuk Cetakan"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Baca:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "Mesej anda"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Hantar:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Telah dipaparkan atas %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "ringkas"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "lagi"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Penghantar tidak diketahui"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Mailer"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Baca resit"
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "hantar"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "dikehendaki"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"Penghantar mesej ini meminta maklum balas untuk menunjukkan bahawa anda "
-"telah membaca mesej ini. Mahukah anda menghantar balasan?"
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "Hantar balasan sekarang"
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Keputusan carian"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Senarai Mesej"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Sambung Draf"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Ubah Mesej sebagai Baru"
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Lihat Mesej"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Majukan"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Majukan sebagai Kepilan"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Balas"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Balas Semua"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Lihat Kepala Mesej"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Kepilan"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr "Anda mesti log masuk dulu untuk memasuki muka ini."
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Folder:"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "ubah"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "cari"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "padam"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "Carian Terbaru"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "simpan"
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "lupakan"
-msgid "Current Search"
-msgstr "Carian Sekarang"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Tambah Folder"
-msgid "Body"
-msgstr "Badan"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Disemua tempat"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Keputusan Carian"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Mesej Tidak Dijumpai"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Log Keluar"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Anda berjaya log keluar"
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Klik sini untuk log masuk semula."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Lihat Kad Niaga"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Tajuk"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Laman Web"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organisasi / Bahagian"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Alamat"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Tel Pejabat"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Tel Rumah"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon Selular"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Faks"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Nota"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Tambah ke Buku Alamat"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Gelaran & Org. / Bhg."
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Lihat Kepala Penuh"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Lihat kepilan teks"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Buku alamat peribadi"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Kesilapan Pengkalan Data: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Buku Alamat dalam 'baca sahaja'"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Pengguna '%s' telah sedia wujud"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Pengguna '%s' tidak wujud"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Buku alamat umum"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Tiada fail atau direktori"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Gagal buka"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Tidak boleh mengubah buku alamat umum"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Bukan nama fail"
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "Gagal menulis"
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Tak dapat kemas kini"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Tidak dapat mengunci fail data"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Gagal menyimpan ke buku alamat"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Kesilapan mengenalpasti pengkalan data buku alamat"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Kesilapan membuka fail %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Kesilapan mengenalpasti buku pelawat umum"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Kesilapan mengenalpasti served LDAP %s:"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Kemasukan data tidak sah"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Nama tidak dijumpai"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "Alamat email tidak dijumpai"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "Nama gelaran mengandungi huruf tidak sah"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "lihat"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Kad Niaga"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Ahad"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Isnin"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Selasa"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Rabu"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Khamis"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Jumaat"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Sabtu"
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "Aha"
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Isn"
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Sel"
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "Rab"
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Kha"
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Jum"
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "Sab"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Januari"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Febuari"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Mac"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "April"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Mei"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Jun"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Julai"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "Ogos"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "September"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Oktober"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "November"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Disember"
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Jan"
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Feb"
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "Mac"
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "Apr"
-msgid "May;"
-msgstr "Mei"
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "Jun"
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "Jul"
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Ogo"
-msgid "Sep"
-msgstr "Sep"
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Okt"
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "Nov"
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Dis"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, g:i a"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "M j, Y"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Kesilapan pengkalan data (%s). Keluar secara tidak normal"
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Pengguna tidak dikenali atau kata laluan salah"
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "Klik disini untuk mencuba semula"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Klik sini untuk kembali ke %s"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Pergi ke muka surat Log Masuk"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Fail yang dikehendaki, %s, tidak wujud. Log keluar dan log masuk semula "
-"untuk membuat fail asal."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Fail yang dikehendaki, %s, gagal dibuka. Hubungi pentadbir sistem anda "
-"untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Fail konfigurasi, %s, tidak boleh disimpan. Hubungi pentadbir sistem anda "
-"untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Fail konfigurasi, %s, gagal disalin dari fail sementara, %s. Hubungi "
-"pentadbir sistem anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Kesilapan membuka %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Fail konfigurasi asal tidak dijumpai atau tidak boleh dibaca!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Sila hubungi pentadbir sistem anda dan laporkan kesilapan ini."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Gagal mencipta fail konfigurasi permulaan!"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s seharusnya boleh ditulis oleh pengguna %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Fail tandatangan, %s, gagal dibuka. Hubungi pentadbir sistem anda untuk "
-"menyelesaikan masalah ini."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Fail tandatangan, %s, tidak boleh ditulis. Sila hubungi pentadbir sistem "
-"anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Fail tandatangan, %s, tidak boleh disalin dari fail sementara, %s. Hubungi "
-"pentadbir sistem anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini."
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-"Anda memerlukan perisian php4 yang telah dipasang dengan fungsi multibyte "
-"string dipasang (gunakan configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr "MASALAH : imapstream tiada"
-msgid "ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."
-msgstr "MASALAH : Hubungan diputuskan oleh pelayan imap."
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr "Pertanyaan:"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "MASALAH : Tidak boleh mememenuhi permintaan."
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Alasan Diberi: "
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "MASALAH : Tidak bagus atau permintaan pelik."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Pelayan menjawab: "
-msgid "ERROR : Imap server closed the connection."
-msgstr "MASALAH : Pelayan Imap memutuskan hubungan."
-msgid "ERROR : Unknown imap response."
-msgstr "MASALAH : Tindak balas imap tidak diketahui."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "Bermasalah untuk berhubung dengan pelayan IMAP: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Permintaan tidak baik: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Masalah tidak diketahui: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Baca data:"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "MASALAH : Tidak boleh membuka mesej kepada"
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Penyelesaian: "
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr ""
-"Buangkan mesej yang tidak perlu dari folder dan bermula dari folder "
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(tiada perkara)"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Penghantar tidak diketahui"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Maklum balas pelayan IMAP tidak diketahui:"
-msgid "The server couldn't find the message you requested."
-msgstr "Pelayan gagal menemui mesej yang anda minta."
-msgid ""
-"Most probably your message list was out of date and the message has been "
-"moved away or deleted (perhaps by another program accessing the same "
-msgstr ""
-"Kemungkinan senarai mesej anda tidak dikemas kini dan mesej telah dipindahkan "
-"atau dipadam (mungkin program lain yang memasuki kotak email yang sama)."
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Tarikh tidak diketahui"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "J"
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Susunan tidak disokong oleh pelayan IMAP.
Sila laporkan perkara ini "
-"kepada pentadbir sistem."
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Penyusunan yang dibuat oleh pelayan tidak disokong oleh pelayan IMAP anda.
-"Sila laporkan kepada pentadbir sistem."
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Pindah yang ditanda ke"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Ubah Mesej yang ditanda"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Pindah"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "Expunge"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "kotak surat"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Baca"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Belum Baca"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Paparan biasa"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "Paparan tersusun"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Tanda semua"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "Batal Pilih Semua"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Pilih Semua"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Mesej Dilihat: %s ke %s (jumlah %s)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Mesej Dilihat: %s (jumlah 1)"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "per halaman"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Tunjuk Semua"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail gagal mentafsir struktur badan mesej"
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr "struktur badan yang disediakan oleh pelayan imap anda"
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-"Pindahan badan bermasalah. Kemungkinan besar kerana mesej ini salah format "
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Arahan:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Maklum balas:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Mesej:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr "Ambil barisan:"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Sembunyikan gambar merbahaya"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Lihat gambar merbahaya"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "muat turun"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_eng.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Jenis pilihan '%s' tidak ditemui"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Folder Sekarang"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Tulis Email"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Gagal membuat direktori %s."
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr "Gagal membuat struktur direktori hashed"
-msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
-msgstr "Tiada perkhidmatan, tutup channel"
-msgid "A password transition is needed"
-msgstr "Transaksi kata laluan diperlukan"
-msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "Tindakan email yang dikehendaki tidak dilakukan: kotak email tidak wujud"
-msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
-msgstr "Tindakan yang diminta dibatalkan: kesilapan dalam memproses"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
-msgstr "Tindakan yang diminta tidak dibuat: sistem anda telah penuh"
-msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
-msgstr "Pengesahan sementara gagal"
-msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
-msgstr "Kesilapan Syntax; arahan tidak dikenali"
-msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
-msgstr "Kesilapan Syntax dalam parameters atau arguments"
-msgid "Command not implemented"
-msgstr "Arahan tidak dilaksanakan"
-msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
-msgstr "Susunan arahan yang tidak baik"
-msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
-msgstr "Parameter arahan tidak dilaksanakan"
-msgid "Authentication required"
-msgstr "Pengesahan diperlukan"
-msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
-msgstr "Mekanisma Pengesahan terlalu lemah"
-msgid "Authentication failed"
-msgstr "Pengesahan gagal"
-msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
-msgstr "Enkripsi diperlukan untuk mekanisma pengesahan yang diperlukan"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "Tindakan yang diminta tidak dibuat: kotak email tidak ujud"
-msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
-msgstr "Bukan pengguna tempatan; sila cuba forwarding"
-msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
-msgstr "Tindakan email yang dikehendaki dibatalkan: melebihi ruangan yang diperuntukkan"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
-msgstr "Tiundakan yang diminta tidak dilaksanakan: nama kotak email tidak dibenarkan"
-msgid "Transaction failed"
-msgstr "Transaksi gagal"
-msgid "Unknown response"
-msgstr "Maklum balas tidak dikenali"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Paparan Umum"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Asal"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "Stylesheet Sendiri"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Bahasa"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Guna Javascript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Automatik"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Selalu"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Tidak"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Paparan Kotak Email"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Bilangan Mesej di Index"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Guna Warna Berbeza Untuk Barisan"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Guna Pilihan Muka Surat"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Maksimum Muka Surat Untuk Dipaparkan"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Komposisi dan Paparan Mesej"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Susun Semula Teks Pada"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Saiz Tetingkap Untuk Mengubah"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Lokasi Butang semasa Menulis"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Sebelum kepala"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Antara kepada dan badan mesej"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Selepas badan mesej"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Format Paparan Buku Alamat"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "Javascript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Paparan Versi HTML secara automatik"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Gunakan Penghantaran sebagai Kepilan"
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Masukkan Salinan semasa Menghantar Mesej"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Masukkan Saya dalam Salinan semasa saya Balas Semua"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Paparkan Mailer"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Paparkan Imej yang dikepilkan bersama Mesej"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "Paparkan Versi Cetakan"
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Paparkan Pemberitahuan Penghantaran Email"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Tulis Email pada Tetingkap Baru"
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Lebar Tetingkap Untuk Menulis Email"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Tinggi Tetingkap Untuk Menulis Email"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "Letakkan Tandatangan sebelum Teks Balasan/Forward"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "Susunkan Mengikut Tarikh Diterima"
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr "Susunkan Mengikut References Header"
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Folder Istimewa"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Direktori Folder"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Jangan Guna Trash"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Folder Trash"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Jangan Guna Sent"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Folder Sent"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Jangan Guna Draf"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Folder Draf"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Senarai Folder"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Lokasi Senarai Folder"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Kiri"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Kanan"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "piksel"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Lebar Senarai Folder"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minit"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "Saat"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "Minit"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Automatik Perbaharui Senarai Folder"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Maklumkan Mesej Yang Belum Dibaca"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Tiada Makluman"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Hanya INBOX"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Jenis Makluman Mesej Yang Belum Dibaca"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Hanya Belum Dilihat"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Dilihat dan Jumlah"
-msgid "Enable Collapsible Folders"
-msgstr "Gunakan Folder Collapsible"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Gunakan Pemberitahuan Mesej Yang Belum Dibaca Secara Cumulative"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Tunjukkan Jam pada Panel Folder"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Tiada Jam"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Format Jam"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "12 jam"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "24 jam"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Carian Memori"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Batalkan"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Folder Untuk Pilihan"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Cara Senarai Pilihan"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "Panjang:"
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "Dimasukkan:"
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "Dipisahkan"
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Untuk Nama dan Alamat"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "Alamat Email"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Ubah Identiti Lanjutan"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(abaikan perubahan yang dibuat pada borang ini)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Identiti Pelbagai"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "Sama seperti Pelayan"
-msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
-msgstr "Masalah membuka konfigurasi zon masa, hubungi pentadbir."
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan zon waktu"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Zone Waktu Anda"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Kata-kata Balasan"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Gaya Kata-kata Balasan"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Tiada Kata-kata balasan"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "PENGARANG Menulis"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Quote Oleh XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Terserah Anda"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Kata Balasan Permulaan Anda"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Kata Balasan Akhir Anda"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Tandatangan"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Guna Tandatangan"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Mulakan Tandatangan dengan Garisan '-- '"
-msgid "Take Address"
-msgstr "Simpan Alamat Email Penghantar"
-msgid "Address Book Take:"
-msgstr "Pengambilan Buku Alamat:"
-msgid "Try to verify addresses"
-msgstr "Cuba Sahkan Alamat"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Fail Konfigurasi Versi"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "Squirrelmail Versi"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "PHP Versi"
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Pilihan Organisasi"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Nama Organisasi"
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Logo Organisasi"
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Lebar Logo Organisasi"
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Tinggi Logo Organisasi"
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Tajuk Organisasi"
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Muka Surat Log Keluar"
-msgid "Provider Link URI"
-msgstr "Link URI Penyedia"
-msgid "Provider Name"
-msgstr "Nama Penyedia"
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Bahasa Asal"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr "Frame Atas"
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Setting Pelayan"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr "Domain Email"
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr "Alamat Pelayan IMAP"
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "Port Pelayan IMAP"
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "Jenis Pelayan IMAP"
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Pelayan IMAP Cyrus"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr "Pelayan IMAP Universiti Washington"
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "Pelayan IMAP Microsoft Exchange"
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Pelayan IMAP Courier"
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Tidak Salah Satu Pelayan di atas"
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "Pemisah Folder IMAP"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr "Guna \"pengesanan\" kepada pengesanan automatik."
-msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
-msgstr "Guna TLS untuk perhubungan IMAP"
-msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgstr "Memerlukan PHP 4.3.x! Percubaan."
-msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "Jenis Pengesahan IMAP"
-msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
-msgstr "Guna Binary Sendmail"
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr "Direktori Sendmail"
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr "Alamat Pelayan SMTP"
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr "Port Pelayan SMTP"
-msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
-msgstr "Guna TLS untuk sambungan SMTP"
-msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "Jenis Pengesahan SMTP"
-msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
-msgstr "POP3 sebelum SMTP?"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr "Ganti Masa"
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr "Guna Bendera Pengesahan"
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Folder Asal"
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Awalan Folder Asal"
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Tunjuk Konfigurasi Awalan Folder"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr "Secara automatiknya, pindahkan ke Trash"
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr "Secara automatiknya, pindahkan ke Sent"
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr "Secara automatiknya, simpan sebagai draf"
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Senaraikan Folder Istimewa Dahulu"
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Tunjuk Warna Folder Istimewa"
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "Pengosongan Automatik"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr "Sebagai Sub kepada INBOX"
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr "Tunjuk Pilihan'mengandungi sub'"
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Perberitahuan Belum Dibaca Secara Automatik"
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Jenis Belum Dibaca Asal"
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Buat Folder Istimewa Secara Automatik"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "Buku Alamat Javascript Asal"
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Automatik Padam Folder"
-msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
-msgstr "Pembetulan Folder /NoSelect"
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Umum"
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Charset Asal"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr "Direktori Data"
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr "Direktori Sementara"
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr "Tingkatan Hash"
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr "Matikan Hash"
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Moderate"
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Sederhana"
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Saiz Kiri Asal"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr "Nama Pengguna dalam Huruf Kecil"
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr "Benarkan penggunaan Keutamaan"
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr "Sembunyikan attribut SM"
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr "Bolehkan penggunaan resit penghantaran"
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr "Benarkan ubah Identiti"
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr "Benarkan ubah nama penuh"
-msgid "Use server-side sorting"
-msgstr "Gunakan penyusunan di server"
-msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
-msgstr "Gunakan penyusunan thread di server"
-msgid "Allow server charset search"
-msgstr "Benarkan carian charset oleh server"
-msgid "UID support"
-msgstr "Sokongan UID"
-msgid "PHP session name"
-msgstr "Nama sessi PHP"
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Mesej Hari Ini"
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Pengkalan Data"
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "Buku alamat DSN"
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Rajah Buku Alamat"
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "DSN Yang Dikehendaki"
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Rajah Yang Kehendaki"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr "Ruang Nama Pengguna Yang Dikehendaki "
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr "Ruang Kunci Yang Dikehendaki"
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr "Ruang Nilai Yang Dikehendaki"
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr "URL Style Sheet (css)"
-msgid "Default theme"
-msgstr "Tema Asal"
-msgid "Use index number of theme"
-msgstr "Guna No Index untuk Tema"
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Pentadbir Konfigurasi"
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Nama Tema"
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Direktori Tema"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Plugins"
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "Ubah Setting"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr "Fail config tidak boleh dibuka. Semak config.php"
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Pentadbiran"
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr ""
-"Modul ini membenarkan pentadbir menguruskan konfigurasi utama SquirrelMail "
-"secara online."
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr "Laporan Pepijat:"
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr "Tunjuk butang dalam toolbar"
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "HARI INI"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "Pergi"
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "l, F j Y"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr "TAMBAH"
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr "UBAH"
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr "PADAM"
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr "Masa mula:"
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "Lebar"
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Keutamaan:"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Tajuk:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Rancangkan Acara"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr "Acara telah ditambah!"
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Tarikh:"
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Masa:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr "Lihat Hari"
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr "Anda pasti nak memadam acara ini?"
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Acara telah dipadam!"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr "Tiada apa yang nak dipadam"
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Kemaskini Acara"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr "Adakah anda hendak mengubah acara ini dari:"
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "kepada:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr "Acara telah dikemaskini!"
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr "Lihat Bulan"
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr "0 min."
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr "15 min."
-msgid "30 min."
-msgstr "30 min."
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr "45 min."
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr "1 jam."
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr "1.5 jam."
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr "2 jam."
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr "2.5 jam."
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr "3 jam."
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr "3.5 jam."
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr "4 jam."
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr "5 jam."
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr "6 jam."
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Kalendar"
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Padam & Sebelum"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Padam & Seterusnya"
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Pindah ke:"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Padam/Pindah/Butang Seterusnya"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "Paparkan di atas"
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "dengan pilihan pindah"
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "Paparkan di bawah"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERSIAL - Senarai ini mengandungi pelayan yang dipastikan sebagai "
-"penghantar spam. Senarai ini boleh dipercayai untuk mengimbas asal spam."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERSIAL - Pelayan yang telah disetkan (atau salah set) akan membenarkan "
-"spam melalui sistem dan akan di ban kerana ini. Satu lagi yang bagus untuk "
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERSIAL - Pengguna dial-up biasanya telah dilindungi kerana mereka "
-"menggunakan pelayan email ISP mereka untuk menghantar email. Spammer biasanya "
-"mendapatkan akaun dail-up dan menghantar spam terus dari sana."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "KOMERSIAL - Kemasukan RBL+ Blackhole."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "KOMERSIAL - Kemasukan RBL+ OpenRelay."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "KOMERSIAL - Kemasukan RBL+ Dial-up."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-"PERCUMA - Osirusoft Relay - Senarai Osirusoft sebagai relay terbuka. Harus "
-"memasukkan pelayan menggunakan pembalas automatik."
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr "PERCUMA - Dialup Osirusoft - Senarai Sumber Dialup Spam."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"PERCUMA - Sumber Sah Spam Osirusoft - Web yang terus menerus spam dan telah "
-"ditambah selepas beberapa kali cadangan. Guna dengan berwaspada."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr "Simpan Jenis Imbasan"
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Tapisan Mesej"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "Apa nak Imbas:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Semua Mesej"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Hanya mesej yang belum dibaca"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Simpan"
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Match:"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Kepala"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Mengandungi:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Sekiranya %s mengandungi %s kemudian pindahkan ke %s"
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Tapisan Mesej"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"Penapisan membolehkan mesej yang mengandungi kriteria berbeza secara "
-"automatik dipindahkan ke folder berbeza untuk kemudahan pengaturan."
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "Tapisan SPAM"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"Tapisan SPAM membenarkan anda memilih dari pelbagai DNS yang disenarai hitam "
-"untuk mengesan email sampah di dalam INBOX dan memindahkannya ke folder lain "
-"(seperti Trash)."
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Penapisan Spam"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr "AMARAN! Beritahu pentadbir anda untuk mengubah SpamFilters_YourHop "
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Pindah spam ke:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Pada permulaan, memindahkan spam terus ke trash mungkin bukan idea yang "
-"baik kerana mesej dari kawan dan senarai email secara tidak sengaja akan "
-"ditandakan sebagai spam. Mana-mana folder yang disetkan, tentukan ianya "
-"dikosongkan setiap masa agar kotak email anda tidak penuh."
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Lebih banyak mesej yang diimbas, lebih lama masa diambil. Saya cadangkan "
-"anda mengimbas mesej baru sahaja. Sekiranya anda mengubah penapis, saya set "
-"kan untuk mengimbas semua mesej, kemudian lihat INBOX, kemudian kembali semula "
-"dan setkan untuk mengimbas hanya mesej baru. Dengan cara ini, penapis spam "
-"baru akan berfungsi dan anda akan mengimbas spam yang anda baca dengan penapis "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Spam akan dihantar ke %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[tidak di set lagi]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Imbasan Spam terhad kepada %s"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Mesej Baru Sahaja"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Semua Mesej"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "ON"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "OFF"
-msgid " not found."
-msgstr " tidak ditemui."
-msgid "Today's Fortune"
-msgstr "Fortune Hari ini"
-msgid "Fortunes:"
-msgstr "Fortune:"
-msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
-msgstr "Tunjuk fortuna di atas kotak email"
-msgid "IMAP server information"
-msgstr "maklumat IMAP server"
-msgid ""
-"Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. "
-"These tests use the Squirrelmail IMAP commands and your current Squirrelmail "
-"configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Laksanakan beberapa command percubaan, tunjukkan command dan keputusannya. "
-"Percubaan ini menggunakan command IMAP Squirrelmail dan konfigurasi Squirrel "
-"mail anda sekarang. Command string sendiri boleh digunakan."
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "Senarai Email"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan menghantar mesej ke %s dan memerlukan bantuan untuk senarai ini. "
-"Anda akan menerima maklum balas email pada alamat di bawah."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan menghantar mesej ke %s dan dan memaklumkan anda akan dimasukkan "
-"untuk senarai ini. Anda akan menerima maklum balas email pada alamat di bawah."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan menghantar mesej kepada %s yang memaklumkan anda akan dibatalkan "
-"dari senarai. Ia akan menyahsenaraikan ke alamat di bawah."
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Hantar Surat"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "Hantar kepada Senarai"
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Jawab kepada Senarai"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "Arkib Senarai"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "Hubungi Pemunya Senarai"
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "Senarai Email"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "Sambungan POP3:"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Tiada pelayan ditentukan"
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Masalah "
-msgid "POP3 noop:"
-msgstr "Noop POP3:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Tiada sambungan ke pelayan"
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "Pengguna POP3:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Tiada ID login dihantar"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "Sambungan gagal diadakan"
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "Kata Laluan POP3:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Tiada kata laluan dihantar"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "pengesahan gagal "
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "Apop POP3:"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Tiada ID login dihantar"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "Tiada banner pelayan"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "abaikan"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "Pengesahan apop gagal"
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "Login POP3:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 top:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "Penghujung senarai yang tak matang"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 get:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 last:"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "Kosongkan command string"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 quit:"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "perhubungan tidak wujud"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "Padam POP3:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Tiada nombor mesej dihantar"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Arahan gagal"
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Pilih Pelayan"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Katalaluan untuk"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Ambil Surat"
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "Ambil dari "
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "Alamak, "
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Membuka pelayan IMAP"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Membuka pelayan POP"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Log masuk Gagal:"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Log masuk OK: Tiada mesej baru"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Log masuk OK: Inbox KOSONG"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Log masuk OK: Inbox mengandungi ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] mesej"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "Mengambil UIDL..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Pelayan tidak menyokong UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "Tinggalkan Surat di Pelayan..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Memadam mesej dari pelayan..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Mengambil mesej "
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr "Masalah pelayan... Terputus"
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr "Sambung semula setelah terputus"
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "Simpan UIDL"
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Ambil semula mesej"
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Kesilapan Appending Mesej!"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Menutup POP"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Log keluar dari IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "Mesej di append ke kotak email"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Mesej "
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " telah dipadam dari pelayan!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Gagal Menghapuskan:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Setting Pelayan POP"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Andainya anda tidak mengisi kata laluan, ianya akan diperlukan semasa "
-"mengambil email."
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Kata laluan engkrip (maklumat sahaja)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "Tambah Pelayan"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Pelayan:"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Port:"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Alias:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Namapengguna:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Simpan dalam folder:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "Tinggalkan surat di pelayan"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Periksa surat semasa log masuk"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "Periksa surat semasa refresh"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Ubah Pelayan"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Nama Pelayan:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Ubah"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Tiada satu pun pelayan digunakan. Cuba tambah."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "Kenalpasti Pelayan"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Kepastian Padam Pelayan"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Pelayan Dipilih:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Kepastian padam pelayan yang dipilih?"
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Kepastian Memadam"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Fungsi tidak ditentukan"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Weeiii, Hang cari apa?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Ambil Email POP3"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Amaran, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "Keputusan Pengambilan Surat:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Pengambilan Email POP3"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan menentukan setting untuk muat turun email dari kotak email pop3 "
-"kepada akaun anda di pelayan ini."
-msgid "Message Details"
-msgstr "Butiran Mesej"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Tutup Tetingkap"
-msgid "Save Message"
-msgstr "Simpan Mesej"
-msgid "View Message details"
-msgstr "Lihat Butiran Mesej"
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Pemberitahuan Mesej Baru"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Pilih Boleh Mainkan Media untuk membolehkan fail media dimainkan "
-"apabila mesej yang tidak kelihatan ada dalam folder anda. Anda boleh memilih "
-"fail yang hendak dimainkan dalam kotak yang disediakan."
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"Pilihan Periksa semua kotak, bukan sahaja INBOX akan memeriksa "
-"SEMUA folder yang mengandungi email yang belum dilihat, bukan sahaja "
-"inbox untuk pemberitahuan."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"Memilih Tunjuk popup akan menunjukkan tetingkap popup apabila mesej "
-"yang belum dilihat ada dalam folder anda (memerlukan JavaScript)."
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Gunakan Semak TERKINI hanya akan memeriksa mesej yang terkini. "
-"Mesej terkini adalah mesej yang baru diterima dan belum \"dilihat\" atau "
-"diperiksa. Ini boleh menghalang dari terus menerus diganggu oleh bunyi "
-"atau popup bagai mesej yang belum dilihat."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"Memilih Ubah tajuk akan menukar tajuk pada browser yang sama dan "
-"memberitahu anda apabila anda menerima email baru (memerlukan JavaScript, "
-"dan hanya berfungsi dalam IE tetapi anda tidak akan melihat sebarang masalah "
-"pada browser lain). Ini akan sentiasa memaklumkan anda sekiranya anda ada "
-"email baru, walaupun anda telah memilih Semak TERKINI."
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. If no file is specified, \"(none)\", no sound will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Pilih dari senarai fail di pelayan untuk memilih fail media yang "
-"hendak dimainkan apabila email baru tiba. Sekira tiada fail yang dipilih, "
-"\"(tiada)\", tiada fail yang akan digunakan."
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "Boleh Mainkan Media"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Periksa semua kotak, bukan sahaja INBOX"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Hanya mengira mesej yang TERKINI"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Ubah tajuk pada browser yang boleh"
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "memerlukan JavaScript untuk bekerja"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "Tunjuk tetingkap popup apabila ada mesej baru"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Pilih fail di pelayan:"
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr "(tiada)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Cuba"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Fail Sekarang:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Mesej Baru"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "Pemberitahuan SquirrelMail"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "Anda menerima mesej baru!"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Mesej Baru"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan mengubah setting untuk memainkan bunyian dan/atau menunjukkan "
-"tetingkap popup apabila mesej baru tiba."
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Pilihan Pemberitahuan Mesej Baru disimpan"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s Mesej Baru"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s Mesej Baru"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Cuba Bunyi"
-msgid "No sound specified"
-msgstr "Tiada bunyian dipilih"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "Memasukkan bunyian..."
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Subfolder Sent"
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Guna Subfolder Sent"
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Bulanan"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr "Penggal"
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr "Tahunan"
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Folder Sent Asas"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr "Lapor sebagai Spam"
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr "SpamCop - Laporan Spam"
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-"Bantulah memerangi email sampah. SpamCop membaca email sampah dan mengenal "
-"pasti alamat yang betul untuk menghantar aduan. Senyap, cepat, bijak dan "
-"mudah untuk digunakan."
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Pemeriksa Ejaan"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"Disini anda boleh memilih bagaimana kamus peribadi anda disimpan, meng "
-"ubahnya atau memilih bahasa yang perlu ada apabila membuat pemeriksaan "
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Periksa Ejaan"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Kembali ke muka surat "Pilihan Pemeriksa Ejaan""
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "PERHATIAN"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-"SquirrelSpell gagal decrypt kamus peribadi anda. Ini berlaku biasanya "
-"disebabkan anda telah menukar kata laluan kotak email. Untuk meneruskan, "
-"anda masukkan kata laluan yang lama supaya SquirrelSpell dapat decrypt kamus "
-"peribadi anda. Ia akan di re-encrypted dengan kata laluan baru anda selepas "
Sekiranya anda belum encrrypted kamus tersebut, kemungkinan ianya "
-"tidak boleh berfungsi. Anda perlu memadamkannya dan memulakan yang baru. "
-"Perkara ini juga berlaku sekiranya anda lupa kata laluan yang lama -- tanpanya "
-"data yang telah diencrypted tidak lagi boleh digunakan."
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "Padam kamus saya dan buat yang baru"
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "Decrypt kamus saya dengan kata laluan lama:"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Teruskan"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr "Anda mesti membuat pilihan"
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-"Anda hanya boleh memadamkan kamus atau mengisikan kata laluan lama. Bukan "
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Ini akan memadam fail kamus peribadi anda. Teruskan?"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "Kesilapan dalam decrypt kamus"
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "Cantik."
-#, c-format
-msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-msgstr "Saya cuba melaksanakan '%s', tetapi ia memberi respon:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-msgstr "SquirrelSpell salah konfigurasi."
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-msgstr "Keputusan SquirrelSpell"
-msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-msgstr "Semakan Ejaan siap. Buat perubahan?"
-msgid "No changes were made."
-msgstr "Tiada perubahan dibuat."
-msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-msgstr "Sekarang menyimpan kamus peribadi anda... Sila tunggu."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s errors"
-msgstr "Menemui %s kesilapan"
-msgid "Line with an error:"
-msgstr "Garisan dengan kesalahan:"
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "Masalah:"
-msgid "Suggestions:"
-msgstr "Cadangan:"
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Cadangan:"
-msgid "Change to:"
-msgstr "Tukar kepada:"
-msgid "Occurs times:"
-msgstr "Masa berlaku:"
-msgid "Change this word"
-msgstr "Tukar perkataan ini"
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr "Tukar"
-msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-msgstr "Tukar SEMUA occurance perkataan ini"
-msgid "Change All"
-msgstr "Tukar Semua"
-msgid "Ignore this word"
-msgstr "Abaikan perkataan ini"
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Abai"
-msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-msgstr "Abaikan SEMUA occurance perkataan ini"
-msgid "Ignore All"
-msgstr "Abaikan SEMUA"
-msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Tambah perkataan ini ke dalam kamus peribadi anda"
-msgid "Add to Dic"
-msgstr "Tambah ke dalam kamus"
-msgid "Close and Commit"
-msgstr "Tutup dan laksanakan"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"Semakan ejaan belum siap. Adakah pasti untuk tutup dan membuat "
-msgid "Close and Cancel"
-msgstr "Tutup dan Batal"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-msgstr "Semakan belum siap. Adakah pasti tutup dan abaikan perubahan?"
-msgid "No errors found"
-msgstr "Tiada kesilapan ditemua"
-msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-msgstr "Kamus peribadi anda telah dipadam."
-msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-msgstr "Kamus dipadam"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-"\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-msgstr ""
-"Kamus peribadi anda telah dipadam. Sila tutup tetingkap ini dan klik "
-"butang \"Semak Ejaan\" semula untuk memulakan semula semakan ejaan."
-msgid "Close this Window"
-msgstr "Tutup tetingkap ini"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-msgstr ""
-"Kamus peribadi anda telah di encrypted semula. Sekarang kembali ke "
-"menu "Pilihan Penyemak Ejaan" dan buat pilihan anda semula."
-msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-msgstr "Berjaya Encrypt Semula"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-"window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-msgstr ""
-"Kamus peribadi anda telah berjaya di encryp semula. Sila tutup tetingkap "
-"ini dan klik butang \"Semak Ejaan\" semula untuk memulakan semakan ejaan."
-msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-msgstr "Kamus di encrypt semula"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-"stored in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Kamus peribadi adan telah diencrypt dan sekarang di "
-"simpan dalam format encrypt."
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-"stored as clear text."
-msgstr ""
-"Kamus peribadi anda telah dinyah encryptkan dan sekarang "
-"disimpan sebagai teks biasa."
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-msgstr "Setting Kripto Kamus Peribadi"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Kamus Peribadi"
-msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-msgstr "Tiada perkataan di dalam kamus peribadi anda."
-msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-msgstr "Sila semak perkataan yang anda mahu padamkan dari kamus anda."
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s dictionary"
-msgstr "%s kamus"
-msgid "Delete checked words"
-msgstr "Padam perkataan yang ditandakan"
-msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Ubah Kamus Peribadi anda"
-msgid "Please make your selection first."
-msgstr "Sila buat pilihan anda dulu."
-msgid ""
-"This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan mengenkripkan kamus peribadi anda dan disimpan dalam format "
-"enkrip. Teruskan?"
-msgid ""
-"This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ini akan mendekripkan kamsu peribadi anda dan disimpan dalam format "
-"teks biasa. Teruskan?"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-"helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and "
-"your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the "
-"password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see "
-"what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-"strong> If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become "
-"unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your "
-"mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your "
-"old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key.
-msgstr ""
-"Kamus peribadi anda sekarang diengkrip. Ini membantu "
-"melindungi hak persendirian anda sekiranya sistem webmail tidak selamat "
-"dan kamus peribadi anda dicuri. Ia sekarang diengkrip dengan menggunakan "
-"kata laluan yang anda gunakan untuk mengakses kotak email, tentukan ianya "
-"sukar bagi sesiapa yang hendak melihat kamus peribadi anda.
-"AMARAN: Sekiranya anda lupa kata laluan, kamus peribadi "
-"anda tidak boleh digunakan kerana tidak boleh didekrip. Sekiranya anda "
-"menukar kata laluan kotak email, SquirrelMail akan mengenalpasti dan "
-"memerlukan kata laluan lama dalam proses utuk mengengkrip semua kamus "
-"dengan menggunakan kunci baru."
-msgid ""
-"Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-msgstr ""
-"Tolong dekrip kamus peribadi saya dan simpannya dalam format teks biasa."
-msgid "Change crypto settings"
-msgstr "Tukar setting kripto"
-msgid ""
Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You "
-"may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case "
-"the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets "
-"stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to "
-"decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
-"p> ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal "
-"dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your "
-"mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator "
-"changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and "
-"will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator "
-"change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, "
-"you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the "
-"new value.
-msgstr ""
-"Kamus peribadi anda sekarang ini tidak diengkrip. Anda "
-"boleh mengengkrip kamus peribadi anda untuk melindungi hak anda sekiranya "
-"sistem webmail ini tidak selamat dan kamus peribadi anda dikhuatiri dicuri. "
-"Apabila diengkrip, kandungan fail tidak boleh dibaca dan susah untuk di "
-"dekrip tanpa mengetahui kunci yang betul (iaitu kata laluan kotak email "
AMARAN: Sekiranya anda mahu mengengkrip kamus "
-"peribadi anda, anda mesti ingat bahawa ia akan jadi "hashed" "
-"dengan kata laluan kotak email. Sekiranya anda lupa kata laluan kota email "
-"dan pentadbir mengubahnya, kamus peribadi anda tidak boleh digunakan dan "
-"anda perlu buat yang baru. Namun, sekiranya anda atau pentadbir sistem "
-"menukar kata laluan kotak email dan anda masih ada kata laluan yang lama, "
-"anda boleh memasukkan kunci lama untuk mengengkrip semula kamus tersebut "
-"dengan kunci yang baru.
-msgid ""
-"Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Tolong engkrip kamus peribadi saya dan simpannya dalam format engkrip."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-msgstr "Memadam kemasukan berikut dari %s kamus:"
-msgid "All done!"
-msgstr "Semua selesai!"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-msgstr "Kamus Peribadi Dikemaskini"
-msgid "No changes requested."
-msgstr "Tiada perubahan diminta."
-msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-msgstr "Sila tunggu, menghubungi pelayan..."
-msgid ""
-"Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-msgstr ""
-"Sila pilih kamus mana yang hendak anda gunakan untuk menyemak ejaan "
-"mesej ini:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-msgstr "SquirelSpell bermula"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-"default dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-"Setting diubah kepada: %s dengan %s "
-"sebagai kamus asal."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-msgstr "Gunakan %s kamus (asal) untuk semakan ejaan."
-msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-msgstr "Konfigurasi Kamus Antarabangsa telah dikemaskini"
-msgid ""
-"Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like "
-"to use when spellchecking:"
-msgstr ""
-"Sila semak sekiranya ada kamus antarabangsa yang anda mahu gunakan untuk "
-"semakan ejaan."
-msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-msgstr "Buat kamus ini sebagai pilihan asal:"
-msgid "Make these changes"
-msgstr "Buat perubahan ini"
-msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-msgstr "Tambah Kamus Antarabangsa"
-msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-msgstr "Sila tentukan piliha mana yang anda nak setkan:"
-msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Ubah kamus peribadi anda"
-msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-msgstr "Setkan kamus antarabangsa"
-msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Encrypt atau decrypt kamus peribadi anda"
-msgid "not available"
-msgstr "tidak ada"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-msgstr "Pilihan Menu SquirrelSpell"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "Penterjemah"
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Simpan Pilihan Terjemahan"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Pilihan dipelayan adalah seperti berikut:"
-msgid ""
-"19 language pairs, maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr ""
-"19 language pairs, maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgid "12 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "12 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgid ""
-"784 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Translation Experts's "
-msgstr ""
-"784 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Translation Experts's "
-msgid ""
-"8 language pairs, no known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr ""
-"8 language pairs, no known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgid "4 language pairs for Hellenic, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "4 language pairs for Hellenic, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr ""
-"Anda boleh memilih untuk kotak terjemahan ditunjukkan dan dimana ia perlu "
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Pilih penterjemah anda:"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "Semasa membaca:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Tunjuk kotak terjemahan"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "ke sebelah kiri"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "ke sebelah tengah"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "ke sebelah kanan"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "Terjemahkan di dalam SquirrelMail frame"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "Semasa mengarang/menulis:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Tidak lagi berfungsi, tiada apa berlaku"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Pilihan Terjemahan"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr ""
-"Penterjemah mana yang harus digunakan apabila anda mendapat mesej dalam "
-"bahasa lain?"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "%s to %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Inggeris"
-msgid "Chinese"
-msgstr "China"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Peranchis"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Jerman"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "Itali"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "Jepun"
-msgid "Korean"
-msgstr "Korea"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugis"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Spanyol"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Russia"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Alih Bahasa"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugis Brazil"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "Bulgaria"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "Croatia"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Czech"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Danish"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Belanda"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "Spanyol Eropah"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Finland"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Greek"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "Hungary"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "Iceland"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "Spanyol Amerika Latin"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Norway"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Poland"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Romania"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "Serbia"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "Slovenia"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Sweden"
-msgid "Turkish"
-msgstr "Turki"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "Welsh"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "Indonesia"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "Latin"
-msgid "to English"
-msgstr "ke Inggeris"
-msgid "from English"
-msgstr "dari Inggeris"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr "Laporan Masalah Penghantaran"
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr "Kepala Mesej Yang Gagal Dihantar"
diff --git a/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index ba2429d4..00000000
Binary files a/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index ad3900fe..00000000
--- a/locale/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3986 +0,0 @@
-# Dutch Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# M.J. Prinsen , 2002.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-09-20 12:22+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-23 00:17+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: M.J. Prinsen \n"
-"Language-Team: Dutch \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Adresboek"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Alle"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Naam"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Informatie"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Bron"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Aan"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "BCC"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Gebruik adressen"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Zoek in adresboek"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Zoek naar"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "in"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Alle adresboeken"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Zoek"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Toon alles"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Niet mogelijk om adressen te tonen van %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "Uw zoekopdracht is mislukt door de volgende fouten"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Geen personen gevonden die voldoen aan de zoekopdracht."
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Terug"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Sluit"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Bijnaam"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "Moet uniek zijn"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "E-mailadres"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Achternaam"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Voornaam"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Meer informatie"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Geen persoonlijk adresboek gedefinieerd. Neem contact op met uw "
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "U mag maar één adres tegelijk bewerken"
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Werk adresgegevens bij"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "FOUT"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Onbekende fout"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Voeg adres toe"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Wijzig geselecteerd adres"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerd adres"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Voeg toe aan %s"
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "zei"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "citaat"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "van"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Onderwerp"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "Van"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Datum"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Oorspronkelijk bericht"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Concept e-mail bewaard"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Kan het bestand niet verplaatsen/kopieren. Bestand niet toegevoegd."
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Concept e-mail bewaard"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent."
-msgstr "Uw bericht is verzonden."
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Van:"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Aan:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "CC:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "BCC:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Onderwerp:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Zend"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Bijlage:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Voeg toe"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde bijlage(n)"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioriteit"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Hoog"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normaal"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Laag"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Bevestiging"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "Bij lezen"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "Bij ontvangst"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Handtekening"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Adressen"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Bewaar concept"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "U heeft het \"Aan:\" veld niet ingevuld."
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Concept map"
-msgid "Server replied: "
-msgstr "Server reageerde: "
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Deze mapnaam is niet toegestaan, gebruik een andere naam."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Klik hier om terug te gaan"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr ""
-"U heeft geen map geselecteerd om te verwijderen. Selecteer een map a.u.b."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "Verwijder map"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u %s wilt verwijderen?"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nee"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Mappen"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Succesvol aangemeld!"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Succesvol afgemeld!"
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Map succesvol verwijderd!"
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Map succesvol aangemaakt!"
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Succesvol hernoemd!"
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "Aanmelding niet succesvol - Map bestaat niet."
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "vernieuw mappenlijst"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Maak map aan"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "als een submap van"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Geen"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Deze map mag submappen hebben"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Aanmaken"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Hernoem een map"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Selecteer een map"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Hernoem"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Geen mappen gevonden"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Verwijder"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Afmelden"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Aanmelden"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Geen mappen gevonden om bij af te melden!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Geen mappen gevonden om bij aan te melden!"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Aanmelden bij:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "U heeft geen map geselecteerd om te hernoemen."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Hernoem een map"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Nieuwe naam:"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Verstuur"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "FOUT: Help bestanden hebben niet de juiste indeling!"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Help"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr ""
-"De helppagina's zijn nog niet vertaald in %s. Ze zullen worden getoond in "
-"het Engels."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Sommige of alle helppagina's zijn niet aanwezig!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Inhoudsopgave"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Vorige"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Volgende"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Top"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Bekijk een tekst bijlage"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Bekijk bericht"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Download dit als een bestand"
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "INBOX"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "legen"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Laatste vernieuwing"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr "Sla mapstructuur op"
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Aanmelden"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "%s Logo"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versie %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "Door het Squirrelmail ontwikkelingsteam"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "%s Webmail - Aanmelden"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Wachtwoord:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Geen berichten geselecteerd."
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Opties"
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Berichten weergave"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nieuw"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Klaar"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "To of CC"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "onderwerp"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Wijzig"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Omhoog"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Omlaag"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Geen speciale weergave ingesteld"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Naam voor deze weergave"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Kleur"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Donkerblauw"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Donkergroen"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Oker"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Donker cyaan"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Paars"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Lila"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Lichtgroen"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Lichtgeel"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Licht cyaan"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Roze"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Donkergrijs"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Middelgrijs"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Lichtgrijs"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Wit"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Anders:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Bijv: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Selecteer"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Identiteit %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Geavanceerde identiteiten"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Standaard identiteit"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Voeg een nieuwe identiteit toe"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Volledige naam"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "E-Mailadres"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Antwoordadres"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Bewaar / Verander"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Maak standaard"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Verplaats omhoog"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Kolomvolgorde"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "Aankruisvak"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Vlaggen"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Omvang"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"De kolomvolgorde is de volgorde waarin de kolommen weergegeven worden in het "
-"berichtenoverzicht. U kunt kolommen toevoegen, verplaatsen en verwijderen."
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "omhoog"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "omlaag"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "verwijder"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Terug naar Opties"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Persoonlijke informatie"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Weergavevoorkeuren"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Mapvoorkeuren"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Persoonlijke informatie is opgeslagen!"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Vernieuw mappenlijst"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Vernieuw pagina"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Dit bevat persoonlijke informatie over uzelf, zoals uw naam, uw e-mailadres, "
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"U kunt hier zelf instellen hoe alles weergegeven moet worden. Hier kunnen "
-"onder andere kleuren en de taal ingesteld worden."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"Gebaseerd op de opgegeven criteria kunnen bepaalde binnengekomen berichten "
-"een andere achtergrondkleur krijgen, zodat u berichten eenvoudig uit elkaar "
-"kunt houden."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr "Deze opties bepalen hoe uw mappen worden gebruikt en weergegeven."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr "De kolomvolgorde van het berichtenoverzicht kan hier worden veranderd."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "Bericht niet printbaar"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Printer vriendelijk"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Print"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Bekijk printervriendelijke versie"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Gelezen:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "Uw bericht"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Gezonden:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Is gelezen op %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "minder"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "meer"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Onbekende zender"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Mailprogramma"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Leesbevestiging"
-msgid "sent"
-msgstr "verzonden"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "gevraagd"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"De afzender van dit bericht heeft u om een antwoord gevraagd, zodat hij kan "
-"zien dat u dit bericht heeft gelezen. Wilt u een leesbevestiging verzenden?"
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "Verzend leesbevestiging nu"
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Zoek resultaten"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Berichtenlijst"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Hervat Concept"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Bewerk als nieuw bericht"
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Bekijk bericht"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Doorsturen"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Doorsturen als bijlage"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Beantwoorden"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Allen beantwoorden"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Bekijk volledige berichtinformatie"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Bijlagen"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr ""
-"U heeft een geldige gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord nodig voor deze pagina!"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Alle mappen"
-msgid "Please enter something to search for"
-msgstr "Vul a.u.b. iets in om te zoeken"
-msgid "There must be at least one criteria to search for"
-msgstr "Er moet in ieder geval een criterium zijn om voor te zoeken"
-msgid "Error in criteria argument"
-msgstr "Syntax fout in parameters of argumenten"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "j M, Y"
-msgid "(Illegal date)"
-msgstr "(Illegale datum)"
-msgid "(Wrong date)"
-msgstr "(Verkeerde datum)"
-msgid "In"
-msgstr "In"
-msgid "(Missing argument)"
-msgstr "(Missend argument)"
-msgid "(Spurious argument)"
-msgstr "(Verdacht argument)"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "Wijzig"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "Zoek"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "Verwijder"
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Opgeslagen zoekopdrachten"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "Bewaar"
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "vergeet"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "Recente zoekopdrachten"
-msgid "Missing"
-msgstr "Ontbrekend"
-msgid "Exclude Criteria:"
-msgstr "Uitsluitingscriteria:"
-msgid "Search Criteria"
-msgstr "Zoekcriteria"
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Map:"
-msgid "Add New Criteria"
-msgstr "Voeg nieuwe criteria toe"
-msgid "Remove Excluded Criteria"
-msgstr "Verwijder uitsluitingscriteria"
-msgid "Remove All Criteria"
-msgstr "Verwijder alle criteria"
-msgid "Answered"
-msgstr "Beantwoord"
-msgid "Before"
-msgstr "Voor"
-msgid "Message Body"
-msgstr "Berichttekst"
-msgid "Deleted"
-msgstr "Verwijderd"
-msgid "Draft"
-msgstr "Concept"
-msgid "Flagged"
-msgstr "Gevlagd"
-msgid "Sent By"
-msgstr "Verzonden door"
-msgid "Header Field"
-msgstr "Berichtkop veld"
-msgid "Keyword"
-msgstr "Sleutelwoord"
-msgid "Larger Than"
-msgstr "Groter dan"
-msgid "Old"
-msgstr "Oud"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Aan"
-msgid "Recent"
-msgstr "Recent"
-msgid "Seen"
-msgstr "Gelezen"
-msgid "Sent Before"
-msgstr "Verzonden voordat"
-msgid "Sent On"
-msgstr "Verzonden aan"
-msgid "Sent Since"
-msgstr "Verzonden sinds"
-msgid "Since"
-msgstr "Sinds"
-msgid "Smaller Than"
-msgstr "Kleiner dan"
-msgid "Subject Contains"
-msgstr "Onderwerp bevat"
-msgid "Header and Body"
-msgstr "Berichtkop en berichttekst"
-msgid "Sent To"
-msgstr "Verzonden aan"
-msgid "Not"
-msgstr "Niet"
-msgid "And In"
-msgstr "En in"
-msgid "Or In"
-msgstr "Of in"
-msgid "And"
-msgstr "En"
-msgid "Or"
-msgstr "Of"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Zoek resultaten"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Bekijk bericht"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Afmelden"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "U bent succesvol afgemeld."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Klik hier om opnieuw aan te melden."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Bekijk een visitekaartje"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Titel"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Webpagina"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organisatie / Afdeling"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adres"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Telefoon Werk"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Telefoon Thuis"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Mobiel"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Fax"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Aantekening"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Voeg toe aan adresboek"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Titel & Org. / Afd."
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Bekijk volledige berichtinformatie"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Bekijk een tekst bijlage"
-msgid "Folder List"
-msgstr "Mappenlijst"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Persoonlijk adresboek"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Databasefout: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Adresboek is alleen-lezen"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Gebruiker '%s' bestaat al"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Gebruiker '%s' bestaat niet"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Globaal adresboek"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Geen bestand of map met deze naam"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Openen mislukt"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Kan het adresboek niet wijzigen"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Geen bestandsnaam"
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "Schrijven mislukt"
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Onmogelijk om te vernieuwen"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Kan databestand niet beveiligen"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Schrijven naar adresboek mislukt"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Fout: kan adresboek database %s niet initialiseren."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Fout: Kan bestand %s niet openen"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Fout: kan globale adresboek niet initialiseren."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Fout: kan LDAP server %s niet initialiseren:"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Invoerde datum is niet toegestaan"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Naam ontbreekt"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "E-mailadres ontbreekt"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "Bijnaam bevat illegale karakters"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "bekijk"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Visitekaartje"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Zondag"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Maandag"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Dinsdag"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Woensdag"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Donderdag"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Vrijdag"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Zaterdag"
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "Zo"
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Ma"
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Di"
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "Wo"
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Do"
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Vr"
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "Za"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "januari"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "februari"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "maart"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "april"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "mei"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "juni"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "juli"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "augustus"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "september"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "oktober"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "november"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "december"
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "jan"
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "feb"
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "mrt"
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "apr"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "mei"
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "jun"
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "jul"
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "aug"
-msgid "Sep"
-msgstr "sept"
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "okt"
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "nov"
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "dec"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, j F, Y g:i a"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, j F, Y G:i"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, g:i a"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Bestand met voorkeuren (%s) niet gevonden. Programma afgebroken."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Klik hier om terug te gaan naar %s"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Ga naar de aanmeldpagina"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Bestand met voorkeuren, %s, bestaat niet. Meld af, en meld weer aan om een "
-"standaard voorkeursbestand aan te maken."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Bestand met voorkeuren, %s, kan niet worden geopend. Neem contact op met uw "
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Bestand met voorkeuren, %s, kan niet worden geschreven. Neem contact op met "
-"uw systeembeheerder."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Bestand met voorkeuren, %s, kan niet worden gekopieerd van het tijdelijke "
-"bestand, %s. Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Fout bij openen %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Standaard bestand met voorkeuren niet gevonden of niet leesbaar!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Kan bestand met voorkeuren niet aanmaken!"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s moet schrijfbaar zijn voor gebruiker %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Bestand met handtekeningen, %s, kan niet worden geopend. Neem contact op met "
-"uw systeembeheerder."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Bestand met handtekeningen, %s, kan niet worden geschreven. Neem contact op "
-"met uw systeembeheerder."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Bestand met handtekeningen, %s, kan niet worden gekopieerd van het "
-"tijdelijke bestand, %s. Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder."
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-"U dient php4 te hebben geinstalleerd met de multibyte string functie enabled "
-"(gebruik configure met de optie --with-mbstring)."
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "FOUT : Kan opdracht niet verwerken."
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "FOUT : Foute of corrupte aanvraag."
-msgid "ERROR : Imap server closed the connection."
-msgstr "FOUT : IMAP server verbrak de verbinding."
-msgid "ERROR : Unknown imap response."
-msgstr "FOUT : Onbekend IMAP antwoord."
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Reden: "
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr "Verzoek:"
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr "FOUT : Imapstream niet beschikbaar."
-msgid "ERROR : Bad function call."
-msgstr "FOUT : Bad function call."
-msgid "Reason:"
-msgstr "Antwoord:"
-msgid "ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."
-msgstr "FOUT : Verbinding verbroken door IMAP server"
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Server reageerde: "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "FOUT: kan IMAP server %s niet initialiseren."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Ongeldige opdracht: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Onbekende fout: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Lees data:"
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Onbekende gebruiker of verkeerd wachtwoord"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "FOUT : Kan bericht niet toevoegen aan"
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Oplossing: "
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr ""
-"Verwijder onbelangrijke berichten uit uw map en start met uw Verwijderde "
-"Items map."
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(geen onderwerp)"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Onbekend antwoord van IMAP server: "
-msgid "The server couldn't find the message you requested."
-msgstr "De server kon het gevraagde bericht niet vinden."
-msgid ""
-"Most probably your message list was out of date and the message has been "
-"moved away or deleted (perhaps by another program accessing the same "
-msgstr ""
-"Zeer waarschijnlijk is uw berichtenlijst verouderd en is het bericht "
-"verplaatst of verwijderd (misschien door het gebruik van een ander programma "
-"met toegang tot de mailbox)."
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Onbekende datum"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "A"
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Sorteren als boomstructuur wordt niet ondersteund door uw IMAP server."
Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder."
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Server-side sorteren wordt niet ondersteund door uw IMAP server.
Neem "
-"contact op met uw systeembeheerder."
-msgstr "DEZE MAP IS LEEG"
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Verplaats geselecteerde naar"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Wijzig geselecteerde berichten"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Verplaats"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "Legen"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "postvak"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Gelezen"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Ongelezen"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Verberg boomstructuur"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "Weergave boomstructuur"
-msgid "Bypass Trash"
-msgstr "Omzeil verwijderde Items"
-msgid "Click here to change the sorting of the message list"
-msgstr "Klik hier om de sortering van de berichtenlijst te veranderen"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "(de)Selecteer alles"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "Alles deselecteren"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Alles selecteren"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Bekijk berichten: %s t/m %s (%s totaal)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Bekijk bericht: %s (1 totaal)"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Pagineer"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Toon alle"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail kan de hoofdstructuur van het bericht niet decoderen"
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr "de gebruikte hoofdstructuur door uw IMAP-server"
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-"Fout ophalen inhoud. De reden is waarschijnlijk dat het bericht "
-"programmacode bevat dat squirrelmail niet kan decoderen."
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Commando:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Antwoord:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Bericht:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr "FETCH regel:"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Verberg onveilige figuren"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Bekijk onveilige figuren"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "download"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_eng.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Optie Type '%s' Niet gevonden"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Huidige map"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Nieuw bericht"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Fout bij aanmaken directory %s."
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr "Kan geen hashed directory structuur aanmaken!"
-msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
-msgstr "Service niet beschikbaar, kanaal wordt afgesloten"
-msgid "A password transition is needed"
-msgstr "Een wachtwoord is nodig"
-msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "Gevraagde mail actie niet uitgevoerd: mailbox niet beschikbaar"
-msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
-msgstr "Gevraagde actie onderbroken: fout in voortgangsproces"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
-msgstr ""
-"Gevraagde actie niet uitgevoerd: onvoldoende ruimte beschikbaar op systeem"
-msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
-msgstr "Tijdelijke authorisatie fout"
-msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
-msgstr "Syntax fout: commando niet herkend"
-msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
-msgstr "Syntax fout in parameters of argumenten"
-msgid "Command not implemented"
-msgstr "Commando niet geimplementeerd"
-msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
-msgstr "Foute volgorde van commando/'s"
-msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
-msgstr "Commando parameter niet geimplementeerd"
-msgid "Authentication required"
-msgstr "Authorisatie vereist"
-msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
-msgstr "Authorisatie mechanisme is te zwak"
-msgid "Authentication failed"
-msgstr "Authorisatie mislukt"
-msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
-msgstr "Encryptie vereist bij het gevraagde authorisatie mechanisme"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "Gevraagde actie niet uitgevoerd: maibox niet beschikbaar"
-msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
-msgstr "Gebruiker niet locaal; probeer doorsturen"
-msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
-msgstr ""
-"Gevraagde mail actie afgebroken: overschrijding toekenning opslagruimte"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
-msgstr "Gevraagde actie niet uitgevoerd: mailbox naam niet toegestaan"
-msgid "Transaction failed"
-msgstr "Transactie mislukt"
-msgid "Unknown response"
-msgstr "Onbekend antwoord"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Algemene weergave opties"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Thema"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Standaard"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "Aangepaste opmaak"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Taal"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Gebruik Javascript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Autodetect"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Altijd"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Nooit"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Weergave opties voor mailbox"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Aantal berichten te indexeren"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Gebruik afwisselende regel kleuren"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Pagina selectie"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Maximum aantal te tonen pagina's"
-msgid "Always Show Full Date"
-msgstr "Toon altijd de volledige datum"
-msgid "Length of From/To Field (0 for full)"
-msgstr "Lengte van VAN/AAN veld (0 = onbeperkt)"
-msgid "Length of Subject Field (0 for full)"
-msgstr "Lengte van Onderwerp veld (0 = onbeperkt)"
-msgid "Show recipient name if the message is from your default identity"
-msgstr "Toon naam ontvanger als het bericht van uw standaard identiteit is"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Bericht weergave en compositie"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Begin een nieuwe regel na dit aantal tekens"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Breedte van het tekstvenster"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Positie van de knoppen bij schrijven nieuw bericht"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Voor berichtkop"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Tussen berichtkop en berichttekst"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Na berichttekst"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Adresboek weergave"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "Javascript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Toon HTML versie standaard"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Activeer doorsturen als bijlage"
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Voeg CCs toe bij forwarden berichten"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Voeg Mij toe in CC als ik allen beantwoord"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Activeer weergave mailprogramma"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Geef bijgevoegde afbeeldingen weer bij bericht"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "Activeer printervriendelijk schoon scherm"
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Activeer bericht afgeleverd notificatie"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Altijd bericht opstellen in nieuw venster"
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Breedte van berichtvenster"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Hoogte van berichtvenster"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "Voeg handtekening toe _voor_ de beantwoorde/doorgestuurde tekst"
-msgid "Strip signature when replying"
-msgstr "Verwijder handtekening bij beantwoording"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "Gebruik datum van ontvangst voor sorteren"
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr "Gebruik referentie berichtkop voor sorteren in threads"
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Speciale mapopties"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Mappenpad"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Gebruik Verwijderde Items niet"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Verwijderde Items"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Gebruik Verzonden Items niet"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Verzonden Items"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Gebruik Concept map niet"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Concept map"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Speciale mapopties"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Positie van de mappenlijst"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Links"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Rechts"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "pixels"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Breedte van mappenlijst"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minuten"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "Seconden"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "Minuut"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Automatisch verversen mappenlijst om de"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Activeer Ongelezen bericht notificatie"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Geen notificatie"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Alleen INBOX"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Ongelezen bericht notificatie type"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Alleen ongelezen"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Ongelezen en Totaal"
-msgid "Enable Collapsable Folders"
-msgstr "Maak uitklapbare mappen mogelijk"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Activeer Herhaaldelijk Ongelezen bericht notificatie"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Toon klok in mappenbalk"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Geen klok"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Uur formaat"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "12-uurs klok"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "24-uurs klok"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Onthoud aantal zoekopdrachten"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Uitgeschakeld"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Map selectie opties"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Selectie mappenlijstweergave"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "Lang: "
-msgid "Folder"
-msgstr "Map"
-msgid "Subfolder"
-msgstr "Submap"
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "Ingesprongen: "
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "Gescheiden: "
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Naam en adres opties"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "E-mailadres"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Wijzig geavanceerde identiteiten"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(negeer de veranderingen in dit formulier)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Meerdere identiteiten"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "Zelfde als server"
-msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Fout bij openen tijdzone configuratie, neem contact op met uw "
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Tijdzone opties"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Uw huidige tijdzone"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Antwoordstijl citering"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Antwoordstijl citering"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Geen citering"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "Schrijver zei"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Citaat van XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Gedefinieerd door gebruiker"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Door gebruiker gedefinieerde citering start"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Door gebruiker gedefinieerde citering eind"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Handtekening opties"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Voeg een handtekening toe"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Laat handtekening voorafgaan door '-- '"
-msgid "Take Address"
-msgstr "Sla e-mailadres op"
-msgid "Address Book Take:"
-msgstr "Knop direct opslaan e-mailadres:"
-msgid "Try to verify addresses"
-msgstr "Probeer adressen te verifieren"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Versie configuratiebestand"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versie"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "PHP versie"
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Organisatie Voorkeuren"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Naam organisatie"
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Logo organisatie"
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Logo organisatie breedte"
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Logo organisatie hoogte"
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Titel organisatie"
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Afmeldpagina"
-msgid "Provider Link URI"
-msgstr "Provider Link URI"
-msgid "Provider Name"
-msgstr "Providernaam"
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Standaard taal"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr "Top Frame"
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Server instellingen"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr "Mail domein"
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr "IMAP-server adres"
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "IMAP-server poort"
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "IMAP-server type"
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Cyrus IMAP-server"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr "University of Washington's IMAP-server"
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "Microsoft Exchange IMAP-server"
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Courier IMAP-server"
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Geen van de bovenstaande servers"
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "IMAP map scheidingsteken"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr "Gebruik \"detect\" voor auto-detectie."
-msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
-msgstr "Gebruik TLS voor IMAP connecties"
-msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgstr "PHP 4.3.x vereist! Experimenteel."
-msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "IMAP authorisatie type"
-msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
-msgstr "Gebruik Sendmail"
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr "Sendmail Path"
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr "SMTP-server adres"
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr "SMTP-server poort"
-msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
-msgstr "Gebruik TLS voor SMTP connecties"
-msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "SMTP authorisatie type"
-msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
-msgstr "POP3 voor SMTP?"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr "Inverteer tijd"
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr "Gebruik bevestigings-flags"
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Map voorkeuren"
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Standaard map prefix"
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Toon map prefix optie"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr "Standaard verplaatsen naar Verwijderde Items"
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr "Standaard verplaatsen naar verzonden items"
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr "Standaard bewaren als concept"
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Toon speciale mappen eerst"
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Toon kleur speciale mappen"
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "Automatisch legen"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr "Standaard Sub. van INBOX"
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr "Toon 'bevat Sub.' optie"
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Standaard ongelezen notificatie"
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Standaard ongelezen type"
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Automatisch aanmaken speciale mappen"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "Standaard Javascript adresboek"
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Automatisch verwijderen mappen"
-msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
-msgstr "Activeer /Geenselectie map fix"
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Algemene opties"
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Standaard set van karakters"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr "Data directory"
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr "Temp directory"
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr "Graad van onderverdeling data directory"
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr "Onderverdeling uitgeschakeld"
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Medium 1"
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Medium 2"
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Standaard linkerafmeting"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr "Gebruikersnamen in kleine letters"
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr "Sta het gebruik van prioriteit toe"
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr "Verberg SM eigenschappen"
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr "Sta gebruik van ontvangstbevestigingen toe"
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr "Sta wijzigen van identiteiten toe"
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr "Sta wijzigen volledige naam toe"
-msgid "Use server-side sorting"
-msgstr "Gebruik sorteren door de server"
-msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
-msgstr "Gebruik sorteren door de server voor sorteren in threads"
-msgid "Allow server charset search"
-msgstr "Sta zoeken charset van server toe"
-msgid "UID support"
-msgstr "UID ondersteuning"
-msgid "PHP session name"
-msgstr "PHP sessie naam"
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Bericht van de dag"
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Database"
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "Adresboek DSN"
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Adresboek tabel"
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "Voorkeuren DSN"
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Voorkeuren tabel"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr "Voorkeuren veld gebruikersnaam"
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr "Voorkeuren veld sleutel"
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr "Voorkeuren veld waarde"
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Thema's"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr "Stijl sjabloon URL (css)"
-msgid "Default theme"
-msgstr "Standaard thema"
-msgid "Use index number of theme"
-msgstr "Gebruik indexnummer van thema"
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Configuratie Administrator"
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Thema naam"
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Thema path"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Plugins"
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "Verander instellingen"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr "Configuratie file kan niet worden geopend. Check config.php."
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administratie"
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr ""
-"Deze module maakt het administrators mogelijk de basisconfiguratie van "
-"SquirrelMail op afstand te wijzigen."
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr "Fout rapportage:"
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr "Toon knop in menu"
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "VANDAAG"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "Ga"
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "l, j F Y"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr "VOEG TOE"
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr "WIJZIG"
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr "VERWIJDER"
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr "Aanvang:"
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "Duur:"
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Prioriteit"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Titel:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Voeg afspraak toe"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr "Afspraak is toegevoegd!"
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Datum:"
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Tijd:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr "Dag weergave"
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr "Wilt u deze afspraak echt verwijderen?"
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Afspraak verwijderd!"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr "Niets te verwijderen!"
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Wijzig afspraak"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr "Wilt u deze afspraak echt als volgt wijzigen? Van:"
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "naar:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr "Afspraak gewijzigd!"
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr "Maand weergave"
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr "0 min."
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr "15 min."
-msgid "30 min."
-msgstr "30 min."
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr "45 min."
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr "1 uur"
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr "1,5 uur"
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr "2 uur"
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr "2,5 uur"
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr "3 uur"
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr "3,5 uur"
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr "4 uur"
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr "5 uur"
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr "6 uur"
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Kalender"
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Verwijder & Vorige"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Verwijder & Volgende"
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Verplaats:"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Verwijder/Verplaats/Volgende knoppen:"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "toon boven"
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "met verplaats optie"
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "toon onder"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Deze lijst bevat servers die geverifieerd zijn als spam "
-"verzenders. Het is een behoorlijk betrouwbare lijst om spam mee te "
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Server die geconfigureerd zijn om spam door te geven zullen "
-"worden geblokkeerd met dit."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Inbel gebruikers worden vaak gefilterd aangezien zij hun ISP "
-"mailservers moeten gebruiken om mail te verzenden. Spammers nemen vaak een "
-"inbelaccount om spam te verzenden."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - ORDB is opgericht toen ORBS uit de lucht ging. Het lijkt minder foute "
-"matches te hebben dan ORBS."
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr "FREE - - Dial-up lists - bevat enkele DSL IPs."
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - - Bulk mailers die geen bevestiging van gebruikers "
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - Andere servers."
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers bevat alleen echt slechte open relays buiten de USA om "
-"aanklachten te vermijden. Interessant is dat hun website aanbeveelt om hun "
-"service NIET te gebruiken."
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAMhaus - Een lijst van bekende SPAM bronnen."
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - SPAMCOP - Een interessant alternatief dat servers bevat die een erg "
-"hoge spam - e-mail ratio hebben. (85% of meer)"
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - - Ik heb geen gedetailleerde informatie over deze lijst."
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr "FREE - - Relay Stop Lijst. Erg conservatieve OpenRelay List."
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr "FREE - Open Relays - Andere lijst van Open Relays."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAM Source - Lijst van Direct SPAM sources."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAM ISPs - Lijst van SPAM-vriendelijke ISPs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Andere lijst van Dial-up of andere dynamisch toegewezen "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - Lijst van IPs waar direct SPAM van "
-"heeft gekregen."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers die geen geverifieerde opt-in "
-"vereisen of die bekende spammers toe hebben gestaan lid te worden en hun "
-"services te misbruiken."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays die niet op de lijst "
-"staan van andere actieve RBLs."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays die niet op de lijst "
-"staan van andere actieve RBLs en die SPAM hebben verzonden aan"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites op deze lijst hebben aan direct "
-"SPAM verzonden van IPs in netblocks waarbij het gehele block geen DNS "
-"mappings heeft. Het is een lijst van BLOCKS van IPs die worden gebruikt door "
-"mensen die hebben geSPAMmed"
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Een andere Blacklist - Beide Open Relays en Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr "FREE - Een andere Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Gedistribueerde zender boycot lijst - Bevestigde relays"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Gedistribueerde zender boycot lijst - Bevestigde multi-stage relays"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Gedistribueerde zender boycot lijst - Onbevestigde relays"
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr "Bewaarde scan type"
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Bericht filtering"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "Wat te scannen:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Alle berichten"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Alleen ongelezen berichten"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Bewaar"
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Selecteer op:"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Berichtkop"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Bevat:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Als %s bevat %s verplaats dan naar %s"
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Berichtfilters"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtering zorgt ervoor dat berichten met verschillende criteria automatisch "
-"worden geplaatst in verschillende mappen."
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "SPAM filters"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"SPAM filters stellen u in staat om junk e-mail te detecteren van "
-"verschillende op DNS gebaseerde zwarte lijsten in uw INBOX en het te "
-"verplaatsen naar een andere map (bijv. Verwijderde Items)."
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Spam Filtering"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-"WAARSCHUWING! Vraag uw administrator om de SpamFilters_YourHop variabele te "
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Verplaats spam naar:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Het verplaatsen van spam naar de verwijderde items is in eerste instantie "
-"geen goed idee, omdat berichten van vrienden en mailinglists soms "
-"automatisch worden gemarkeerd als spam. Welke map u ook selecteert, zorg dat "
-"de map periodiek wordt geleegd, zodat u van een grote mailbox gevrijwaard "
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Des te meer berichten u scanned, des te langer het duurt. Voorgesteld wordt "
-"om alleen nieuwe berichten te scannen. Als u een wijziging in uw filters "
-"maakt, dan wordt de optie -alle berichten- geactiveerd. Ga dan naar INBOX, "
-"kom terug en zet de optie -alleen nieuwe berichten- . Op deze manier zullen "
-"uw nieuwe spamfilters worden geactiveerd en u scanned zelfs de spam die u "
-"leest met de nieuwe spamfilters."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Spam wordt verplaatst naar %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[not set yet]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Spam scan wordt beperkt tot %s"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Alleen ongelezen berichten"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Alle berichten"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "AAN"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "UIT"
-msgid " not found."
-msgstr " niet gevonden"
-msgid "Today's Fortune"
-msgstr "Uitspraak van vandaag"
-msgid "Fortunes:"
-msgstr "Uitspraken:"
-msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
-msgstr "Toon uitspraken bovenaan de mailbox"
-msgid "IMAP server information"
-msgstr "IMAP-server informatie"
-msgid ""
-"Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. "
-"These tests use the Squirrelmail IMAP commands and your current Squirrelmail "
-"configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Voer enkele IMAP commando/'s uit, het commando en het resultaat worden "
-"getoond.Deze testen gebruiken de Squirrelmail IMAP commando/'s en uw huidige "
-"Squirrelmail configuratie. Aangepaste commandoregels kunnen worden gebruikt."
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "Mailinglist"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Dit zal een bericht voor hulp bij deze lijst naar %s sturen. U zal "
-"automatisch een antwoord ontvangen op het onderstaande e-mailadres."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Dit zal een bericht naar %s sturen voor aanmelding bij deze lijst.U zal met "
-"het onderstaande e-mailadres worden aangemeld."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-"Dit zal een bericht naar %s sturen voor afmelding van deze lijst.Het "
-"onderstaande e-mailadres zal worden afgemeld."
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Verstuur bericht"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "Stuur naar de lijst"
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Antwoord naar de lijst"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "Lijst archieven"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "Neem contact op met lijsteigenaar"
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "Mailinglist"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "POP3 connect:"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Geen server gespecificeerd"
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Fout "
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "POP3 user:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "geen gebruikersnaam opgegeven"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "verbinding niet tot stand gebracht"
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "POP3 pass:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Geen wachtwoord opgegeven"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "authorisatie mislukt "
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "POP3 apop:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Geen verbinding met server"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Geen gebruikersnaam opgegeven"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "Geen server vaandel"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "afbreken"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "apop authorisatie mislukt"
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "POP3 gebruikersnaam:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 top:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "Voortijdig einde van de lijst"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 ophalen:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 laatste:"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "Leeg commando"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 afsluiten:"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "verbinding bestaat niet"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "POP3 verwijderen:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Geen berichtnummer opgegeven"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Commando mislukt"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Selecteer server:"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Wachtwoord voor"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Ophalen berichten"
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "Ophalen mail van externe POP-servers"
-msgid "No POP3 servers configured yet."
-msgstr "Nog geen POP3 servers geconfigureerd "
-msgid "Click here to go to the options page."
-msgstr "Klik hier om naar de opties pagina te gaan."
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "Ophalen van "
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "Oops, "
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Openen IMAP-server"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Openen POP-server"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Aanmelden mislukt:"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Aanmelden OK: Geen nieuwe berichten"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Aanmelden OK: Inbox LEEG"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Aanmelden OK: Inbox bevat ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] berichten"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "Ophalen UIDL ..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Server ondersteunt geen UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "Bewaren mail op server ..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Verwijderen berichten van server ..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Ophalen bericht "
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr "Server fout ... connectie verbroken"
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr "Herstel verbroken connectie"
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "UIDL opslaan"
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Opnieuw ophalen bericht "
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Fout bij het toevoegen van het bericht! "
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Sluiten POP"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Aanmelden van IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "Bericht toegevoegd aan mailbox"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Bericht "
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " verwijderd van externe server!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Verwijderen mislukt:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Externe POP-server instellingen"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"U moet erop bedacht zijn dat de beveiliging die wordt gebruikt om uw "
-"wachtwoord op te slaan niet perfect is. Maar als u pop gebruikt is er "
-"normaal gesproken helemaal geen beveiliging. De beveiliging die gebruikt "
-"wordt om uw wachtwoord op te slaan op de server kan ongedaan worden gemaakt "
-"door een hacker door de bron van dit bestand te lezen."
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Als u uw wachtwoord leeg laat, zal het worden gevraagd wanneer u uw mail "
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Beveilig wachtwoorden (alleen informatief)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "Voeg server toe"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Server:"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Poort:"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Alias:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Sla op in map:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "Bewaar mail op server"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Check mail tijdens aanmelden"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "Check mail tijdens vernieuwing mappen"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Bewerk server"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Servernaam:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Bewerk"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Geen server in gebruik. Voeg er een toe."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "Ophalen servers"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Bevestig verwijdering van een server"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Selecteerde server:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Bevestig de verwijdering van de geselecteerde server"
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Bevestig verwijdering"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Niet gedefinieerde functie"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Hey! Wat zoekt u?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Ophalen"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Waarschuwing, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "Resultaten:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "POP3-toegang externe e-mailaccounts"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-"Instellingen voor het downloaden van e-mail van een externe pop3-server naar "
-"uw account op deze server."
-msgid "Message Details"
-msgstr "Berichtdetails"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Sluit venster"
-msgid "Save Message"
-msgstr "Bewaar bericht"
-msgid "View Message details"
-msgstr "Bekijk berichtdetails"
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Geen notificatie nieuw bericht"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Selecteer Activeer afspelen geluid om een geluid te laten horen als "
-"er een nieuw bericht in uw mappen verschijnt. U kunt het geluid dat te horen "
-"zal zijn zelf specificeren."
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"De optie Controleer alle mappen, niet alleen INBOX zal ALLE mappen op "
-"nieuwe berichten controleren en niet alleen de INBOX."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"Selectie van Toon popupvenster bij nieuw bericht zorgt voor "
-"activering van een popup indien er een nieuw bericht in een van uw mappen "
-"verschijnt (Javascript is nodig!)."
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Gebruik de optie Controleer alleen RECENT om uitsluitend te "
-"controleren op berichten die recent zijn. Recente berichten zijn berichten "
-"die net gearriveerd zijn en nog niet bekeken of gecontroleerd zijn. Dit "
-"voorkomt dat u continu door popups of geluid wordt lastig gevallen bij een "
-"nieuw bericht."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"De optie Verander titelaanduiding zal in sommige browsers te "
-"titelaanduiding veranderen bij een nieuw bericht. (Javascript is nodig en "
-"het werkt alleen met IE (Internet Explorer). U zal geen fouten zien indien u "
-"een andere browser gebruikt.) Deze optie zal u altijd vertellen of u nieuwe "
-"berichten hebt, zelfs al heeft u de optie Controleer alleen RECENT "
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. If no file is specified, \"(none)\", no sound will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Selecteer het geluid dat u wilt afspelen bij een nieuw bericht van de lijst "
-"met server bestanden. Indien er geen bestand wordt gespecificeerd, "
-"\"(geen)\" zal geen geluid worden gebruikt."
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "Activeer afspelen geluid"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Controleer alle mappen, niet alleen INBOX"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Controleer alleen RECENT"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Verander titelaanduiding"
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "Javascript is nodig"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "Toon popupvenster bij nieuw bericht"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Selecteer bestand van server:"
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr "(geen)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Test"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Huidig bestand:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Nieuw bericht"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail notificatie:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "U heeft een nieuw bericht!"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Nieuw bericht opties"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"Opties voor het afspelen van geluiden en/of het tonen van popupvensters "
-"wanneer u een nieuw bericht ontvangt."
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Nieuw bericht opties opgeslagen"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s Nieuwe berichten"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s Nieuwe berichten"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Test geluid"
-msgid "No sound specified"
-msgstr "Geen geluid gespecificeerd"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "Geluid wordt geladen ..."
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Verzonden Items submap opties "
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Gebruik Verzonden Items submappen"
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Maandelijks"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr "Driemaandelijks"
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr "Jaarlijks"
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Verzonden Items basismap"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr "Raporteer als Spam"
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr "SpamCop - Spamrapportage"
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-"Help in de strijd tegen ongewenste e-mail. SpamCop leest de spam e-mail en "
-"bepaald het juiste adres om een klacht heen te sturen. Snel, slim en "
-"makkelijk in gebruik!"
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Spellingscontrole opties"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"Hier kan u aangeven hoe uw persoonlijke woordenboek wordt opgeslagen, wijzig "
-"het, of kies de talen die beschikbaar moeten zijn als u de spelling "
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Controleer spelling"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Terug naar "Spellingscontrole Opties" pagina"
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "LET OP:"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-"SquirrelSpell kan uw persoonlijke woordenboek niet lezen. Dit wordt "
-"waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door het wijzigen van uw mailbox wachtwoord.Om "
-"door te gaan moet u uw oude wachtwoord ingeven, zodat SquirrelSpell uw "
-"persoonlijke woordenboek kan lezen. Het zal hierna met uw nieuwe wachtwoord "
-"worden beveiligd.
Als u uw woordenboek niet heeft beveiligd, zal deze "
-"niet langer geldig zijn. U zal het moeten verwijderen en een nieuwe moeten "
-"beginnen.Dit geldt ook als u uw oude wachtwoord bent vergeten. Zonder "
-"wachtwoord is uw data niet toegankelijk."
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "Verwijder mijn woordenboek en start een nieuwe"
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "Ontcijfer mijn woordenboek met mijn oude wachtwoord:"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Doorgaan"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr "U moet een keuze maken"
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-"U kunt uw woordenboek verwijderen of het oude wachtwoord intypen, niet beide."
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Dit zal de file met uw persoonlijk woordenboek verwijderen. Doorgaan?"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "Fout ontcijferen woordenboek"
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "Cute."
-#, c-format
-msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-msgstr "Er is geprobeerd om '%s' te starten, maar het gaf de melding:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-msgstr "SquirrelSpell is onjuist geconfigureerd."
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-msgstr "SquirrelSpell resultaten"
-msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-msgstr "Spellingscontrole voltooid. Wijzigingen toevoegen?"
-msgid "No changes were made."
-msgstr "Er zijn geen veranderingen gemaakt."
-msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-msgstr "Opslaan van uw persoonlijk woordenboek ... even geduld a.u.b."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s errors"
-msgstr "%s fouten gevonden"
-msgid "Line with an error:"
-msgstr "Regel met fout:"
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "Fout:"
-msgid "Suggestions:"
-msgstr "Suggesties:"
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Suggesties"
-msgid "Change to:"
-msgstr "Verander in:"
-msgid "Occurs times:"
-msgstr "Komt voor:"
-msgid "Change this word"
-msgstr "Verander dit woord"
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr "Verander"
-msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-msgstr "Verander ALLE plaatsen waar dit woord voorkomt"
-msgid "Change All"
-msgstr "Verander alles"
-msgid "Ignore this word"
-msgstr "Negeer dit woord"
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Negeer"
-msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-msgstr "Negeer ALLE plaatsen waar dit woord voorkomt"
-msgid "Ignore All"
-msgstr "Negeer alles"
-msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Voeg dit woord to aan uw persoonlijk woordenboek"
-msgid "Add to Dic"
-msgstr "Voeg toe aan wb"
-msgid "Close and Commit"
-msgstr "Sluit en voeg toe"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"De spellingscontrole is niet klaar. Echt afsluiten en toevoegen "
-msgid "Close and Cancel"
-msgstr "Afsluiten en annuleren"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"De spellingscontrole is niet klaar. Echt afsluiten en negeren veranderingen?"
-msgid "No errors found"
-msgstr "Geen fouten gevonden"
-msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-msgstr "Uw persoonlijk woordenboek is verwijderd"
-msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-msgstr "Woordenboek verwijderd"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-"\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-msgstr ""
-"Uw persoonlijk woordenboek is verwijderd. Sluit dit venster en klik opnieuw "
-"op de \"Controleer spelling\" knop om uw spelling te controleren."
-msgid "Close this Window"
-msgstr "Sluit dit venster"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-msgstr ""
-"Uw persoonlijk woordenboek is succesvol beveiligd. Ga terug naar het ""
-"Spellingscontrole opties" menu en selecteer opnieuw."
-msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-msgstr "Succesvolle beveiliging"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-"window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-msgstr ""
-"Uw persoonlijk woordenboek is succesvol beveiligd. Sluit dit venster en klik "
-"opnieuw op de \"Controleer spelling\" knop om uw spelling te controleren."
-msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-msgstr "Woordenboek beveiligd"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-"stored in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Uw persoonlijke woordenboek is beveiligd en is nu "
-"opgeslagen in beveiligd formaat."
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-"stored as clear text."
-msgstr ""
-"Uw persoonlijke woordenboek is ontcijferd en is nu "
-"opgeslagen als platte tekst."
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-msgstr "Persoonlijk woordenboek beveiligingsinstellingen"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Persoonlijk woordenboek"
-msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-msgstr "Geen woorden in uw persoonlijk woordenboek"
-msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-msgstr "Selecteer de woorden die u wilt verwijderen uit uw woordenboek."
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s dictionary"
-msgstr "%s woordenboek"
-msgid "Delete checked words"
-msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde woorden"
-msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Wijzig uw persoonlijk woordenboek"
-msgid "Please make your selection first."
-msgstr "Maak uw keuze eerst a.u.b."
-msgid ""
-"This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Dit beveiligd uw persoonlijk woordenboek en slaat het op in beveiligd "
-"formaat. Doorgaan?"
-msgid ""
-"This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Dit ontcijfert uw persoonlijk woordenboek slaat het in platte tekst op."
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-"helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and "
-"your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the "
-"password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see "
-"what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-"strong> If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become "
-"unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your "
-"mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your "
-"old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key.
-msgstr ""
-"Uw persoonlijk woordenboek is momenteel beveiligd. Dit "
-"zorgt voor bescherming van uw privacy in het geval dat het webmail systeem "
-"wordt gekraakt en uw persoonlijke woordenboek wordt gestolen. Het is "
-"momenteel beveiligd met het wachtwoord dat u ook gebruik bij het aanmelden, "
-"zodat niemand kan zien wat in uw persoonlijk woordenboek is opgenomen.
-"LET OP: Als u uw wachtwoord vergeet wordt uw persoonlijk "
-"woordenboek ontoegankelijk, omdat het dan niet meer ontcijferd kan worden. "
-"Als u uw wachtwoord verandert zal SquirrelSpel dit herkennen en u vragen "
-"naar uw oude wachtwoord om het woordenboek met het nieuwe wachtwoord te "
-msgid ""
-"Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-msgstr "Ontcijfer mijn persoonlijk woordenboek en sla het in platte tekst op."
-msgid "Change crypto settings"
-msgstr "Verander beveiligingsinstellingen"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You "
-"may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case "
-"the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets "
-"stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to "
-"decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
-"p> ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal "
-"dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your "
-"mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator "
-"changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and "
-"will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator "
-"change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, "
-"you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the "
-"new value.
-msgstr ""
-"Uw persoonlijk woordenboek is momenteel niet beveiligd. "
-"U kan uw persoonlijk woordenboek beveiligen om uw privacy te beschermen in "
-"het geval dat het webmail systeem wordt gekraakt en uw persoonlijke "
-"woordenboek wordt gestolen. Indien het bestand is beveiligd zal het vage "
-"tekens bevatten en niet te ontcijferen zijn zonder de juiste sleutel (uw "
LET OP: Als u besluit om uw "
-"woordenboek te beveiligen met uw wachtwoord dan mag u dat niet vergeten. "
-"Indien u uw wachtwoord vergeet en de systeembeheerder geeft u een nieuw "
-"wachtwoord dan wordt uw woordenboek onleesbaar en moet u een nieuwe "
-"aanmaken. Maar als u uw oude wachtwoord nog weet en u krijgt een nieuw "
-"wachtwoord dan kan u uw woordenboek nog ontcijferen en opnieuw beveiligen "
-"met het nieuwe wachtwoord.
-msgid ""
-"Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Beveilig mijn persoonlijk woordenboek en sla het op in beveiligd formaat."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-msgstr "Verwijder de volgende selecties van %s woordenboek:"
-msgid "All done!"
-msgstr "Klaar!"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-msgstr "Persoonlijk woordenboek bijgewerkt"
-msgid "No changes requested."
-msgstr "Geen veranderingen gemaakt."
-msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-msgstr "Even wachten aub, communicatie met de server ..."
-msgid ""
-"Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-msgstr ""
-"Kies een woordenboek dat u wilt gebruiken om de spelling van dit bericht te "
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-msgstr "Opstarten SquirrelSpell"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-"default dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-"Instellingen veranderd naar: %s met %s als "
-"standaard woordenboek."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-msgstr ""
-"%s woordenboek gebruikt als standaard voor "
-msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-msgstr "Instellingen voor internationale woordenboeken bijgewerkt"
-msgid ""
-"Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like "
-"to use when spellchecking:"
-msgstr ""
-"Kies beschikbare internationale woordenboeken dat u wilt gebruiken bij de "
-msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-msgstr "Stel dit woordenboek in als standaard:"
-msgid "Make these changes"
-msgstr "Maak deze veranderingen"
-msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-msgstr "Voeg internationale woordenboeken toe"
-msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-msgstr "Kies welke opties u wilt configureren:"
-msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Bewerk uw persoonlijk woordenboek"
-msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-msgstr "Configureer internationale woordenboeken"
-msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Beveilig of ontcijfer uw persoonlijk woordenboek"
-msgid "not available"
-msgstr "niet beschikbaar"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-msgstr "SquirrelSpell Opties Menu"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "Vertaler"
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Vertaalopties opgeslagen"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Uw server opties zijn:"
-msgid "Maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Maximum van 1000 tekens vertaald, powered by Systran"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported language pairs: %s"
-msgstr "Aantal ondersteunde talenparen: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Geen limieten bekend, powered by Systran"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Translation Experts's InterTran"
-msgstr "Geen limieten bekend, powered by Translation Experts's InterTran"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported languages: %s"
-msgstr "Aantal ondersteunde talen: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr "Geen limieten bekend, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgid "Hellenic translations, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Griekse vertalingen, geen limieten bekend, powered by Systran"
-msgid "Russian translations, maximum of 500 characters translated"
-msgstr "Russische vertalingen, maximum van 500 tekens vertaald"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr "Waar en wanneer wilt u het vertaalkader weergegeven hebben?"
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Selecteer uw vertaler:"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "Tijdens lezen:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Toon vertaalkader"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "links"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "in het midden"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "rechts"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "Vertaal in de SquirrelMail frames"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "Tijdens schrijven:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Nog niet functioneel, doet momenteel niets"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Vertaalopties"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr ""
-"Welke vertaler moet worden gebruikt als u berichten in een andere taal "
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "%s in %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Engels"
-msgid "Chinese"
-msgstr "Chinees"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Frans"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Duits"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "Italiaans"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "Japans"
-msgid "Korean"
-msgstr "Koreaans"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugees"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Spaans"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Russisch"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Vertaal"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "Braziliaans Portugees"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "Bulgaars"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "Kroatisch"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Tsjechisch"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Deens"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Nederlands"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "Europees Spaans"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Fins"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Grieks"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "Hongaars"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "IJslands"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "Latijns Amerikaans Spaans"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Noors"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Pools"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Roemeens"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "Servisch"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "Sloveens"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Zweeds"
-msgid "Turkish"
-msgstr "Turks"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "Wales"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "Indonesisch"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "Latijns"
-msgid "to English"
-msgstr "naar Engels"
-msgid "from English"
-msgstr "van Engels"
-msgid "Interface language"
-msgstr "Interface taal"
-msgid "Translation direction"
-msgstr "Vertaalrichting"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr "Bezorgingsfout rapportage"
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr "Berichtkoppen onbestelbaar bericht"
-#~ msgid "Unknown Sender"
-#~ msgstr "Onbekende afzender"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems "
-#~ "to include servers used by auto-replies too."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts lijst van geverifieerde open relays. "
-#~ "Lijkt ook servers gebruikt door auto-replies te bevatten."
-#~ msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-#~ msgstr "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-#~ "have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. "
-#~ "Seems to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites die continu spam versturen "
-#~ "en handmatig zijn toegevoegd na herhaaldelijke meldingen. Gebruik "
-#~ "voorzichtig. Lijkt abuse auto-replies van ISPs ook te weren."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay "
-#~ "for other mail servers that are not secure."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - Lijst van hosts die beveiligd zijn, maar "
-#~ "relayen voor andere mailservers die niet beveiligd zijn."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-#~ "ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to "
-#~ "catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - Dit zijn IP ranges van bedrijven "
-#~ "die bekend staan om het maken van spam software. Lijkt abuse auto-replies "
-#~ "van sommige ISPs te weren."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-#~ "users in without confirmation."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - Lijst van listservers die "
-#~ "gebruikers accepteren zonder bevestiging."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure "
-#~ "formmail.cgi scripts. (planned)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft onveilige formmail.cgi scripts - Lijst van onveilige "
-#~ "formmail.cgi scripts. (geplanned)."
-#~ msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-#~ msgstr "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - Lijst van Open Proxy Servers."
-#~ msgid "Click here to try again"
-#~ msgstr "Klik hier om het nog eens te proberen"
-#~ msgid "Current Search"
-#~ msgstr "Huidige map"
-#~ msgid "Body"
-#~ msgstr "Inhoud"
-#~ msgid "Everywhere"
-#~ msgstr "Overal"
-#~ msgid "Mofify a Server"
-#~ msgstr "Bewerk een server"
-#~ msgid "4 language pairs for Hellenic, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "4 talen paren voor Hellenic, geen limieten bekend, powered by Systran"
-#~ msgid "Not available"
-#~ msgstr "Niet beschikbaar"
-#~ msgid "Unknown message number in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "Onbekend berichtnummer in antwoord van server: "
-#~ msgid "(unknown sender)"
-#~ msgstr "(onbekende afzender)"
-#~ msgid "35 min."
-#~ msgstr "35 min."
-#~ msgid "POP3 noop:"
-#~ msgstr "POP3 noop:"
-#~ msgid "Message details"
-#~ msgstr "Berichtdetails"
-#~ msgid "(local media)"
-#~ msgstr "(lokaal geluid)"
-#~ msgid "Local Media File:"
-#~ msgstr "Lokaal geluidsbestand:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "10 language pairs, maximum of 25 kilobytes translated, powered by Systran"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "10 talen paren, maximum van 25 kilobytes vertaald, powered by Systran "
-#~ msgid "Enable Subtle Printer Friendly Link"
-#~ msgstr "Activeer subtiele printervriendelijke link"
-#~ msgid "Authenticated SMTP"
-#~ msgstr "SMTP authorisatie"
-#~ msgid "Viewing a message attachment"
-#~ msgstr "Bekijk een tekst bijlage"
-#~ msgid "Cc:"
-#~ msgstr "CC"
-#~ msgid "Bcc:"
-#~ msgstr "BCC"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Enable request/confirm reading"
-#~ msgstr "Activeer ontvangst-/leesbevestiging"
-#~ msgid "Use receive date for sort"
-#~ msgstr "Gebruik datum van ontvangst voor sorteren"
-#~ msgid "There was an error contacting the mail server."
-#~ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het verbinden met de mailserver"
-#~ msgid "Contact your administrator for help."
-#~ msgstr "Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder voor hulp."
-#~ msgid "No Messages found"
-#~ msgstr "Geen berichten gevonden"
-#~ msgid "Note Field Contains"
-#~ msgstr "Aantekeningveld bevat"
-#~ msgid "No To Address"
-#~ msgstr "Geen AAN adres"
-#~ msgid "Found"
-#~ msgstr "Gevonden"
-#~ msgid "messages"
-#~ msgstr "berichten"
-#~ msgid "Error decoding mime structure. Report this as a bug!"
-#~ msgstr "Fout decoderen mime structuur. Raporteer dit als een bug!"
-#~ msgid "Submit message"
-#~ msgstr "Voeg bericht toe"
-#~ msgid "POP3: premature NOOP OK, NOT an RFC 1939 Compliant server"
-#~ msgstr "POP3: voortijdig NOOP OK, Geen RFC 1939 vriendelijke server"
-#~ msgid "NOOP failed. Server not RFC 1939 compliant"
-#~ msgstr "NOOP mislukt. Server is niet RFC 1939 vriendelijk"
-#~ msgid "Notify:"
-#~ msgstr "Waarschuwing:"
-#~ msgid "l, F d Y"
-#~ msgstr "l, d F Y"
-#~ msgid "Don't Email Me"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij niet"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 0m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij 0 min. van tevoren"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 5m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij 5 min. van tevoren"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 15m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij 15 min. van tevoren"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 30m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij 30 min. van tevoren"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 1h prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij 1 uur van tevoren"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 4h prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij 4 uur van tevoren"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 1d prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-mail mij 1 dag van tevoren"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please contact your system administrator and report the following error:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Neem a.u.b. contact op met uw systeembeheerder en rapporteer de volgende "
-#~ "foutmelding:"
-#~ msgid "Save to:"
-#~ msgstr "Bewaar in:"
-#~ msgid "Extract"
-#~ msgstr "Uitpakken"
-#~ msgid "Left aligned"
-#~ msgstr "Links uitgelijnd"
-#~ msgid "Right aligned"
-#~ msgstr "Rechts uitgelijnd"
-#~ msgid "on the Read screen"
-#~ msgstr "op het berichtscherm"
-#~ msgid "Hide the box"
-#~ msgstr "Verberg de knop"
-#~ msgid "Unknown messagenumber in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "Onbekend berichtnummer in antwoord van server"
-#~ msgid "$thread_name"
-#~ msgstr "$thread_naam"
-#~ msgid "empty"
-#~ msgstr "legen"
-#~ msgid "Welcome to %s's WebMail system"
-#~ msgstr "Welkom on %s WebMail systeem"
-#~ msgid "Running SquirrelMail version %s (c) 1999-2001."
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelMail versie %s (c) 1999-2001."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Another ORBS replacement (just the INPUTS database used here)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Nog een ORBS vervanger (enkel de INPUTS database is hier gebruikt)."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Another ORBS replacement (just the OUTPUTS database used here)."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Nog een ORBS vervanger (enkel de INPUTS database is hier gebruikt)."
-#~ msgid "delete_move_next:"
-#~ msgstr "verwijder_verplaats_volgende:"
-#~ msgid "Remove MDN flag"
-#~ msgstr "Verwijder MDN flag"
-#~ msgid "FREE - - Inputs only."
-#~ msgstr "FREE - - Alleen Inputs."
-#~ msgid "FREE - - Outputs only."
-#~ msgstr "FREE - - Aleen Outputs."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - - mailservers that refuse or bounce email "
-#~ "addressed to postmaster@."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - bevat niet alleen open relays, maar ook "
-#~ "mailservers die weigeren of die e-mail bouncen die geadresseerd is aan "
-#~ "postmaster@."
-#~ msgid "Close window"
-#~ msgstr "Sluit venster"
-#~ msgid "Mailinglist options:"
-#~ msgstr "Mailinglist opties"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - ORBL is another ORBS spinoff formed after ORBS shut down. May be "
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - ORBL is nog een andere ORBS, gevormd nadat ORBS stopte. Kan "
-#~ "TRAAAAAG zijn!"
-#~ msgid "requires IE and JavaScript to work"
-#~ msgstr "IE (Internet Explorer) en Javascript nodig"
-#~ msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ is a combination of RSS, DUL, and RBL."
-#~ msgstr "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ is een combinatie van RSS, DUL, en RBL."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft - Very thorough, but also rejects replies from many "
-#~ "ISP's email messages for some reason."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "FREE - Osirusoft - Erg grondig, maar weigert antwoorden van veel ISP e-"
-#~ "mail berichten verzonden van"
-#~ msgid "Enable display of images with email, below attachment box"
-#~ msgstr "Activeer weergave van afbeeldingen in e-mail, onder bijlage-kader"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved display preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Weergavevoorkeuren zijn opgeslagen!"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved folder preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Mapvoorkeuren zijn opgeslagen!"
-#~ msgid "Yes, show me the HTML version of a mail message, if it is available."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ja, toon de HTML versie van een e-mailbericht als HTML beschikbaar is."
-#~ msgid "Include Self"
-#~ msgstr "Voeg eigen e-mailadres toe"
-#~ msgid "Don't remove me from the CC addresses when I use \"Reply All\""
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Verwijder mij niet uit de CC adressen als ik \"Allen beantwoorden\" "
-#~ "gebruik"
-#~ msgid "Show page selector"
-#~ msgstr "Toon pagina selectie"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Gebruik Verw. Items niet"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Sent"
-#~ msgstr "Gebruik Verz. Items niet"
-#~ msgid "Collapseable folders"
-#~ msgstr "Uitklapbare mappen"
-#~ msgid "Author's Name"
-#~ msgstr "Schrijvers naam"
-#~ msgid "Use a signature?"
-#~ msgstr "Voeg handtekening toe?"
-#~ msgid "(only Cc/Bcc)"
-#~ msgstr "(alleen CC/BCC)"
-#~ msgid "total"
-#~ msgstr "totaal"
-#~ msgid "Folders created successfully!"
-#~ msgstr "Mappen succesvol aangemaakt!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In order for SquirrelMail to provide the full set of options you need to "
-#~ "create the special folders listed below. Just click the check box and "
-#~ "hit the create button."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Om SquirrelMail volledig te laten werken moet u speciale mappen aanmaken. "
-#~ "Klik op [Aanmaken] om verder te gaan."
-#~ msgid "Create Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Maak Verwijderde Items aan"
-#~ msgid "You must login first."
-#~ msgstr "U moet eerst aanmelden."
diff --git a/locale/nn_NO/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/nn_NO/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index 562236a1..00000000
Binary files a/locale/nn_NO/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/nn_NO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/nn_NO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dc22e9b..00000000
--- a/locale/nn_NO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3393 +0,0 @@
-# Norwegian Nynorsk Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Magni Onsøien , 2000.
-# Ola Ketil Siqveland , 2002.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-01-01 18:33+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-02 14:59+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ola Ketil Siqveland \n"
-"Language-Team: Norwegian nynorsk\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr "Lever feilrapport "
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr "Meldigshovud frå medlingar som ikkje vart levert"
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(utan emne)"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Personleg adressebok"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Database feil %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Adresseboka er ikkje skrivbar"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Brukaren '%s' finst alt"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Brukaren '%s' finst ikkje"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Global adressebok"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Fila eller katalogen finst ikkje"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Feila ved opning av fil"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Kan ikkje modifisera global adressebok"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Ikkje eit filnamn"
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "Kunne ikkje skriva"
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Klarte ikkje oppdatera"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Kunne ikkje låse datafila"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Feila ved skriving til adressebok"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Feil ved initialisering av adressebokdatabasen"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Feila ved opning av %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Feil ved initialiseringa av global adressebok"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Feil ved tilkobling til LDAP-serveren %s"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Ugyldige inndata"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Namnet manglar"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "E-postadressa manglar"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "Kortnamnet inneheld ugyldige teikn"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "vis"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Visitkort"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr ""
-"Du må ha eit gyldig brukarnamn og passord for å få tilgang til denne sida!"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Sundag"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Måndag"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Tysdag"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Onsdag"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Torsdag"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Fredag"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Laurdag"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Januar"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Februar"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Mars"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "April"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Mai"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Juni"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Juli"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "August"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "September"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Oktober"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "November"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Desember"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, g:i a"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "M j, Y"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Database instillingsfeil (%s) Avsluttar unormalt."
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Ukjend brukar eller feil passord."
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "Klikk her for å prøve på nytt"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Klikk her for å gå tilbake til %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "%s Logo"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versjon %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "Av SquirrelMail-utviklingsgruppa"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "FEIL"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Til innloggingssida"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Fil for lagring av val (%s) vart ikkje funne. Logg ut og innatt for å "
-"opprette fila."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Innstillingsfila %s kunne ikkje opnast. Ta kontakt med systemadministrator "
-"for hjelp"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Innstillingsfila %s kunne ikkje skrivast. Ta kontakt med systemadministrator "
-"for hjelp"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Feil ved opning av %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Standard innstillingsfil finst ikkje eller er ikkje lesbar!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Kontakt systemadministrator og rapporter feilen"
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Kan ikkje oppreta initsiell innstillingsfil"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s skulle vert skrivbar for brukar %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Signatur fila %s kan ikkje opnast. Kontakt systemadministartor for å løysa "
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Signatur fila %s kan ikkje skrivast. Kontakt systemadministartor for å løysa "
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --with-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-"Ein treng php4 installert med \"multibyte string function\" slått på (bruk "
-"konfigurasjonsvalet --with-mbstring)."
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr "FEIL: inga tilgjengeleg imapstraum."
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "FEIL: Kunne ikkje fullføre førespurnaden."
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr "Spørjing:"
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Oppgjeven grunn: "
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "FEIL: Feil eller misforma førespurnad."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Serveren svarte: "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "Kunne ikkje koble til IMAP-serveren: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Feil i førespurnaden: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Ukjend feil: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Lese data"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "FEIL: Kunne ikkje legge meldinga til"
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Løysing:"
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr "Fjern uønska meldingar og start med søppelbøtta."
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "Innboks"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Ukjent respons frå IMAP tjenaren"
-msgid "Unknown message number in reply from server: "
-msgstr "Tjerer svara med eit ukjent meldingsnummer"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Ukjend avsendar"
-msgid "(unknown sender)"
-msgstr "(ukjend avsendar)"
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Ukjend dato"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "A"
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"IMAP tjenaren støttar ikkje trådsortering på tjenaren.
Gi rapport til "
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"IMAP tjenaren støttar ikkje sortering på tjenaren.
Gi rapport til "
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Flytt valde til:"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Omdann merka melding"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Flytt"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Vidaresend"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "Tøm"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "postkasse"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Les"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Ulesen"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Slett"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Vis trådlaus"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "Tråd vising "
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Til"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "Frå"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Dato"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Emne"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Storleik"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Slå av/på alt"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "Merk ingen"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Vel alt"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Viser melding %s til %s (av totalt %s)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Viser melding %s (1 totalt)"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Forrige"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Neste"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Sideinndeling"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Vis alle"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail programmet klarte ikkje å dekoda formateringa på meldinga"
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr "format på meldinga gitt av imap tjenaren"
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-"Feil i mottak av brødtekst. Dette skuldast truleg ei misforma melding. "
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Kommando:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Svar"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Melding:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr "HENT linje"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Høg"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Låg"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normal"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Gjøym utryge bilete"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Vis utryge bilete"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "last ned"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Ukjend avsendar"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_eng.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Valt type '%s' ikkje funnen"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nei"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "OK"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Vald mappe"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Logg ut"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Ny melding"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Adresser"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Mapper"
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Alternativ"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Søk"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hjelp"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Feila ved laging av katalog %s"
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr "Klarte ikkje oppretta nøkkelkatalogstrukturen"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Generelle visingsval"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Fargeval"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Standard"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "Eigendefinert stilsett"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Språk"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Bruk Javascript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Oppdag automatisk"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Alltid"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Aldri"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Postboks visingsval"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Talet meldingar som skal indekserast"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Slå på skiftand kolonnefargar"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Slå på sideveljar"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Høgast tal på viste sider"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Alternativ for meldingsvising og ny melding"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Bryt innkomande tekst ved"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Storleik på editorvindauget"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Plassering av knappar ved ny melding"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Før meldingsgovudet"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Mellom topptekst og brødtekst"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Etter brødteksten"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Adressebok visingsformat"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "Javascript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Vis HTML versjon som standard"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Slå på Vidaresend som vedlegg"
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Inkluder kopier til ved Vidaresending"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Inkluder meg i kopien ved Svar til alle"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Slå på vising av eposttjenar"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Vis vedlagte bliete i meldinga"
-msgid "Enable Subtle Printer Friendly Link"
-msgstr "Slå på undertittel Skrivarvenleg lenkje"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "Slå på skrivarvenleg rein vising"
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Slå på Påminning av sent melding"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Skriv alltid ny melding i nytt vindauge"
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Breidde på skriveområdet"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Høgd på skriveområdet"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "Legg til signatur før svar/vidaresend tekst"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "Slå på: Sorter på mottakdato"
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr "Slå på: Trådsortering av topptekst referansar"
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Val for spesielle mapper"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Sti til mapper (folder path)"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Bruk søppelbøtta"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Søppelbøtte:"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Ikkje bruk mappe for sendte meldingar"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Mappe for sendte meldingar:"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Ikkje bruk kladd"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Mappe til kladd"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Val for mappeliste"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Plassering av mappelista"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Venstre"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Høgre"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "pikslar"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Breidde på mappelista"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutt"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "Sekund"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "Minutt"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Automatisk oppdatering av mappelista"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Gje melding om ulesne meldingar"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Inga varsling"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Berre INBOX"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Alle mapper"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Korleis"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Berre ulesne"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Ulesne og totalt tal"
-msgid "Enable Collapsable Folders"
-msgstr "Slå på krymping av mapper"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Gje melding kumulativt om ulesne meldingar"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Vis klokka i mappe panelet"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Inga klokke"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Format på timar"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "12-timarsklokke"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "24 timarsklokke"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Minnesøk"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Av"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Val for mappeliste"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Val av listestil"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "Lengd:"
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "Påtenkt:"
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "Avgrensa:"
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Namn og adresse val"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Fullt namn"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "E-postadresse"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Svar-til-adresse"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Signatur"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Rediger avanserte identiter"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(forkast endringar "
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Fleire identitetar"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "Det same som tjenaren"
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Tidssone val"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Nåværande tidssone"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Val av sitering ved svar"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Svar sitering stil"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Inga sistering"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "Sa forfattar"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Siter kven XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Brukar definert"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Brukar definert Start sistering"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Brukar definert slutt sistering"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Signatur val"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Bruk ein signatur"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Prefiks signaturen med '-- ' linje"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Versjon av konfigurasjonsfil"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versjon"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "PHP versjon"
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Organisatorval"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Namn organisasjon"
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Logo til organisasjonen"
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Oranisasjon med logo"
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Høgde på organisasjonslogo"
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Tittel på organisasjon"
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Logg ut side"
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Standard språk"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr "Topp ramme"
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Tenarinnstillingar"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr "E-post Domene"
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr "IMAP tenaradresse"
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "IMAP tenarport"
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "IMAP tenartype"
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Cyrus IMAP tenar"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr "Univerity of Washington's IMAP tenar"
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "Microsoft Exchange IMAP tenar"
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Courier IMAP tenar"
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Ingen av tenarane over"
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "IMAP Mappe skilleteikn"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr "Bruk \"Oppdag\" for oppdag automatisk."
-msgid "Use Sendmail"
-msgstr "Bruk Sendmail"
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr "Sendmail sti"
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr "SMTP tenaradresse"
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr "SMTP tenarport"
-msgid "Authenticated SMTP"
-msgstr "Autentifiser SMTP"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr "Omvendt tid"
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr "Bruk stadfestingsflagg"
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Mappe standard"
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Standard mappe prefiks"
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Vis mappe prefiks val"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr "Flytt til søppelbøtta som standard"
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr "Flytt til sent som standard"
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr "Lagre som kladd som standard"
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Liste spesielle mapper først"
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Vis spesielle mappe fargar"
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "Automatisk opprydding"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr "Standard undermappe av innboks"
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr "Vis 'inneheld undermapper' instillinga"
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Gje beskjed om ulest e-post"
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Standard for ulest e-post"
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Opprett spesialmapper automatisk"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "Standard JavaScript adressebok"
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Slett mapper automatisk"
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Generelle val"
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Standard teiknsett"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr "Datakatalog:"
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr "Mellombels mappe"
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr "Hashnivå"
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr "Hash ikkje aktiveret"
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Moderat"
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Middels"
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Standardstorleik på mappepanel"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr "Brukarnman med små bokstavar"
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr "Tillat bruk av prioritet"
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr "Skjul SM eigenskapar"
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr "Slå på bruk av kvittering"
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr "Tillat redigering av identitetar"
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr "Tillat redigering av heile namnet"
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Dagens melding"
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Database"
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "DSN til adressebok"
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Adresseboktabell"
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "DSN Innstillingar"
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Tabell innstillingar"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr "Innstillingar brukarnamn feltet"
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr "Instillingar nøkkelfelt"
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr "Instillingar verdifelt"
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr "Stilark URL (css)"
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Konfigurasjonsadministrator"
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Temanamn"
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Temasti"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Tilleggsmodular"
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "Endra innstillinga"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr "Konfigurasjonsfila kan ikkje opnast. Kontroler config.php."
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administrasjon"
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr ""
-"Dene modulen tillet administrator å konfigurere SquirrelMail over nettet."
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr "Feilrapport"
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr "Vis knapp i verktøylinje"
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "I dag"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "Gå"
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "l, F j Y"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr "Legg til"
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr "Rediger"
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr "Slett"
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr "Start tid:"
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "Lengd:"
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Prioritet:"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Tittel:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Sett hending"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr "Hendinga er lagt til!"
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Dato:"
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Tid:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr "Vis dag"
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr "Vil du verkeleg sletta denne hendinga?"
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Hending sletta"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr "Ingenting å sletta."
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Oppdater hending"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr "Vil du verkeleg sletta denne hendinga?"
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "til:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr "Oppdatert hending!"
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr "Månadsvis"
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr "0 min"
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr "15 min"
-msgid "35 min."
-msgstr "35 min"
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr "45 min"
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr "1 t."
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr "1,5 t."
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr "2 t."
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr "2,5 t."
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr "3 t."
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr "3,5 t."
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr "4 t."
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr "5 t."
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr "6 t."
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Kalender"
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Slett & Førre"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Slett & Neste"
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Flytt til"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Slett/Flytt/Neste Knappar"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "Vis øvst"
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "med flytte val"
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "Vis nedarst"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMMERSIELL - Denne lista inneheld tjenarar som er stadfesta som søppelpost "
-"utsendarar. Den er ganske påliteleg for skanning etter søppelpost."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMMERSIELL - Tjenarar som er slik konfigurert ( feil konfigurert) til å "
-"tillate søppelpost å verta sent gjenom, vil verta svartelista. Også ein god "
-"ein til å bruke "
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMMERSIELL - Brukarar med oppringt samband må ofte bruka IPS sin epost "
-"tjenar for å senda epost. Søppelpost-utsendarar vil typisk få ein konto hjå "
-"ein ISP og senda ut grapset direkte frå dei."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "KOMMERSIELL - RBL + svarteull tilgang"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "KOMMERSIELL - RBL + "
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "KOMMERSIELL -RBL + Oppringt tilgang"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts liste over verifiserete opne "
-"posttjerarar. Denne liste ser også ut til å innehalda tjenarar som "
-"'s autosvar."
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr "GRATIS - Osirusoft Dial-ups - Osirusofts dial-up spammer liste."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Stadar som gjentatte gonger har "
-"sent ut søppelpost, og som manuelt er lagt til etter fleire nominasjonar. "
-"Ver varsam med bruk, då den ser ut til også å filtrera autosvar frå fleire "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - Liste over tjenarar som er sikre, men som "
-"vidaresendar epost fra tjernarar som er opne."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - IP-adresser på firmaer som "
-"produserer søpellpost programmvare. Ser også ut til å filtrera autosvar fra "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - Liste over list-tjenarar som "
-"godkjenner brukarar utan å stadfesta brukaren si indentitet."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - Liste over usikre "
-"formmail.cgi skript (planlagt)."
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - Liste over opne proxy-tjenarar."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - ORDB oppstod då ORBS vart lagt ned. Det ser ut til at den har "
-"færre falske positive enn ORBS hadde."
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr "GRATIS - - Direkte søpelpostkilder."
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - - Dial-up lister - Inkluderar nokre DSL internett-"
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - - Masse e-postleverandør som ikkje brukar "
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "GRATIS - - Diverse andre tjerarar."
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "GRATIS - - Enkelttrin tjerarar."
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "GRATIS - - Tjenarar som støtter søppelleverandørar."
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr "GRATIS - - Vevform internettleverandørar"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Dorkslayers ser ut til, for å unngå retsforfølgjing, å utelukker "
-"kun dei verkelege opne relee-tjenarane utanfor USA. Oppsiktsvekkande nok så "
-"anbefaler heimesida at ein IKKJE brukar deira service."
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr "GRATIS - SPAMhaus - Ei liste over velkjendte søppelkjelder."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS, inntil vidare - SPAMCOP - Ei interessant løysing, som inneheld "
-"tjenarar som har eit svært høgt søppel/ikkje søppel forhold (85% eller meir)."
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr "GRATIS - - Eg har inga detaljopplysingar om denne lista."
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - - Relay Stop List. Ei svært konservativ list over opne "
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr "GRATIS - Open Relays - Ennå ei liste over opne tjenarar."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - SPAM Source - Ei liste over direkte søppelpost-kjelder."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - SPAM ISPs - Ei liste over søppelvenlege "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Leadmon DUL - Ennå ei liste over oppringte, eller på andre måter "
-"dynamisk tildelte, ip-adresser."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Leadmon SPAM SOurce - Ei liste over internettleveradørar der "
-"Leadmon direkte har mottatt søppelpost."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Masse-utsending av posttjenarar som ikkje "
-"krev stadfesting av innlogging, eller som har tillatt kjennte "
-"søppelavsendarar å verta brukarar og deretter misbrukar tjenesten."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Leadmon Open Relays - Enkelttrin opne tjenarar, som ikkje er "
-"oppført på andre aktive RBL'er."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Leadmon Multi Stage - Fleirtrin opne tjenarar, som ikkje er oppført "
-"på andre aktive RBL'er. og som har sendt søpelpost til"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Leadmon SpamBlock - Liste over stadar som har sendt søppelpost "
-"direkte til, og der IP-adressa ligg i eit adresseområde der "
-"heile området ikkje har noko DNS oppslag. Det er ei liste over IP-adresser, "
-"brukt av personar som har sendt søppelpost til"
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS, inntil vidare - Not Just Another Blacklist - Inneheld både opne "
-"tjenarar og direkte søppelpost kjelder."
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS, inntil vidare - Not Just Another Blacklist - Internett-oppringte ip-"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "GRATIS - Distribuert avsender boikott liste - Stadfesta vidaresendar"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Distribuert avsender boikott liste - Stadfesta multisteg "
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-"GRATIS - Distribuert avsender boikott liste - Ikkje stadfesta vidaresendar"
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr "Lagre skanningstype"
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Filtrering av meldingar"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "Kva skal skannast:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Alle meldingar"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Kun uleste meldingar"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Lagra"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Ny"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Ferdig"
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Treff:"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "Kopi til"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Til eller Kopi til"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Topptekst"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Inneheld:"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Editer"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Ned"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Opp"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Viss %s inneheld %s, så flytt til %s"
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Meldingsfilter"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtrering tillet at meldingar med forskellege kriterier automatisk vert "
-"sortert i forskellege mapper."
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "SØPPELPOST Filter"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"Søppelpostfiltre lar deg velje mellom forskellege DNS-baserete svartelister "
-"til å identifisera søppelpost, og flytta meldingane til ei anna mappe "
-"(sliksom søppelbøtta)."
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Søppelpost filtrering"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-"ADVARSEL! Fortel systemadministratoren om å setja SpamFilters_YourHop "
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Flytt søppelpost til:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Det er ikkje noko god ide å flytta søppelposten direkte til søppelbøtta i "
-"første omgang, fordi e-post fra venner eller diverse e-postlister ved eit "
-"uheld kan verta feiltolka som søppelpost. Den mappe du vel bør du rydde opp "
-"i med jamne mellemrom, slik at den ikkje tar for mykje plass."
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Til fleire e-postar du skannar, til lengre tid tar det. Eg vil rå til at du "
-"kun skanner nye e-postar. Viss du endrar på filtra, så sett dei til å skanne "
-"alle meldingane, gå til din innboksen og så tilbake her og sett den til kun "
-"å skanne nye meldingar. På den måte vil dine nye filtre også skanne dei e-"
-"postane du allereie har liggjande i din innboks."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Søppelpost sendt til %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[ennå ikkje satt]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Søppelpostskanning er avgrensa til %s"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Kun nye meldingar"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Alle meldingar"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "PÅ"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "AV"
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "E-postliste"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Dette vil senda ei melding til %s for å spør om hjelp til denne lista. Du "
-"vil motta ein e-post på adressen nedanfor."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Dette vil senda ei melding til %s om å abonnere på denne lista. Du vil motta "
-"meldinger på adressa under."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-"Dette vil senda ei melding til %s om å sei opp abonnementet på denne lista. "
-"Det er adressa under som vert oppsagt."
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Frå:"
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Send e-post"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "Skriv til lista"
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Svar til liste"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Legg til"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Fjern"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "Liste av arkiver"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "Kontakt eigar av list"
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "E-postliste"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "POP3 tilkopling"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Inga tenar spesifisert"
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Feil "
-msgid "POP3 noop:"
-msgstr "POP3 noop:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Kunne ikkje koble til tjenaren"
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "POP3 brukar:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "inga innloggingsID gitt"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "Inga oppretta samband."
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "POP3 passord:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Inga passord gitt"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "autentiseringa mislukkast."
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "POP3 apop:"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Inga innloggingsID gitt"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "Inga tenaroverskrift"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "avbryt"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "apop autentifisering misslukkast."
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "POP3 innlogging:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 topp:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_liste:"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "Lista slutta fortidlegt"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 hent:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 sist"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_kommando:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "Tom kommandostreng"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 avbryt"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "Sambandet eksisterer ikkje"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "POP3 slett:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Inga meldingsnummer sent"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Kommando feila"
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "Hentar e-post frå fjern POP-tenar"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Vel tenar"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "All"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Passord for:"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Hent e-post"
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "Hent frå"
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "Oobs, "
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Opner IMAP tenar"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Opner POP tenar"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Feil ved innlogging"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Innlogging OK Inga ny e-post"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Innlogging OK Innboks er tom"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Innlogging OK Innboks inneheld ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] meldingar"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "Hentar UIDL..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Tenar støttar ikkje UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "Legg e-post på tenaren..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Slett e-post frå tenaren..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Hentar melding"
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr "Tjenar feil kopla frå"
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr "Tilkopling av eit dødt samband"
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "Lagrar UIDL"
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Hentar melding på nytt"
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Feil ved tillegging av melding!"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Lukkar POP"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Loggar ut av IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "Melding lagt til postboksen"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Melding"
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " sletta frå nettverkstenar!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Slett mislukka:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Nettverks POP tenar val"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"Du skal være oppmærksam på at krypteringen som brukast til å lagre ditt "
-"passord ikkje er 100% sikker. Men POP-trafikk er allikevel ikkje krypteret. "
-"I tillegg kan krypteringen brytast, viss ein hacker les kildekoden til denne "
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Viss du lar passordet vera tom, vil den spør etter passord, når du hentar e-"
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Krypter passorda (kun som informasjon)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "Legg til tenar"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Tenar:"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Port:"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Alias:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Brukarnamn:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passord:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Lagra i mappe:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "Legg e-post på tenar"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Sjekk e-post ved pålogging"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "Hent e-post ved mappeoppdatering"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Endra Tenar"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Tenarnamn:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Endra"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Inen tener i bruk. Prøv å legg til ein."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "Hent Tenarar"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Stadfest sletting av ein Tenar"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Vel tenar"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Stadfest sletting av valgt tenar"
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Stadfest sletting"
-msgid "Mofify a Server"
-msgstr "Modifiser ein tenar"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Udefinert funksjon"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Hei! Kva leiter du etter?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Hent"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Åtvring, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "Resultat av henta e-post:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Enkel POP3 henting av e-post"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-"Her konfigureres innstillinger for å hente e-post fra en pop3 konto til din "
-"konto på denne tenaren."
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Varsling ved ny e-post"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Vel Aktiver medieavspelar for å spela av ei mediefil når der er ny e-"
-"post i mappene. Når den er på, kan du specificere fila i den filboksen."
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"Valet Kontroller alle mapper, ikkje bare innboksen vil kontrollere "
-"alle mappene for nye e-postar, ikkje bare innboksen."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"Viss Vis popop er valgt, vil den opne opp eit nytt vindauge ved ny e-"
-"posti mappene (krev JavaScript)"
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Bruk Kontroller kun nye for kun å kontrollera nye meldingar. Nye "
-"meldingar er dei som nettopp har kome, og som ennå ikkje er \"vist\" eller "
-"lest. Dette kan hindra at du vert forstyrra konstant av lyd eller popup "
-"vindauger om ulest e-post."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"Når Skift titel vert brukt, vil titelteksten i noker vevlesaren visa "
-"om det er nye meldinger (krev JavaScript, og virker i Internet Explorer og "
-"Opera). Dette vil altid vise når der er ulest e-post, også sjølvom du har "
-"valgt kontroller kun nye."
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. Selecting local media will play the file specified in "
-"the local media file box to play from the local computer. If no file "
-"is specified, the system will use a default from the server."
-msgstr ""
-"Vel mediefila fra lista tenar filer som skal spelast av når der kjem "
-"ny e-post. Viss du vel ei lokal fil, vil den brukast som er "
-"spesifiseret i boksen lokal mediafil, frå din eigen datamaskin. Viss "
-"det ikkje er spesifisert noko fil, vil systemet bruka ei standardfil fra "
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "Slå på mediespelaren"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Kryss av alle boksar, ikkje bare INNBOKS"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Kontroller bare nye meldinger "
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Skift titel på støtta nettlesarar."
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "krev JavaScript for å fungera"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "Vis oppsprettvindauge ved ny e-post"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Vel tenarfil."
-msgid "(local media)"
-msgstr "(lokal media)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Forsøk"
-msgid "Local Media File:"
-msgstr "Lokal mediefiler:"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Aktuell fil:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Ny e-post"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail beskjed:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "Du har ny e-post"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Lukk vindauge"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Ny e-postval"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"Val for avspeling av lyd og/eller vising av sprettoppvindauge når det kjen "
-"my e-post."
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Vala ved ny e-post er lagra"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s ny melding"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s ny melding"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Test lyd"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "Startar lyden"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Lukk"
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Val for sent-mappe"
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Bruk sendt mappe"
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Kvar månad"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr "Kvartalsvis"
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr "Kvart år"
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Basisi sent mappe"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr "Raporter som søppelpost"
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr "SpamCop - Søppelpostraportering"
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-"Hjelp til i kampen mot søppelposten. SpamCop les søppelposten og finn den "
-"rette adressa å senda klage til. Ganske rask, lur og lett å bruka."
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Stavekontroll val"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"Her kan du stilla inn kor di personlige ordbok skal lagrast, endre i den "
-"eller velje kvafor eit sprog som skal vera tilgjengeleg, når du brukar "
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Stavekontroll"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Tilbake til \"stavekontrollinnstillingane\""
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "Merk:"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-"Programmet greidde ikkje å dekryptere ordboka di. Dette kan skuldast at du "
-"har endra passordet til e-posten. For å fortsetje må du gi inn det gamle "
-"passordet slik at programmet kan dekryptera ordboka. Etterpå vil ordboka "
-"verta kryptert med det nye passordet
Viss du ikkje har kryptert ordboka "
-"så er det ikkje i orden, og du må sletta den og starta ei ny. Det må du også "
-"gjera viss du ikke huksa det gamle passordet -- uten det så er dei "
-"krypterte dataane ikkje lenger tilgjengelege."
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "Slett ordboka og opprett ei ny"
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "Dekrypter ordboka med det gamle passordet:"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Hald fram"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr "Du må ta eit val"
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan enten slette ordboka eller gi inn det gamle passordet. Ikkje begge "
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Er du sikker på at du ønsker å sletta personlig ordbok?"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "Feil under dekryptering av ordbok"
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "Søt"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "Oversertjar"
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Lagra oversetjarvala"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Tenarinstillingane er følgjande:"
-msgid ""
-"13 language pairs, maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "13 sprogpar, maksimalt 1000 teikn oversatt, Drevet av Systran"
-msgid ""
-"10 language pairs, maximum of 25 kilobytes translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "10 språkpar, maksimalt 25 kilobyte oversatt, Drevet av Systran"
-msgid "12 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "12 språkpar, inga kjent grense, Dreven av Systran"
-msgid ""
-"767 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Translation Experts's "
-msgstr ""
-"767 språkpar, inga kjent grense, Drevet av Translation Expert's InterTran"
-msgid ""
-"8 language pairs, no known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr ""
-"8 språkpar, inga kjent grense,dreven av GPLTrans (gratis open kjeldekode)"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan bestemma om du ønsker å visa oversettjarboksen, og kor den skal "
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Vel oversetjar:"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "Under lesing:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Vis oversetjarboks"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "til venstre"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "i midten"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "til høgre"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "Omset i SquirrelMail rammer"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "Ved skriving"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Ennå ikkje i bruk"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Last ned dette som ei fil"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Omsetjingsval"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr ""
-"Kvafor ein oversetjar skal brukast når du mottar meldingar på eit anna språk?"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr " %s til %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Engelsk"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Fransk"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Tysk"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "Italiensk"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugisisk"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Spansk"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Russisk"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Omset"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "Brasiliansk portugisisk"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "Bulgarsk"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "Kroatisk"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Tsjekkisk"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Dansk"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Nederlandsk"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "Europeiske spansk"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Finsk"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Gresk"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "Ungarsk"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "Islandsk"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "Japansk"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "Latin amerikansk spansk"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Norsk"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Polsk"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Rumensk"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "Serbisk"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "Slovensk"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Svensk"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "Walisisk"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "Indonesisk"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "Latin"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Adressebok"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Namn"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-postadresse"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Informasjon"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Kjelde"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "Blind Kopi til"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Bruk adresser"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Søk i adressebok"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Søk etter"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "i"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Alle adressebøker"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "List alle"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Klarte ikkje å liste adresser frå %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "Søket ditt feila med fylgjande feilmelding(ar)"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Ingen personar som samsvarer med søket ditt vart funne"
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Tilbake"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Kortnamn"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "Må vere unikt"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "E-postadresse"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Fornamn"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Etternamn"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Tilleggsinformasjon"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "Inga personleg adressebok er definert. Ta kontakt med administrator."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Du kan berre editere ei adresse om gongen."
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Oppdater adresse"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Ukjend feil"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Legg til adresse"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Endre valde"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "Slett valde"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Legg til %s"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Opphavleg melding"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "E-post kladd lagra"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Kunne ikkje flytte/kopiere fila. Fila er ikkje lagt ved"
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Kladd lagra"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "Meldinga er sent"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Til:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "Kopi til:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "Blindkopi til:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Emne:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Send"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Legg ved:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Legg til:"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "Slett valde vedlegg"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioritet"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Kvittering:"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "Ved lest"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "Ved levering"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Lagre kladd"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "Du har ikkje fylt ut \"Til:\"-feltet"
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "sa"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "sitat"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "kven"
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Mappe til kladd"
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Ulovleg mappenamn. Ver venleg og velj eit anna namn."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Klikk her for å gå tilbake"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "Vel mappe som skal slettast."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "Slett mappe"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "Vil du verkeleg sletta %s?"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "La til mappa til lista over aktive mapper."
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Fjerna mappa frå lista over aktive mapper."
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Mappa er sletta."
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Mappa er oppretta."
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Mappa er omnamna."
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "Abonnement feila - Mappa eksisterer ikkje."
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "oppdater mappeliste"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Lag mappe"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "som undermappe til"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Inga"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "La denne mappa innehalde undermapper"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Lag mappe"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Bytt namn på mappa"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Vel ei mappe"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Bytt namn"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Fann ingen mapper"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Fann ingen mapper å fjerne!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Fann ingen mappe å legge til!"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Abonner:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "Vel mappe som skal endra namn."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Bytt namn på ei mappe"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Nytt namn:"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "FEIL: Hjelpefilene er ikkje på rett format!"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "Hjelpa er enno ikkje omsett til %s. Den vil difor bli vist på engelsk."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Nokre eller alle hjelpefilene mangler."
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Innhaldsliste"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Topp"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Viser eit biletvedlegg"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Vis melding"
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Ikkje tilgjengeleg"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "tøm"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Sist oppfriska"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr "Lagre mappetre"
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Logg inn"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "%s innlogging"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Namn:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Ingen valde meldingar."
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Utheving av meldingar"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "Emne"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Inga utheving er definert"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Identifisernamn"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Farge"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Mørk blå"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Mørk grøn"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Mørk gul"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Mørk cyan"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Mørk lilla"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Lys blå"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Lys grøn"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Lys gul"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Lys cyan"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Lys magenta"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Lys grå"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Medium grå"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Lys grå"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Kvit"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Annan:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Døme: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Treff"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Alternativ identitet %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Avanserte identitetar"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Standard identitet"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Legg til ny identitet"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "E-postadresse"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Lagre / oppdater"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Gjer til standard"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Flytt opp"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Indeksrekkjefølgje"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "Avkryssingsboks"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Flagg"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"Indeksrekkjefølgjen følgjer arrangeringa av kolonnene. Ein kan leggja til, "
-"sletta og flytta rundt kolonnene etter eige ønskje."
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "opp"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "ned"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "fjern"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Tilbake til alternativ val"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Personleg informasjon"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Framsyningsval"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Val for mapper"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Vellukka lagra vala"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Oppdater mappelista"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Last sida på nytt"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Dette inneheld personleg informasjon om deg sjølv, slik som namn, e-"
-"postadresse og liknande."
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan endre måten SquirrelMail ser ut og viser informasjon på, slik som "
-"fargar, språk og andre val."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"Basert på gjevne kriterium kan innkomande meldingar ha ulik bakgrunnsfagre i "
-"meldingslista. Dette er til hjelp for å sjå kven meldinga er frå, særleg i "
-"samband med mailinglister."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr "Dette er val for korleis mapper vert viste og kan endrast."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"Her kan ein endra på rekkjefølgjen på elementa i meldingsvindauga.til å "
-"innehalda dei elementa ein sjølv vil."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "Ikkje skrivbar melding"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Utskriftbar"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "Kopi til:"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Skriv ut"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Vis utskriftbar versjon"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Les"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "Meldingar"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Send"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Vist på %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "mindre"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "meir"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Postar"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Les kvittering"
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "send"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "ønska"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"Avsendar ønsker ei tilbakemelding på at du har lest meldinga. Ønsker du å "
-"senda ei kvittering?"
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "Send kvittering på lest"
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Søkjeresultat"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Meldingsliste"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Fortsett med kladd"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Rediger melding som om den var ny"
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Vis melding"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Vidaresend som vedlegg"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Svar"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Svar til alle"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Vis fulle meldingshovud"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Vedlegg"
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Mapper"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "editer"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "Søk"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "slett"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "Nyleg søkte"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "lagra"
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "Forkast"
-msgid "Current Search"
-msgstr "Dette søket"
-msgid "Body"
-msgstr "Meldingskropp"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Overalt"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Søkjeresultat"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Fann inga melding"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Du er no logga ut"
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Klikk her for å prøve på nytt."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Viser visittkort"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Tittel"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "E-post"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Nettstad"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adresse"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon arbeid"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Heimetelefon"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Mobil"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Faks"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Notat"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Legg til adresse"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Tittel & Org. / Avd."
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Viser fulle meldingshovud"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Viser eit tekstvedlegg"
-#~ msgid "Close window"
-#~ msgstr "Lukk vindauge"
-#~ msgid "empty"
-#~ msgstr "tom"
-#~ msgid "Welcome to %s's WebMail system"
-#~ msgstr "Velkomen til %s sitt WebMailsystem"
-#~ msgid "Running SquirrelMail version %s (c) 1999-2001."
-#~ msgstr "Køyrer SquirrelMail versjon %s (c) 1999-2001."
-#~ msgid "No To Address"
-#~ msgstr "Ikkje til adresse"
-#~ msgid "Found"
-#~ msgstr "Funne"
-#~ msgid "messages"
-#~ msgstr "meldingar"
-#~ msgid "Close this Window"
-#~ msgstr "Lukk dette vindauge"
-#~ msgid "Ignore"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer"
-#~ msgid "Add to Dic"
-#~ msgstr "Legg til Ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Close and Commit"
-#~ msgstr "Lagre og lukk"
-#~ msgid "No errors found"
-#~ msgstr "Fant ingen feil"
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Personleg ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Delete checked words"
-#~ msgstr "Slett valde ord"
-#~ msgid "All done!"
-#~ msgstr "Ferdig!"
-#~ msgid "You must login first."
-#~ msgstr "Du må logge inn fyrst."
-#~ msgid "Folders created successfully!"
-#~ msgstr "Mappa er oppretta."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In order for SquirrelMail to provide the full set of options you need to "
-#~ "create the special folders listed below. Just click the check box and "
-#~ "hit the create button."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "For at SquirrelMail skal tilby alle val, må du opprette dei spesielle "
-#~ "mappene som er lista opp under. Berre kryss av og trykk på opprett-"
-#~ "knappen."
-#~ msgid "Create Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Lag mappe"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved display preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Lagra val for framsyning!"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved folder preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Lagra val for mapper"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Ikkje bruk søppelbøtta"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Sent"
-#~ msgstr "Ikkje bruk mappe for sendte meldingar"
-#~ msgid "Use a signature?"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk ein signatur?"
-#~ msgid "Addressbook %s is read-only"
-#~ msgstr "Adresseboka %s er ikkje skrivbar"
-#~ msgid "total"
-#~ msgstr "totalt"
-#~ msgid "Viewing a message attachment"
-#~ msgstr "Viser eit tekstvedlegg"
-#~ msgid "Cc:"
-#~ msgstr "Kopi: "
-#~ msgid "Bcc:"
-#~ msgstr "Blindkopi: "
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ msgstr "(utan emne)"
-#~ msgid "Enable request/confirm reading"
-#~ msgstr "Slå på Krav/Stadfest lest"
-#~ msgid "Use receive date for sort"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk mottaksdato til sortering"
-#~ msgid "Use References header for thread sort"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk referansetopptekst til trådsortering"
-#~ msgid "There was an error contacting the mail server."
-#~ msgstr "Feil ved kontakten til eposttjenaren"
-#~ msgid "Contact your administrator for help."
-#~ msgstr "Ta kontakt med tenaradministratoren for hjelp."
-#~ msgid "No Messages found"
-#~ msgstr "Fant inga melding"
-#~ msgid "Note Field Contains"
-#~ msgstr "Sitat"
-#~ msgid "Error decoding mime structure. Report this as a bug!"
-#~ msgstr "Feil i dekoding av mime strukturen. Raporter dette som ein feil"
-#~ msgid "Submit message"
-#~ msgstr "Send melding"
-#~ msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-#~ msgstr "Eg forsøkte programmet: '%s', men det returnerte:"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelSpell er ikkje konfigurert korrekt"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelSpell resultat"
-#~ msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-#~ msgstr "Stavekontroll er fullført. Skal endringane lagrast?"
-#~ msgid "No changes were made."
-#~ msgstr "Inga endring vart gjordt"
-#~ msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-#~ msgstr "Personleg ordbok blir lagra... Vent litt."
-#~ msgid "Found %s errors"
-#~ msgstr "Fant %s feil"
-#~ msgid "Line with an error:"
-#~ msgstr "Linje med ein feil"
-#~ msgid "Error:"
-#~ msgstr "Feil: "
-#~ msgid "Suggestions"
-#~ msgstr "Fleire forslag"
-#~ msgid "Change to:"
-#~ msgstr "Endra til:"
-#~ msgid "Occurs times:"
-#~ msgstr "Mengde førekomstar"
-#~ msgid "Change this word"
-#~ msgstr "Endra dette ordet"
-#~ msgid "Change"
-#~ msgstr "Endra"
-#~ msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-#~ msgstr "Endra ordet alle plassar"
-#~ msgid "Change All"
-#~ msgstr "Endra alt"
-#~ msgid "Ignore this word"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer dette ordet"
-#~ msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer dette ordet over alt"
-#~ msgid "Ignore All"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer alt"
-#~ msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Legg til dette ordet til personleg ordbok"
-#~ msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Stavekontrollen er ikkje ferdig. Er du sikker på at du vil lagre "
-#~ "endringane og lukke?"
-#~ msgid "Close and Cancel"
-#~ msgstr "Avbryt og lukk"
-#~ msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Stavekontrollen er ikkje ferdig. Er du sikker på at du vil forkasta "
-#~ "endringane og lukke?"
-#~ msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-#~ msgstr "Personleg ordbok vart sletta."
-#~ msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-#~ msgstr "Ordbok sletta"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-#~ "\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Personleg ordbok vart sletta. Lukk dette vindauga og klikk på "
-#~ "\"Stavekontroll\" for å kjøra stavakontroll på nytt."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-#~ ""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Personleg ordbok vart kryptert korrekt. Returnet til "e; "
-#~ "Stavakontroll val"e; menyen og vel på nytt."
-#~ msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-#~ msgstr "Krypteret korrekt"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-#~ "window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-#~ "over."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Personleg ordbok er krypteret korrekt. Lukk dette vindauga og klikk på "
-#~ "\"Stavekontrol\" for å kjøra stavekontrollen på nytt."
-#~ msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-#~ msgstr "Ordbok krypteret"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-#~ "stored in an encrypted format."
-#~ msgstr "Personleg ordbok er krypteret og lagra."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-#~ "stored as clear text."
-#~ msgstr "Personleg ordbok er dekrypteret og lagra."
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Personleg ordbok krypteringsval"
-#~ msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-#~ msgstr "Der er ingen ord i personleg ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-#~ msgstr "Marker dei orda du ønsker å sletta frå ordboka."
-#~ msgid "%s dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "%s ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Rediger personleg ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Please make your selection first."
-#~ msgstr "Ta eit val først"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-#~ "format. Proceed?"
-#~ msgstr "Dette vil kryptere og lagra personleg ordbok. Fortsett?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-#~ "format. Proceed?"
-#~ msgstr "Dette vil lagre ordboka i klar tekst. Fortsett?"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-#~ "helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized "
-#~ "and your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted "
-#~ "with the password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for "
-#~ "anyone to see what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-#~ "ATTENTION: If you forget your password, your personal "
-#~ "dictionary will become unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. "
-#~ "If you change your mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and "
-#~ "prompt you for your old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary "
-#~ "with a new key.
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Personleg ordbok er krypteret. Dette vernar dataane "
-#~ "dine i tilfelle at vevpost-systemet vert kompromitteret, og hindrar at "
-#~ "ordboka vert stjålet. Ordboka er krypteret med passordet til din e-"
-#~ "postkonto.
NB: Viss du mister din passordet, kan "
-#~ "du ikkje nytta den personlege ordboka, då den ikkje kan dekrypterast. "
-#~ "Viss du endrar passordet, vil SquirrelSpell spørja etter det nye "
-#~ "passordet, og kryptera ordboka med det.
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-#~ msgstr "Dekryptér personleg ordbok og lagre i klar tekst."
-#~ msgid "Change crypto settings"
-#~ msgstr "Skift krypteringsval"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. "
-#~ "You may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy "
-#~ "in case the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary "
-#~ "file gets stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and "
-#~ "are hard to decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your "
-#~ "mailbox password).
ATTENTION: If you decide to "
-#~ "encrypt your personal dictionary, you must remember that it gets ""
-#~ "hashed" with your mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox "
-#~ "password and the administrator changes it to a new value, your personal "
-#~ "dictionary will become useless and will have to be created anew. However, "
-#~ "if you or your system administrator change your mailbox password but you "
-#~ "still have the old password at hand, you will be able to enter the old "
-#~ "key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the new value."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Personlege ordbok er ikkje krypteret. Du kan kryptera "
-#~ "ordboka så dataane vert verna viss vevpost-systemet vert kompromitteret "
-#~ "og ordboka vert stjålet. Viss ordboka er krypteret, vil innhaldet være "
-#~ "uleseleg utan at ein kjennar nøkkelen (som er passordet til konto din)."
-#~ "p>
NB: Viss du bestemmer deg for å kryptere ordboka, "
-#~ "så skal du vere oppmerksom på at den blir kryptert med ditt passord. "
-#~ "Viss du glømmer passordet og administratoren må gi deg eit nytt, vil "
-#~ "personleg ordbok vera uleseleg, og du må oppretta ei ny. Viss du sjølv, "
-#~ "eller administratoren, endrar passordet, og du fortsatt veit den gamle "
-#~ "koden, kan du bruka den til å kryptera ordboka med det nye passordet.
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-#~ msgstr "Krypter mi personlege ordbok, og lager den som krypteret tekst."
-#~ msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-#~ msgstr "Slett følgjande postar fra %s ordboka:"
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-#~ msgstr "Personleg ordbok oppdatert"
-#~ msgid "No changes requested."
-#~ msgstr "Inga valde endringer."
-#~ msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-#~ msgstr "Vent, kommuniserer med tenar...."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-#~ "message:"
-#~ msgstr "Vel kvafor ei ordbok du ønsker å bruke til stavekontrollen:"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelSpell starter"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-#~ "default dictionary."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Instillingane er endra til: %s med %s "
-#~ "som standard ordbok."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Brukar %s ordbok (systemstandard) til stavekontroll."
-#~ msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-#~ msgstr "Internationale ordboksval er oppdateret"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check any available international dictionaries which you would "
-#~ "like to use when spellchecking:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Marker dei internationale ordbøker som er tilgjengelege, og som du ønsker "
-#~ "å bruka når du kjører stavekontrolleren:"
-#~ msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk denne ordboka som standard:"
-#~ msgid "Make these changes"
-#~ msgstr "Utfør desse endringane"
-#~ msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-#~ msgstr "Legg til internasjonale ordbøker"
-#~ msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-#~ msgstr "Vel dei instillingane du øsker å endra på:"
-#~ msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Rediger di personlege ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-#~ msgstr "Instill internasjonale ordbøker"
-#~ msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Krypter eller dekrypter di personlege ordbok"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelSpell innstillingsmeny"
-#~ msgid "POP3: premature NOOP OK, NOT an RFC 1939 Compliant server"
-#~ msgstr "POP3 fortidleg NOOP OK, Ikkje ein RFC 1939 standard tenar"
-#~ msgid "NOOP failed. Server not RFC 1939 compliant"
-#~ msgstr "NOOP feil. Tenar ikkje RFC 1939 standard"
-#~ msgid "Notify:"
-#~ msgstr "Påminning"
-#~ msgid "l, F d Y"
-#~ msgstr "l, F d Y"
-#~ msgid "30 min."
-#~ msgstr "30 min"
-#~ msgid "Don't Email Me"
-#~ msgstr "Ikkje e-post til meg"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 0m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-post til meg - 0 min førre"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 5m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-post til meg - 5 min førre"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 15m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-post til meg - 15 min førre"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 30m prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-post til meg - 30 min førre"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 1h prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-post til meg - 1 t. førre"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 4h prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-post til meg - 4 t. førre"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 1d prior"
-#~ msgstr "E-post til meg - 1 d. førre"
diff --git a/locale/no_NO/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/no_NO/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18b3f2ec..00000000
Binary files a/locale/no_NO/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/no_NO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/no_NO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c94f40f..00000000
--- a/locale/no_NO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3215 +0,0 @@
-# Norwegian Bokmål SquirrelMail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Gustav Foseid , 2000
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-01-01 18:33+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-07-25 15:06+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Frode Nordahl \n"
-"Language-Team: Norwegian \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(uten emne)"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Personlig adressebok"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Databasefeil: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Adresseboken er ikke skrivbar"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Brukeren '%s' eksisterer allerede"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Brukeren '%s' eksisterer ikke"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Global adressebok"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Filen eller katalogen finnes ikke"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Feilet ved åpning av fil"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Kan ikke endre global adressebok"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Ikke et filnavn"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "Feilet ved åpning av fil"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Lagre / oppdater"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Kunne ikke låse datafil"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Feilet ved skriving til adressebok"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Feil under åpning av adressebok."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Feil ved åpning av fil %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Feil under åpning av global adressebok."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Feil ved tilkobling til LDAP server %s:"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Ugyldige inndata"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Navn mangler"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "Epostadresse mangler"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "Kortnavn inneholder ugyldige tegn"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "vis"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Visittkort"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr "Du må være logget inn for å få tilgang til denne siden!"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "søndag"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "mandag"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "tirsdag"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "onsdag"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "torsdag"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "fredag"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "lørdag"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "januar"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "februar"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "mars"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "april"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "mai"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "juni"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "juli"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "august"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "september"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "oktober"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "november"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "desember"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y, H:i"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y, H:i"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "H:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "d. M Y"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "d. M Y"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "d. M Y"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Feil med preferansedatabasen (%s). Avslutter med feil."
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Ukjent bruker eller feil passord."
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "Klikk her for å prøve på nytt"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Klikk her for å gå tilbake til %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versjon %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "Utviklet av SquirrelMail-teamet."
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "FEIL"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Gå til innlogginssiden"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Fil for lagring av valg (%s) ikke funnet. Logg ut og inn igjen for å "
-"opprette filen."
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Vennligst kontakt systemadministrator og rapporter denne feilen."
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Vennligst kontakt systemadministrator og rapporter denne feilen."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Feil under åpning av %s"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Fil for instillinger ikke funnet!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Vennligst kontakt systemadministrator og rapporter denne feilen."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Feil ved opprettelse av instillinger"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s skal være skrivbar av bruker %s"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Vennligst kontakt systemadministrator og rapporter denne feilen."
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Vennligst kontakt systemadministrator og rapporter denne feilen."
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --with-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "FEIL: Kunne ikke fullføre forespørsel."
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Feilmelding: "
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "FEIL: Feil eller misformet forespørsel."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Serveren svarte: "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "Kunne ikke koble til IMAP server: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Feil i forespørsel: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Ukjent feil: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Lest data:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "FEIL: Kunne ikke fullføre forespørsel."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Foreslag:"
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "Innboks"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Ukjent svar fra IMAP server: "
-msgid "Unknown message number in reply from server: "
-msgstr "Fikk ukjent meldingsnummer i svar fra server: "
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Ukjent avsender"
-msgid "(unknown sender)"
-msgstr "(ukjent avsender)"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Ukjent avsender"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Serverbasert søk er ikke støttet av din IMAP server.
Vennligst rapporter "
-"dette til din systemadministrator"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Serverbasert søk er ikke støttet av din IMAP server.
Vennligst rapporter "
-"dette til din systemadministrator"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Flytt valgte meldinger til:"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Endre status på markerte meldinger til"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Flytt"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Videresend"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "Tøm"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "mappe"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Lest"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Ulest"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Slett"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Ikke sorter"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "Sorter etter tråd"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Til"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "Fra"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Dato"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Emne"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Størrelse"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Velg alle"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "Fjern avmerkinger"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Velg alle"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Viser melding %s til %s (%s totalt)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Viser melding: %s (1 totalt)"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Forrige"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Neste"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Vis flere sider"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Vis alle"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-"Kunne ikke hente meldingskropp. Dette er sannsynlighvis på grunn av en feil "
-"i meldingen. Hjelp oss å lage fremtidige versjoner bedre ved å sende denne "
-"meldingen til utviklerenes kunnskapsdatabase"
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Kommando:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Svar:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Melding:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Høy"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Lav"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Skjul usikre bilder"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Vis usikre bilder"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "last ned"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Ukjent avsender"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_no_NO.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Instillings type ikke funnet ('%s')"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ja"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nei"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "OK"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Valgt mappe"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Logg ut"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Ny melding"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Adresser"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Mapper"
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Alternativer"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Søk"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Hjelp"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette katalog %s."
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Valg for visning"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Standard"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "CSS"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Språk"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Bruk Javascript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Automatisk"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Alltid"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Aldri"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Alternativer for visning av meldinger"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Antall meldinger i meldingslisten"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Vis forskjellig farge annenhver rad"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Aktiver sidevelger"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Ikke vis flere sider enn"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Lesing og skriving av meldinger"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Bryt innkommende tekst ved"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Størrelse på redigeringsvindu"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Plassering av knapper i editor"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Før meldingshode"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Mellom meldingshode og meldingskropp"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Etter meldingskropp"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Vis adresseboken i"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "Javascript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Vis HTML mail"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Ta med kopifelt ved videresending av epost"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Send meg kopi når jeg svarer til alle"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Vis avsenders epostleser"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Vis vedlagte bilder i meldingen"
-msgid "Enable Subtle Printer Friendly Link"
-msgstr "Vis link for printervennlig versjon"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "Bruk printervennlig visningsformat"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Gi beskjed om uleste meldinger"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Skriv meldinger i nytt vindu"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Bredde på Ny melding vindu"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Høyde på Ny melding vindu"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "Plasser signatur før sitering"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Spesielle mapper"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Sti til mapper (folder path)"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Ikke bruk søplekurv"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Søplekurv"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Ikke bruk mappe for sendte meldinger"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Mappe for sendte meldinger"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Ikke bruk Kladd"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Mappe for kladd"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Mappe-alternativer"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Plassering av mappeliste"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Venstre"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Høyre"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Bredde på mappeliste"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "minutter"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "sekunder"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "minutt"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Automatisk oppdatering av mappeliste"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Gi beskjed om uleste meldinger"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Ingen beskjed"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Kun INBOX"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Alle mapper"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Beskjedtype for uleste meldinger"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Kun uleste"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Uleste og totalt antall"
-msgid "Enable Collapsable Folders"
-msgstr "Bruk sammenleggbare mapper"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Gi beskjed om uleste meldinger"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Vis klokke i mappeliste"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Ingen klokke"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Klokke"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "12-times klokke"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "24-timers klokke"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Minne søk"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Av"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Mappe-alternativer"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Svarsitat stil"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Navn og adresse alternativer"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Fullt navn"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "Epostadresse"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Svar-til-adresse"
-# msgstr "Start signatur med en '--' linje"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Signatur"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Rediger avanserte identiteter"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(endringer gjort på denne siden vil bli borte)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Flere identiteter"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "Samme som server"
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Tidssoner"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Din tidssone"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Valg for svarsitat"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Svarsitat stil"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Ingen sitering"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "Avsender sa"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Spesiell"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Brukerdefinert"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Brukerdefinert siterings-start"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Brukerdefinert siterings-stopp"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Alternativer for signatur"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Bruk signatur"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Start signatur med skillelinje"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versjon"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Logg ut"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Språk"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Alternativer for ekstern POP server"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "Legg til server"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "Legg til server"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Kobler til IMAP server"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "Kobler til IMAP server"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Kobler til IMAP server"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Kunne ikke koble til IMAP server: %s."
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use Sendmail"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Authenticated SMTP"
-msgstr "Autenifisering feilet"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Sti til mapper (folder path)"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Slett mappe"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Mappe-alternativer"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Spesielle mapper"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Spesielle mapper"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "Tøm"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Hovedidentitet"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Hovedidentitet"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Lag mappe"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "Bruke Javascript eller HTML i adressebok?"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Automatisk oppdatering av mappeliste"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Valg for visning"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Hovedidentitet"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Sti til mapper (folder path)"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Medium grå"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Hovedidentitet"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Meldingene er flyttet"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Dato"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "Adressebok"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Adressebok"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "Valg for mapper"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Valg for mapper"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Kontakt administratoren for hjelp."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Fargevalg:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Fargevalg:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Polsk"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "Skift krypterings innstillinger"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y, H:i"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Prioritet"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Tittel:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Lag mappe"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Dato:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Tittel:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Endre valgte"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Oppdater adresse"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "til"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "35 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Slett, gå til forige"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Slett, gå til neste"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Flytt til:"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Slett, gå videre knapper:"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "Vis på toppen"
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "med flyttefunksjon"
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "Vis på bunnen"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-# "KOMMERSIELT - Denne listen inneholder servere som er kjent for å sende spam"
-# "Listen er
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Filtrering av meldinger"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "Hva som skal scannes:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Alle meldinger"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Kun uleste meldinger"
-# "Tiden det tar å scanne meldingene øker proposjonalt med hvor mange som "
-# "skal scannes. Jeg anbefaler deg å bare scanne nye meldinger. Hvis du gjør "
-# "noen endringer med filterene dine, vil jeg sette det til å scanne alle "
-# "meldingene dine, gå til INBOXen"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Lagre"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Ny"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Ferdig"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Forutsetning"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "Kopi til"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Til eller Kopi"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Meldingshode"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Inneholder:"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Endre"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Ned"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Opp"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Hvis %s inneholder %s så flytt til %s"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Meldings filtrering"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtrering gjøre det mulig å legge meldinger automatisk i forskjellige "
-"mapper basert på visse kriterier"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "SPAM filter"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"Abboner på tjenester som filtrerer SPAM rett i en spesifisert mappe, f.eks "
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Spam filter"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr "ADVARSEL! Be webmaster sette opp SpamFilters_YourHop variablen"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Flytt spam meldinger til:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Spam blir sendt til %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[ikke valgt enda]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Spam skanning er begrenset til %s"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Kun nye meldinger"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Alle meldinger"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "PÅ"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "AV"
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "Meldingsliste:"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Fra:"
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Ny epost"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "Send til listen"
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Svar til listen"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Legg til"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Fjern"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "Arkiv"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "Kontakt eier av listen"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "Meldingsliste:"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Feil "
-msgid "POP3 noop:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Ingen forbindelse til server"
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "POP3 bruker:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "POP3 passord:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Passord er ikke sendt"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "Autenifisering feilet"
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Ingen login ID sendt"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "avbryt"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "forbindelsen finnes ikke"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Kommando feilet "
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "Hent mail fra en annen POP server"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Velg server:"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Alle"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Passord for"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Hent mail"
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "Henter fra "
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Kobler til IMAP server"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Kobler til POP server"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Tilkobling feilet"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Tilkobling vellykket: Ingen nye meldinger"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Tilkobling vellykket: Innboks tom"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Tilkobling vellykket: Innboksen inneholder ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] meldinger"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "Henter UIDL..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Server støtter ikke UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "Legger igjen kopi av meldinger på server..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Sletter meldinger fra server..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Henter melding "
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "Lagrer UIDL"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Henter melding "
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Feil ved åpning"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Lukker POP"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Logger ut fra IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "Meldig lagt til mailboks"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Melding "
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " slettet fra ekstern server"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Sletting feilet:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Alternativer for ekstern POP server"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"Vær klar over at krypteringen som blir brukt for å kryptere passordet ikke "
-"er 100% sikkert. Dette har ikke så mye å si, da passordet vanligvis blir "
-"sendti klartekst til POP servere."
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Hvis du lar passordfeltet være tomt, må du skrive det hver gang du henter "
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Krypter passord (kun informasjon)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "Legg til server"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Server:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Prioritet"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Kortnavn:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Brukernavn:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Passord:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Lagre i mappe:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "La det være kopi av meldingene på server"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Skjekk epost ved innlogging"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "Se etter nye meldinger ved oppdateringer av mapper"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Lagre endringerr"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Servernavn:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Endre"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Ingen servere er i bruk, prøv å legg en til."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "Henter servere"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Bekreft sletting av server"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Valgt server:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Bekreft sletting av valgt server?"
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Bekreft sletting"
-msgid "Mofify a Server"
-msgstr "Endre en server"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Udefinert funksjon"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Hey! Hva leter du etter?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Hent post"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Advarsel, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "Resultat av epost henting:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Hent mail fra andre POP servere"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr "Velg hvilke eksterne POP kontoer SqirrelMail skal hente meldinger fra."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Meldingsvarsel"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Velg Spill lyder for å spille en lyd når det er ulest mail i mappene "
-"dine. Når aktivert kan du velge hvilken lydfil som skal spilles av."
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. Selecting local media will play the file specified in "
-"the local media file box to play from the local computer. If no file "
-"is specified, the system will use a default from the server."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "Spill lyder"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Sjekk alle mapper, ikke bare Innboksen"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Ta bare med meldinger som har annkommet nylig"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Skift vindustittel"
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "trenger JavaScript for å virke"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "Vis nytt vindu når du får ny mail"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Velg fil på server:"
-msgid "(local media)"
-msgstr "(lokal fil)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Prøv"
-msgid "Local Media File:"
-msgstr "Lokal fil:"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Valgt fil:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Ny epost"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail beskjed:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "Du har ny epost!"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Lukk vindu"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Valg for meldingsvarsel"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"Her kan du sette opp avspilling av lyder og/eller åpning av nye vinduer for "
-"å varsle nye meldinger."
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Oppsett for meldingsvarsel lagret"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s nye meldinger"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s melding"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Test lyd"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "Henter lyden..."
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Lukk"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Spesielle mapper"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Mappe for sendte meldinger:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "mandag"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Mappe for sendte meldinger:"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Innstillinger for stavekontroll"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr "Velg hvilken ordbok som skal brukes, legg til og fjern ord."
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Stavekontroll"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Tilbake til "Innstillinger for ordbok" siden"
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "Slett ordboken min og start på nytt"
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "Dekrypter ordboken med det gammle passordet mitt"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Fortsett"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Legg dette ordet til ordboken din"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "Feil ved dekryptering av ordboken"
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "Oversetter"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Oversettings valg"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Følgende oversettere er tilgjengelige:"
-msgid ""
-"13 language pairs, maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "13 forskjellige språk, oversetter maks 1000 tegn, drevet av Systran"
-msgid ""
-"10 language pairs, maximum of 25 kilobytes translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "10 forskjellige språk, oversetter maks 25000 tegn, drevet av Systran"
-msgid "12 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "12 forskjellige språk, ingen begrensninger, drevet av Systran"
-msgid ""
-"767 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Translation Experts's "
-msgstr ""
-"767 forskjellige språ, ingen kjente begrensninger, drevet av Translation "
-"Experts sitt InterTran system"
-msgid ""
-"8 language pairs, no known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr ""
-"8 forskjellige språ, ingen kjente begrensninger, drevet av GPLTrans (gratis, "
-"open source)"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan også velge om du vil vise oversettings boksen,og hvor på skjermen den "
-"skal være."
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Velg oversetter"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "Ved lesing:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Vis oversettings boks"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "til venstre"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "i midten"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "til høyre"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "Overestt inni SquirrelMails rammer"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "Ved redigering:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Virker ikke enda"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Last ned dette som en fil"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Oversettings valg"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr "Hvilken oversetter skal brukes ved oversetting til forskjellige språk?"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "Legg til i %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Engelsk"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Fransk"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Tysk"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "Italiensk"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugisisk"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Spansk"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Russisk"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Oversett"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "Brasiliansk Portugisisk"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "Bulgarsk"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "Kroatisk"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Tjekkisk"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Dansk"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Tysk"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "Europeisk Spansk"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Finsk"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Gresk"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "Ungarsk"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "Islandsk"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "Japansk"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "Latin Amerikansk Spansk"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Norsk"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Polsk"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Romansk"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "Serbisk"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "Slovensk"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Svensk"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "Walesisk"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "Latinsk"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Adressebok"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Navn"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "Epostadresse"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Informasjon"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Kilde"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "Blindkopi til"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Bruk adresser"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Søk i adressebok"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Søk etter"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "i"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Alle adressebøker"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Vis alle"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Klarte ikke å liste adresser fra %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "Søket ditt feilet med følgende feilmelding(er)"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Ingen personer som samsvarer med søket ditt ble funnet"
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Tilbake"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Kortnavn"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "(Må være unikt)"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "Epostadresse"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Fornavn"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Etternavn"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Tilleggsinformasjon"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "Ingen personlig adressebok er definert. Ta kontakt med administrator."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Du kan bare endre en adresse om gangen."
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Oppdater adresse"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Ukjent feil"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Legg til adresse"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Endre valgte"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "Slett valgte"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Legg til i %s"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Opprinnelig melding"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Epost kladd lagret"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Kunne ikke flytte/kopiere fil. Fil ikke lagt ved"
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Kladd lagret"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "Meldingen er sendt"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Til:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "Kopi til:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "Blindkopi til:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Emne:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Send"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Legg ved:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Legg til"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "Slett valgte vedlegg"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioritet"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Kvittering når meldingen er"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "lest"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "levert"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Lagre kladd"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "Du har ikke fylt ut \"Til:\" feltet."
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "sa"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "who"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Mappe for kladd"
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Ulovlig mappenavn. Vennligst velg et annet navn."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Klikk her for å gå tilbake"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "Ingen mapper er valgt for sletting."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "Slett mappe"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "La til mappe til listen over aktive mapper."
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Fjernet mappe fra liste over aktive mapper."
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Mappen er slettet."
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Mappen er opprettet."
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Mappens navn er skiftet."
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "oppdatér"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Lag mappe"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "som en undermappe til"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Ingen"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "La denne mappen inneholde undermapper"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Lag mappe"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Skift navn på mappe"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Velg en mappe"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Skift navn"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Fant ingen mapper"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Fant ingen mapper å fjerne"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Fant ingen mapper å legge til"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Legg til"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "Ingen mapper er valgt for navneskifte."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Navne om en mappe"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Nytt navn:"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "Hjelpen er ikke oversatt til %s. Den vil derfor vises på engelsk."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Noen eller alle hjelpedokumentene mangler."
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Innholdsfortegnelse"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Topp"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Viser vedlagt bilde"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Vis melding"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "ikke tilgjengelig"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "tøm"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Sist oppdatert"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Logg inn"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "%s innlogging"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Navn:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Ingen valgte meldinger."
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Utheving av meldinger"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "Emne"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Ingen utheving er definert"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Beskrivende navn"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Farge"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Mørk blå"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Mørk grønn"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Mørk gul"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Mørk cyan"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Mørk lilla"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Lys blå"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Lys grønn"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Lys gul"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Lys cyan"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Lys lilla"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Mørk grå"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Medium grå"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Lys grå"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Hvit"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Annen:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Eks.: 63aa7f"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Forutsetning"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Alternativ identitet %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Identiteter"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Hovedidentitet"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Legg til en identitet"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "Epostadresse"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Lagre / oppdater"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Gjør standard"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Flytt opp"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Visningsrekkefølge"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "Avmerkingsboks"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Flagg"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"Kolonnene vil bli vist i samme rekkefølge her som i mappene.Du kan legge "
-"til, fjerne og flytte kolonnene slik du ønsker."
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "opp"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "ned"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "fjern"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Tilbake til alternativmeny"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Personlig informasjon"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Valg for visning"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Valg for mapper"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Instillingene er lagret"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Oppdater mapper"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Laste siden på nytt"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Dette inneholder personlig informasjon om deg selv, slik som navn, "
-"epostadresse osv."
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Du kan endre måten SquirrelMail ser ut og viser informasjon, slik som "
-"farger, språk og andre valg."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"Basert på gitt kriterier kan innkommende meldinger ha forskjellig "
-"bakgrunnsfarge i meldingslisten. Dette er til hjelp for å se hvem meldingen "
-"er fra, spesielt i forbindelse med mailinglister."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr "Dette er valg for hvordan mapper vises og kan endres."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"Justering av hvilke kolonner som vises i meldingslisten og rekkefølgen på "
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "Meldingen kan ikke skrives ut"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Printervennlig"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "Kopi til"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Skriv ut"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Vis printervennlig versjon"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Lest:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "Din melding"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Sendt:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Ble vist %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "mindre"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "mer"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Epostleser"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Kvittering når meldingen er"
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "send"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "forespurt"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"Avsender har bedt om kvittering når du har lest meldingen. Vil du sende "
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "Send kvittering"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Søkeresultat"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Meldingsliste"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Fortsett kladd"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Rediger som ny melding"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Vis melding"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Vedlegg"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Svar"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Svar til alle"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Vis meldingshoder"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Vedlegg"
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Mappe:"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "rediger"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "søk"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "slett"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "Siste Søk"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "lagre"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "glem"
-msgid "Current Search"
-msgstr "Valgt Søk"
-msgid "Body"
-msgstr "Meldingskropp"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Overalt"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Søkeresultat"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Fant ingen meldinger"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Du er nå logget ut."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Klikk her for å logge inn igjen."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Viser visittkort"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Tittel"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Epostadresse"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Hjemmeside"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organisasjon / Avdeling"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adresser"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon jobb"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon hjem"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Mobiltelefon"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Faks"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Notat"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Legg til adressebok"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Tittel, organisasjon og avdeling."
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Viser meldingshoder"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Viser et tekstvedlegg"
-#~ msgid "Viewing a message attachment"
-#~ msgstr "Viser vedlegg"
-#~ msgid "Cc:"
-#~ msgstr "Kopi til:"
-#~ msgid "Bcc:"
-#~ msgstr "Blindkopi til:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ msgstr "(uten emne)"
-#~ msgid "Enable request/confirm reading"
-#~ msgstr "Vis valg for kvittering"
-#~ msgid "Use receive date for sort"
-#~ msgstr "Sorter etter mottaksdato"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Use References header for thread sort"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk 'References' i meldingshode for trådsortering"
-#~ msgid "There was an error contacting the mail server."
-#~ msgstr "Det oppstod problemer under kommunikasjon med epostserveren."
-#~ msgid "Contact your administrator for help."
-#~ msgstr "Kontakt administratoren for hjelp."
-#~ msgid "No Messages found"
-#~ msgstr "Fant ingen meldinger"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please contact your system administrator and report the following error:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Vennligst kontakt system administrator og rapporter følgende feilmelding:"
-#~ msgid "No To Address"
-#~ msgstr "Ingen mottakeradresse"
-#~ msgid "Found"
-#~ msgstr "Funnet"
-#~ msgid "messages"
-#~ msgstr "meldinger"
-#~ msgid "Error decoding mime structure. Report this as a bug!"
-#~ msgstr "Feil ved dekoding av MIME strukturen. Rapporter dette som en bug!"
-#~ msgid "Submit message"
-#~ msgstr "Send melding"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-#~ msgstr "Oppsett for ordbok"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelSpell resultater"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No changes were made."
-#~ msgstr "Ingen endringer forespurt."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-#~ msgstr "Det er ingen ord i ordbok din"
-#~ msgid "Found %s errors"
-#~ msgstr "Fant %s feil"
-#~ msgid "Line with an error:"
-#~ msgstr "Linje med feil:"
-#~ msgid "Error:"
-#~ msgstr "Feil:"
-#~ msgid "Suggestions"
-#~ msgstr "Foreslag:"
-#~ msgid "Change to:"
-#~ msgstr "Skift til:"
-#~ msgid "Occurs times:"
-#~ msgstr "Finnes antall ganger:"
-#~ msgid "Change this word"
-#~ msgstr "Bytt dette ordet"
-#~ msgid "Change"
-#~ msgstr "Skift"
-#~ msgid "Change All"
-#~ msgstr "Bytt alle"
-#~ msgid "Ignore this word"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer dette ordet"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Ignore"
-#~ msgstr "Ignore"
-#~ msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-#~ msgstr "Ignore alle treffene på dette ordet"
-#~ msgid "Ignore All"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorer alle"
-#~ msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Legg dette ordet til ordboken din"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Add to Dic"
-#~ msgstr "Legg til ordbok"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Close and Commit"
-#~ msgstr "Lukk og send"
-#~ msgid "Close and Cancel"
-#~ msgstr "Avbryt og lukk"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No errors found"
-#~ msgstr "Ingen feil funnet"
-#~ msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-#~ msgstr "Ordboken din er slettet"
-#~ msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-#~ msgstr "Ordbok slettet"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Close this Window"
-#~ msgstr "Lukk vinduet"
-#~ msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-#~ msgstr "Rekryptering suksessfull"
-#~ msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-#~ msgstr "Ordbok rekryptert"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-#~ "stored in an encrypted format."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ordboken din er kryptert og er lagret ien "
-#~ "kryptert fil."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-#~ "stored as clear text."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Ordboken din har blitt dekrypter og blir lagret i "
-#~ "klartekst."
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-#~ msgstr "Ordbok og krypterings innstillinger"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Egen ordbok"
-#~ msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-#~ msgstr "Det er ingen ord i ordbok din"
-#~ msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-#~ msgstr "Vennigst marker de ordene du vil fjerne fra ordboken"
-#~ msgid "%s dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "%s ordbok"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Delete checked words"
-#~ msgstr "Slett valgte ord"
-#~ msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Rediger ordboken din"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-#~ "format. Proceed?"
-#~ msgstr "Vennligst krypter og lagre ordboken min."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-#~ "format. Proceed?"
-#~ msgstr "Vennigst dekrypter ordboken min og lagre den i klar-tekst."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-#~ msgstr "Vennigst dekrypter ordboken min og lagre den i klar-tekst."
-#~ msgid "Change crypto settings"
-#~ msgstr "Skift krypterings innstillinger"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-#~ msgstr "Vennligst krypter og lagre ordboken min."
-#~ msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-#~ msgstr "Sletter følgende ord fra %s ordboken:"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "All done!"
-#~ msgstr "Alt klart"
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-#~ msgstr "Ordbok oppdatert"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No changes requested."
-#~ msgstr "Ingen endringer forespurt."
-#~ msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-#~ msgstr "Vennligst vent, kommuniserer med server..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-#~ "message:"
-#~ msgstr "Vennligst velg hvilken ordbok du vil bruke til stavekontrollen:"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-#~ msgstr "Stavekontroll startet"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-#~ msgstr "Bruker %s ord (standard) for stavekontroll"
-#~ msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-#~ msgstr "Alternativer for international ordbok oppdatert"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check any available international dictionaries which you would "
-#~ "like to use when spellchecking:"
-#~ msgstr "Vennligst marker hvilken ordbok du vil bruke til stavekontroll:"
-#~ msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-#~ msgstr "Bruk denne ordboken som standard:"
-#~ msgid "Make these changes"
-#~ msgstr "Lagre endringene"
-#~ msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-#~ msgstr "Legg til international ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-#~ msgstr "Hva vil du gjøre?"
-#~ msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Rediger ordboken din"
-#~ msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-#~ msgstr "Sett opp internationale ordbøker"
-#~ msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Krypter eller dekrypter ordboken din"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-#~ msgstr "Oppsett for ordbok"
-#~ msgid "Folder"
-#~ msgstr "Mappe"
-#~ msgid "Count"
-#~ msgstr "Antall"
diff --git a/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index 277c910e..00000000
Binary files a/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f1aa81b8..00000000
--- a/locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3486 +0,0 @@
-# Polish Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Lukasz "casa" Klimek - first translator (2000-2001)
-# Horus - since ver. 1.2.0
-# Andrzej Pruszynski - joined, August 2003
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-07-20 13:43+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-08-24 13:33GMT\n"
-"Last-Translator: Andrzej Pruszynski (donkiszot)\n"
-"Language-Team: Polish \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Ksi±¿ka adresowa"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Wszystkie"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nazwa"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Info"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "¬ród³o"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Do"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "Dw"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "Udw"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "U¿yj adresów"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Przeszukiwanie ksi±¿ki adresowej"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Szukaj"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "w"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Wszystkie ksi±¿ki adresowe"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Szukaj"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Wypisz wszystkie"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na wypisaæ adresów z %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "Poszukiwanie nie powiod³o siê z powodu nastêpuj±cych b³êdów"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono takiej osoby"
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Powrót"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Zamknij"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Pseudonim"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "Musi byæ unikalny"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "Adres e-mail"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Nazwisko"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Imiê"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Informacje dodatkowe"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "Nie zdefiniowano osobistej ksi±¿ki adresowej. Skontaktuj siê z administratorem."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Mo¿na edytowaæ tylko jeden adres na raz"
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Uaktualnij adres"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "B£¡D"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Nieznany b³±d"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Dodaj adres"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Edytuj zaznaczone"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "Usuñ zaznaczone"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Dodaj do %s"
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "napisa³(a)"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "cytowanie"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "kto"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Temat"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "Od"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Data"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ oryginalna"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Wersjê robocza e-maila zapisano"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na przenie¶æ/skopiowaæ pliku. Plik nie zosta³ do³±czony"
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Wersje robocz± zapisano"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ zosta³a wys³ana"
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "Od:"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Do:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "DW:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "UDW:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Temat:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Wy¶lij"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Za³±cznik:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Dodaj"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "Usuñ zaznaczone za³±czniki"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Priorytet"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Wysoki"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normalny"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Niski"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Potwierdzenie"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "o przeczytaniu"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "o dostarczeniu"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Sygnatura"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Adresy"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Zapisz wersjê robocz±"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "Nie wype³ni³e¶ pola \"Do:\"."
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Katalog roboczy"
-msgid "Server replied: "
-msgstr "Odpowied¼ serwera: "
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwa nazwa folderu. Wybierz inn± nazwê."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Kliknij tu aby wróciæ"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "Nie wybrano folderu do usuniêcia. Wybeirz odpowiedni folder."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "Usuñ folder"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "Czy jeste¶ pewien, ¿e chcesz usun±æ %s?"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Tak"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nie"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Foldery"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Subskrypcja powiod³a siê!"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Subskrypcja zosta³a anulowana!"
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Usuniêcie folderu zakoñczone powodzeniem!"
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Utworzenie folderu zakoñczone powodzeniem!"
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Zmiana nazwy zakoñczona powodzeniem!"
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "Subskrypcja nieudana - podany folder nie istnieje."
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "od¶wie¿ listê folderów"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Utwórz folder"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "jako podfolder"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "¯aden"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Niechaj niniejszy folder zawiera podfoldery"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Utwórz"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Zmieñ nazwê folderu"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Wybierz folder"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Zmieñ nazwê"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono folderów"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Usuñ"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Nie subskrybuj"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Dokonaj subskrypcji"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono ¿adnych folderów, których subskrypcjê mo¿na by anulowaæ!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono ¿adnych folderów, które mo¿na by by³o subskrybowaæ"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Subskrypcja dla:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "Nie wybrano foldera do zmiany nazwy."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Zmieñ nazwê folderu"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Nowa nazwa:"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Wy¶lij"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "B£¡D: Pliki pomocy s± w niew³a¶ciwym formacie!"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Pomoc"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "Pomoc nie zosta³a przet³umaczona na jêzyk %s. Zostanie wy¶wietlona w jêzyku angielskim."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Niektóre lub ¿adne dokumenty pomocy nie s± zainstalowane!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Spis tre¶ci"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Poprzedni"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Nastêpny"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "W górê"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Podgl±d za³±cznika graficznego"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Podgl±d wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Pobierz jako plik"
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "INBOX"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "wyczy¶æ"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Ostatnie od¶wie¿enie"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr "Zapis struktury folderów"
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Logowanie"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "Logo %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail wersja %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail Development Team"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "Logowanie do %s"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "U¿ytkownik:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Has³o:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Nie zaznaczono ¿adnych wiadomo¶ci."
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Opcje"
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Pod¶wietlanie wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nowa regu³a"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Zrobione"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Do lub Dw"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "temat"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Edycja"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "W górê"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "W dó³"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Nie zdefiniowano regu³ pod¶wietlania."
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Identyfikator regu³y"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Kolor"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Ciemnoniebieski"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Ciemnozielony"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Ciemno¿ó³ty"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Ciemny cynober"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Ciemny karmazynowy"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Jasnoniebieski"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Jasnozielony"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Jasno¿ó³ty"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Jasny cynober"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Jasny karmazynowy"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Ciemnoszary"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Szary"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Jasnoszary"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Bia³y"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Inny:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Np.: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Pasuje do"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Zmieñ to¿samo¶æ %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "To¿samo¶ci - zaawansowane"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "To¿samo¶æ domy¶lna"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Dodaj now± to¿samo¶æ"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Imiê i nazwisko"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "Adres e-mail"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Odpowiedz do"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Zapisz / Aktualizuj"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Ustaw jako domy¶ln±"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Do góry"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Uk³ad kolumn"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "Okienko zaznaczenia"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Znaczniki"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Rozmiar"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"Uk³ad kolumn to kolejno¶æ, w jakiej bêd± wy¶wietlane poszczególne kolumny "
-"spisu wiadomo¶ci. Mo¿esz dodawaæ, usuwaæ i przenosiæ kolumny aby dostosowaæ "
-"spis do Twoich potrzeb."
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "do góry"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "w dó³"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "usuñ"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Powrót do strony opcji"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Dane u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Ustawienia wy¶wietlania"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Ustawienia folderów"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Zmiany ustawieñ zosta³y zapisane"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Od¶wie¿ listê folderów"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Od¶wie¿ stronê"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr "Zawiera informacje, jak Twoje nazwisko, adres e-mail itp."
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr "Mo¿esz zmieniæ wygl±d programu SquirrelMail, ustawiaj±c kolory, jêzyk itp."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"Zgodnie ze zdefiniowanymi tu kryteriami, wiadomo¶ci mog± mieæ ró¿ne kolory "
-"t³a w spisie wiadomo¶ci. Pomaga to stwierdziæ na pierwszy rzut oka, sk±d "
-"pochodzi dana wiadomo¶æ (szczególnie w wypadku list dyskusyjnych)."
-msgid "These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr "Te ustawienia zmieniaj± sposób, w jaki foldery s± wy¶wietlane i obs³ugiwane."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"Uk³ad kolumn spisu wiadomo¶ci mo¿e byæ zmieniany tak, aby zawiera³ te czê¶ci "
-"nag³ówka wiadomo¶ci, które s± Ci potrzebne, w odpowiadaj±cej Ci kolejno¶ci."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ nie nadaje siê do wydruku"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Wersja do wydruku"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "DW"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Drukuj"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Zobacz wersjê do wydruku"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Przeczytano:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "Twoja wiadomo¶æ"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Wys³ano:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Zosta³a wy¶wietlona na %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "mniej"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "wiêcej"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Nieznany nadawca"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Program pocztowy"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Potwierdzenie przeczytania"
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "wy¶lij"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "¿±dany"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"Nadawca za¿±da³ potwierdzenia, ¿e przeczyta³e¶ t± wiadomo¶æ. Czy chcesz "
-"teraz wys³aæ potwierdzenie?"
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "Wy¶lij potwierdzenie w tej chwili"
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Wyniki wyszukiwania"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Lista wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Edytuj wersjê robocz±"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Edytuj wiadomo¶æ jako now±"
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Podgl±d wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Prze¶lij dalej"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Prze¶lij dalej jako za³±czniki"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Odpowiedz"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Odpowiedz wszystkim"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Poka¿ ca³y nag³ówek"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Za³±czniki"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr "Musisz byæ zalogowany, by mieæ dostêp do tej strony."
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Folder:"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "edycja"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "szukaj"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "usuñ"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "Aktualne wyszukiwania"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "zapisz"
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "anuluj (zapomnij)"
-msgid "Current Search"
-msgstr "Bie¿±ce wyszukiwanie"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Wszystkie foldery"
-msgid "Body"
-msgstr "Tre¶æ"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Wszêdzie"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Wyniki wyszukiwania"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono ¿adnych wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby siê wylogowaæ"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Zosta³e¶ pomy¶lnie wylogowany."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby zalogowaæ siê ponownie."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Podgl±d wizytówki"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Tytu³"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Witryna www"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organizacja, wydzia³"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adres"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon s³u¿bowy"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon domowy"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon komórkowy"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Faks"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Notatka"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Dodaj do ksi±¿ki adresowej"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Tytu³, organizacja, wydzia³"
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Podgl±d ca³ego nag³ówka"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Podgl±d za³±cznika tekstowego"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Osobista ksi±¿ka adresowa"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "B³±d bazy danych: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Ksi±¿ka adresowa pracuje w trybie tylko do odczytu"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "U¿ytkownik '%s' ju¿ istnieje"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "U¿ytkownik '%s' nie istnieje"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Ogólna ksi±¿ka adresowa"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Nie ma takiego pliku lub katalogu"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "B³±d podczas otwierania"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na zmodyfikowaæ ogólnej ksi±¿ki adresowej"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "To nie jest nazwa pliku"
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "B³±d zapisu"
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na dokonaæ aktualizacji"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na zablokowaæ pliku z danymi"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Zapis do ksi±¿ki adresowej nie powiód³ siê"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "B³±d podczas inicjalizacji bazy danych ksi±¿ki adresowej"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "B³±d podczas otwierania pliku %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "B³±d podczas inicjalizacji ogólnej ksi±¿ki adresowej"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "B³±d podczas inicjalizacji serwera LDAP %s:"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwe dane wej¶ciowe"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Brakuje nazwy"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "Brakuje adresu e-mail"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "Pseudonim zawiera niew³a¶ciwe znaki"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "poka¿"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Wizytówka"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Niedziela"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Poniedzia³ek"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Wtorek"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "¦roda"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Czwartek"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Pi±tek"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Sobota"
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "N"
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Pn"
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Wt"
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "¦r"
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Cz"
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Pt"
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "So"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Stycznia"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Lutego"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Marca"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Kwietnia"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Maja"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Czerwca"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Lipca"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "Sierpnia"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "Wrze¶nia"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Pa¼dziernika"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "Listopada"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Grudnia"
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Sty"
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Lut"
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "Mar"
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "Kwi"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Maj"
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "Cze"
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "Lip"
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Sie"
-msgid "Sep"
-msgstr "Wrz"
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Pa¼"
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "Lis"
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Gru"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D F j Y, g:i a"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D F j Y, G:i"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "M j Y"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, g:i a"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "B³±d w bazie ustawieñ (%s). Przerwano z powodu nieprawid³owo¶ci"
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Nieznany u¿ytkownik lub b³êdne has³o."
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby spróbowaæ ponownie"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby wróciæ do %s"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Przejd¼ do strony logowania"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr "Plik ustawieñ %s nie istnieje. Wyloguj siê i zaloguj ponownie, aby utworzyæ domy¶lny plik ustawieñ."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ pliku ustawieñ %s. Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na zapisaæ pliku ustawieñ %s. Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "B³±d kopiowania pliku ustawieñ %s z pliku tymczasowego %s. Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Nieudana próba odtwarcia pliku %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Domy¶lny plik ustawieñ nie zosta³ znaleziony albo jest nieczytelny!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Skontaktuj siê z administratorem i zg³o¶ mu ten problem."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Próba utworzenia pliku ustawieñ nie powiod³a siê!"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "Do %s u¿ytkownik %s powinien mieæ prawa zapisu"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ pliku podpisu %s. Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na zapisaæ pliku podpisu %s . Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na skopiowaæ pliku podpisu %s z tymczasowego pliku %s. Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgstr "Wymagany jest zainstalowany pakiet php4 z w³±czon± funkcj± 'multibyte string' (opcja konfiguracji --enable-mbstring)."
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr "B£¡D: Potok IMAP nieosi±galny."
-msgid "ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."
-msgstr "B£¡D: Po³±czenie pominiête przez serwer IMAP."
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr "Zapytanie:"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "B£¡D: Nie mo¿na wykonaæ polecenia."
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Podany powód: "
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "B£¡D: Nieprawid³owe polecenie."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Serwer odpowiedzia³: "
-msgid "ERROR : Imap server closed the connection."
-msgstr "B£¡D: Serwer IMAP zamkn±³ po³±czenie."
-msgid "ERROR : Unknown imap response."
-msgstr "B£¡D: Nieznana odpowied¼ IMAP."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "B³±d po³±czenia z serwerem IMAP: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwe polecenie: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Nieznany b³±d: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Odczytane dane:"
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "B£¡D: Nie mo¿na dodaæ listu do"
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Rozwi±zanie: "
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr "Usuñ niepotrzebne wiadomo¶ci ze swojego foldera i zacznij u¿ywaæ foldera Trash."
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(brak tematu)"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Nieznany nadawca"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Nieznana odpowied¼ od serwera IMAP: "
-msgid "The server couldn't find the message you requested."
-msgstr "Serwer nie mo¿e znale¼æ wiadomo¶ci, o któr± pytasz."
-msgid ""
-"Most probably your message list was out of date and the message has been "
-"moved away or deleted (perhaps by another program accessing the same "
-msgstr ""
-"Twoja lista wiadomo¶ci jest najprawdopodobniej nieaktualna - wiadomo¶æ "
-"zosta³a przeniesiona albo skasowana (prawdopodobnie przez inny "
-"program maj±cy dostêp do tej samej skrzynki)."
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Nieznana data"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "A"
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr "Serwer IMAP nie sortuje w±tków.
Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr "IMAP serwer (server side) nie sortuje w±tków.
Skontaktuj siê w tej sprawie z administratorem."
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Przenie¶ zaznaczone do:"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Operacje na zaznaczonych wiadomo¶ciach:"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Przenie¶"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "Wyczy¶æ"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "skrzynka pocztowa"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Przeczytane"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Nieprzeczytane"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Podgl±d bez ³±czenia w w±tki"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "Podgl±d z ³±czeniem w w±tki"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Prze³±cz wszystkie"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "Nie zaznaczaj ¿adnej"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkie"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶ci: %s do %s (ogó³em %s)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ: %s (ogó³em jedna)"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Wy¶wietlaj stronami"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Wy¶wietl wszystkie"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail nie mo¿e otworzyæ wiadomo¶ci z powodu jej niew³a¶ciwej struktury"
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr "dostarczonej struktury przez twój serwer imap"
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr "Nie uda³o siê odczytaæ wiadomo¶ci, wynika to najpewniej z nieprawid³owej struktury wiadomo¶ci."
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Polecenie:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Odpowied¼:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr "Pobierz liniê:"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Ukryj niebezpieczne obrazki"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Podgl±d niebezpiecznych obrazków"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "pobierz"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_eng.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono opcji '%s'"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Aktualny folder"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Nowa wiadomo¶æ"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "B³±d podczas tworzenia katalogu %s."
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr "Nie powiod³a siê próba utworzenia struktury katalogów!"
-msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
-msgstr "Us³uga niedostêpna, zamkniêcie kana³u"
-msgid "A password transition is needed"
-msgstr "Konieczne jest has³o transakcyjne"
-msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "¯±danej operacji na poczcie nie wykonano: skrzynka niedostêpna"
-msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
-msgstr "¯±dan± operacjê zatrzymano: bl±d przetwarzania"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
-msgstr "¯adana operacja nie zosta³a wykonana: niewystarczaj±ce zasoby dyskowe"
-msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
-msgstr "Chwilowy b³±d autoryzacji"
-msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
-msgstr "B³±d sk³adni; nieznane polecenie"
-msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
-msgstr "B³±d sk³adni parametrów lub argumentów"
-msgid "Command not implemented"
-msgstr "Polecenie nie jest zaimplementowane"
-msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
-msgstr "Niew³a¶ciwa kolejno¶æ poleceñ"
-msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
-msgstr "Parametr polecenia nie zosta³ zaimplementowany"
-msgid "Authentication required"
-msgstr "Wymagana autoryzacja"
-msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
-msgstr "Sposób autoryzacji jest zbyt s³aby"
-msgid "Authentication failed"
-msgstr "Autoryzacja zakoñczona niepowodzeniem"
-msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
-msgstr "Dla ¿±danego mechanizmu autoryzacji wymagane jest kodowanie"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "¯±danej operacji nie wykonano: skrzynka niedostêpna"
-msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
-msgstr "Nielokalny u¿ytkownik; spróbuj zastosowaæ 'forward'"
-msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
-msgstr "¯±dana operacja na poczcie zatrzymana: przekroczenie allokacji zasobów"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
-msgstr "¯±dana operacja nie zosta³a wykonana: niedozwolona nazwa skrzynki"
-msgid "Transaction failed"
-msgstr "Transakcja zakoñczona niepowodzeniem"
-msgid "Unknown response"
-msgstr "Nieznana odpowied¼"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Ogólne ustawienia wy¶wietlania"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Motyw:"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Domy¶lny"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "Szablon u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Jêzyk:"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "U¿ywaj JavaScriptu"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Autodetekcja"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Zawsze"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Nigdy"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Ustawienia wy¶wietlania skrzynki pocztowej"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Liczba wiadomo¶ci na jednej stronie"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Naprzemienne kolorowanie wierszy"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "W³±cz selektor strony"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Maksymalna liczba wy¶wietlanych stron"
-msgid "Always Show Full Date"
-msgstr "Zawsze pokazuj pe³n± datê"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Wy¶wietlanie i tworzenie wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Zawijaj wiersze wiadomo¶ci przychodz±cej po"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Wielko¶æ okna edycyjnego"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Po³o¿enie przycisków w oknie edycji"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Przed nag³ówkiem"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Pomiêdzy nag³ówkiem a tre¶ci±"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Poni¿ej tre¶ci wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Format wy¶wietlania ksi±¿ki adresowej"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "JavaScript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Domy¶lnie pokazuj wersjê HTML"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "W³±cz opcjê 'forward' jako za³±cznik"
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Do³±czaj CC przy forwardowaniu wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Dodaj mój adres do CC gdy odpowiadam wszystkim"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Wy¶wietlaj nazwê programu pocztowego"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Wy¶wietlaj obrazki za³±czone do wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "W³±cz wy¶wietlanie w trybie do druku"
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "W³±cz powiadamianie o dostarczonej poczcie"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Edycja nowej wiadomo¶ci zawsze w nowym oknie"
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Szeroko¶æ okna edycji"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Wysoko¶æ okna edycji"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "Dodaj podpis przed tekstem Reply/Forward"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "W³±cz sortowanie wed³ug daty otrzymania"
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr "W³±cz sortowanie w±tków wed³ug odno¶ników w nag³ówku"
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Ustawienia folderów specjalnych"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "¦cie¿ka do folderu"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Nie u¿ywaj Kosza (Trash)"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Folder wiadomo¶ci usuniêtych (Trash):"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Nie zapisuj wysy³anych wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Folder wiadomo¶ci wys³anych:"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Nie u¿ywaj opcji wersja robocza"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Folder wiadomo¶ci w wersji roboczej"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "W³a¶ciwo¶ci listy folderów"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Po³o¿enie listy folderów"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Po lewej"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Po prawej"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "pikseli"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Szeroko¶æ listy folderów"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minut"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "Sekund"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "Minuta"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Automatycznie od¶wie¿ listê folderów"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "W³±cz powiadamianie o nieprzeczytanej poczcie"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Brak powiadomienia"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Tylko INBOX"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Typ powiadamiania o nieprzeczytanych wiadomo¶ciach"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Tylko nieprzeczytane"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Nieprzeczytane i razem"
-msgid "Enable Collapsible Folders"
-msgstr "W³±cz rozwijane foldery"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "W³±cz raportowe powiadamianie o nieprzeczytanej poczcie"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Poka¿ zegar na panelu folderów"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Bez zegara"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Format godziny"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "Zegar 12-godzinny"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "Zegar 24-godzinny"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Przeszukiwanie pamiêci"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Wy³±czone"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Opcje wyboru folderów"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Styl list wyboru"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "D³ugo¶æ: "
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "Wciêty: "
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "Delimiter: "
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Opcje adresu i nazwy"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "Adres e-mail"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Edytuj zaawansowane w³a¶ciwo¶ci to¿samo¶ci"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(porzuæ wprowadzone dotychczas zmiany w formularzu)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "To¿samo¶ci wielokrotne"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "Taki sam jak na serwerze"
-msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
-msgstr "B³±d otwarcia pliku konfiguracyjnego 'timezone', skontaktuj siê z administratorem."
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Ustawienia strefy czasowej"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Twoja strefa czasowa"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Ustawienia cytowania"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Styl do³±czanych cytatów"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Brak cytatów"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "AUTOR napisa³(a)"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Znacznik cytatu XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "U¿ytkownika"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Pocz±tek cytatu zdefiniowany przez u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Zakoñczenie cytatu zdefiniowany przez u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Ustawienia sygnatury"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Do³±czaj sygnaturê"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Poprzed¼iæ sygnaturê lini± zawieraj±c± znaki '-- '"
-msgid "Take Address"
-msgstr "Pobierz adres"
-msgid "Address Book Take:"
-msgstr "Pobierz ksi±¿kê adresow±"
-msgid "Try to verify addresses"
-msgstr "Spróbuj sprawdziæ adres"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Wersja pliku konfiguracyjnego"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "Wersja SquirrelMail"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "Wersja PHP"
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Ustawienia organizacji"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Nazwa organizacji"
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Logo organizacji"
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Szeroko¶æ logo organizacji"
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Wysoko¶æ logo organizacji"
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Tytu³ organizacji"
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Strona wylogowania"
-msgid "Provider Link URI"
-msgstr "Link do dostawcy"
-msgid "Provider Name"
-msgstr "Nazwa dostawcy"
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Domy¶lny jêzyk"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr "Górna ramka"
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Ustawienia serwera"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr "Domena pocztowa"
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr "Adres serwera IMAP"
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "Port serwera IMAP"
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "Typ serwera IMAP"
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Serwer IMAP Cyrus"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr "Serwer IMAP Uniwersytetu w Waszyngtonie"
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "Serwer IMAP Microsoft Exchange"
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Server IMAP Courier"
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "¯aden z powy¿szych serwerów"
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "Delimiter foldera IMAP"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr "U¿yj \"detect\" celem autodetekcji."
-msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
-msgstr "U¿yj TLS dla po³±czeñ IMAP"
-msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgstr "Wymagany jest PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "Typ autoryzacji IMAP"
-msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
-msgstr "U¿yj binariów sendmaila"
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr "¦cie¿ka do programu sendmail"
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr "Adres serwera SMTP"
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr "Port serwera SMTP"
-msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
-msgstr "Uzyj TLS dla po³±czeñ SMTP"
-msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "Typ autoryzacji SMTP"
-msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
-msgstr "Czy POP3 przed SMTP?"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr "Odwróæ czas"
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr "U¿yj flag potwierdzenia"
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Domy¶lne ustawienia folderów"
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Domy¶lny prefiks folderu"
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Poka¿ opcje prefiksa dla folderów"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr "Domy¶lnie przeno¶ do kosza"
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr "Domy¶lnie przeno¶ do wiadomo¶ci wys³anych"
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr "Domy¶lnie zapisz w kopiach roboczych"
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Poka¿ foldery specjalne na pocz±tku"
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Wyró¿niaj foldery specjalne kolorem"
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "Wyczy¶æ automatycznie"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr "Domy¶lnie podfoldery folderu INBOX"
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr "Opcja poka¿ 'zawarto¶æ podfolderów'"
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Domy¶lne powiadomienie o nieprzeczytanych wiadomo¶ciach"
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Domy¶lnie jako nieprzeczytane"
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Twórz automatycznie foldery specjalne"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "Domy¶lnie ksi±¿ka adresowa JavaScript"
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Usuwaj foldery automatycznie"
-msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
-msgstr "W³±cz/ wy³±cz reperacjê folderu"
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Ustawienia ogólne"
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Domy¶lna strona kodowa"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr "Katalog danych"
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr "Katalog tymczasowy"
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr "Poziom Hash"
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr "Hash wy³±czony"
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Umiarkowany"
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "¦redni"
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Domy¶lna szeroko¶æ lewej ramki"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr "Nazwy u¿ytkowników pisane ma³ymi literami"
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr "Dozwól na u¿ycie priorytetów"
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr "Ukryj przypisania SM"
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr "W³±cz mo¿liwo¶æ otzrymywania potwierdzeñ"
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr "W³±cz mo¿liwo¶æ edycji to¿samo¶ci"
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr "W³±cz mo¿liwo¶æ edycji nazwy"
-msgid "Use server-side sorting"
-msgstr "U¿yj sortowania po stronie serwera"
-msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
-msgstr "U¿yj sortowania w±tków po stronie serwera"
-msgid "Allow server charset search"
-msgstr "Pozwól na szukanie zestawu znaków serwera"
-msgid "UID support"
-msgstr "Wsparcie UID"
-msgid "PHP session name"
-msgstr "Nazwa sesji PHP"
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ dnia"
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Baza danych"
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "DSN dla ksi±¿ki adresowej"
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Tabela ksi±¿ek adresowych"
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "Baza dla ustawieñ DSN"
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Tabela dla ustawieñ"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr "Pole ustawieñ nazwy u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr "Pole ustawieñ klucza"
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr "Pole ustawieñ warto¶ci"
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Motywy"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr "Adres arkuszy stylów (css)"
-msgid "Default theme"
-msgstr "Motyw domy¶lny"
-msgid "Use index number of theme"
-msgstr "U¿yj numeru porz±dkowego motywu"
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Panel administracyjny"
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Nazwa motywu"
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "¦cie¿ka do motywu"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Wtyczki"
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "Zmieñ ustawienia"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr "Nie mo¿na otworzyæ pliku konfiguracyjnego. Proszê sprawdziæ plik config.php."
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administracja"
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr "Ten modu³ umo¿liwia administratorowi zdaln± konfiguracjê oprogramowania SquirrelMail"
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr "Zg³oszenie b³êdu:"
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr "Poka¿ przycisk na pasku"
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "Dzisiaj"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "Id¼"
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "l F j Y"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr "Dodaj"
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr "Edytuj"
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr "Usuñ"
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr "Czas rozpoczêcia:"
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "D³ugo¶æ:"
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Priorytet:"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Tytu³:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Ustaw zdarzenie"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr "Zdarzenie zosta³o dodane!"
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Data:"
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Czas:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr "Widok dzienny"
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr "Czy rzeczywi¶cie chcesz skasowaæ zdarzenie?"
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Zdarzenie zosta³o skasowane!"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr "Brak elementów do usuniêcia!"
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Uaktualnij zdarzenie"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr "Czy chcesz zmieniæ zdarzenie z:"
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "na:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr "Zdarzenie uaktualnione!"
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr "Widok miesiêczny"
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr "0 min."
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr "15 min."
-msgid "30 min."
-msgstr "30 min."
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr "45 min."
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr "1 godz."
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr "1.5 godz."
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr "2 godz."
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr "2.5 godz"
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr "3 godz."
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr "3.5 godz."
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr "4 godz."
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr "5 godz."
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr "6 godz."
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Kalendarz"
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Usuñ i wstecz"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Usuñ i dalej"
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Przenie¶ do:"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Usuñ/Przenie¶/Nastêpny przycisk:"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "Wy¶wietl u góry"
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "z opcj± przeniesienia"
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "Wy¶wietl u do³u"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERCYJNY - zawiera listê serwerów potwierdzonych jako ¼ród³o spamu. Jest "
-"to niezawodny system pozwalaj±cy na wyeliminowanie spamu."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERCYJNY - Odrzuca pocztê z serwerów (¼le) skonfigurowanych "
-"zezwalaj±cych na przekazywanie potencjalnego spamu. Jeden z dobrych serwisów."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"KOMERCYJNY - U¿ytkownicy Dial-up s± czêsto odfiltrowywani. Spamerzy zwykle "
-"u¿ywaj± kont dial-up do rozsy³ania spamu."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "KOMERCYJNY - wed³ug RBL+ Blackhole"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "KOMERCYJNY - wed³ug RBL+ OpenRelay"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "KOMERCYJNY - konta dial-up wed³ug RBL+"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-"BEZP£ATNY - lista potwierdzonych przez Osirusoft serwerów z 'open relay'."
-"Najprawdopodobniej zawiera równie¿ serwery u¿ywane w "
-"automatycznych odpowiedziach"
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Osirusoft Dialup - Lista ¼róde³ spamu korzystaj±cych z kont Dial-up"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - ¬ród³a spamu potwierdzone przez Osirusoft - Serwery ci±gle "
-"wysy³aj±ce spam i rêczne dodane po wielokrotnych zg³oszeniach. Zalecana "
-"ostro¿no¶æ. Najprawdopodobniej przechwytuje automatyczne odpowiedzi o "
-"nadu¿yciach wysy³ane przez niektórych dostawców us³ug internetowych."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - Lista serwerów, które s± bezpieczne, ale "
-"umo¿liwiaj± przekazywanie poczty innym sewerom poczty, które nie s± bezpieczne."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - Zak³ada siê, ¿e zawiera "
-"numery IP firm, o których wiadomo, ¿e tworz± oprogramowanie do wysy³ania "
-"spamu. Najprawdopodobniej prechwytuje autoodpowiedzi o nadu¿yciach wysy³ane "
-"przez niektórych dostawców us³ug internetowych."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - Lista serwerów list "
-"dyskusyjnych, które wybieraj± u¿ytkowników bez potwierdzenia z ich strony."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - Lista niebezpiecznych skryptów cgi formlarzy (planowana)."
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - lista ogólniodostêpnych serwerów proxy."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - ORDB powsta³ po zakoñczeniu dzia³alno¶ci przez ORBS. Wygl±da "
-"jednak, ¿e jest ¼ród³em mniejszej liczby fa³szywych alarmów ni¿ niegdy¶ ORBS."
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - ma na swojej li¶cie numery IP serwerów bêd±cych "
-"bezpo¶rednim ¼ród³em spamu."
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTEPNY - - lista Dial-up zawieraj±ca te¿ trochê IP DSLi"
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - - Listy dyskusyjne, które nie u¿ywaj± potwierdzeñ "
-"podczas subskrypcji."
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - - inne serwery"
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - - serwery Single Stage."
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - - Serwery wspierj±ce spam."
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - adresy IP formularzy WEB"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Dorkslayers zawiera wy³±cznie najbardziej znane serwery "
-"'open relay' spoza USA. Co ciekawe, na swojej stronie sami ODRADZAJ¡ "
-"u¿ywanie swojego serwisu."
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - SPAMhaus to lista dobrze znanych ¼róde³ spamu."
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - SPAMCOP jest interesuj±cym rozwi±zaniem, zawiera listê serwerów o "
-"bardzo wysokim stosunku spamu do 'legalnej' poczty (85% lub wiecej)."
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - - brak bli¿szych informacji na temat listy."
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - - lista serwerów OpenRelay"
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Open Relays - kolejna serwerów 'open relay'."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - ma na swojej li¶cie numery IP serwerów bêd±cych bezpo¶rednim ¼ród³em spamu."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - SPAM ISPs - List dostawców Internetu ¿yczliwych spamowi."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Leadmon DUL - kolejna lista Dial-up lub w inny sposób przydzielanych dynamicznie dostawców Internetu."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Leadmon SPAM Source - Lista numerów IP, z których otrzyma³ spam."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - znacz±cy mailerzy, którzy nie "
-"wymagaja potwierdzeñ lub pozwalaj± znanym spamerom zostaæ ich klientami i naduzywaja ich us³ug."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays które nie s± umiesczone na innych listach RBL."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays których nie ma na innych listach RBLs "
-"i wys³a³y spam do"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Leadmon SpamBlock - serwery na li¶cie wys³a³y do "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"WOLNODOSTÊPNY, narazie - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY, narazie - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "WOLNODOSTÊPNY - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr "Zapisano typ skanowania"
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Filtrowanie wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "Co ma byæ skanowane:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Wszystkie wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Tylko nieprzeczytane wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Zapisz"
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Pasuje do:"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Nag³ówek"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Zawiera:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Je¶li %s zawiera %s przenie¶ do %s"
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Filtry wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtrowanie wed³ug ró¿nych kryteriów umo¿liwia rozmieszczenie wiadomo¶ci w "
-"ró¿nych folderach dla ³atwiejszej obs³ugi."
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "Filtry SPAMu"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtry SPAMu, dzia³aj±ce w oparciu o serwisy zawieraj±ce \"czarne listy\" "
-"pozwalaj± wykryæ listy bêd±ce potencjalnym spamem i przenie¶æ je do innego "
-"katalogu (np. Kosza)"
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Filtrowanie spamu"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-"Uwaga! Przeka¿ administratorowi systemu, by ustawi³ zmienn± "
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Przenie¶ spam do:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Przenoszenie spamu do razu do kosza nie jest najlepszym pomys³em, jako ¿e "
-"mo¿e siê zdarzyæ, ¿e poczta od znajomych zostanie przypadkowo "
-"zaklasyfikowana jako spam. Niezale¿nie od tego, który folder wybierzesz, "
-"pamiêtaj by go okresowo opró¿niaæ. W przeciwnym wypadku Twoja skrzynka "
-"pocztowa mo¿e zostaæ przepe³niona."
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Im wiêcej wiadomo¶ci jest skanowanych, tym wiêcej czasu to zabiera. "
-"Sugerowanym rozwi±zaniem jest skanowanie wy³±cznie nowych wiadomo¶ci. Je¶li "
-"zmienisz ustawienia filtrów, mo¿esz ustawiæ skanowanie wszystkich "
-"wiadomo¶ci, a nastêpnie przej¶æ do skrzynki odbiorczej. W ten sposób nowe "
-"ustawienia filtrów zostan± zastosowane do wiadomo¶ci, które nie zosta³y "
-"wcze¶niej odfiltrowane. Na koniec mo¿na na powrót ustawiæ skanowanie "
-"wy³±cznie nowych wiadomo¶ci."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Spam jest wysy³any do %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[jeszcze nie ustawione]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Poszukiwanie spamu jest ograniczone do %s"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Tylko nowe wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Wszystkie wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "W³±czone"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "Wy³±czone"
-msgid " not found."
-msgstr " nie znaleziono."
-msgid "Today's Fortune"
-msgstr "Dzisiejszy Fortune"
-msgid "Fortunes:"
-msgstr "Fortunes:"
-msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
-msgstr "Poka¿ fortunes w górnej czê¶ci skrzynki"
-msgid "IMAP server information"
-msgstr "Informacja serwera IMAP"
-msgid ""
-"Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. "
-"These tests use the Squirrelmail IMAP commands and your current Squirrelmail "
-"configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Uruchom pewne polecenia IMAP, wy¶wietlaj±c zarówno polecenie jak i wynik. "
-"Testy te uzywaj± poleceñ IMAP programu Squirrelmail i twojej aktualnej "
-"konfiguracji. Mo¿na u¿ywaæ wpisów poleceñ u¿ytkownika."
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "Lista dyskusyjna"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Na listê %s zostanie wys³ana wiadomo¶æ z pro¶b± o informacje pomocy. "
-"Odpowied¼ zostanie przes³ana na poni¿szy adres."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Zostanie wys³ana wiadomo¶æ z ¿±daniem subskrypcji na listê %s. Zostaniesz "
-"zapisany na listê przez poni¿szy adres."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-"Zostanie wys³ana wiadomo¶æ z ¿±daniem anulowania subskrypcji listê na %s. Z "
-"listy zostanie wypisany poni¿szy adres."
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Wy¶lij wiadomo¶æ"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "Napisz wiadomo¶æ na listê"
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Odpowiedz na listê"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "Archiwa listy"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "Skontaktuj siê z w³a¶cicielem listy"
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "Lista dyskusyjna"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "Po³±czenie POP3:"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Nie okre¶lono serwera"
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "B³±d "
-msgid "POP3 noop:"
-msgstr "POP3 noop:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Brak po³±czenia z serwerem"
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "U¿ytkownik POP3:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Nie podano identyfikatora u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "nie ustanowiono po³±czenia"
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "Has³o POP3:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Nie podano has³a"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "autoryzacja nie powiod³a siê "
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "POP3 apop:"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Nie podano identyfikatora u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "Brak bannera"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "anuluj"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "autoryzacja apop nie powiod³a siê"
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "POP3 login:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 top:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_list"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "Przedwczesny koniec listy"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 get:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 last:"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "Pusta komenda"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 quit:"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "po³±czenie nie istnieje"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "POP3 delete:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Nie podano liczby wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Wykonanie polecenia nie powiod³o siê "
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "Pobieranie poczty ze zdalnego serwera POP"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Wybierz serwer:"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Has³o dla"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Pobierz pocztê"
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "Pobieranie z "
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "Ups, "
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Otwieranie po³±czenia z serwerem IMAP"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Otwieranie po³±czenia z serwerem POP"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Logowanie nie powiod³o siê:"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Zalogowano siê - brak nowych wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Zalogowano siê - skrzynka odbiorcza jest pusta"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Zalogowano siê - skrzynka odbiorcza zawiera ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "Pobieranie UIDL..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Serwer nie obs³uguje UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "Pozostawianie poczty na serwerze..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Kasowanie wiadomo¶ci z serwera..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Pobieranie wiadomo¶ci "
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr "B³±d serwera... roz³±czanie"
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr "Wznowienie przerwanego po³±czenia"
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "Zapisywanie UIDL"
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Ponowne pobieranie wiadomo¶ci "
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "B³±d podczas dodawania wiadomo¶ci!"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Zamykanie POP"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Zamykanie IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶ci dodane do skrzynki pocztowej"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Wiadomo¶æ "
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " skasowana z serwera!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Usuwanie nie powiod³o siê:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Ustawienia zdalnego serwera POP"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"Powiniene¶ mieæ ¶wiadomo¶æ, ¿e kodowanie u¿yte do przechowania Twojego has³a "
-"nie jest w pe³ni bezpieczne. Ka¿dy chacker, po zapoznaniu siê z kodem "
-"¼ród³owym tego programu bêdzie w stanie odszyfrowaæ has³o. Jednak je¶li "
-"czêsto korzystasz z POPa, zapewne wiesz, ¿e podczas po³±czenia has³o "
-"przesy³ane jest bez ¿adnego zakodowania."
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Je¶li nie podasz has³a, bêdziesz musia³ je wpisywaæ przy ka¿dym pobieraniu "
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Kodowanie hase³ (tylko informacyjnie)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "Dodaj serwer"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Serwer:"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Port:"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Alias:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Nazwa u¿ytkownika:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Przechowuj w folderze:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "Pozostaw pocztê na serwerze"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Sprawdzaj pocztê przy logowaniu"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "Sprawdzaj pocztê przy od¶wie¿aniu listy folderów"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Dostosuj ustawienia serwera"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Nazwa serwera:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Zmieñ"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Nie ma ¿adnych serwerów. Spróbuj dodaæ nowy."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "Pobieranie poczty z serwerów"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Potwierdzenie usuniêcie serwera"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Wybrany serwer:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Czy rzeczywi¶cie chcesz usun±æ zaznaczony serwer?"
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Potwierd¼ usuniêcie"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Niezdefiniowana funkcja"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Hej! Czego szukasz?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Pobierz"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Uwaga, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "Wyniki pobierania poczty:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Pobieranie poczty przez protokó³ POP3"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-"Ustawienia dla pobierania poczty z konta POP3 do Twojej skrzynki na tym "
-msgid "Message Details"
-msgstr "W³a¶ciwo¶ci wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Zamknij okno"
-msgid "Save Message"
-msgstr "Zapisz wiadomo¶æ"
-msgid "View Message details"
-msgstr "Podgl±d szczegó³ów wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Powiadomienie o nowej poczcie"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Wybierz Za³±cz odtwarzanie d¼wiêku by w³±czyæ powiadamianie d¼wiêkowe "
-"o nieprzeczytanej poczcie w Twoich folderach. Po w³±czeniu mo¿esz okre¶liæ "
-"plik d¼wiêkowy, który ma byæ odtwarzany."
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"Opcja Sprawd¼ wszystkie foldery spowoduje, ¿e pod kontem nowej poczty "
-"bêd± sprawdzane wszystkie foldery, nie tylko INBOX"
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"Wybranie Poka¿ okno spowoduje wy¶wietlenie okienka z informacj± o "
-"nowej poczcie (wymaga JavaScriptu)."
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Zaznacz Sprawd¼ ostatnie by sprawdzanie nowej poczty ograniczyæ "
-"dowiadomo¶cii, które dopiero co pojawi³y siê i nie zosta³y jeszcze obejrzane."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"Zaznaczenie opcji Zmieñ tytu³ zmieni zawarto¶c paska tytu³u w w "
-"niektórych przegl±darkach aby poinformowaæ siê o nadej¶ciu nowej poczty "
-"(wymaga JavaScript i dzia³a tylko w IE, ale pozosta³e przegl±darki nie "
-"zg³osz± b³êdów). Opcja ta zawsze poinformuje o nowej poczcie, nawet je¶li "
-"w³±czona jest opcja Sprawd¼ ostatnie."
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. If no file is specified, \"(none)\", no sound will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Wybierz z listy plików na serwerze plik d¼wiêkowy, który "
-"bêdzie odtwarzany wraz z nadej¶ciem nowej poczty. Je¶li nie "
-"wybrano ¿adnego pliku, ¿aden d¼wiêk nie bêdzie generowany."
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "W³±cz odtwarzanie d¼wiêku"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Sprawd¼ wszystkie foldery, a nie INBOX"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Sprawd¼ tylko ostatnie wiadomo¶ci"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Zmieñ tytu³ w przegl±darce"
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "Wymaga JavaScriptu"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "Poka¿ okno informuj±ce o nie przeczytanej poczcie"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Wybierz plik na serwerze:"
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr "(¿aden)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Spróbuj"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Aktualny plik:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Nowa poczta"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "Informacja programu SquirrelMail:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "Masz now± pocztê!"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Konfiguracja nowej poczty"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"Konfiguracja ustawieñ dla d¼wiêków i okienek powiadamiaj±cych o nowej "
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Ustawienia powiadamiania o nowej poczcie zosta³y zapisane"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s nowych wiadomo¶ci"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s nowa wiadomo¶æ"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Test d¼wiêku"
-msgid "No sound specified"
-msgstr "Nie okre¶lono d¼wiêku"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "£adowanie d¼wiêku..."
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Opcje podfolderów folderu 'wys³ane'"
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "U¿ywaj podfolderów folderu 'wys³ane':"
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Miesiêcznie"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr "Kwartalnie"
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr "Rocznie"
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Podstawowy folder 'wys³ane'"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr "Raport o spamie"
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr "SpamCop - Raport o spamie"
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-"Pomó¿ w walce ze spamem. SpamCorp czyta listy spamerów i znajduje "
-"ich w³a¶ciwe adresy, aby wys³aæ do nich pouczenie. Ca³kiem szybko, "
-"rzeczywi¶cie inteligentnie, prosto."
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Opcje sprawdzania pisowni"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"Mo¿esz tu ustawiæ, w jaki sposób przechowywany jest Twój osobisty s³ownik, "
-"mo¿esz go tu te¿ zmieniæ lub wybraæ jêzyki, które powinny byæ brane pod "
-"uwagê podczas sprawdzania pisowni"
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Sprawd¼ pisowniê"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Wróæ do strony z opcjami sprawdzania pisowni"
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "UWAGA:"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-"SquirrelSpell nie by³ w stanie odszyfrowaæ Twojego s³ownika. "
-"Najprawdopodobniej jest tak poniewa¿ zmieni³e¶ has³o do skrzynki pocztowej. "
-"By kontynuowaæ musisz podaæ stare has³o, by SquirrelSpell móg³ odkodowaæ "
S³ownik zostanie ponownie zaszyfrowany przy u¿yciu nowego has³a."
Je¶li nie kodowa³e¶ s³ownika, z jakich¶ powodów zosta³ on uszkodzony i "
-"nie nadaje siê do dalszego u¿ytku. Równie¿ je¶li nie pamiêtasz starego "
-"has³a, zakodowane dane nie bêd± ju¿ dostêpne."
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "Skasuj mój s³ownik i utwórz nowy"
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "Zdekoduj s³ownik przy u¿yciu mojego starego has³a:"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Kontynuuj"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr "Musisz wybraæ opcjê"
-msgid "You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-"Mo¿esz albo skasowaæ s³ownik, albo podaæ stare has³o. Nie mo¿na wykonaæ "
-"obydwu rzeczy na raz."
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Twój s³ownik zostanie skasowany! Kontynuowaæ?"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "B³±d podczas odszyfrowywania s³ownika"
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-msgstr "Próbowano uruchomiæ '%s, ale otrzymano odpowied¼:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-msgstr "SquirrelSpell jest nieskonfigurowany."
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-msgstr "SquirrelSpell - wyniki"
-msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-msgstr "Zakoñczono sprawdzanie pisowni. Czy zapisaæ zmiany?"
-msgid "No changes were made."
-msgstr "Nie dokonano ¿adnych zmian."
-msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-msgstr "Trwa zapissywanie s³ownika... Proszê czekaæ."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s errors"
-msgstr "Znaleziono %s b³êdów"
-msgid "Line with an error:"
-msgstr "Linia z b³êdem:"
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "B³±d:"
-msgid "Suggestions:"
-msgstr "Podpowiedzi:"
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Podpowiedzi"
-msgid "Change to:"
-msgstr "Zamieñ na:"
-msgid "Occurs times:"
-msgstr "Liczba wyst±pieñ:"
-msgid "Change this word"
-msgstr "Zamieñ to s³owo"
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr "Zamieñ"
-msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-msgstr "Zamieñ wszystkie wyst±pienia tego s³owa"
-msgid "Change All"
-msgstr "Zamieñ wszystkie"
-msgid "Ignore this word"
-msgstr "Ignoruj to s³owo"
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ignoruj"
-msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-msgstr "Ignoruj wszystkie wyst±pienia tego s³owa"
-msgid "Ignore All"
-msgstr "Ignoruj wszystkie"
-msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Dodaj s³owo do osobistego s³ownika"
-msgid "Add to Dic"
-msgstr "Dodaj do s³ownika"
-msgid "Close and Commit"
-msgstr "Zamknij i zapisz"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-msgstr "Nie dokoñczono sprawdzania tekstu. Czy na pewno zamkn±æ i zapisaæ zmiany?"
-msgid "Close and Cancel"
-msgstr "Zamknij i anuluj wprowadzone zmiany"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"Nie dokoñczono sprawdzania tekstu. Czy na pewno zamkn±æ rezygnuj±c z "
-"dokonanych zmian?"
-msgid "No errors found"
-msgstr "Nie znaleziono b³êdów"
-msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-msgstr "Twój s³ownik zosta³ wyczyszczony."
-msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-msgstr "S³ownik wyczyszczony"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-"\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik zosta³ wyczyszczony. Zamknij to okno i kliknij ponownie przycisk "
-"\"Sprawd¼ pisowniê\" ¿eby rozpocz±æ sprawdzanie."
-msgid "Close this Window"
-msgstr "Zamknij bie¿±ce okno"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik zosta³ pomyslnie przekodowany. Mo¿esz teraz wróciæ do "
-"opcji sprawdzania pisowni."
-msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-msgstr "Przekodowanie powiod³o siê"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-"window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik zosta³ pomyslnie przekodowany. Zamknij to okno i kliknij "
-"ponownie przycisk \"Sprawd¼ pisowniê\" ¿eby rozpocz±æ sprawdzanie."
-msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-msgstr "S³ownik przekodowany"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-"stored in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik jest zakodowany i jest aktualnie przechowywany "
-"w formie zaszyfrowanej."
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-"stored as clear text."
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik zosta³ odkodowany i jest aktualnie "
-"przechowywany w postaci czystego tekstu."
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-msgstr "Ustawienia kodowania s³ownika"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "S³ownik u¿ytkownika"
-msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-msgstr "Twój s³ownik jest pusty."
-msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-msgstr "Sprawd¼ wszystkie s³owa, które chcesz usun±æ ze swojego s³ownika."
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s dictionary"
-msgstr "s³ownik %s"
-msgid "Delete checked words"
-msgstr "Usuñ zaznaczone s³owa"
-msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Edytuj swój s³ownik"
-msgid "Please make your selection first."
-msgstr "Powiniene¶ najpierw dokonaæ wyboru"
-msgid ""
-"This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Twój s³ownik zostanie zakodowany. Czy kontynuowaæ?"
-msgid ""
-"This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik zostanie rozkodowany i zachowany w postaci czystego tekstu. "
-"Czy kontynuowaæ?"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-"helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and "
-"your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the "
-"password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see "
-"what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-"strong> If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become "
-"unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your "
-"mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your "
-"old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key.
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik aktualnie jest zakodowany. Dziêki temu "
-"zapewniona jest lepsza ochrona Twojej prywatno¶ci na wypadek gdyby kto¶ "
-"w³ama³ siê do systemu pocztowego i wykrad³ s³ownik. Aktualnie s³ownik jest "
-"zakodowany przy u¿yciu has³a, którego u¿ywasz by uzyskaæ dostêp do swojej "
-"skrzynki pocztowej.
UWAGA: w przypadku gdyby¶ "
-"zapomnia³ has³o, s³ownik stanie siê niedostêpny, gdy¿ nie bêdzie mo¿liwo¶ci "
-"jego odkodowania. Je¶li zmienisz has³o dla skrzynki pocztowej, oprogramowanie "
-"pocztowe zauwa¿y ten fakt i poprosi Ciê o wprowadzenie starego has³a, po "
-"czym przekoduje s³ownik przy u¿yciu nowego klucza.
-msgid "Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-msgstr "Odkoduj s³ownik i zachowaj go w postaci niezaszyfrowanego tekstu."
-msgid "Change crypto settings"
-msgstr "Zmieñ ustawienia kodowania"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You "
-"may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case "
-"the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets "
-"stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to "
-"decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
-"p> ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal "
-"dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your "
-"mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator "
-"changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and "
-"will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator "
-"change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, "
-"you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the "
-"new value.
-msgstr ""
-"Twój s³ownik aktualnie nie jest zakodowany. Mo¿esz "
-"go zakodowaæ dla ochrony prywatno¶ci na wypadek w³amania do systemu "
-"pocztowego i kradzie¿y s³ownika. Zakodowany plik s³ownika jest nieczytelny "
-"i trudno go rozkodowaæ bez znajomo¶ci w³a¶ciwego klucza (którym jest "
-"has³o u¿ytkownika).
-"UWAGA: Je¶li zdecydujesz siê zakodowaæ s³ownik, "
-"pamiêtaj, ¿e jest on "kodowany" Twoim has³em do skrzynki. "
-"Jesli zapomnisz swoje has³o i administrator zmieni je na nowe, to Twój "
-"osobisty s³ownik bêdzie bezu¿yteczny i bêdziesz musia³ utworzyc nowy. "
-"Jednak jesli administrator zmieni has³o Twojej skrzynki, to nadal bêdziesz "
-"mia³ dostep do s³ownika - program poprosi o podanie starego klucza i "
-"przekoduje s³ownik.
-msgid "Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-msgstr "Zakoduj s³ownik i zachowaj go w postaci zaszyfrowanej."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-msgstr "Kasowanie nastêpuj±cych wpisów ze s³ownika %s:"
-msgid "All done!"
-msgstr "Wszystko zosta³o zrobione!"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-msgstr "S³ownik zosta³ uaktualniony"
-msgid "No changes requested."
-msgstr "Nie ¿±dano ¿adnych zmian."
-msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-msgstr "Proszê czekaæ, trwa komunikacja z serwerem..."
-msgid ""
-"Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-msgstr ""
-"Proszê wybraæ s³ownik, który zostanie u¿yty do sprawdzenia poprawno¶ci tej "
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-msgstr "Inicjalizacja SquirrelSpell"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-"default dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-"Ustawienia uaktualnione do: %s z %s jako "
-"s³ownikiem domy¶lnym"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-msgstr "U¿ywany s³ownik %s (domy¶lny systemowy)"
-msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-msgstr "Uaktualniono ustawienia s³owników miêdzynarodowych"
-msgid ""
-"Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like "
-"to use when spellchecking:"
-msgstr ""
-"Proszê zaznaczyæ te z dostêpnych s³owników, które chcesz u¿ywaæ do "
-"sprawdzania poprawno¶ci:"
-msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-msgstr "Zaznacz ten s³ownik jako domy¶lny:"
-msgid "Make these changes"
-msgstr "Dokonaj zmian"
-msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-msgstr "Dodaj s³owniki miêdzynarodowe"
-msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-msgstr "Proszê wybraæ operacjê do dostosowania:"
-msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Edytuj swój osobisty s³ownik"
-msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-msgstr "Dostosuj s³owniki miêdzynarodowe"
-msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Zakoduj lub odkoduj ksi±¿kê adresow±"
-msgid "not available"
-msgstr "niedostêpne"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-msgstr "Ustawienia menu SquirrelSpell"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "T³umacz"
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Zapisane opcje t³umaczenia"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Ustawienia twojego serwera s± nastepujace:"
-msgid "Maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Przet³umaczono 1000 znaków (maksimum), wspierane przez Systran"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported language pairs: %s"
-msgstr "Liczba wspieranych par jêzyków: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Ograniczenia nie s± znane, wspierane przeze Systran"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Translation Experts's InterTran"
-msgstr "Ograniczenia nie s± znane, wspierane przez Translation Experts's InterTran"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported languages: %s"
-msgstr "Liczba wspieranych jêzyków: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr "Ograniczenia nie s± znane, wspierane przez GPLTrans (wolnodostêpny, open source)"
-msgid "Hellenic translations, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "T³umaczenia helleñskie, ograniczenia nie s± znane, wspierane przeze Systran"
-msgid "Russian translations, maximum of 500 characters translated"
-msgstr "T³umaczenia rosyjskie, przet³umaczono maksimum 500 znaków, wspierane przez Systran"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr ""
-"Mo¿esz zdecydowaæ tak¿e, czy chcesz by okno t³umacza by³o wy¶wietlane, "
-"oraz gdzie bêdzie umieszczone."
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Wybierz t³umacza:"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "W czasie czytania:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Poka¿ okno t³umaczenia"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "na lewo"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "po ¶rodku"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "na prawo"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "T³umacz wewn±trz ramek SquirrelMaila"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "W czasie tworzenia nowej wiadomo¶ci:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Jeszcze niekompletne, aktualnie nic nie robi"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Opcje t³umaczenia"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr "Który z t³umaczy powinien byæ u¿yty gdy otrzymasz list w innym jêzyku?"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "%s na %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Angielski"
-msgid "Chinese"
-msgstr "Chiñski"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Francuski"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Niemiecki"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "W³oski"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "Japoñski"
-msgid "Korean"
-msgstr "Koreañski"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugalski"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Hiszpañski"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Rosyjski"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Przet³umacz"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portugalski (Brazylia)"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "Bu³garski"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "Chorwacki"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Czeski"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Duñski"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Holenderski"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "Hiszpañski (Europa)"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Fiñski"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Grecki"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "Wêgierski"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "Islandzki"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "Hiszpañski (Ameryka £aciñska)"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Norweski"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Polski"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Rumuñski"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "Serbski"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "S³owacki"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Szwedzki"
-msgid "Turkish"
-msgstr "Turecki"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "Walijski"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "Indonezyjski"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "£acina"
-msgid "to English"
-msgstr "na angielski"
-msgid "from English"
-msgstr "z angielskiego"
-msgid "Interface language"
-msgstr "Jêzyk interfejsu"
-msgid "Translation direction"
-msgstr "Kierunek t³umaczenia"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr "Raport o b³êdach podczas dostarczania poczty"
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr "Nag³ówki niedostarczonych wiadomo¶ci"
diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index 219e5a4e..00000000
Binary files a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 67274de2..00000000
--- a/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3881 +0,0 @@
-# Portuguese (Brazil) Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Marcos Tadeu , 2003/08.
-# Gleydson Mazioli da Silva , 2003/06
-# Marcos Tadeu , 2002/08.
-# Fabio Mengue , 2002.
-# Henrique Moura , 2000.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-08-24 15:06+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-17 01:54-0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Marcos Tadeu \n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazilian) \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Todos"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Informações"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Fonte"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Para"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "Bcc"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Usar Endereços"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisa no Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Procurar por"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "em"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Todos os livros de Endereços"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Procurar"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Listar todos"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Impossível listar endereços de %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "Sua pesquisa falhou retornando o(s) seguinte(s) erro(s)"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Não foram encontradas pessoas para a pesquisa solicitada."
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Voltar"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fechar"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Apelido"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "Deve ser único"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "Endereço de E-mail"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Sobrenome"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Primeiro Nome"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Informação adicional"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"Nenhum livro de endereços pessoais está definido. Contacte o administrador."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Você pode editar somente um endereço por vez"
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Atualizar endereço"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "ERRO"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Erro desconhecido"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Adicionar endereço"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Editar os selecionados"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "Apagar os selecionados"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Adicionar a %s"
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "disse"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "quote"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "quem"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Assunto"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "De"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Data"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Mensagem Original"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Rascunho salvo"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Não posso mover/copiar arquivo. Arquivo não está anexado."
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Rascunho salvo"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent."
-msgstr "Sua mensagem foi enviada."
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De:"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Para:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "CC:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "BCC:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Assunto:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Anexar:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Adicionar"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "Apagar os anexos selecionados"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioridade"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Alta"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normal"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Baixa"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Pedir Recibo"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "na leitura"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "no envio (nem sempre funciona)"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Assinatura"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Endereços"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Guardar como rascunho"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "Você não preencheu o campo \"Para:\"."
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Rascunhos"
-msgid "Server replied: "
-msgstr "Resposta do servidor: "
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Nome ilegal para pasta. Por favor escolha um nome diferente."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Clique aqui para voltar"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "Você não selecionou uma pasta para apagar. Por favor, faça-o."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "Apagar Pasta"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "Deseja realmente apagar %s?"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sim"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Não"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Pastas"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Inscrito com sucesso!"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Inscrição cancelada com sucesso!"
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Pasta apagada com sucesso!"
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Pasta criada com sucesso!"
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Renomeado com sucesso!"
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "Inscrição não realizada: pasta não existe."
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "Atualizar lista de pastas"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Criar Pasta"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "como sub-pasta de"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Nenhum"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Permitir que esta pasta contenha sub-pastas"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Criar"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Renomear uma Pasta"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Selecione uma pasta"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Renomear"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Nenhuma pasta encontrada"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Apagar"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Cancelar inscrição"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Inscrever"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Não foram encontradas pastas para cancelar inscrição!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma pasta para inscrever!"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Inscrever em:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "Você não selecionou uma pasta para renomear. Por favor, faça-o."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Renomear uma pasta"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Novo nome:"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Executar"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "Erro: arquivo de help não está no formato correto!"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ajuda"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr ""
-"As instruções de ajuda não foram traduzidas para %s. Será apresentado em "
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Alguns ou todos os documentos de ajuda não estão presentes!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Índice"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Próxima"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Início"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Visualizando uma imagem anexada"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Baixar como um arquivo"
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "Entrada"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "Esvaziar"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Última Atualização"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr "Salvar a árvore de diretórios (pastas)"
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Login"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "Logotipo para %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versão %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "Pela Equipe de Desenvolvimento Squirrelmail"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "Login %s"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Usuário:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Senha:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem selecionada."
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Opções"
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Destacando mensagem"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Novo"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Feito"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Para ou CC"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "Assunto"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Editar"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Cima"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Baixo"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Nenhum destaque foi definido"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Identificando o nome"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Cor"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Azul escuro"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Verde escuro"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Amarelo escuro"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Cyan escuro"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Magenta escuro"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Azul claro"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Verde claro"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Amarelo claro"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Cyan claro"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Magenta claro"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Cinza escuro"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Cinza médio"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Cinza claro"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Branco"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Outro:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Encontrados"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Identificação Alternativa %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Identificação Avançada"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Identificação Padrão"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Adicionar nova Identidade"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Nome completo"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "E-Mail"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Responder a"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Armazenar / Atualizar"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Criar Padrão"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Mover Acima"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Ordem de indexação"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "Checkbox"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Opções"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Tamanho"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"A ordem do índice é a ordem que as colunas estão arranjadas no índice da "
-"mensagem. Você pode adicionar, remover e mover colunas para adequar à sua "
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "para cima"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "para baixo"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "remover"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Voltar para página de opções"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências de Exibição"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências de Pastas"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Opções salvas com sucesso!"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Atualizar lista de pastas"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Atualizar página"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Contém informações pessoais sobre você, tais como nome, seu endereço de "
-"email, etc."
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Você pode alterar a forma como o SquirrelMail apresenta informação para "
-"você, como as cores, linguagem e outras características."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"Baseado nos critérios fornecidos, as mensagens recebidas podem ter cores de "
-"fundo diferentes na lista de mensagens. Isto facilita distinguir quem está "
-"enviando as mensagens, especialmente em listas de mensagens."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr ""
-"Estas opções alteram a forma que as pastas são apresentadas e manipuladas."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"A ordem que as mensagens estão indexadas pode ser alterada para conter os "
-"cabeçalhos em qualquer ordem que você queira."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "A mensagem não pode ser impressa"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Imprimir Amigavelmente"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Imprimir"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Ver Versão para Impressão"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Lidas:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "Sua mensagem"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Enviar:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Está mostrada em %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "menos"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "mais"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Remetente Desconhecido"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Programa"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Recibo de leitura"
-msgid "sent"
-msgstr "enviar"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "pedida"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"O remetente da mensagem pediu uma resposta que indique que você leu esta "
-"mensagem. Você deseja enviar o recibo?"
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "Enviar recibo de leitura"
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Resultados da busca"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Lista de Mensagens"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Editar Rascunho"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Editar mensagem como nova"
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Encaminhar"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Encaminhar como anexado"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Responder"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Responder a todos"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Ver cabeçalho completo"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Anexados"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr "Você necessita de um usuário e senha válidos para acessar esta página!"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Todas as Pastas"
-msgid "Please enter something to search for"
-msgstr "Por favor, entre com algo para procurar"
-msgid "There must be at least one criteria to search for"
-msgstr "Deve haver pelo menos um critério para a procura"
-msgid "Error in criteria argument"
-msgstr "Erro no argumentos dos critérios"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "M j, Y"
-msgid "(Illegal date)"
-msgstr "(Data ilegal)"
-msgid "(Wrong date)"
-msgstr "(Data errada)"
-msgid "In"
-msgstr "Em"
-msgid "(Missing argument)"
-msgstr "(Falta argumento)"
-msgid "(Spurious argument)"
-msgstr "(argumento demais)"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "editar"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "pesquisar"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "apagar"
-msgid "Saved Searches"
-msgstr "Buscas guardadas"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "salvar"
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "esquecer"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "Procurar nos recentes"
-msgid "Missing"
-msgstr "Faltando"
-msgid "Exclude Criteria:"
-msgstr "Critério exclusivo:"
-msgid "Search Criteria"
-msgstr "Critério de procura"
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Pasta:"
-msgid "Add New Criteria"
-msgstr "Adicionar novo critério"
-msgid "Remove Excluded Criteria"
-msgstr "Remover o critério exclusivo"
-msgid "Remove All Criteria"
-msgstr "Remover todos os critérios"
-msgid "Answered"
-msgstr "Respondido"
-msgid "Before"
-msgstr "Antes de"
-msgid "Message Body"
-msgstr "Corpo da Mensagem"
-msgid "Deleted"
-msgstr "Apagado"
-msgid "Draft"
-msgstr "Rascunho"
-msgid "Flagged"
-msgstr "Marcadas"
-msgid "Sent By"
-msgstr "Enviado por"
-msgid "Header Field"
-msgstr "Campo do Cabeçalho"
-msgid "Keyword"
-msgstr "Palavra chave"
-msgid "Larger Than"
-msgstr "Maior que"
-msgid "Old"
-msgstr "Antigo"
-msgid "On"
-msgstr "Em"
-msgid "Recent"
-msgstr "Recente"
-msgid "Seen"
-msgstr "Visto"
-msgid "Sent Before"
-msgstr "Enviada antes de"
-msgid "Sent On"
-msgstr "Enviada em"
-msgid "Sent Since"
-msgstr "Enviado desde"
-msgid "Since"
-msgstr "Desde"
-msgid "Smaller Than"
-msgstr "Menor que"
-msgid "Subject Contains"
-msgstr "Assunto Contém"
-msgid "Header and Body"
-msgstr "Cabeçalho e Corpo"
-msgid "Sent To"
-msgstr "Enviada para"
-msgid "Not"
-msgstr "Não"
-msgid "And In"
-msgstr "E Em"
-msgid "Or In"
-msgstr "Ou Em"
-msgid "And"
-msgstr "E"
-msgid "Or"
-msgstr "Or"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Resultados da busca"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem encontrada"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Desconectar"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Você saiu com sucesso do sistema."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Clique aqui para fazer novamente o login."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Visualizando um Cartão de Negócios"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Título"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Página Web"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organização / Departamento"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Endereço"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Telefone do Trabalho"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Telefone Residencial"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Telefone Celular"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Fax"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Notas"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Adicionar ao Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Título & Organização/Departamento"
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Vendo cabeçalho completo"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Visualizando texto anexado"
-msgid "Folder List"
-msgstr "Lista de Pastas"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços pessoal"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Erro no banco de dados: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços permite apenas leitura"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Usuário '%s' já existe"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Usuário '%s' não existe"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços Global"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Falha na abertura do arquivou"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Não é possível modificar o Livro de Endereços Global"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Não é um nome de arquivo"
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "A gravação falhou"
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Não é possível atualizar"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Não foi possível travar o arquivo de dados"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Falha para gravar no livro de endereçosu"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Erro ao iniciar o banco de dados do Livro de Endereços"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir o arquivo %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Erro ao iniciar o Livro de Endereços Global"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Erro ao iniciar o servidor LDAP %s:"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Entrada de dados inválida"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Está faltando o nome"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "Falta Endereço de Email"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "O Apelido contém caracteres ilegais"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "ver"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Cartão de Negócios"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Domingo"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Segunda"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Terça"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Quarta"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Quinta"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Sexta"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Sábado"
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "Dom"
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Seg"
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Ter"
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "Qua"
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Qui"
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Sex"
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "Sab"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Janeiro"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Fevereiro"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Março"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Abril"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Maio"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Junho"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Julho"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "Agosto"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "Setembro"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Outubro"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "Novembro"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Dezembro"
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Jan"
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Fev"
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "Mar"
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "Abr"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Mai"
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "Jun"
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "Jul"
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Ago"
-msgid "Sep"
-msgstr "Set"
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Out"
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "Nov"
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Dez"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, g:i a"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Erro na base de Preferências (%s). Terminando"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Clique aqui para voltar para %s"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Ir para a página de login"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Arquivo de preferências %s não existe. Saia do sistema e entre novamente "
-"para criar um arquivo de preferências padrão."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Arquivo de preferências, %s, não pode ser aberto. Entre em contato com seu "
-"administrador para ajuda."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Arquivo de preferências, %s, não pode ser escrito. Entre em contato com seu "
-"administrador para ajuda."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Arquivo de preferências, %s, não pode ser copiado do arquivo temporário, %s. "
-"Entre em contato com seu administrador para ajuda."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Arquivo de preferência padrão não encontrado ou não legível!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Entre em contato com seu administrador e avise este erro."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Não foi possível criar um arquivo inicial de preferências!"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s deve poder ser escrito por %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Arquivo de assinatura %s não pôde ser aberto. Entre em contato com seu "
-"administrador para ajuda."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Arquivo de assinatura %s não pode ser escrito. Entre em contato com seu "
-"administrador para ajuda."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"O arquivo de assinatura, %s, não pôde ser copiado do arquivo temporário, %s. "
-"Entre em contato com seu administrador para ajuda."
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-"Você precisa ter php4 instalado com a função \"multibyte string\" habilitada "
-"(use a opção de configuração --with-mbstring na compilação)."
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "Erro: pedido não pode ser completado."
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "Erro: Pedido errado ou mal formado."
-msgid "ERROR : Imap server closed the connection."
-msgstr "ERRO: O servidor IMAp fechou a conexão."
-msgid "ERROR : Unknown imap response."
-msgstr "ERRO: Resposta imap desconhecida"
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Razão alegada: "
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr "Requisição:"
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr "ERRO: \"stream\" imap não disponível"
-msgid "ERROR : Bad function call."
-msgstr "ERRO: chamada errada de função."
-msgid "Reason:"
-msgstr "Razão:"
-msgid "ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."
-msgstr "ERRO: Conexão derrubada pelo servidor imap."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Resposta do servidor: "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "Erro ao conectar com o servidor IMAP: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Pedido incorreto: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Erro desconhecido: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Dados lidos:"
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Usuário desconhecido ou senha incorreta."
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "Erro: não pôde adicionar a messagem para"
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Solução: "
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr ""
-"Remova mensagens desnecessárias de sua pasta e inicie com sua pasta de "
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(sem assunto)"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Remetente Desconhecido"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Resposta desconhecida do servidor IMAP: "
-msgid "The server couldn't find the message you requested."
-msgstr "O servidor não pode achar a mensagem que você requisitou."
-msgid ""
-"Most probably your message list was out of date and the message has been "
-"moved away or deleted (perhaps by another program accessing the same "
-msgstr ""
-"Provavelmente sua lista de mensagens esta antiga e a mensagem foimovida ou "
-"deletada (talvez por outro programa acessando a mesta caixa de correio)"
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Data desconhecida"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "R"
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"O servidor IMAP em uso não faz ordenação agrupando por assunto.
Favor "
-"avisar ao administrador deste serviço."
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"O servidor IMAP em uso não faz ordenação.
Favor avisar ao administrador "
-"deste serviço."
-msgstr "Esta pasta está vazia"
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Mover as selecionadas para"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Transformar as mensagens selecionadas"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Mover"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "Remover"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "caixa de correio"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Lidas"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Não lidas"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Visão normal"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "Agrupar por assunto"
-msgid "Click here to change the sorting of the message list"
-msgstr "Clique aqui para alterar a ordenação da lista de mensagens"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Inverter Todas"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "Desmarcar Todas"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Marcar Todas"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Visualizando as mensagens: %s a %s (%s total)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Visualizando a mensagem: %s (1 no total)"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Paginar"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Mostrar todas"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "o Squirrelmail não pôde decodificar a estrutura do corpo da mensagem"
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr "a estrutura do corpo de mensagem fornecida pelo seu servidor imap"
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-"Erro na recuperação do corpo. Provavelmente esta mensagem está mal formada."
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Comando:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Razão alegada:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Mensagem:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr "linha de busca:"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Esconder imagens com problema"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Ver imagens com problema"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "baixar"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_eng.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Opção tipo '%s' não encontrada"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta Atual"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Escrever"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Erro ao criar o diretório %s."
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr "Não foi possível criar a estrutura de diretório "hashed""
-msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
-msgstr "Serviço não disponível. Fechando o canal."
-msgid "A password transition is needed"
-msgstr "É necessária uma transição da senha."
-msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "A ação requisitada não foi feita: o mailbox não está disponível"
-msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
-msgstr "Ação requisitada foi abortada: erro no processamento"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
-msgstr ""
-"A ação requisotada não foi feita: falta espaço de armazenamento no sistema "
-msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
-msgstr "Falha temporária de autenticação"
-msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
-msgstr "Erro de sintaxe; comando não reconhecido."
-msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
-msgstr "Erro de sintaxe nos parâmetros ou argumentos"
-msgid "Command not implemented"
-msgstr "Comando não implementado"
-msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
-msgstr "Seqüência incorreta de comandos"
-msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
-msgstr "Parâmetro de comando não implementado"
-msgid "Authentication required"
-msgstr "Autenticação requerida"
-msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
-msgstr "O mecanismo de auteticação é muito fraco"
-msgid "Authentication failed"
-msgstr "Falha na autenticação"
-msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
-msgstr "É necessário criptografia para o mecanismo de autenticação"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "Ação requerida não foi feita: mailbox não disponível"
-msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
-msgstr "Usuário não local: favor tentar encaminhar"
-msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
-msgstr "Ação requisitada no mail abortada: excedeu alocação de armazenamento"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
-msgstr "Ação requerida não foi feita: Nome de mailbox não permitida"
-msgid "Transaction failed"
-msgstr "falha na transação"
-msgid "Unknown response"
-msgstr "Resposta desconhecida"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Opções genéricas"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Padrão"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "Estilo de tela personalizado"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Idioma"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Usar JavaScript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Detectar"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Sempre"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Nunca"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Opções das Pastas"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Número de mensagens a indexar"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Permitir alternar cores nas linhas"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Permitir seletor de página"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Número max. de páginas para mostrar"
-msgid "Always Show Full Date"
-msgstr "Sempre mostre a data completa"
-msgid "Length of From/To Field (0 for full)"
-msgstr "Tamanho do campo De/Para (0 para todo)"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Composição e disposição da mensagem"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Quebrar texto recebido em"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Tamanho da janela de edição"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Localização dos botões durante a composição"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Antes do cabeçalho"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Entre o cabeçalho e o corpo da mensagem"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Depois do corpo da mensagem"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Formato do Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "JavaScript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Ver a versão HTML como padrão"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Habilitar mensagem encaminhada como anexo"
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Incluir endereços do campo CC quando reenviar mensagens"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Inclua meu email no CC quando "Responder a Todos""
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Habilitar visualização do programa de email ("Mailer")"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Mostrar imagens anexadas com a mensagem"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr ""
-"Habilitar o link de "Limpar" para a "Versão para "
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Ativar a notificação de entrega de mensagem"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Escrever mensagem em "nova janela""
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Largura da janela de edição"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Altura da janela de edição"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "Coloque a assinatura antes do texto da mensagem original"
-msgid "Strip signature when replying"
-msgstr "Deixar sem assinatura quando respondendo"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "Habilitar a classificação pela data de recepção"
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr "Habilitar agrupamento por assunto baseado nas referências do cabeçalho"
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Opções especiais de pastas"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Caminho da pasta"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Não usar a Lixeira"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Lixeira"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Não usar Enviadas"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Enviadas"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Não usar Rascunhos"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Rascunhos"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Opções da lista de pastas"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Localização da lista de pastas"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Esquerda"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Direita"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "pixels"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Largura da lista de pastas"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutos"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "Segundos"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "Minuto"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Auto atualizar lista de pastas"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Notificação para mensagens não lidas"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Sem notificação"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Somente ENTRADA"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de notificação para mensagens não lidas"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Somente não lidas"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Não lidas e Total"
-msgid "Enable Collapsable Folders"
-msgstr "Permitir pastas com sub-pastas"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Notificação culmulativa para mensagens não lidas"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Mostra relógio no painel de pastas"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Sem relógio"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Formato da hora"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "Relógio de 12 horas"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "Relógio de 24 horas"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisar em memória"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Desabilitado"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Opções das listas de seleção"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Estilo da lista de seleção"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "Tamanho:"
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "Indentado: "
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "Delimitado: "
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Nome e Endereços"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "Endereço de E-Mail"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Editar Identidade Avançada"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(descartar este formulário)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Múltiplas Identidades"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "a mesma do servidor"
-msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir configuração de \"timezone\". Contacte o administrador."
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Fuso Horário"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Seu "timezone""
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Opções para citações na resposta"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Estilo para citações na resposta"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Sem citação"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "O autor Disse"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Disse XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Definido pelo usuário"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Início da citação definida pelo usuário"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Final da citação definida pelo usuário"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Opções de assinatura"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Usar assinatura"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Iniciar a assinatura com uma linha '--' "
-msgid "Take Address"
-msgstr "Endereço"
-msgid "Address Book Take:"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços:"
-msgid "Try to verify addresses"
-msgstr "Tentar verificar endereços"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Versão do arquivo de configuração"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "Versão do SquirrelMail"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "Versão do PHP"
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências da Organização"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Nome da Organização"
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Logotipo da Organização"
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Largura do logotipo"
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Altura do logotipo"
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Título da Organização"
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Página de saída"
-msgid "Provider Link URI"
-msgstr "URI do Link para o provedor"
-msgid "Provider Name"
-msgstr "Nome do provedor"
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Idioma Padrão"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr "Frame Superior"
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Configuração do servidor POP"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr "Domínio de email"
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr "Endereço do servidor IMAP"
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "Porta do servidor IMAP"
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "Tipo do servidor IMAP"
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Servidor IMAP Cyrus"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr "Servidor IMAP da Universidade de Washington"
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "Servidor IMAP Microsoft Exchange"
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Servidor IMAP Courier"
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Nenhum dos servidores acima"
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "Delimitador de pasta IMAP"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr "Use a palavra \"detect\" para detectar automaticamente"
-msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
-msgstr "Use TLS para conexões IMAP"
-msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgstr "Requer PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de autenticação IMAP"
-msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
-msgstr "Usar o sendmail binário"
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr "Caminho do sendmail"
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr "Endereço do servidor SMTP"
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr "Porta do servidor SMTP"
-msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
-msgstr "Use TLS para conexões SMTP"
-msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de autenticação SMTP"
-msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
-msgstr "POP# antes de SMTP?"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr "Data/hora invertida"
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr "Usar opções de confirmação"
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Pastas padrão"
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Prefixo padrão para pasta"
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Mostrar opção de prefixo de pastas"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr "Mover automaticamente para a Lixeira"
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr "Mover automaticamente para \"Enviadas\""
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr "Normalmente, salve como rascunho"
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "listar primeiro as pastas especias"
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Mostrar cor nas pastas especiais"
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "Remoção automática"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr "Sub. padrão da Caixa de entrada (Entrada)"
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr "Mostre a opção 'contém Sub.'"
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Notificação Padrão de não lidas"
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Tipo padrão de não lidas"
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Criar Pastas especias automaticamente"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "Usar Livro de Endereços com Javascript"
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Auto-apagar pastas"
-msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
-msgstr "Permitir reparo de pastas /NoSelect"
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Opções genéricas"
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Conjunto de caracteres padrão"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr "Diretório de dados"
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr "Diretório temporário"
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr "Nível de Hash"
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr "Hash desabilitado"
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Moderado"
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Médio"
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Tamanho padrão esquerdo"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr "Nomes de usuários em minúsculo"
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr "Permite uso de prioridade"
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr "Esconder atributos SM"
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr "Habilitar o uso de recibos (confirmações)"
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr "Permitir edição de identidades"
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr "Permitir edição do nome completo"
-msgid "Use server-side sorting"
-msgstr "Use ordenação no lado do servidor"
-msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
-msgstr "Use o servidor para ordenar ao agrupar por assunto"
-msgid "Allow server charset search"
-msgstr "Permite pesquisa de \"charset\" no servidor"
-msgid "UID support"
-msgstr "Suporte a UID"
-msgid "PHP session name"
-msgstr "Versão do PHP"
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Mensagem do dia"
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Base de dados"
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços (DSN)"
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Tabela do Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "Preferências DSN"
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Tabela de preferências"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr "Preferência do campo de nome de usuário"
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr "Preferências do campo chave"
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr "Preferências do campo valor"
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Temas"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr "URL da folha de estilho (css)"
-msgid "Default theme"
-msgstr "Tema padrão"
-msgid "Use index number of theme"
-msgstr "Usar o número de índice de tema"
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Configurações de Administrador"
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Nome do Tema"
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Caminho do Tema"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Plug Ins"
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "Alterar configurações"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr "O arquivo de configuração não pôde ser aberto. Verifique o config.php."
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "Administração"
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr "Este módulo permite gerenciar a configuração principal remotamente."
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr "Relatório de defeitos (Bugs):"
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr "Mostrar botão na barra de ferramentas"
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "HOJE"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "Ir"
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "l, F j Y"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr "Adicionar"
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr "Editar"
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr "Apagar"
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr "Hora inicial:"
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "Tamanho:"
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Prioridade:"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Título:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Criar Evento"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr "O evento foi adicionado!"
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Data:"
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Hora:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr "Visão do dia"
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr "Deseja realmente apagar este evento?"
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Evento apagado!"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr "Nada para apagar!"
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Evento atualizado"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr "Deseja realmente mudar este evento de:"
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "para:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr "Evento atualizado!"
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr "Visão mensal"
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr "0 min."
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr "15 min."
-msgid "30 min."
-msgstr "30 min."
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr "15 min."
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr "1 h."
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr "1,5 h."
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr "2 h."
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr "2,5 h."
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr "3 h."
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr "3,5 h."
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr "4 h."
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr "5 h."
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr "6 h."
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "Calendário"
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Apagar & Anterior"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Apagar & Próxima"
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Mova para:"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Botões Apagar/Mover/Próxima:"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "Mostrar no topo"
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "com opção de mover"
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "Mostrar em baixo"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"COMERCIAL - Esta lista contém servidores que são enviadores de SPAM. É uma "
-"lista confiável para verificar e deter enviadores de SPAM."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"COMERCIAL - Servidores que estão (mal) configurados para permitir que "
-"enviadores de SPAM usem-os, podem ser detidos com esta lista. Bom para ser "
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"COMERCIAL - Usuários vindos direto de IP de acessos discados são barrados, "
-"exceto se usarem o servidor de provedor de acesso deles. Enviadores de SPAM "
-"normalmente usam acesso discado para enviar email diretamente deles."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "COMERCIAL - lista negra RBL+."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "COMERCIAL - lista negra RBL+ de relays abertos"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "COMERCIAL - lista negra RBL+ com acesso discado"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - lista Osirusofts de relays abertos verificados. "
-"Parece incluir servidores usados pelas respostas automáticas de abuse@uunet."
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Lista de acessos discados originadores de SPAM da "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Fontes confrmadas da Osirusoft - Locais que continuamente enviam SPAM "
-"e foram adcionados manualmente, após múiltiplas acusações. Use com cautela. "
-"Parece travar respostas automáticas de alguns provedores."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - Lista de máquinas que são seguras, mas que "
-"fazem relay para outras máquina não seguras."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - Acredita-se que contém IPs de "
-"companhias que produzem software para SPAM. Parece travar respostas "
-"automáticas de alguns provedores."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - Lista de servidores de listas "
-"de email que permitem a entrada de usuários sem confirmação."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - Lista de servidores com cgi "
-"de formulários considerados inseguros. (planejado)."
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - Lista de servidores proxy abertos."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - ORDB foi carregado quando o ORBS saiu do ar. Parece ter menosalertas "
-"falsos do que o ORBS."
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr "FREE - - Fontes de SPAM diretos."
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - - Listas de acessos discados - Inclui alguns IPs de "
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - - Servidores email que não usam confirmação na entrada"
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - Outra miscelânea de servidores."
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - Servidores de estágio único."
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "FREE - - Servidores que dão suporte a SPAM"
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr "FREE - - IPs de formulários web."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers parece incluir apenas os relays abertos fora dos EUA que "
-"são realmente ruins. O próprio website não recomenda seu uso (!?)."
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAMhaus - Lista com fontes bem conhecidas de SPAM."
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE, por enquanto, - SPAMCOP - Uma interessante solução que lista "
-"servidores que tem um elevado índice de SPAM em relação a emails legítimos "
-"(85% ou mais)."
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr "FREE - - Não tenho detalhes..."
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - - Lista de relays para bloquear. Uma lista muito "
-"conservadora de relays abertos."
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr "FREE - Open Relays - Outra lista de relays abertos."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAM Source - Lista com fontes diretas de SPAM."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAM ISPs - Lista de provedores condizentes com SPAM."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Outra lista de acesso discado ou de qualquer tipo de IP "
-"alocado dinamicamente."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - Lista de provedores dos quais "
-"recebeu SPAM diretamente."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Lista de grandes servidores de email que não "
-"requerem confirmação na entrada ou que permitem que enviadores de SPAM sejam "
-"usuários de seus serviços."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Relays abertos que não estã listados em outros."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Relays abertos de múltiplos estágios que não "
-"estão listados em outros bloquies e que enviaram SPAM para"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Locais que enviaram SPAM para a "
-"partir de IPs que não possuem DNS reverso. è uma lista de blocos de IPs "
-"usados para enviar SPAM para"
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE, poe enquanto - Not Just Another Blacklist - Possui relays aberto e "
-"enviadores diretos de SPAM."
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"FREE, por enquanto - Not Just Another Blacklist - IPs de acessos discados."
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Relays confirmados"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Relays de múltiplo estágio "
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Relays não confirmados"
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr "Tipo de verificação salva"
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Filtragem de mensagem"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "O que verificar:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Todas as mensagens"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Apenas mensagens não lidas"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Salvar"
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Encontrado:"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Cabeçalho"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Contém:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Se %s conter %s então mova para %s"
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Filtros de Mensagens"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"A filtragem permite que mensagens que se encaixem em certos critérios sejam "
-"movidas para pastas diferentes para uma maior organização."
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "Filtros de SPAM"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"Os filtros de SPAM lhe permitem que selecione listas negras com servidores "
-"que enviam mensagens de propagranda para sua Caixa de Entrada e envie essas "
-"mensagens automaticamente para outra pasta (como a Lixeira)."
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Filtro de SPAM"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-"AVISO! Informe seu administrador para ajustar a variável SpamFilters_YourHop"
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Mova o SPAM para:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Mover as mensagens consideradas SPAM diretamente para o lixo pode não ser "
-"uma boa idéia a princípio, pois mensagens de seus amigos e de listas de "
-"discussão podem ser marcadas equivocadamente como SPAM. Qualquer que seja a "
-"pasta que seja escolhida para armazenar essas mensagens, verifique que ela "
-"seja apagada regularmente, para que não exista uma quantidade muito grande "
-"de mensagens inúteis em suas pastas."
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Quanto mais mensagens forem verificadas, mais tempo demora. É sugerido que "
-"você verifique apenas mensagens novas. Se você fizer alguma mudança em seus "
-"filtros, escolha a opção para escanear todas as mensagens, depois verfique a "
-"Caixa de Entrada, volte e escolha a opção para verificar apenas as novas "
-"mensagens. Desta maneira, seus filtros de SPAM serão aplicados e você irá "
-"testar as novas regras com os novos filtros."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Spam é enviado para %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[ainda não escolhido]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Procura por SPAM é limitada a %s"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Apenas novas mensagens"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Todas as Mensagens"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "LIGADO"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "DESLIGADO"
-msgid " not found."
-msgstr " não encontrado."
-msgid "Today's Fortune"
-msgstr "Frase do dia"
-msgid "Fortunes:"
-msgstr "Frases (fortunes)"
-msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
-msgstr "Mostrar frases (fortunes) no topo do mailbox"
-msgid "IMAP server information"
-msgstr "Porta do servidor IMAP"
-msgid ""
-"Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. "
-"These tests use the Squirrelmail IMAP commands and your current Squirrelmail "
-"configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Rodar alguns testes de comandos IMAP, mostrando o comando e os resultados. "
-"Estes testes usam os comandos do IMAP do Squirrelmail e sua configuração "
-"atual. Comandos alterados localmente podem ser usados."
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "Lista de E-mails"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Será enviada uma mensagem para %s requisitando ajuda para esta lista. Você "
-"receberá uma mensagem no endereço abaixo."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"Será enviada uma mensagem para %s requisitando sua inscrição nesta lista. "
-"Você será inscrito com o endereço abaixo."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-"Será enviada uma mensagem a %s requisitando sua desinscrição desta lista. "
-"Irá tentar desinscrever o endereço abaixo."
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Enviar mensagem"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "Postar na lista"
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Responder para a lista"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "listar arquivadas"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "Contatar dono da lista"
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "Lista de Mensagens"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "Conexão POP3:"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Nenhum servidor especificado"
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Erro "
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "usuário POP3:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "nenhuma identificação de login submetida"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "conexão não estabelecida"
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "Senha do POP3:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Nenhuma senha enviada"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "falha na autenticação"
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "POP3 apop:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Sem conexão com o servidor"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Nenhuma identificação de login submetida"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "Nenhum banner do servidor"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "abortar"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "autenticação apop falhou"
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "POP3 login:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 top:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "Fim de lista prematuro"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 get:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 last:"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "Comando vazio"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 quit:"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "conexão não existe"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "Apagar POP3:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Nenhum número de mensagem submetido"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Comando falhou "
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Selecionar o Servidor:"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Senha para "
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Buscar Email"
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "Buscando Email em servidor POP remoto"
-msgid "No POP3 servers configured yet."
-msgstr "Nenhum servidor POP3 especificado"
-msgid "Click here to go to the options page."
-msgstr "Clique aqui para ir para página de opções."
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "Buscando de "
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "Oops, "
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Abrindo servidor IMAP"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Abrindo servidor POP"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Falha no Login:"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Login OK: Nenhuma mensagem nova"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Login OK: Caixa de entrada vazia"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Login OK: Caixa de entrada contém ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] mensagem(s)"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "Buscando UIDL..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Servidor não suporta UIDL"
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "Deixando mensagens no servidor..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Eliminando mensagens do servidor..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Buscando mensagem "
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr "Erro no servidor... Desconectado"
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr "Reconectando de uma conexão perdida"
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "Armazenando UIDL"
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Buscando novamente a mensagem "
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Erro na construção da mensagem!"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Fechando o servidor POP"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Saindo do servidor IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "Mensagem adicionada à caixa de mensagens"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Mensagem "
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " eliminado(s) do servidor remoto!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Falha ao Deletar:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Configuração do servidor POP remoto"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"Você deve estar ciente de que a criptografia usada para armazenar sua senha "
-"não é perfeitamente segura. Entretanto, se você estiver usando POP, também "
-"não existe segurança na transmissão. A criptografia feita pode ser desfeita "
-"por um hacker que tenha acesso ao código fonte deste programa."
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr "Se você deixar sua senha em branco, ela será pedida quando necessário."
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Criptografar senhas (apenas informativo)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "Adicionar Servidor"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Servidor:"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Porta:"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Apelido:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Username:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Guardar na Pasta:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "Deixar as mensagens no servidor"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Checar Email durante o login"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "Checar Email durante a atualização das pastas"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Modificar Servidor"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Nome do Servidor:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Modificar"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Nenhum servidor está em uso. Tente adicionar."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "Buscando os Servidores"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Confirme a eliminação do servidor"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Servidor Selecionado:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Confirma a eliminação do servidor selecionado?"
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Apagar?"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Função não definida"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "O que você está procurando?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Buscar"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Alerta, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "Resultados da busca de Email:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Recebimento de Email de servidor POP3"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-"Aqui é possível configurar opções para receber email de uma conta POP3 em "
-"sua conta neste servidor."
-msgid "Message Details"
-msgstr "Detalhes da Mensagem"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Fechar janela"
-msgid "Save Message"
-msgstr "Salvar mensagem"
-msgid "View Message details"
-msgstr "Ver detalhes da mensagem"
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Notificação de novo Email"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Selecione Permitir a reprodução de mídia para que a um arquivo seja "
-"reproduzido quando houver mensagens não lidas em suas pastas. Quando "
-"selecionada, você pode especificar qual o arquivo que você deseja que seja "
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"A opção Verifique todas as pastas, não somente a Caixa de Entrada irá "
-"fazer com que notificações de mensagens não lidas apareçam para todas as "
-"pastas, e não apenas para a Caixa de Entrada (INBOX)."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"Selecionando a opção Mostra popup, uma janela de aviso irá aparecer "
-"toda vez que uma mensagem ainda não lida estiver em suas pastas (necessita "
-"de JavaScript)."
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Use a opção Verificar RECENTES para apenas verificar as mensagens "
-"mais recentes. Essas mensagens são aquelas que você acabou de receber e "
-"ainda não foram visualizadas. Isto serve para evitar que os avisos de nova "
-"mensagem apareçam o tempo todo."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"Selecionando a opção Muda título irá causar a mudança de título em "
-"alguns navegadores para avisar quando você tem novas mensagens (necessita "
-"JavaScript, e apenas funciona no Internet Explorer, mas você não irá receber "
-"erro em outros navegadores). Esta opção sempre irá avisar se existirem "
-"novas mensagens, mesmo se você escolheu a opção Verificar RECENTES."
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. If no file is specified, \"(none)\", no sound will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"Selecione da lista de arquivos do servidor o arquivo para ser "
-"reproduzido quando uma nova mensagem chegar. Se nenhum arquivo for "
-"especificado, nenhum som será usado."
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "Permitir a reprodução de mídia"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Verificar todas as pastas, não apenas a Caixa de Entrada"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Contar apenas mensagens RECENTES"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Altere o título em navegadores que suportem a opção."
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "necessita JavaScript para funcionar"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "Mostre janela popup quando nova mensagem chegar"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Selecione o arquivo no servidor:"
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr "(nenhum)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Tente"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Arquivo atual:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Nova mensagem"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "Nota do SquirrelMail:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "Você tem novas mensagens!"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Opções de novas mensagens"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"Este menu permite configurar eventos de som e/ou janelas de aviso que são "
-"acionados quando novas mensagens chegam."
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Opções para notificação de email salvas"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s mensagens novas"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s mensagem nova"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Som de teste"
-msgid "No sound specified"
-msgstr "Nenhum som especificado"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "Carregando o som..."
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Opções de sub-pastas de enviadas"
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Use subpasta de enviadas"
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Mensalmente"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr "Quadrimestral"
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr "Anualmente"
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Enviadas"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr "Denunciar como SPAM"
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr "SpamCop - Denúncia de Spam"
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-"Ajude lutando na batalha contra emails não solicitados. O sistema SpamCople "
-"a mensagem e determina corretamente os endereços para onde enviar queixas.É "
-"rápido, realmente esperto e fácil de usar."
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Opções do Corretor Ortográfico"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"Aqui você escolhe como seu dicionário pessoal será armazenado, as linguagens "
-"que devem estar disponíveis para a correção ortográfica e pode editá-lo."
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Verificar ortografia"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Voltar para a página de "Opções do Corretor Ortográfico""
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "ATENÇÃO:"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-"O SquirrelSpell não conseguiu decriptografar seu dicionario pessoal. A causa "
-"mais provável foi a mudança de sua senha para acesso ao sistema. Para "
-"prosseguir, você deve fornecer sua senha antiga para que o SquirrelSpell "
-"possa decriptografar o dicionário, que será criptografado novamente usando "
-"sua nova senha.
Se você não criptografou seu dicionário, então ele está "
-"corrompido e portando, inválido. Você deve eliminá-lo e iniciar um novo "
-"dicionário. Se você não se lembra da antiga senha, será necessário eliminar "
-"o dicionário."
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "Elimine meu dicionário e inicie um novo"
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "Descriptografe meu dicionário com minha velha senha:"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Proceda"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr "Você deve fazer uma escolha"
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-"Você pode ou apagar seu dicionário ou digitar sua senha antiga. Não os dois."
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Isto irá APAGAR seu dicionário pessoal. Posso fazer?"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "Erro ao decriptografar o dicionário"
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "quote."
-#, c-format
-msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-msgstr "Tentei executar: %s. Mas retornou:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-msgstr "O SquirrelMail está deconfigurado"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-msgstr "Resultados SquirrelSpell"
-msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-msgstr "Verificação ortográfica completada. Aplicar as modificações?"
-msgid "No changes were made."
-msgstr "Nenhuma mudança foi feita."
-msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-msgstr "Salvando seu dicionário pessoal... Aguarde."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s errors"
-msgstr "Foram encontrados %s erro(s)"
-msgid "Line with an error:"
-msgstr "Linha com algum erro:"
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "Erro:"
-msgid "Suggestions:"
-msgstr "Sugestões:"
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "Sugestões"
-msgid "Change to:"
-msgstr "Altere para:"
-msgid "Occurs times:"
-msgstr "Frequência da palavra:"
-msgid "Change this word"
-msgstr "Altere essa palavra"
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr "Altere"
-msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-msgstr "Altere Todas as ocorrências desta palavra"
-msgid "Change All"
-msgstr "Alterar Todas"
-msgid "Ignore this word"
-msgstr "Ignorar essa palavra"
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ignorar"
-msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-msgstr "Ignorar todas as ocorrências desta palavra"
-msgid "Ignore All"
-msgstr "Ignorar todas"
-msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Adicionar essa palavra ao dicionário pessoal"
-msgid "Add to Dic"
-msgstr "Adic ao Dicion"
-msgid "Close and Commit"
-msgstr "Fechar e salvar"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"O corretor ortográfico ainda não processou todo o documento. Deseja fechar e "
-"aplicar as alterações?"
-msgid "Close and Cancel"
-msgstr "Fechar e Cancelar"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-msgstr ""
-"O corretor ortográfico ainda não processou todo o documento. Deseja fechar e "
-"descartar as mudanças?"
-msgid "No errors found"
-msgstr "Nenhum erro encontrado"
-msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-msgstr "Seu dicionário pessoal foi apagado."
-msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-msgstr "Dicionário apagado"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-"\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-msgstr ""
-"Seu dicionário pessoal foi apagado. Por favor, feche essa janela e clique "
-"no botão \"Verifique a ortografia\" novamente para reiniciar o processo de "
-"verificação ortográfica."
-msgid "Close this Window"
-msgstr "Fechar esta janela"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-msgstr ""
-"Seu dicionário pessoal foi criptografado novamente com sucesso. Retorne "
-"agora para o menu das "opções SpellChecker" e faça sua seleção "
-msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-msgstr "Criptografia refeita com sucesso"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-"window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-msgstr ""
-"Seu dicionário pessoal foi criptografado novamente com sucesso. Por favor, "
-"feche essa janela e clique no botão \"Verifique a ortografia\" novamente "
-"para reiniciar o processo de verificação ortográfica."
-msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-msgstr "Dicionário novamente criptografado"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-"stored in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Seu dicionário pessoal foi criptografado e agora será "
-"armazenado com formato de arquivo criptografado."
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-"stored as clear text."
-msgstr ""
-"Seu dicionário pessoal foi decriptografado e agora será "
-"armazenado como texto puro."
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-msgstr "Opções de criptografia do dicionário pessoal"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Dicionário Pessoal"
-msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-msgstr "Não existem palavras em seu dicionário pessoal."
-msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor, selecione quaisquer palavras que deseja eliminar de seu "
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s dictionary"
-msgstr "dicionário %s"
-msgid "Delete checked words"
-msgstr "Apagar as palavras selecionadas"
-msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Editar seu dicionário pessoal"
-msgid "Please make your selection first."
-msgstr "Por favor, faça primeiro sua escolha."
-msgid ""
-"This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Isto irá criptografar seu dicionário pessoal e armazena-lo em um formato "
-"criptografado. Continua?"
-msgid ""
-"This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"Isto irá decriptografe seu dicionário pessoal e armazena-lo em um formato "
-"texto. Continua?"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-"helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and "
-"your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the "
-"password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see "
-"what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-"strong> If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become "
-"unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your "
-"mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your "
-"old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key.
-msgstr ""
-"Seu dicionário pessoal está criptografado. Isto ajuda a "
-"proteger sua privacidade no caso do servidor do webmail ser comprometido e "
-"seu dicionário for roubado. A chave de criptografia é a mesma senha que você "
-"utiliza para ter acesso ao sistema, tornando mais difícil que qualquer um "
-"veja o conteúdo armazenado em seu dicionário.
-"strong>Se você esquecer sua senha seu dicionário se tornará inacessível, já "
-"que ele não poderá mais ser decriptografado. Se você alterar sua senha, o "
-"SquirrelSpell irá perceber a mudança e pedir sua senha antiga, de modo a "
-"alterar a chave do dicionário para a nova senha.
-msgid ""
-"Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor, decriptografe meu dicionário pessoal e armazene-o em um formato "
-msgid "Change crypto settings"
-msgstr "Alterar configurações de criptografia"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You "
-"may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case "
-"the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets "
-"stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to "
-"decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
-"p> ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal "
-"dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your "
-"mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator "
-"changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and "
-"will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator "
-"change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, "
-"you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the "
-"new value.
-msgstr ""
-"Seu dicionário pessoal não está criptografado. Você pode "
-"desejar criptografar seu dicionário para proteger sua privacidade no caso do "
-"servidor onde o webmail está seja comprometido e as informações de seu "
-"dicionário sejam roubadas. Quando criptografado, o conteúdo do arquivo "
-"estará misturado e será mais difícil ter acesso ao conteúdo sem saber a sua "
-"senha (que é a senha de acesso ao sistema).
Atenção: se "
-"você decidir criptografar seu dicionário, lembre-se que ele fica "
-"condicionado à sua senha. Se você a esquecer e o administrador alterá-la "
-"para você, seu dicionário se tornará innacessível. Se você ainda souber a "
-"antiga senha, será possível recuperar o conteúdo e utilizar a nova senha "
-"para criptografá-lo novamente."
-msgid ""
-"Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor, criptografe meu dicionário pessoal e armazene-o em um formato "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-msgstr "Eliminando as seguintes entradas do dicionário %s:"
-msgid "All done!"
-msgstr "Tudo feito!"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-msgstr "Dicionário pessoal atualizado"
-msgid "No changes requested."
-msgstr "Nenhuma mudança pedida."
-msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-msgstr "Aguarde, se comunicando com o servidor..."
-msgid ""
-"Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor, escolha qual o dicionário que você gostaria de usar para a "
-"correção ortográfica desta mensagem:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-msgstr "Iniciando o SquirrelSpell"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-"default dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-"Opções: %s com %s como dicionário padrão."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilizando o dicionário %s (padrão) para verificação de "
-msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-msgstr "Preferências dos dicionários internacionais atualizadas"
-msgid ""
-"Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like "
-"to use when spellchecking:"
-msgstr ""
-"Por favor verifique qualquer dicionário internacional disponível que você "
-"gostaria de utilizar para verificação de ortografia:"
-msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-msgstr "Faça deste dicionário o meu padrão:"
-msgid "Make these changes"
-msgstr "Realize essas mudanças"
-msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-msgstr "Adicionar dicionários internacionais"
-msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-msgstr "Por favor, escolha as opções que deseja configurar:"
-msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Editar seu dicionário pessoal"
-msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-msgstr "Configurando dicionários internacionais"
-msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Criptografe ou decriptografe seu dicionário pessoal"
-msgid "not available"
-msgstr "não disponível"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-msgstr "Menu de Opções SquirrelMail"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "Tradutor"
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Tradução salvas"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Suas opções do servidor são essas:"
-msgid "Maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Máximo de 1000 caracteres traduzidos, powered by Systran"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported language pairs: %s"
-msgstr "Número de pares de idiomas suportados: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Sem limite, powered by Systran"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by Translation Experts's InterTran"
-msgstr "Sem limites, powered by Translation Experts's InterTran"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Number of supported languages: %s"
-msgstr "Número de idiomas suportados: %s"
-msgid "No known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr "Sem limites, powered by GPLTrans (gratuito, fonte aberta)"
-msgid "Hellenic translations, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "Traduções para \"Hellenic\", sem limites, powered by Systran"
-msgid "Russian translations, maximum of 500 characters translated"
-msgstr "Traduções para russo, máximo de 500 caracteres"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr ""
-"Você também pode decidir se você quer que o menu seja mostrado, e onde ele "
-"será localizado."
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Selecione seu tradutor:"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "Quando lendo:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Mostra o menu de tradução"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "para a esquerda"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "no centro"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "para a direita"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "Traduzir dentro das janelas do SquirrelMail"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "Quando escrevendo:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Ainda não funcional, não realiza nada"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Tradução"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr ""
-"Qual o tradutor que deve ser utilizado quando você receber mensagens em "
-"línguas diferentes?"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "%s para %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Inglês"
-msgid "Chinese"
-msgstr "Chinês"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Francês"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Alemão"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "Italiano"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "Japonês"
-msgid "Korean"
-msgstr "Koreano"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Português"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Espanhol"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Russo"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Traduzir"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "Português do Brasil"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "Búlgaro"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "Croata"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Checo"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Dinamarquês"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Holandês"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "Espanhol Europeu"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Terminado"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Grego"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "Húngaro"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "Islandês"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "Espanhol Latino Americano"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Norueguês"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Polonês"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Romeno"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "Sérvio"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "Eslovaco"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Sueco"
-msgid "Turkish"
-msgstr "Turco"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "País de Gales"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "Indonésio"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "Latin"
-msgid "to English"
-msgstr "para o Inglês"
-msgid "from English"
-msgstr "do Inglês"
-msgid "Interface language"
-msgstr "Idioma da interface"
-msgid "Translation direction"
-msgstr "Direção da Tradução"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr "Relatório de erro de envio"
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr "Cabeçalho da mensagem não enviada"
-#~ msgid "Not available"
-#~ msgstr "Não disponível"
-#~ msgid "Current Search"
-#~ msgstr "Pesquisa Atual"
-#~ msgid "Body"
-#~ msgstr "Corpo"
-#~ msgid "Everywhere"
-#~ msgstr "qualquer lugar"
-#~ msgid "Click here to try again"
-#~ msgstr "Clique aqui para tentar novamente."
-#~ msgid "Unknown message number in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "Número de mensagem desconhecido na resposta do servidor: "
-#~ msgid "(unknown sender)"
-#~ msgstr "(remetente desconhecido)"
-#~ msgid "35 min."
-#~ msgstr "35 min."
-#~ msgid "POP3 noop:"
-#~ msgstr "POP3 noop:"
-#~ msgid "Mofify a Server"
-#~ msgstr "Modificar um servidor"
-#~ msgid "Message details"
-#~ msgstr "Detalhes da mensagem"
-#~ msgid "(local media)"
-#~ msgstr "(mídia local)"
-#~ msgid "Local Media File:"
-#~ msgstr "Arquivo de mídia local"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "10 language pairs, maximum of 25 kilobytes translated, powered by Systran"
-#~ msgstr "10 pares de idiomas, máximo de 25KB traduzidos, powered by Systran"
-#~ msgid "Enable Subtle Printer Friendly Link"
-#~ msgstr "Habilitar o link para "Versão para Impressão""
-#~ msgid "Authenticated SMTP"
-#~ msgstr "SMTP autenticado"
-#~ msgid "There was an error contacting the mail server."
-#~ msgstr "Um erro ocorreu ao contatar o servidor de email."
-#~ msgid "Contact your administrator for help."
-#~ msgstr "Entre em contato com seu administrador para ajuda."
-#~ msgid "Submit message"
-#~ msgstr "Submeter mensagem"
-#~ msgid "Left aligned"
-#~ msgstr "Alinhado a esquerda"
-#~ msgid "Right aligned"
-#~ msgstr "Alinhado a direita"
-#~ msgid "on the Read screen"
-#~ msgstr "na tela de leitura"
-#~ msgid "Hide the box"
-#~ msgstr "Esconder a caixa"
-#~ msgid "Viewing a message attachment"
-#~ msgstr "Visualizando anexado"
-#~ msgid "Cc:"
-#~ msgstr "CC:"
-#~ msgid "Bcc:"
-#~ msgstr "Bcc:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ msgstr "(sem assunto)"
-#~ msgid "Enable request/confirm reading"
-#~ msgstr "Habilitar a requisição/confirmação para leitura (recibos)"
-#~ msgid "Use receive date for sort"
-#~ msgstr "Use a data de recebimento para ordenar"
-#~ msgid "No Messages found"
-#~ msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem encontrada"
-#~ msgid "Note Field Contains"
-#~ msgstr "O campo da nota contém"
-#~ msgid "No To Address"
-#~ msgstr "Sem endereço "Para:""
-#~ msgid "Found"
-#~ msgstr "Encontradas"
-#~ msgid "messages"
-#~ msgstr "mensagens"
-#~ msgid "Error decoding mime structure. Report this as a bug!"
-#~ msgstr "Erro ao decodificar a estrutura mime. Informe este erro!"
-#~ msgid "POP3: premature NOOP OK, NOT an RFC 1939 Compliant server"
-#~ msgstr "POP3: NOOP prematuro OK, servidor não segue a RFC 1939"
-#~ msgid "NOOP failed. Server not RFC 1939 compliant"
-#~ msgstr "NOOP falhou. Servidor não segue a RFC 1939"
-#~ msgid "Notify:"
-#~ msgstr "Notificação:"
-#~ msgid "Don't Email Me"
-#~ msgstr "Não me envie email"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 0m prior"
-#~ msgstr "Envie um email na hora"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 5m prior"
-#~ msgstr "Envie um email 5m antes"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 15m prior"
-#~ msgstr "Envie um email 15m antes"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 30m prior"
-#~ msgstr "Envie um email 30m antes"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 1h prior"
-#~ msgstr "Envie um email 1h antes"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 4h prior"
-#~ msgstr "Envie um email 4h antes"
-#~ msgid "Email Me - 1d prior"
-#~ msgstr "Envie um email 1d antes"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please contact your system administrator and report the following error:"
-#~ msgstr "Por favor informe o seguinte erro ao administrador do sistema:"
-#~ msgid "Close window"
-#~ msgstr "Fechar janela"
-#~ msgid "empty"
-#~ msgstr "vazio"
-#~ msgid "Welcome to %s's WebMail system"
-#~ msgstr "Bemvindo ao sistema WebMail da %s"
-#~ msgid "Running SquirrelMail version %s (c) 1999-2001."
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelMail versão %s"
-#~ msgid "Unknown messagenumber in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "Número de mensagem desconhecido na resposta do servidor: "
-#~ msgid "You must login first."
-#~ msgstr "Você deve fazer login primeiro."
-#~ msgid "Folders created successfully!"
-#~ msgstr "Pastas criadas com sucesso!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In order for SquirrelMail to provide the full set of options you need to "
-#~ "create the special folders listed below. Just click the check box and "
-#~ "hit the create button."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Para que o SquirrelMail forneça todo o conjunto de opções, você precisará "
-#~ "criar as pastas especiais listadas abaixo. Clique o check box e pressione "
-#~ "o botão [Criar]"
-#~ msgid "Create Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Criar Lixeira"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved display preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Preferências de apresentação gravadas com sucesso!"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved folder preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Preferências de pasta gravadas com sucesso!"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Não use Lixeira"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Sent"
-#~ msgstr "Não utilize pasta de enviadas"
-#~ msgid "Use a signature?"
-#~ msgstr "Usar assinatura?"
diff --git a/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index 62dbd242..00000000
Binary files a/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 398be8ae..00000000
--- a/locale/pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3551 +0,0 @@
-# Portuguese (Portugal) Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Ruben Leote Mendes , 2001-2003.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-07-06 14:37+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-06 21:00+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ruben Leote Mendes \n"
-"Language-Team: Portuguese Portugal \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Todos"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Informações"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Fonte"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Destinatário"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "Bcc"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Usar Endereços"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisa no Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Procurar por"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "em"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "Todos os livros de endereços"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisar"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Listar todos"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Impossível listar endereço para %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "A sua pesquisa falhou com o(s) seguinte(s) erro(s)"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Não foram encontradas pessoas para a pesquisa solicitada."
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Voltar"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Fechar"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Alcunha"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "Deve ser único"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "Endereço de e-mail"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Apelido"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Primeiro Nome"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Informação adicional"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "Nenhum livro de enderecos pessoal definido. Contacte o administrador."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Apenas pode editar um endereço de cada vez"
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Actualizar endereço"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "ERRO"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Erro desconhecido"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Adicionar endereço"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Editar selecionado"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "Apagar selecionados"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Adicionar ao %s"
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "afirmou"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "citacao"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "quem"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Assunto"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "Remetente"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Data"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Mensagem Original"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Mensagem Guardada como Rascunho"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Não foi possível mover/copiar o ficheiro. O ficheiro não foi anexado."
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Rascunho Guardado"
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "Mensagem Enviada"
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De:"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Para:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "CC:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "BCC:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Assunto:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Anexar:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Adicionar"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "Apagar os anexos selecionados"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioridade"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Alta"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normal"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Baixa"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "Aviso de Recepção"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "Após Leitura"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "Após Entrega"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Assinatura"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Endereços"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Gravar Rascunho"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "Tem de preencher o campo \"Para:\"."
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Rascunhos"
-msgid "Server replied: "
-msgstr "O servidor respondeu: "
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Nome inválido. Por favor escolha um nome diferente."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Voltar"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "Não escolheu uma pasta para apagar. Escolha uma."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "Apagar Pasta"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "Tem a certeza que quer apagar %s?"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Sim"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Não"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Pastas"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Subscrito com sucesso!"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Subscrição cancelada!"
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Pasta apagada com sucesso!"
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Pasta criada com sucesso!"
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Renomeado com sucesso!"
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "Subscrição cancelada - Pasta inexistente."
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "Actualizar pastas"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Criar Pasta"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "como subpasta de"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Nenhuma"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Permitir que esta pasta contenha subpastas"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Criar"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Alterar nome a uma Pasta"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Escolha uma pasta"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Alterar"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Nenhuma pasta encontrada"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Apagar"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Cancelar subscrição"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Subscrever"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Não foram encontradas pastas para cancelar!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Não foram encontradas pastas para subscrever!"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Subscrever:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "Não escolheu uma pasta para alterar o nome. Escolha uma."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Alterar nome a pasta"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Novo nome:"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Executar"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "ERRO: Ficheiros de ajuda não estão no formato correcto!"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ajuda"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "A Ajuda não foi traduzida para %s. Será apresentada em Inglês."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Alguns ou todos os documentos de ajuda não estão presentes!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Índice"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Anterior"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Seguinte"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Início"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Visualizando imagem anexada"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Gravar esta mensagem"
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "Recebidas"
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "limpar"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Última Actualização"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Entrar"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "Logo %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versão %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "Pela Equipe de Desenvolvimento Squirrelmail"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "Webmail %s"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Utilizador:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Senha:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem selecionada."
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Opções"
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Realçar Mensagens"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Novo"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Terminar"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Para ou Cc"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "assunto"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Editar"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Cima"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Baixo"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Nenhum realçe definido"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Nome do realçe"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Cor"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Azul escuro"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Verde escuro"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Amarelo escuro"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "Cyan escuro"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Magenta escuro"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "Azul claro"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "Verde claro"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "Amarelo claro"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "Cyan claro"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "Magenta claro"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Cinza escuro"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "Cinza médio"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "Cinza claro"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "Branco"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Outra:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "Valor"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Identidade Alternativa %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Identidades Avançadas"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Identidade Usual"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Acrescentar uma nova Identidade"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Nome completo"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "E-Mail"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Responder para"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Gravar / Actualizar"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Transferir"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Visualização das Mensagens"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Indicadores"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Tamanho"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"Aqui pode alterar a ordem com que aparecem as colunas na lista de mensagens. "
-"Pode acrescentar, remover, e mover colunas até estarem ao seu gosto."
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "para cima"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "para baixo"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "remover"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Voltar para a página de opções"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências de Apresentação"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências de Pastas"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Opções Gravadas com Sucesso"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Actualizar pastas"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Actualizar página"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Contém informações pessoais, tais como o seu nome, o seu endereço de email, "
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Aqui pode alterar a forma como lhe é apresentada a informação, tais como "
-"cores, a linguagem, entre outros."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"Baseado nos critérios por si fornecidos, as mensagens recebidas podem ter "
-"fundos diferentes na lista de mensagens. Assim torna-se mais fácil, por "
-"exemplo, distinguir o remetente da mensagem."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr ""
-"Estas opções alteram a forma que as pastas são apresentadas e manipuladas."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"A ordem dos campos na lista de mensagens pode ser alterada ao seu gosto."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "A mensagem não pode ser impressa"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Versão para Imprimir"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Imprimir"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Versão para Impressora"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Aviso Leitura:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "A sua mensagem"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Enviada:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "Foi lida a %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "menos"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "mais"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Remetente desconhecido"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Aviso de leitura"
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "enviado"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "solicitado"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"O remetente da mensagem pretende saber que leu esta mensagem. "
-" Devo notificá-lo?"
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "Enviar aviso de leitura"
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Resultados da Pesquisa"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Listar Mensagens"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Retomar Rascunho"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "Editar como Nova"
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Ver Mensagem"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Re-Expedir"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Re-Expedir como Anexo"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Responder"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Responder Todos"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Ver Cabeçalho Completo"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Anexos"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr "Para aceder a esta página necessita de ter entrado no sistema!"
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Pasta:"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "editar"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "pesquisar"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "apagar"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "Pesquisas Recentes"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "gravar"
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "apagar"
-msgid "Current Search"
-msgstr "Pesquisa Actual"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "Todas as Pastas"
-msgid "Body"
-msgstr "Corpo"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Todos os Campos"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Resultados"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Nenhuma Mensagem Encontrada"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Sair"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Saiu do Sistema de Webmail."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Clique aqui para entrar de novo."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Cartão de Visita"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Título"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Página Web"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organização / Departamento"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Endereço"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Telefone Emprego"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Telefone Casa"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Telemóvel"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Fax"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Notas"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Adicionar à Lista de Endereço"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Cabeçalho completo"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Visualizando texto anexado"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Erro na base de dados: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços é apenas de leitura"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Alcunha '%s' já existe"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Alcunha '%s' não existe"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços global"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Falhou a abertura"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Não é possível modificar livro de endereços global"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Não é o nome de um ficheiro"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "Falhou a abertura"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Gravar / Actualizar"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Não foi possível trancar a base de dados"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "A actualização do Livro de Endereços falhou"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Erro ao iniciailizar base de dados do Livro de Endereços."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir o ficheiro %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Erro ao iniciailizar o Livro de Endereços global."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Erro ao iniciailizar o servidor LDAP %s"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Dados introduzido inválidos"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Tem de preencher o Nome"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "Tem de preencher o E-mail"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "A Alcunha contém caracteres inválidos"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Cartão de Visita"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Domingo"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Segunda"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Terça"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Quarta"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Quinta"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Sexta"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Sábado"
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "Dom"
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Seg"
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "Ter"
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "Qua"
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "Qui"
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "Sex"
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "Sáb"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Janeiro"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Fevereiro"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Março"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Abril"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Maio"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Junho"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Julho"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "Agosto"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "Setembro"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Outubro"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "Novembro"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Dezembro"
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Jan"
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Fev"
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "Mar"
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "Abr"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Mai"
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "Jun"
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "Jul"
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Ago"
-msgid "Sep"
-msgstr "Set"
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "Out"
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "Nov"
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Dez"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, j F Y G:i"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, j F Y G:i"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "Y/M/j"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Erro na base de dados das preferências (%s). Executação terminada."
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Utilizador inválido ou Senha incorrecta"
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "Clique aqui para tentar de novo."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Voltar à Pasta %s"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Ir para a página de entrada"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"O ficheiro das preferências (%s) nao existe. Por favor saia e voltea entrar "
-"no sistema para ser instalada uma configuração tipo."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro das preferências (%s). Contacte o "
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Não foi possível gravar no ficheiro das preferências (%s). Contacte "
-"o administrador."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Não foi possível aceder ao ficheiro de preferências temporário (%s),"
-"Contacte o administrador."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Ficheiro das preferências não encontrado ou não acessível!"
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Por favor comunique este erro ao administrador."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "Não foi possível criar ficheiro com as preferências!"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s deveria ter permissões de escrita pelo utilizador %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o ficheiro das assinaturas (%s). Contacte o "
-" administrador."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Não foi possível escrever no ficheiro das assinaturas (%s). Contacte "
-"o administrador."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Não foi possível aceder ao ficheiro de assinaturas temporário (%s),"
-"Contacte o administrador."
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgstr "É essencial que o php4 esteja instalado com multibyte string "
-"function (utilizando a opção de configuração --enable-mbstring)."
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "ERRO: Não foi possível efectuar o pedido."
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Razão Indicada:"
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "ERRO: Pedido inválido."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "O servidor respondeu: "
-msgid "ERROR : Imap server closed the connection."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ERROR : Unknown imap response."
-msgstr "EOOR: Resposta IMAP desconhecida."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "Erro ao ligar ao servidor IMAP: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Pedido inválido: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Erro desconhecido: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Dados lidos:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "ERRO: Não foi possível "
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Solução: "
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(sem assunto)"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Remetente Desconhecido"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Resposta desconhecida do servidor IMAP: "
-msgid "The server couldn't find the message you requested."
-msgstr "O servidor não encontrou a mensagem que solicitou."
-msgid ""
-"Most probably your message list was out of date and the message has been "
-"moved away or deleted (perhaps by another program accessing the same "
-msgstr "Provavelmente a sua lista de mensagens estava desactualizada e a"
-" mensagem foi entretanto apagada por outro programa."
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Data desconhecida"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Transferir Selecionadas Para"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Transformar Mensagens Seleccionadas"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Transferir"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "Expurgar"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Lida"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Não-lida"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Não-lida"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Inverter Selecção"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "De-seleccionar Todas"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Seleccionar Todas"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Mensagens: %s a %s (%s no total)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Mensagem: %s (1 no total)"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Paginar"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "Não foi possível descodificar a estrutura da mensagem"
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Comando:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Resposta:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Mensagen:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Ocultar Imagens Perigosas"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Visualizar Mensagens Perigosas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "para baixo"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta Actual"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Enviar Mensagem"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Erro ao criar directoria %s."
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "A password transition is needed"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
-msgstr "Acção solicitada cancelada: erro de processamento"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
-msgstr "Acção solicitada cancelada: espaço em disco insuficiente"
-msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
-msgstr "Erro temporário de autenticação"
-msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
-msgstr "Erro de sintaxe; comando não reconhecido"
-msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
-msgstr "Erro de sintaxe nos parâmetros ou argumentos"
-msgid "Command not implemented"
-msgstr "Comando não implementado"
-msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
-msgstr "Sequência inválida de comandos"
-msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
-msgstr "Parâmetro de comando não implementado"
-msgid "Authentication required"
-msgstr "Autenticação obrigatória"
-msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
-msgstr "Método de autenticação é demasiado simples"
-msgid "Authentication failed"
-msgstr "Autenticação falhou"
-msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
-msgstr "Cifragem obrigatória no método de autenticação solicitado"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Transaction failed"
-msgstr "A transacção falhou"
-msgid "Unknown response"
-msgstr "Resposta desconhecida"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Opções Gerais"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Tema"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Apagar"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "Folha de Estilo Personalizada"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Língua"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Usar Javascript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Detectar Automaticamente"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Sempre"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Nunca"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Visualização da Caixa de Correio"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Número de Mensagens a Mostrar"
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Linhas com Cores Alternadas"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Selecção de Páginas"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Número Máximo de Páginas"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Visualização e Envio de Mensagens"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Quebrar Texto Recebido Em"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Tamanho da Janela de Edição"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Localização dos Botões ao Enviar"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Antes dos Cabeçalhos"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Entre o Cabeçalho e o Corpo"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Após o Corpo da Mensagem"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Formato do Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "Javascript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Mostrar Versão HTML por Omissão"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Re-Expedir como Anexo"
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Incluir CCs ao Re-Expedir Mensagens"
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Receber Cópia ao Responder para Todos"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Visualização do Mailer"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Visualizar Imagens Anexadas na Mensagem"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "Versão para Impressora"
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Aviso de Recepção"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "Editar Mensagem Numa Janela Nova"
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Largura da Janela de Edição"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Altura da Janela de Edição"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "Inserir Assinatura Antes do Texto Citado"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "Ordenar por Data de Recepção"
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Opções especias de pastas"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Caminho da pasta"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Não usar a Reciclagem"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Reciclagem"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Não utilizar"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Mensagens Enviadas"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Não usar Rascunhos"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Rascunhos"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Opções das Pastas"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Localização da Lista de Pastas"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Esquerda"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Direita"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "pixeis"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Largura da Lista de Pastas"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "Minutos"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "Segundos"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "Minuto"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Actualizar Lista de Pastas Automaticamente"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Notificação de Mensagens Não Lidas"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Sem notificação"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Somente Recebidas"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Tipo de Notificação de Mensagens Não Lidas"
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Somente Não Lidas"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Não Lidas e Total"
-msgid "Enable Collapsible Folders"
-msgstr "Activar Pastas em Cascata"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Acumular Notificação de Mensagens Não Lidas"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Relógio no Painel das Pastas"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Sem Relógio"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Formato Horário"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "AM/PM"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "24 horas"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Memorizar Pesquisas"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "Desligado"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Selecção de Pastas"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Estilo de Selecção"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "Longo: "
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "Indentado: "
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "Delimitado: "
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Opções do Nome e Endereço"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "Endereço Email"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Configurar Identidades Avançadas"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(eventuais alterações serão perdidas)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Identidades Múltiplas"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "O mesmo do servidor"
-msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
-msgstr "Erro ao configurar Fuso Horário. Contacte o administrador."
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Opções do Fuso Horário"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "Fuso Actual"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Citação"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Tipo de Citação"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Nenhuma"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "AUTOR disse"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Citação XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Personalizada"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Inicío da Citação Personalizada"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Fim da Citação Personalizada"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Opções de Assinatura"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Usar Assinatura"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Preceder Assinatura com '-- '"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Take Address"
-msgstr "Endereços"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address Book Take:"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços"
-msgid "Try to verify addresses"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Versão do Ficheiro de Configuração"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versão"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "PHP versão"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferências de Apresentação"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Sair"
-msgid "Provider Link URI"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Provider Name"
-msgstr "O servidor respondeu: "
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Língua"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Erro ao ligar ao servidor IMAP: %s."
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "Delimitador de Pastas IMAP"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Caminho da pasta"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "Apagar Pasta"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Opções especias de pastas"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Opções especias de pastas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Opções especias de pastas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "apagar"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Identidade Usual"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Identidade Usual"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Criar Pasta"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "Usar Livro de Endereços com Javascript ou HTML?"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "Auto-actualizar lista de pastas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
-msgstr "Listar Páginas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Opções"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Identidade Usual"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Caminho da pasta"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Cinza médio"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Identidade Usual"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use server-side sorting"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow server charset search"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "UID support"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "PHP session name"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Listar Mensagens"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Data"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Livro de Endereços"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "Preferências de Pastas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Preferências de Pastas"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default theme"
-msgstr "Identidade Usual"
-msgid "Use index number of theme"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Contacte o administrador."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Tema"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "HOJE"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "D, j F Y H:i"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Prioridade:"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Título:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "Criar Enviadas"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Data:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Título:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Editar selecionado"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Actualizar endereço"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "a"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "30 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "Apagar"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "Apagar selecionados"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Transferir"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Realçar Mensagens"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "mensagens"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "mensagens seleccionadas"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Valor"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Lida"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Listar Mensagens"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "Todas as Pastas"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Transferir selecionadas para:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "mensagens"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid " not found."
-msgstr "Nenhuma pasta"
-msgid "Today's Fortune"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Fortunes:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "IMAP server information"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid ""
-"Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. "
-"These tests use the Squirrelmail IMAP commands and your current Squirrelmail "
-"configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Enviar"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "Adicionar ao %s"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Responder para"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "Listar Mensagens"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir "
-msgid "POP3 noop:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Erro ao ligar ao servidor IMAP: %s."
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "Alcunha '%s' não existe"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Falhou a abertura"
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Senha:"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "mensagens"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Mensagem"
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Mensagem"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir "
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Listar Mensagens"
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Apagar selecionados"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Nunca"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Novo nome:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Pasta de Mensagens Enviadas:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "O servidor respondeu: "
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Segunda"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "Apagar"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message Details"
-msgstr "Listar Mensagens"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Fechar janela"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Save Message"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "View Message details"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Sem notificação"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. If no file is specified, \"(none)\", no sound will be used."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr "Nenhuma"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Pasta Actual"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versão %s"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Opções"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "Ver mensagem"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "No sound specified"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Opções especias de pastas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Pasta de Mensagens Enviadas:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Segunda"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Pasta de Mensagens Enviadas:"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Opções especias de pastas"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "citacao"
-#, c-format
-msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "No changes were made."
-msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem selecionada."
-msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s errors"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Line with an error:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "Erro ao abrir "
-msgid "Suggestions:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change to:"
-msgstr "Alterar Selecção"
-msgid "Occurs times:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Change this word"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr "Alterar Selecção"
-msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change All"
-msgstr "Alterar Selecção"
-msgid "Ignore this word"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "mais"
-msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Ignore All"
-msgstr "Alterar Selecção"
-msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add to Dic"
-msgstr "Adicionar ao %s"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Close and Commit"
-msgstr "Fechar janela"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Close and Cancel"
-msgstr "Fechar janela"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "No errors found"
-msgstr "Nenhuma pasta"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-"\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Close this Window"
-msgstr "Fechar janela"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-msgstr "Informações pessoais gravadas com sucesso!"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-"window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-"stored in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-"stored as clear text."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s dictionary"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Delete checked words"
-msgstr "Apagar selecionados"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid "Please make your selection first."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-"helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and "
-"your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the "
-"password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see "
-"what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-"strong> If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become "
-"unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your "
-"mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your "
-"old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key.
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Change crypto settings"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You "
-"may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case "
-"the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets "
-"stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to "
-"decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
-"p> ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal "
-"dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your "
-"mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator "
-"changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and "
-"will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator "
-"change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, "
-"you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the "
-"new value.
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "All done!"
-msgstr "Todas as Pastas"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "No changes requested."
-msgstr "Nenhuma mensagem selecionada."
-msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-"default dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like "
-"to use when spellchecking:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Make these changes"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "Informações Pessoais"
-msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "not available"
-msgstr "Não é o nome de um ficheiro"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Tipo de Citação"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"19 language pairs, maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "12 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"784 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Translation Experts's "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"8 language pairs, no known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "4 language pairs for Hellenic, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "Adicionar ao %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Chinese"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "French"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "German"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Korean"
-msgstr "mais"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Turkish"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "Entrar"
-msgid "to English"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "from English"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr ""
-#~ msgid "Unknown message number in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "Servidor respondeu com número de mensagem desconhecido: "
-#~ msgid "(unknown sender)"
-#~ msgstr "(remetente desconhecido)"
-#~ msgid "Close window"
-#~ msgstr "Fechar janela"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "empty"
-#~ msgstr "Responder"
-#~ msgid "There was an error contacting the mail server."
-#~ msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao contactar o servidor de correio."
-#~ msgid "Welcome to %s's WebMail system"
-#~ msgstr "Bemvindo ao Sistema Webmail %s"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Running SquirrelMail version %s (c) 1999-2001."
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelMail versão %s (c) 1999-2000."
-#~ msgid "Unknown messagenumber in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "Servidor respondeu com número de mensagem desconhecido: "
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "No To Address"
-#~ msgstr "Endereços"
-#~ msgid "Found"
-#~ msgstr "Encontradas"
-#~ msgid "messages"
-#~ msgstr "mensagens"
-#~ msgid "Yes, show me the HTML version of a mail message, if it is available."
-#~ msgstr "Visualizar mail em HTML sempre que possível"
-#~ msgid "Include Self"
-#~ msgstr "Auto-envio"
-#~ msgid "Don't remove me from the CC addresses when I use \"Reply All\""
-#~ msgstr "Receber uma cópia do mail ao utilizar \"Responder Todos\""
-#~ msgid "Show page selector"
-#~ msgstr "Mostrar no máximo"
-#~ msgid "pages max"
-#~ msgstr "páginas"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Não usar a Reciclagem"
-#~ msgid "Don't use Sent"
-#~ msgstr "Não utilizar"
-#~ msgid "Don't use drafts"
-#~ msgstr "Não usar Rascunhos"
-#~ msgid "Collapseable folders"
-#~ msgstr "Pastas em Cascata"
-#~ msgid "Author's Name"
-#~ msgstr "Nome do Autor"
-#~ msgid "Use a signature?"
-#~ msgstr "Usar assinatura?"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved display preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Preferências de apresentação gravadas com sucesso!"
-#~ msgid "Successfully saved folder preferences!"
-#~ msgstr "Preferências das pastas gravadas com sucesso!"
-#~ msgid "(only Cc/Bcc)"
-#~ msgstr "(apenas Cc/Bcc)"
-#~ msgid "total"
-#~ msgstr "no total"
-#~ msgid "Folders created successfully!"
-#~ msgstr "Pastas criadas com sucesso!"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In order for SquirrelMail to provide the full set of options you need to "
-#~ "create the special folders listed below. Just click the check box and "
-#~ "hit the create button."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Para que o SquirrelMail forneça todo o conjunto de opções, você precisará "
-#~ "criar as pastas especiais listadas abaixo. Clique o check box e pressione "
-#~ "o botão [Criar]"
-#~ msgid "Create Trash"
-#~ msgstr "Criar Reciclagem"
-#~ msgid "You must login first."
-#~ msgstr "Tem de entrar no sistema primeiro."
diff --git a/locale/ro_RO/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/ro_RO/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2150955d..00000000
Binary files a/locale/ro_RO/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/ro_RO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/ro_RO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dddcd3b..00000000
--- a/locale/ro_RO/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3314 +0,0 @@
-# Romanian Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Mircea Ilie , 2001
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-01-01 18:33+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-05-22 16:57+0300\n"
-"Last-Translator: Manic Miner \n"
-"Language-Team: Romanian \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(fãrã subiect)"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "Agenda personalã"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "Eroare în baza de date: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "Nu se poate scrie în agendã"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "Utilizatorul \"%s\" existã deja"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "Utilizatorul \"%s\" nu existã"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "Agenda globalã"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Nu existã un astfel de fiºier sau director"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "Nu am putut deschide"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "Nu pot modifica agenda globalã"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Nu e un nume de fiºier"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "Nu am putut deschide"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "Salveazã / Modificã"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "Nu am putut bloca fiºierul de date"
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "Nu am putut scrie în agendã"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "Eroare la iniþializarea bazei de date ce conþine agenda."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "Eroare la deschiderea fiºierului %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "Eroare la iniþializarea agendei globale."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "Eroare la iniþializarea serverului LDAP %s"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "Date de intrare incorecte"
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "Lipseºte numele"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "Lipseºte adresa de e-mail"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "Pseudonimul conþine caractere nepermise"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "vizualizare"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "Informaþii personale"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr "Trebuie sã fiþi conectat pentru a avea acces la aceastã paginã."
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "Duminicã"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "Luni"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "Marþi"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "Miercuri"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "Joi"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "Vineri"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "Sîmbãtã"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "Ianuarie"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "Februarie"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "Martie"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "Aprilie"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Mai"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "Iunie"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "Iulie"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "August"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "Septembrie"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "Octombrie"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "Noiembrie"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "Decembrie"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "g:i a"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, g:i a"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, g:i a"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "M j, Y"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "Eroare în baza de date de preferinþe (%s). Ies forþat."
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "Utilizator necunoscut sau parolã incorectã."
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "Apãsaþi aici pentru a încerca din nou"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "Apãsaþi aici pentru a vã întoarce la %s"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "%s Login"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versiunea %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "realizat de SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "EROARE"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "Mergeþi la pagina de conectare"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Fiºierul de preferinþe %s nu existã. Deconectaþi-vã ºi conectaþi-vã din nou "
-"pentru a crea fiºierul de preferinþe implicit."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "Eroare la deschiderea "
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "Luaþi legãtura cu administratorul pentru ajutor."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --with-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "EROARE: nu am putut îndeplini cererea."
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "Motivul:"
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "EROARE: cerere incorectã sau parametri greºiþi"
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "Serverul a rãspuns:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "Eroare la conectarea la serverul IMAP: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "Cerere incorectã: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "Eroare necunoscutã: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "Date citite:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "EROARE: nu am putut îndeplini cererea."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "Sugestii:"
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "Numai în INBOX"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "Rãspuns necunoscut de la serverul IMAP:"
-msgid "Unknown message number in reply from server: "
-msgstr "Numãr de mesaj necunoscut în rãspunsul de la server:"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "Expeditor necunoscut"
-msgid "(unknown sender)"
-msgstr "(expeditor necunoscut)"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "Expeditor necunoscut"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "Mutã mesajele selectate în:"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "Transformã mesajele selectate"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "Mutã"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "Trimite mai departe"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "ªterge de pe server"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "cãsuþa poºtalã"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "Citite"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "Necitite"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "ªterge"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "Necitite"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "Cãtre"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "De la"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Datã"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Subiect"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "Dimensiune"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "Inverseazã-le pe toate"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "Deselecteazã-le pe toate"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Selecteazã-le pe toate"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "Afiºez mesajele de la: %s la %s (%s total)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "Afiºez mesajul: %s (1 total)"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Înapoi"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Înainte"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "Tipãreºte"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã toate mesajele"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Comanda a eºuat"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "Motivul:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Mesaj"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "Mare"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "Micã"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normalã"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã mesajul"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "descarcã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "Expeditor necunoscut"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "Opþiunea '%s' nu existã"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Da"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Nu"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "Aplicã modificãrile"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "Directorul curent"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "Deconecteazã-mã"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Compune"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "Adrese"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Directoare"
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni"
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "Cautã"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Ajutor"
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "Eroare la decriptarea dicþionarului"
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni generale de afiºare"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "Tema"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Alege ca implicitã"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Limba"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "Utilizeaza JavaScript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "Autodetect"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "Întotdeauna"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Niciodatã"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni de afiºare a mesajelor"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "Numãrul de mesaje de indexat"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "Sã folosesc alternanþa culorilor la afiºarea rîndurilor?"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã lista paginilor"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "Numãrul de pagini de indexat"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "Afiºarea ºi compunerea mesajelor"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã maxim (caractere) pe linie"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Dimensiunea ferestrei de editare (în caractere)"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "Locul butoanelor la compunerea mesajelor"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "Înaintea antetelor"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "Între antete ºi corpul mesajului"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "Dupã corpul mesajului"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Formatul folosit pentru afiºarea agendei"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "JavaScript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "Sã afiºez implicit versiunea HTML a mesajelor?"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "Include adresa proprie in cimpul CC dacã se rãspunde tuturor"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã clientul de mail folosit"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã imaginile anexate mesajului"
-msgid "Enable Subtle Printer Friendly Link"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã link-ul pentru format imprimabil"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã mesajele intr-un format imprimabil"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "Notificare mesaje necitite"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Închide fereastra"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "Închide fereastra"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni pentru directoarele sistem"
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "Calea spre directoare"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Nu folosi directorul Trash"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "Directorul pt. mesaje ºterse"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Nu salva mesajele trimise"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Director pentru mesajele trimise"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Nu salva mesajele neexpediate"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Director pentru mesaje neexpediate"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni de afiºare a directoarelor"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "Locaþia listei directoarelor"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Stînga"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Dreapta"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "pixeli"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "Lãþimea listei directoarelor"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "minute"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "secunde"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "minut"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Actualizeazã lista directoarelor"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Notificare mesaje necitite"
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Fãrã notificare"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "Numai în INBOX"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "În toate subdirectoarele"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Tipul de înºtiinþare pentru mesaje necitite"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "Necitite"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "Necitite ºi total"
-msgid "Enable Collapsable Folders"
-msgstr "Se poate comuta afiºarea subdirectoarelor"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "Notificare mesaje necitite"
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã ora in lista directoarelor"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Fãrã ceas"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "Format orã"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "1:00 pm"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "13:00"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "Cautã"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni de afiºare a directoarelor"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "Stil de citare la rãspuns"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni nume / adresã"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "Numele complet"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "Adresa de e-mail"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "Adresa de rãspuns"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "Semnãtura"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Modificã identitãþile avansate"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(renunþã la modificãrile fãcute în acest formular pînã acum)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "Identitãþi multiple "
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni translator"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "Stil de citare la rãspuns"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "Stil de citare la rãspuns"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Fãrã citare"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "AUTORUL a scris"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "Quote Who XML"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "Definitã de utilizator"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "Început citare definitã de utilizator"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "Sfîrºit citare definitã de utilizator"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "Semnãtura"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "Sã folosesc o semnãturã?"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "Sã prefixez semnãtura cu '-- '?"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "Afiºare în format tipãribil"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail versiunea %s"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "Organizaþie / Departament"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Organizaþie / Departament"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "Organizaþie / Departament"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "Organizaþie / Departament"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "Organizaþie / Departament"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Organizaþie / Departament"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "Deconecteazã-mã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "Limba"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "Setãri server POP"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "Adaugã server"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "Adaugã server"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "Deschid serverul IMAP"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "Deschid serverul IMAP"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "Deschid serverul IMAP"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Nu mã pot conecta la server"
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use Sendmail"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Authenticated SMTP"
-msgstr "Autentificare eºuatã"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "Calea spre directoare"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "ªterge directorul"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "Opþiuni de afiºare a directoarelor"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "Opþiuni pentru directoarele sistem"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "Opþiuni pentru directoarele sistem"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "ªterge de pe server"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Identitate implicitã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Identitate implicitã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "Creeazã directorul"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "ªterge directorul"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni generale de afiºare"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "Identitate implicitã"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Calea spre directoare"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "gri"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Identitate implicitã"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "Mesaj"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Datã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "Agendã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "Agendã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "Preferinþe referitoare la directoare"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "Preferinþe referitoare la directoare"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "Tema"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "Luaþi legãtura cu administratorul pentru ajutor."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "Tema"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "Tema"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "Polonezã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "???"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "Start"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "Prioritate"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Titlu:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "Data:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "Titlu:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "Modificã adresa selectatã"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "Modificã adresa"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "Cãtre:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "35 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "ªterge"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "ªterge adresele selectate"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "Mutã"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"COMERCIAL - Aceastã listã conþine servere care trimit mesaje comerciale "
-"nesolicitate. Este o listã destul de sigurã pentru filtrarea mesajelor."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"COMERCIAL - Servere incorect configurate, care permit trimiterea de mailuri "
-"fãrã a verifica expeditorul. De asemenea, o lista recomandatã."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"COMERCIAL - Utilizatorii care folosesc conexiuni dial-up sînt adesea "
-"filtraþi deoarece ar trebui sa foloseascã serverul furnizorului. "
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "COMERCIAL - RBL + Blackhole"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "COMERCIAL - RBL+OpenRelay"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "COMERCIAL - RBL+Dial-up"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - Lista Osirusoft de servere care permit transmiterea de mailuri. Se "
-"pare cã include ºi lista de auto-respondere a"
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr "GRATUIT - Lista de adrese dial-up furnizatã de Osirusoft"
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - adrese confirmate cã ar permite trimiterea de mailuri nedorite "
-"furnizatã de Osirusoft. Include adrese adãugate manual, dupã ce au fost "
-"nominalizate de mai multe ori. A se folosi cu grijã - pare sã includã si "
-"rãspunsuri automate de la unii provideri. "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - Lista Osirusoft de servere securizate, dar care permit "
-"retransmiterea de mesaje provenind din servere nesigure."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - Lista Osirusoft de adrese ale unor producãtori de software folosit "
-"pentru trimiterea de SPAM. Pare sã includã si rãspunsuri automate de la unii "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - Lista Osirusoft de servere care includ adrese in liste de mail "
-"fãrã o confirmare prealabilã."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - ORDB: înlocuitor al ORBS. Pare sã conþinã mai putine adrese "
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr "GRATUIT - surse directe de SPAM."
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - Liste de adrese dial-up (include si conexiuni DSL)"
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - Liste de mail care nu cer confirmare la înscriere"
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "GRATUIT - alte adrese"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "GRATUIT - Single Stage servers "
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "GRATUIT - - servere care permit trimiterea de SPAM"
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT - - Servere WEB care permit trimiterea de e-mailuri "
-"farã autentificare."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT -Dorkslayers: include numai servere aflate în afara SUA pentru a "
-"evita acþiunile legale. Interesant, pagina lor de web recomandã sã NU le "
-"folosiþi serviciul."
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"GRATUIT (deocamdatã) - SPAMCOP - O soluþie interesantã: listeazã serverele "
-"de la care mai mult de 85% din mesaje sînt SPAM."
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr "GRATUIT - surse directe de SPAM."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "Evidenþierea unui mesaj"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "Ce sã se scaneze:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "Toate mesajele"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "Numai mesajele necitite"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Salveazã"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Nou"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "Gata"
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Unde:"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "CC"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "Cãtre sau CC"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Citite"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "Conþine:"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Modificã"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Jos"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "Sus"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "Dacã %s conþine %s atunci mutã în %s"
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "Filtre mesaje"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtrarea permite organizarea mesajelor dupã diferite criterii in "
-"subdirectoare. "
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "Filtrare SPAM"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
-"Filtrele SPAM permit selectarea de diverse liste cu adrese de la care provin "
-"mesaje comerciale nesolicitate ºi mutarea acelor mesaje în alte "
-"subdirectoare (de ex. Gunoi)."
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "Filtrare SPAM"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-"ATENÞIE: Administratorul trebuie sã seteze variabila SpamFilters_YourHop."
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "Mutã mesajele nedorite în:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Mutarea mesajelor direct în directorul Trash poate sã nu fie o idee bunã, "
-"deoarece astfel mesaje incorect identificate ca SPAM vor fi ºterse. "
-"Asiguraþi-vã totuºi cã directorul ales este golit periodic, pentru a nu "
-"depãºi spaþiul alocat pentru mesaje. "
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Scanarea tuturor mesajelor poate lua mult timp - este recomandat sã nu "
-"filtraþi decît cele necitite."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "Mesajele filtrate vor fi mutate in %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[nesetat]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "Scanarea este limitatã la %s"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "Mesajele noi"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "Toate mesajele"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "Activat"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "Dezactivat"
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "De la:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "Mesaje noi"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "%s la %s"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "Adresa de rãspuns"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "Adaugã"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "Eliminã"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "Lista mesajelor"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "Conectare POP3:"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Nu a fost specificat nici un server"
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "Eroare"
-msgid "POP3 noop:"
-msgstr "POP3 noop:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "Nu mã pot conecta la server"
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "Utilizator POP3:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "nu a fost introdus un nume de utilizator"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "conexiunea nu a fost stabilitã"
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "Parola POP3:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "Nu a fost introdusã parola"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "Autentificare eºuatã"
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "POP3 apop:"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Nu a fost introdus un nume de utilizator"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "Nu existã eticheta serverului"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "abandoneazã"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "autentificarea apop a eºuat"
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "POP3 login:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 top:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "Sfîrºit de listã prematur"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 get:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 last:"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "Comandã vidã"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 quit:"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "Conexiune inexistentã"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "POP3 delete:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Nu s-a trimis numãrul mesajului"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "Comanda a eºuat"
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "Aducere mesaje de pe alt server POP3"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "Selectaþi serverul:"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Toate"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "Parolã:"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Descarcã mesajele"
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "Descarc mesajele de la"
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "Hopa,"
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Deschid serverul IMAP"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Deschid serverul POP"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "Autentificare eºuatã:"
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "Login OK: Nu sînt mesaje noi"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "Login OK: Nu sînt mesaje în INBOX"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "Login OK: ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "] mesaje în INBOX"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "Trimit UIDL"
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "Serverul nu ºtie de UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "Mesajele vor fi pãstrate ºi pe server"
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "ªtergere mesaje de pe server..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "Aduc mesajul"
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "Salvez UIDL"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "Aduc mesajul"
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "Eroare la copierea mesajului!"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "Închid conexiunea POP"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "Închid conexiunea IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "Mesaj adaugat la INBOX"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "Mesaj"
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr "ºters de pe server!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "ªtergerea a eºuat:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "Setãri server POP"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"Trebuie sã ºtiþi cã metoda de folositã pentru criptarea parolei nu este "
-"sigurã. Dar, daca folosiþi un cont POP, parola nu este trimisã criptat cãtre "
-"server oricum. Mai mult, parola poate fi decriptatã de un hacker care "
-"citeºte sursa acestui program."
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr "Dacã nu completaþi cîmpul parola, ea va fi cerutã la conectare."
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "Cripteazã parolele (doar cu titlu informativ)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "Adaugã server"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "Server:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "Prioritate"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "Alias:"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "Nume nou:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "Parolã:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "Salveazã mesajele aduse în directorul:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "Pãstreazã o copie a mesajelor pe server"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "Verificã mailurile externe la conectare"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr ""
-"Verificã mailurile externe la fiecare actualizare a directoarelor locale"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "Modificã server"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "Nume server:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Modificã"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "Nu sînt servere configurate. Puteþi adãuga unul."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "Actualizez lista serverelor"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "Confirmaþi ºtergerea serverului"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "Server selectat:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "Sînteþi sigur?"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "ªterge"
-msgid "Mofify a Server"
-msgstr "Modificã un server"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "Funcþie nedefinitã"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Hey you! Yes you! What ARE you looking for?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "Mesaje externe"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Avertisment, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "Rezultat:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "Sincronizare servere POP3 externe"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr ""
-"Puteþi configura aducerea mesajelor de pe un alt server POP3 în contul de pe "
-"acest server."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "Fãrã înºtiinþare"
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"Selectaþi Fiºier audio pentru a folosi notificarea sonorã la sosirea "
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"Opþiunea Verificã toate directoarele va activa verificarea tuturor "
-"subdirectoarelor, nu numai pentru INBOX."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"Opþiunea Alertã vizualã va deschide o fereastrã de notificare la "
-"sosirea mesajelor (numai dacã JavaScript este activat)."
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"Folosiþi Numai mesajele recente pentru a nu fi notificat decît dacã "
-"au apãrut mesaje noi de la ultima verificare."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"Opþiunea Schimbã titlul va modifica titlul ferestrei dacã sînt "
-"mesaje necitite. Funcþioneazã numai în IE+JavaScript, dar nu genereazã erori "
-"în alte browsere. Titlul va rãmîne însã modificat chiar dacã aþi bifat "
-"opþiunea Verificã mesajele recente"
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. Selecting local media will play the file specified in "
-"the local media file box to play from the local computer. If no file "
-"is specified, the system will use a default from the server."
-msgstr ""
-"Selectaþi unul din fiºierele audio de pe server sau unul de pe hard-disk."
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "Fiºier audio"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "Verificã toate directoarele"
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "Numai mesajele recente"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "Schimbã titlul"
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "necesitã JavaScript"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "Alertã vizualã"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "Selectaþi un fiºier de pe server:"
-msgid "(local media)"
-msgstr "(de pe hard-disk)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "Încearcã"
-msgid "Local Media File:"
-msgstr "Fiºier local:"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "Fiºierul selectat:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "Mesaje noi"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "Aveþi mesaje noi!"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "Închide fereastra"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni notificare"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr "Aici puteþi configura opþiunile de notificare la sosirea de mesaje noi"
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "Opþiunile au fost salvate"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s Mesaje noi"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s Mesaj nou"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "Testeazã sunetul"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "încarc sunetul..."
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Închide"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni pentru directoarele sistem"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "Director pentru mesajele trimise"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "Luni"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Director pentru mesajele trimise"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni pentru corectorul ortografic"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"Aici puteþi configura dicþionarele disponibile pentru verificarea "
-"ortograficã, sau edita un dicþionar personal."
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "Verificã ortografia"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "Înapoi la pagina "Opþiuni corector ortografic""
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "ATENÞIE:"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr "???"
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "ªterge dicþionarul ºi deschide unul nou."
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "???"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "Continuã"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "Adaugã acest cuvînt la dicþionarul personal"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "Eroare la decriptarea dicþionarului"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "quote"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "Translator"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni translator"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "Opþiunile pentru servere sînt:"
-msgid ""
-"13 language pairs, maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "13 perechi de limbi, maxim 100 de caractere, furnizat de Systran"
-msgid ""
-"10 language pairs, maximum of 25 kilobytes translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "10 perechi de limbi, maxim 25k, furnizat de Systran"
-msgid "12 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "12 perechi de limbi, nelimitat, furnizat de Systran"
-msgid ""
-"767 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Translation Experts's "
-msgstr ""
-"767 perechi de limbi, nelimitat, furnizat de Translation Experts' InterTran"
-msgid ""
-"8 language pairs, no known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr ""
-"8 perechi de limbi, nelimitat, furnizat de GPLTrans (gratuit, open source)"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr "Puteþi alege de asemenea locaþia casetei de traducere"
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "Selectaþi translatorul:"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "La citirea mesajului:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã caseta de traducere"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "în stînga"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "centrat"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "în dreapta"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "Traducerea in acelaºi cadru cu SquirrelMail"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "La compunerea unui mesaj:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "Nefuncþional deocamdatã"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "Descarcã sub formã de fiºier"
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "Opþiuni translator"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr ""
-"Ce translator doriþi sã fie folosit la primirea de mesaje în alte limbi?"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "%s la %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "Englezã"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "Francezã"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "Germanã"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "Italianã"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portughezã"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "Spaniolã"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Rusã"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "Tradu"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "Portughezã Brazilianã"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "Bulgarã"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "Croatã"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "Cehã"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "Danezã"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "Olandezã"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "Spaniolã europeanã"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "Finlandezã"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "Greacã"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "Ungarã"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "Islandezã"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "Japonezã"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "Spaniolã Latino-Americanã"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "Norvegianã"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "Polonezã"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Românã"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "Sîrbã"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "Slovenã"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "Suedezã"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "Galezã"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "Indnezianã"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "Latinã"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "Agendã"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nume"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "Informaþii"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "Sursã"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "Foloseºte adresele"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "Cautã în agendã"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "Cautã"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "în"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "toate agendele"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã tot"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "Nu pot afiºa adresele începînd de la %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "Cãutarea a eºuat pentru cã:"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Nu am gãsit nici o persoanã"
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "Întoarce-te"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "Pseudonim"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "trebuie sã fie unic"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "Adresã de e-mail"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "Prenume"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "Nume"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "Informaþii suplimentare"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "Nu e definitã nici o agendã. Luaþi legãtura cu administratorul."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "Nu puteþi modifica decît o adresã la un moment dat"
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "Modificã adresa"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Eroare necunoscutã"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "Adaugã o adresã"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "Modificã adresa selectatã"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "ªterge adresele selectate"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "Adaugã la %s"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "Mesajul original"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "Mesaj salvat"
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "Nu pot muta/copia fiºierul. Fiºierul nu a fost anexat."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "Mesaj salvat"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "Nu aþi selectat nici un mesaj."
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "Cãtre:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "CC:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "BCC:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Subiect:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Trimite"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "Anexeazã:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Adaugã"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "ªterge anexele selectate"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "Prioritate"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "Citite"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "Salveazã ciorna"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "Nu aþi completat cîmpul \"Cãtre:\"."
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "a scris"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "quote"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "who"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Director pentru mesaje neexpediate"
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "Nume de director nepermis. Alegeþi un alt nume."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "Apãsaþi aici pentru a reveni"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "ªterge directorul"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Selectare reuºitã!"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "Deselectare reuºitã!"
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Directorul a fost ºters!"
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Directorul a fost creat!"
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Directorul a fost redenumit!"
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "Actualizeazã lista directoarelor"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "Creeazã directorul"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "ca un subdirector al"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Nici unul"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Permite acestui director sã conþinã subdirectoare"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "Creeazã"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "Redenumeºte un director"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "Redenumeºte un director"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Redenumeºte"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Nu am gãsit nici un director"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "Nu am gãsit nici un director pentru eliminare!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "Nu am gãsit nici un director pentru adãugare!"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "Adaugã"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "Redenumeºte un director"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Nume nou:"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr ""
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "Acest ajutor nu a fost tradus în %s. Va fi afiºat în englezã."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "Unele din documentele de ajutor nu existã!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "Cuprins"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Mergi în vîrful paginii"
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "Afiºez o anexa de tip imagine"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã mesajul"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "(indisponibil)"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "ªterge de pe server"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Ultima actualizare"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Login"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "%s Login"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "Nume:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "Nu aþi selectat nici un mesaj."
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "Evidenþierea unui mesaj"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "Subiect"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "Nu e definitã nici o evidenþiere"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "Numele de identificare"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Culoarea"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "albastru închis"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "verde închis"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "galben închis"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "turcoaz închis"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "mov închis"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "albastru deschis"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "verde deschis"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "galben deschis"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "turcoaz deschis"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "mov deschis"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "gri închis"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "gri"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "gri deschis"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "alb"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "Alta:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "include"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "Identitate alternativã %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "Identitãþi avansate"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "Identitate implicitã"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "Adaugã o nouã identitate"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "Adresa de e-mail"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "Salveazã / Modificã"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "Alege ca implicitã"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "Urcã"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "Ordinea de indexare"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "cãsuþa"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Atribute mesaj"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"Ordinea de indexare este ordinea în care sînt aranjate coloanele în lista de "
-"mesaje. Puteþi adãuga, ºterge sau muta coloane dupã dorinþã."
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "sus"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "jos"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "ºterge"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "Întoarce-te la pagina de opþiuni"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Informaþii personale"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferinþe de afiºare"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferinþe referitoare la directoare"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "Am salvat informaþiile personale!"
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "Actualizeazã lista directoarelor"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "Actualizeazã pagina"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Aici sînt informaþii personale despre dumneavoastrã, cum ar fi numele, "
-"adresa de e-mail etc"
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"Puteþi schimba felul în care SquirrelMail aratã ºi afiºeazã informaþia "
-"(culori, limbã ºi altele)"
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"În funcþie de criteriile date, mesajele sosite pot avea fundalul colorat "
-"diferit în listã. Aceasta ajutã la identificarea expeditorului, în special "
-"în cazul listelor de distribuþie."
-msgid ""
-"These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr ""
-"Aceste opþiuni schimbã felul în care sînt afiºate ºi manipulate directoarele"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr ""
-"Indexul poate fi modificat pentru a conþine cîmpurile în ordinea doritã."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "Evidenþierea unui mesaj"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "Format tipãribil"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "CC:"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Tipãreºte"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "Afiºare în format tipãribil"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "Citite"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "] mesaje în INBOX"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "Trimite"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "mai puþin"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "mai mult"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "Client de mail"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "Trimite"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "Nu au fost necesare modificãri"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "Cautã"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "Lista mesajelor"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "Editeazã mesajul"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã mesajul"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "Anexe"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "Rãspunde"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "Rãspunde tuturor"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "Afiºeazã antetul în întregime"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "Anexe"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Directoare"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "Modificã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "Cautã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "ªterge"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "Salveazã"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "mai mult"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Current Search"
-msgstr "Directorul curent"
-msgid "Body"
-msgstr "Corp"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Peste tot"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "Rezultat:"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "Nu sînt mesaje"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Aþi fost deconectat."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "Faceþi clic aici ca sã vã reconectaþi"
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "Afiºez informaþiile personale ataºate"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Titlu"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "Paginã web"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "Organizaþie / Departament"
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "Adrese"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon firmã"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon acasã"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "Telefon mobil"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "Fax"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "Note"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "Adaugã în agendã"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "Titlu & Org. / Dept."
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "Afiºez antetul în întregime"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "Afiºez textul anexat"
-#~ msgid "Close window"
-#~ msgstr "Închide fereastra"
-#~ msgid "empty"
-#~ msgstr "Goleºte"
-#~ msgid "There was an error contacting the mail server."
-#~ msgstr "Eroare la conexiunea cu serverul de e-mail."
-#~ msgid "Welcome to %s's WebMail system"
-#~ msgstr "Bine aþi venit în sistemul WebMail al %s"
-#~ msgid "Running SquirrelMail version %s (c) 1999-2001."
-#~ msgstr "SquirrelMail versiunea %s (c) 1999-2002"
-#~ msgid "Unknown messagenumber in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "Numãr de mesaj necunoscut în rãspunsul de la server:"
-#~ msgid "No To Address"
-#~ msgstr "Fãrã adresã destinatar"
-#~ msgid "Found"
-#~ msgstr "Am gãsit"
-#~ msgid "messages"
-#~ msgstr "mesaje"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Another ORBS replacement (just the INPUTS database used here)."
-#~ msgstr "GRATUIT - alt înlocuitor al ORBS. Intrãri."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - Another ORBS replacement (just the OUTPUTS database used here)."
-#~ msgstr "GRATUIT - alt înlocuitor al ORBS. Ieºiri."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - ORBL is another ORBS spinoff formed after ORBS shut down. May be "
-#~ msgstr "GRATUIT - ORBL: încã un înlocuitor al ORBS. Poate fi LENT."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "FREE - - Inputs only."
-#~ msgstr "GRATUIT - Intrãri."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "FREE - - Outputs only."
-#~ msgstr "GRATUIT - Ieºiri."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "FREE - - mailservers that refuse or bounce email "
-#~ "addressed to postmaster@."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "GRATUIT - servere care refuzã mesajele adresate "
-#~ "postmaster@"
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-#~ msgstr "Dicþionarul personal a fost ºters."
-#~ msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-#~ msgstr "Dicþionar ºters"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Close this Window"
-#~ msgstr "Închide fereastra"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-#~ ""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-#~ "window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-#~ "over."
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-#~ "stored in an encrypted format."
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-#~ "stored as clear text."
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-#~ msgstr "Corector ortografic - rezultate"
-#~ msgid "Found %s errors"
-#~ msgstr "Am gãsit %s erori"
-#~ msgid "Line with an error:"
-#~ msgstr "Linia care conþine eroarea:"
-#~ msgid "Error:"
-#~ msgstr "Eroare:"
-#~ msgid "Suggestions"
-#~ msgstr "Sugestii"
-#~ msgid "Change to:"
-#~ msgstr "Înlocuieºte cu:"
-#~ msgid "Occurs times:"
-#~ msgstr "Numãr apariþii:"
-#~ msgid "Change this word"
-#~ msgstr "Schimbã acest cuvînt"
-#~ msgid "Change"
-#~ msgstr "Schimbã"
-#~ msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-#~ msgstr "Schimbã TOATE apariþiile acestui cuvînt"
-#~ msgid "Change All"
-#~ msgstr "Înlocuieºte-le pe toate"
-#~ msgid "Ignore this word"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorã acest cuvînt"
-#~ msgid "Ignore"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorã"
-#~ msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorã toate apariþiile acestui cuvînt"
-#~ msgid "Ignore All"
-#~ msgstr "Ignorã-le pe toate"
-#~ msgid "Add to Dic"
-#~ msgstr "Adaugã la dicþionar"
-#~ msgid "Close and Commit"
-#~ msgstr "Salveazã ºi închide"
-#~ msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Verificarea nu este completã. Sigur doriþi sã aplicaþi modificãrile ºi sã "
-#~ "închideþi fereastra?"
-#~ msgid "Close and Cancel"
-#~ msgstr "Anuleazã modificãrile"
-#~ msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Verificarea nu este completã. Sigur doriþi sã anulaþi modificãrile ºi sã "
-#~ "închideþi fereastra?"
-#~ msgid "No errors found"
-#~ msgstr "Nu am gãsit nici o eroare"
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Dicþionar personal"
-#~ msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-#~ msgstr "Nu sînt cuvinte în dicþionarul personal."
-#~ msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-#~ msgstr "Bifaþi cuvintele care trebuie ºterse din dicþionar."
-#~ msgid "%s dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Dicþionar %s"
-#~ msgid "Delete checked words"
-#~ msgstr "ªterge cuvintele selectat"
-#~ msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Editeazã dicþionarul personal"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-#~ "helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized "
-#~ "and your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted "
-#~ "with the password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for "
-#~ "anyone to see what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-#~ "ATTENTION: If you forget your password, your personal "
-#~ "dictionary will become unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. "
-#~ "If you change your mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and "
-#~ "prompt you for your old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary "
-#~ "with a new key.
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. "
-#~ "You may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy "
-#~ "in case the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary "
-#~ "file gets stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and "
-#~ "are hard to decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your "
-#~ "mailbox password).
ATTENTION: If you decide to "
-#~ "encrypt your personal dictionary, you must remember that it gets ""
-#~ "hashed" with your mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox "
-#~ "password and the administrator changes it to a new value, your personal "
-#~ "dictionary will become useless and will have to be created anew. However, "
-#~ "if you or your system administrator change your mailbox password but you "
-#~ "still have the old password at hand, you will be able to enter the old "
-#~ "key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the new value."
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-#~ msgstr "???"
-#~ msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-#~ msgstr "Urmãtoarele cuvinte vor fi ºterse din dicþionarul %s:"
-#~ msgid "All done!"
-#~ msgstr "Gata!"
-#~ msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-#~ msgstr "Dicþionarul personal a fost actualizat"
-#~ msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-#~ msgstr "Aºteptaþi, comunic cu serverul..."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-#~ "message:"
-#~ msgstr "Selectaþi dicþionarul dorit pentru acest mesaj:"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-#~ msgstr "Se iniþializeazã corectorul"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-#~ "default dictionary."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Setãrile modificate pt %s cu %s ca "
-#~ "dicþionar implicit."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-#~ msgstr "Folosesc %s ca dicþionar implicit"
-#~ msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-#~ msgstr "Preferinþele pentru dicþionar actualizate"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please check any available international dictionaries which you would "
-#~ "like to use when spellchecking:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bifaþi oricare dicþionar pe care doriþi sã îl folosiþi pentru corectare"
-#~ msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-#~ msgstr "Selecteazã acest dicþionar ca implicit"
-#~ msgid "Make these changes"
-#~ msgstr "Aplicã modificãrile"
-#~ msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-#~ msgstr "Adaugã dicþionar"
-#~ msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-#~ msgstr "Alegeþi opþiunile pe care doriþi sã le modificaþi:"
-#~ msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Editare dicþionar personal"
-#~ msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-#~ msgstr "Configurare dicþionare"
-#~ msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-#~ msgstr "Criptare / decriptare dicþionar personal"
-#~ msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-#~ msgstr "Opþiuni corector ortografic"
-#~ msgid "POP3: premature NOOP OK, NOT an RFC 1939 Compliant server"
-#~ msgstr "POP3: NOOP OK prematur, serverul NU e conform cu RFC 1939"
-#~ msgid "NOOP failed. Server not RFC 1939 compliant"
-#~ msgstr "NOOP a esuat, serverul NU e conform cu RFC 1939"
diff --git a/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/ b/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db25775..00000000
Binary files a/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po b/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 0962a852..00000000
--- a/locale/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/squirrelmail.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3555 +0,0 @@
-# Russian Squirrelmail Translation
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Squirrelmail Development Team
-# Konstantin Riabitsev , 2001.
-# Gregory Mokhin , 2003.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: $Id$\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-06-25 16:16+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-06-29 22:45+0400\n"
-"Last-Translator: Gregory Mokhin \n"
-"Language-Team: Russian \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.2beta2\n"
-msgid "Address Book"
-msgstr "ÐдÑеÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ð°"
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "ÐÑе"
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "ÐмÑ"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "E-mail"
-msgid "Info"
-msgstr "СведениÑ"
-msgid "Source"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑ
однÑй ÑоÑмаÑ"
-msgid "To"
-msgstr "ÐомÑ"
-msgid "Cc"
-msgstr "ÐопиÑ"
-msgid "Bcc"
-msgstr "BCC"
-msgid "Use Addresses"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑа"
-msgid "Address Book Search"
-msgstr "ÐоиÑк в адÑеÑной книге"
-msgid "Search for"
-msgstr "ÐÑкаÑÑ"
-msgid "in"
-msgstr "во"
-msgid "All address books"
-msgstr "вÑеÑ
-msgid "Search"
-msgstr "ÐоиÑк"
-msgid "List all"
-msgstr "ÐоказаÑÑ Ð²Ñе"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unable to list addresses from %s"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка доÑÑÑпа к адÑеÑам в %s"
-msgid "Your search failed with the following error(s)"
-msgstr "ÐоиÑк не завеÑÑен по ÑледÑÑÑим пÑиÑинам"
-msgid "No persons matching your search was found"
-msgstr "Ðо заданнÑм паÑамеÑÑам ниÑего не найдено"
-msgid "Return"
-msgstr "ÐеÑнÑÑÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "ÐакÑÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Nickname"
-msgstr "ÐлиаÑ"
-msgid "Must be unique"
-msgstr "(должен бÑÑÑ ÑникалÑнÑм)"
-msgid "E-mail address"
-msgstr "ÐдÑÐµÑ e-mail"
-msgid "Last name"
-msgstr "ФамилиÑ"
-msgid "First name"
-msgstr "ÐмÑ"
-msgid "Additional info"
-msgstr "ÐополниÑелÑнÑе ÑведениÑ"
-msgid "No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator."
-msgstr "ÐеÑÑоналÑÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ð° не найдена. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ Ð°Ð´Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸ÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-msgid "You can only edit one address at the time"
-msgstr "ÐÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе ÑедакÑиÑоваÑÑ ÑолÑко по Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑÑ Ð·Ð° Ñаз"
-msgid "Update address"
-msgstr "ÐбновиÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑ"
-msgid "ERROR"
-msgstr "ÐШÐÐÐÐ"
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ñибка"
-msgid "Add address"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑ"
-msgid "Edit selected"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ Ð²ÑделеннÑе"
-msgid "Delete selected"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ Ð²ÑделеннÑе"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Add to %s"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ Ð² %s"
-msgid "said"
-msgstr "ÑообÑил(а)"
-msgid "quote"
-msgstr "ÑиÑаÑа"
-msgid "who"
-msgstr "оÑ"
-msgid "Subject"
-msgstr "Тема"
-msgid "From"
-msgstr "ÐÑ"
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "ÐаÑа"
-msgid "Original Message"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑ
одное ÑообÑение"
-msgid "Draft Email Saved"
-msgstr "ЧеÑновик ÑоÑ
-msgid "Could not move/copy file. File not attached"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи копиÑовании Ñайла. Файл не бÑл вÑÑавлен"
-msgid "Draft Saved"
-msgstr "ЧеÑновик ÑоÑ
-msgid "Your Message has been sent"
-msgstr "СообÑение оÑпÑавлено."
-msgid "From:"
-msgstr "ÐÑ:"
-msgid "To:"
-msgstr "ÐомÑ:"
-msgid "CC:"
-msgstr "ÐопиÑ:"
-msgid "BCC:"
-msgstr "BCC:"
-msgid "Subject:"
-msgstr "Тема:"
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "ÐÑпÑавиÑÑ"
-msgid "Attach:"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑавиÑÑ Ñайл:"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ"
-msgid "Delete selected attachments"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ Ð²ÑделеннÑе вложениÑ"
-msgid "Priority"
-msgstr "ÐÑиоÑиÑеÑ"
-msgid "High"
-msgstr "СÑоÑное"
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "ÐбÑÑное"
-msgid "Low"
-msgstr "ÐеÑÑоÑное"
-msgid "Receipt"
-msgstr "ÐодÑвеÑждение"
-msgid "On Read"
-msgstr "пÑоÑÑениÑ"
-msgid "On Delivery"
-msgstr "полÑÑениÑ"
-msgid "Signature"
-msgstr "ÐодпиÑÑ"
-msgid "Addresses"
-msgstr "ÐдÑеÑа"
-msgid "Save Draft"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ ÑеÑновик"
-msgid "You have not filled in the \"To:\" field."
-msgstr "ÐÑ Ð½Ðµ заполнили поле \"ÐомÑ:\"."
-msgid "Draft folder"
-msgstr "Ðапка Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑеÑновиков"
-msgid "Server replied: "
-msgstr "ÐÑÐ²ÐµÑ ÑеÑвеÑа: "
-msgid "Illegal folder name. Please select a different name."
-msgstr "ÐÑибка в имени папки. УкажиÑе дÑÑгое имÑ."
-msgid "Click here to go back"
-msgstr "ÐажмиÑе здеÑÑ, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð²ÐµÑнÑÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð°Ð´"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to delete. Please do so."
-msgstr "СнаÑала вÑбеÑиÑе Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑдалениÑ."
-msgid "Delete Folder"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Are you sure you want to delete %s?"
-msgstr "ÐÑ Ð´ÐµÐ¹ÑÑвиÑелÑно Ñ
оÑиÑе ÑдалиÑÑ %s?"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Ðа"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "ÐеÑ"
-msgid "Folders"
-msgstr "Ðапки"
-msgid "Subscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "ÐÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑанÑ!"
-msgid "Unsubscribed successfully!"
-msgstr "ÐÑ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÑÑе не подпиÑанÑ."
-msgid "Deleted folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Ðапка ÑÑпеÑно Ñдалена."
-msgid "Created folder successfully!"
-msgstr "Ðапка Ñоздана."
-msgid "Renamed successfully!"
-msgstr "Ðапка пеÑеименована."
-msgid "Subscription Unsuccessful - Folder does not exist."
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи подпиÑке: папка не ÑÑÑеÑÑвÑеÑ."
-msgid "refresh folder list"
-msgstr "обновиÑÑ ÑпиÑок"
-msgid "Create Folder"
-msgstr "СоздаÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ"
-msgid "as a subfolder of"
-msgstr "в каÑеÑÑве подпапки длÑ"
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "ÐеÑ"
-msgid "Let this folder contain subfolders"
-msgstr "Ðапка Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ ÑодеÑжаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ¸"
-msgid "Create"
-msgstr "СоздаÑÑ"
-msgid "Rename a Folder"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеименоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ"
-msgid "Select a folder"
-msgstr "ÐÑбÑаÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ"
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеименоваÑÑ"
-msgid "No folders found"
-msgstr "Ðапок не найдено"
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ"
-msgid "Unsubscribe"
-msgstr "ÐÑпиÑаÑÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Subscribe"
-msgstr "ÐодпиÑаÑÑÑÑ"
-msgid "No folders were found to unsubscribe from!"
-msgstr "ÐÑи попÑÑке оÑпиÑаÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ðµ найдено папок!"
-msgid "No folders were found to subscribe to!"
-msgstr "ÐÑи попÑÑке подпиÑаÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ðµ найдено папок!"
-msgid "Subscribe to:"
-msgstr "ÐодпиÑаÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ð°:"
-msgid "You have not selected a folder to rename. Please do so."
-msgstr "СнаÑала вÑбеÑиÑе Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑеименованиÑ."
-msgid "Rename a folder"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеименоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ"
-msgid "New name:"
-msgstr "Ðовое имÑ:"
-msgid "Submit"
-msgstr "ÐоÑово"
-msgid "ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"
-msgstr "ÐШÐÐÐÐ: невеÑнÑй ÑоÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ñайлов ÑпÑавки!"
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "СпÑавка"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"The help has not been translated to %s. It will be displayed in English "
-msgstr "СпÑавка не бÑла пеÑеведена на %s. Ðна бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð´Ð¾ÑÑÑпна лиÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾-английÑки."
-msgid "Some or all of the help documents are not present!"
-msgstr "ÐекоÑоÑÑе или вÑе из ÑÑебÑемÑÑ
Ñайлов ÑпÑавки не найденÑ!"
-msgid "Table of Contents"
-msgstr "СодеÑжание"
-msgid "Previous"
-msgstr "Ðазад"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Ðалее"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "ÐвеÑÑ
-msgid "Viewing an image attachment"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ Ð²Ð»Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ÑиÑÑнка"
-msgid "View message"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Download this as a file"
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзиÑÑ ÑÑо ÑообÑение на диÑк"
-msgid "INBOX"
-msgstr "ÐÑ
-msgid "purge"
-msgstr "ÐÑиÑÑиÑÑ"
-msgid "Last Refresh"
-msgstr "Ðбновлено"
-msgid "Save folder tree"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ Ð´ÐµÑево папок"
-msgid "Login"
-msgstr "Ðогин"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Logo"
-msgstr "ÐогоÑип %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "SquirrelMail version %s"
-msgstr "SquirrelMail - веÑÑÐ¸Ñ %s"
-msgid "By the SquirrelMail Development Team"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑппа ÑазÑабоÑÑиков SquirrelMail"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s Login"
-msgstr "ÐÑ
од в %s"
-msgid "Name:"
-msgstr "ÐмÑ:"
-msgid "Password:"
-msgstr "ÐаÑолÑ:"
-msgid "No messages were selected."
-msgstr "ÐÐµÑ Ð²ÑделеннÑÑ
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка"
-msgid "Message Highlighting"
-msgstr "ÐодÑвеÑка ÑообÑений"
-msgid "New"
-msgstr "Ðовое пÑавило"
-msgid "Done"
-msgstr "ÐаконÑиÑÑ"
-msgid "To or Cc"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð¼Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ ÐопиÑ"
-msgid "subject"
-msgstr "Тема"
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ"
-msgid "Up"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑе"
-msgid "Down"
-msgstr "Ðиже"
-msgid "No highlighting is defined"
-msgstr "ÐÑавил подÑвеÑки не задано"
-msgid "Identifying name"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¼Ñ Ð¿Ñавила"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "ЦвеÑ"
-msgid "Dark Blue"
-msgstr "Темно-Ñиний"
-msgid "Dark Green"
-msgstr "Темно-зелÑнÑй"
-msgid "Dark Yellow"
-msgstr "Темно-желÑÑй"
-msgid "Dark Cyan"
-msgstr "ÐолÑбой"
-msgid "Dark Magenta"
-msgstr "Темно-малиновÑй"
-msgid "Light Blue"
-msgstr "СвеÑло-голÑбой"
-msgid "Light Green"
-msgstr "СвеÑло-зеленÑй"
-msgid "Light Yellow"
-msgstr "ÐелÑÑй"
-msgid "Light Cyan"
-msgstr "ЯÑко-голÑбой"
-msgid "Light Magenta"
-msgstr "ЯÑко-малиновÑй"
-msgid "Dark Gray"
-msgstr "Темно-ÑеÑÑй"
-msgid "Medium Gray"
-msgstr "СеÑÑй"
-msgid "Light Gray"
-msgstr "СвеÑло-ÑеÑÑй"
-msgid "White"
-msgstr "ÐелÑй"
-msgid "Other:"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑгой:"
-msgid "Ex: 63aa7f"
-msgstr "ÐÑимеÑ: 63aa7f"
-msgid "Matches"
-msgstr "ÐÑкаÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¿Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Alternate Identity %d"
-msgstr "ÐлÑÑеÑнаÑивнÑй пÑоÑÐ¸Ð»Ñ %d"
-msgid "Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "ÐополниÑелÑнÑе пÑоÑили"
-msgid "Default Identity"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑÐ¸Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Add a New Identity"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñй пÑоÑилÑ"
-msgid "Full Name"
-msgstr "ÐмÑ"
-msgid "E-Mail Address"
-msgstr "ÐдÑÐµÑ e-mail"
-msgid "Reply To"
-msgstr "ÐбÑаÑнÑй адÑеÑ"
-msgid "Save / Update"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ / ÐбновиÑÑ"
-msgid "Make Default"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Move Up"
-msgstr "ÐеÑемеÑÑиÑÑ Ð²ÑÑе"
-msgid "Index Order"
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑдок индекÑаÑии"
-msgid "Checkbox"
-msgstr "ÐаÑкеÑ"
-msgid "Flags"
-msgstr "Флажки"
-msgid "Size"
-msgstr "РазмеÑ"
-msgid ""
-"The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message "
-"index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to "
-"fit your needs."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐоÑÑдок индекÑаÑии - ÑÑо поÑÑдок, в коÑоÑом ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ÑобÑажаÑÑÑÑ Ð² ваÑей "
-"папке. ÐÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе добавиÑÑ, ÑдалиÑÑ, или пеÑемеÑÑиÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð»Ð¾Ð½ÐºÐ¸ по ÑÐ²Ð¾ÐµÐ¼Ñ "
-msgid "up"
-msgstr "вÑÑе"
-msgid "down"
-msgstr "ниже"
-msgid "remove"
-msgstr "ÑдалиÑÑ"
-msgid "Return to options page"
-msgstr "ÐеÑнÑÑÑÑÑ Ðº наÑÑÑойке"
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "ÐиÑнÑе ÑведениÑ"
-msgid "Display Preferences"
-msgstr "ÐнеÑний вид"
-msgid "Folder Preferences"
-msgstr "Ðапки"
-msgid "Successfully Saved Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки бÑли ÑоÑ
-msgid "Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "обновиÑÑ ÑпиÑок папок"
-msgid "Refresh Page"
-msgstr "ÐбновиÑÑ ÑÑÑаниÑÑ"
-msgid ""
-"This contains personal information about yourself such as your name, your "
-"email address, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐдеÑÑ Ð²Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе ÑказаÑÑ ÑÐ²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ Ñебе: имÑ, ÑамилиÑ, адÑÐµÑ ÑлекÑÑонной "
-"поÑÑÑ, и Ñ. д."
-msgid ""
-"You can change the way that SquirrelMail looks and displays information to "
-"you, such as the colors, the language, and other settings."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐдеÑÑ Ð²Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе наÑÑÑоиÑÑ, как SquirrelMail вÑглÑÐ´Ð¸Ñ Ð² ваÑем бÑаÑзеÑе - "
-"измениÑÑ ÑвеÑа, ÑзÑк и пÑоÑие паÑамеÑÑÑ Ð¾ÑобÑажениÑ."
-msgid ""
-"Based upon given criteria, incoming messages can have different background "
-"colors in the message list. This helps to easily distinguish who the "
-"messages are from, especially for mailing lists."
-msgstr ""
-"СообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² ваÑем ÑÑике могÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÑвеÑиваÑÑÑÑ ÑазнÑми ÑвеÑами. ÐÑо позволÑÐµÑ "
-"Ñ Ð»ÐµÐ³ÐºÐ¾ÑÑÑÑ Ð¾ÑлиÑаÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ð¶Ð½Ñе ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ñ Ð¿ÑоÑиÑ
, оÑобенно пÑи иÑполÑзовании "
-"ÑпиÑков ÑаÑÑÑлки."
-msgid "These settings change the way your folders are displayed and manipulated."
-msgstr "ÐдеÑÑ Ð²Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе наÑÑÑоиÑÑ Ð¿Ð°ÑамеÑÑÑ ÑазнÑÑ
папок в ваÑем ÑÑике."
-msgid ""
-"The order of the message index can be rearranged and changed to contain the "
-"headers in any order you want."
-msgstr "ÐÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе поменÑÑÑ ÑаÑположение заголовков в ÑаблиÑе ÑообÑений."
-msgid "Message not printable"
-msgstr "ÐепеÑаÑаемое ÑообÑение"
-msgid "Printer Friendly"
-msgstr "ÐеÑÑÐ¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑаÑи"
-msgid "CC"
-msgstr "ÐопиÑ"
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "ÐеÑаÑаÑÑ"
-msgid "View Printable Version"
-msgstr "ÐеÑÑÐ¸Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑаÑи"
-msgid "Read:"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑиÑано:"
-msgid "Your message"
-msgstr "ÐаÑе ÑообÑение"
-msgid "Sent:"
-msgstr "ÐÑпÑавлено:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Was displayed on %s"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑено %s"
-msgid "less"
-msgstr "менÑÑе"
-msgid "more"
-msgstr "болÑÑе"
-msgid "Unknown sender"
-msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑнÑй оÑпÑавиÑелÑ"
-msgid "Mailer"
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÑогÑамма"
-msgid "Read receipt"
-msgstr "Уведомление о пÑоÑÑении"
-msgid "send"
-msgstr "оÑпÑавиÑÑ"
-msgid "requested"
-msgstr "запÑоÑено"
-msgid ""
-"The message sender has requested a response to indicate that you have read "
-"this message. Would you like to send a receipt?"
-msgstr ""
-"ÐвÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÑого ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑоÑил Ñведомление о пÑоÑÑении. ÐÑпÑавиÑÑ "
-msgid "Send read receipt now"
-msgstr "ÐÑпÑавиÑÑ Ñведомление немедленно"
-msgid "Search results"
-msgstr "РезÑлÑÑаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¸Ñка"
-msgid "Message List"
-msgstr "СпиÑок ÑообÑений"
-msgid "Resume Draft"
-msgstr "ÐозобновиÑÑ ÑабоÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð´ ÑеÑновиком"
-msgid "Edit Message as New"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ ÑообÑение как новое"
-msgid "View Message"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Forward"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеÑлаÑÑ"
-msgid "Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеÑлаÑÑ Ð²Ð»Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸ÐµÐ¼"
-msgid "Reply"
-msgstr "ÐÑвеÑиÑÑ"
-msgid "Reply All"
-msgstr "ÐÑвеÑиÑÑ Ð²Ñем"
-msgid "View Full Header"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑеÑÑ Ð²Ñе заголовки"
-msgid "Attachments"
-msgstr "ÐложениÑ"
-msgid "You must be logged in to access this page."
-msgstr "ÐÐ»Ñ Ð´Ð¾ÑÑÑпа к ÑÑой ÑÑÑаниÑе ÑÑебÑеÑÑÑ Ð²Ð²ÐµÑÑи Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¸ паÑолÑ."
-msgid "Folder:"
-msgstr "Ðапка:"
-msgid "edit"
-msgstr "ÑедакÑиÑоваÑÑ"
-msgid "search"
-msgstr "иÑкаÑÑ"
-msgid "delete"
-msgstr "ÑдалиÑÑ"
-msgid "Recent Searches"
-msgstr "ÐÑедÑдÑÑие поиÑки"
-msgid "save"
-msgstr "ÑоÑ
-msgid "forget"
-msgstr "забÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Current Search"
-msgstr "ТекÑÑий поиÑк"
-msgid "All Folders"
-msgstr "ÐÑе папки"
-msgid "Body"
-msgstr "Тело"
-msgid "Everywhere"
-msgstr "Ðезде"
-msgid "Search Results"
-msgstr "РезÑлÑÑаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¸Ñка"
-msgid "No Messages Found"
-msgstr "СообÑений не найдено"
-msgid "Sign Out"
-msgstr "ÐаконÑиÑÑ ÑеанÑ"
-msgid "You have been successfully signed out."
-msgstr "Ð¡ÐµÐ°Ð½Ñ ÑабоÑÑ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñен."
-msgid "Click here to log back in."
-msgstr "ÐажмиÑе здеÑÑ, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð½Ð°ÑаÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñй ÑÐµÐ°Ð½Ñ ÑабоÑÑ."
-msgid "Viewing a Business Card"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ Ð²Ð¸Ð·Ð¸Ñки"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "ÐолжноÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Email"
-msgstr "Email"
-msgid "Web Page"
-msgstr "WWW-ÑÑÑаниÑа"
-msgid "Organization / Department"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ / ÐÑдел"
-msgid "Address"
-msgstr "ÐдÑеÑ"
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "РабоÑий ÑелеÑон"
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "ÐомаÑний ÑелеÑон"
-msgid "Cellular Phone"
-msgstr "ÐобилÑнÑй ÑелеÑон"
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "ФакÑ"
-msgid "Note"
-msgstr "ÐамеÑка"
-msgid "Add to Addressbook"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ Ð² адÑеÑнÑÑ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ñ"
-msgid "Title & Org. / Dept."
-msgstr "ÐолжноÑÑÑ Ð¸ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ / ÐÑдел"
-msgid "Viewing Full Header"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ Ð²ÑеÑ
заголовков ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Viewing a text attachment"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ ÑекÑÑового вложениÑ"
-msgid "Personal address book"
-msgstr "ÐдÑеÑа"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Database error: %s"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка Ð±Ð°Ð·Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½ÑÑ
: %s"
-msgid "Addressbook is read-only"
-msgstr "ÐдÑеÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ð° доÑÑÑпна ÑолÑко Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑениÑ"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' already exist"
-msgstr "ÐолÑзоваÑÐµÐ»Ñ '%s' Ñже ÑÑÑеÑÑвÑеÑ"
-#, c-format
-msgid "User '%s' does not exist"
-msgstr "ÐолÑзоваÑÐµÐ»Ñ '%s' не ÑÑÑеÑÑвÑеÑ"
-msgid "Global address book"
-msgstr "ÐбÑÐ°Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑÐ½Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ð°"
-msgid "No such file or directory"
-msgstr "Файл или каÑалог не ÑÑÑеÑÑвÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Open failed"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи ÑÑении"
-msgid "Can not modify global address book"
-msgstr "ÐапиÑи в обÑей адÑеÑной книге не могÑÑ Ð±ÑÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ñ"
-msgid "Not a file name"
-msgstr "Указано не Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ñайла"
-msgid "Write failed"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи запиÑи"
-msgid "Unable to update"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи обновлении"
-msgid "Could not lock datafile"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи попÑÑке блокиÑовки Ñайла даннÑÑ
-msgid "Write to addressbook failed"
-msgstr "ÐопÑÑка запиÑи в адÑеÑнÑÑ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑдалаÑÑ"
-msgid "Error initializing addressbook database."
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи иниÑиализаÑии адÑеÑной Ð±Ð°Ð·Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½ÑÑ
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening file %s"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи оÑкÑÑÑии Ñайла %s"
-msgid "Error initializing global addressbook."
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи иниÑиализаÑии обÑей адÑеÑной книги."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error initializing LDAP server %s:"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи иниÑиализаÑии LDAP ÑеÑвеÑа %s:"
-msgid "Invalid input data"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка вÑ
-msgid "Name is missing"
-msgstr "ÐÑопÑÑено имÑ"
-msgid "E-mail address is missing"
-msgstr "ÐÑопÑÑен адÑÐµÑ Ñл. поÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Nickname contains illegal characters"
-msgstr "ÐÑевдоним ÑодеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾Ð¿ÑÑÑимÑе ÑимволÑ"
-msgid "view"
-msgstr "пÑоÑмоÑÑеÑÑ"
-msgid "Business Card"
-msgstr "ÐизиÑка"
-msgid "Sunday"
-msgstr "ÐоÑкÑеÑенÑе"
-msgid "Monday"
-msgstr "ÐонеделÑник"
-msgid "Tuesday"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑник"
-msgid "Wednesday"
-msgstr "СÑеда"
-msgid "Thursday"
-msgstr "ЧеÑвеÑг"
-msgid "Friday"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑниÑа"
-msgid "Saturday"
-msgstr "СÑббоÑа"
-msgid "Sun"
-msgstr "ÐÑк"
-msgid "Mon"
-msgstr "Ðнд"
-msgid "Tue"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑ"
-msgid "Wed"
-msgstr "СÑд"
-msgid "Thu"
-msgstr "ЧÑв"
-msgid "Fri"
-msgstr "ÐÑн"
-msgid "Sat"
-msgstr "СÑб"
-msgid "January"
-msgstr "ЯнваÑÑ"
-msgid "February"
-msgstr "ФевÑалÑ"
-msgid "March"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑ"
-msgid "April"
-msgstr "ÐпÑелÑ"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Ðай"
-msgid "June"
-msgstr "ÐÑнÑ"
-msgid "July"
-msgstr "ÐÑлÑ"
-msgid "August"
-msgstr "ÐвгÑÑÑ"
-msgid "September"
-msgstr "СенÑÑбÑÑ"
-msgid "October"
-msgstr "ÐкÑÑбÑÑ"
-msgid "November"
-msgstr "ÐоÑбÑÑ"
-msgid "December"
-msgstr "ÐекабÑÑ"
-msgid "Jan"
-msgstr "Янв"
-msgid "Feb"
-msgstr "Фев"
-msgid "Mar"
-msgstr "ÐаÑ"
-msgid "Apr"
-msgstr "ÐпÑ"
-msgid "May"
-msgstr "Ðай"
-msgid "Jun"
-msgstr "ÐÑн"
-msgid "Jul"
-msgstr "ÐÑл"
-msgid "Aug"
-msgstr "Ðвг"
-msgid "Sep"
-msgstr "Сен"
-msgid "Oct"
-msgstr "ÐкÑ"
-msgid "Nov"
-msgstr "ÐоÑ"
-msgid "Dec"
-msgstr "Ðек"
-msgid "D, F j, Y g:i a"
-msgstr "D, j F Y G:i"
-msgid "D, F j, Y G:i"
-msgstr "D, j F Y G:i"
-msgid "g:i a"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "G:i"
-msgstr "G:i"
-msgid "D, g:i a"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-msgid "D, G:i"
-msgstr "D, G:i"
-msgid "M j, Y"
-msgstr "j M Y"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Preference database error (%s). Exiting abnormally"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка Ð±Ð°Ð·Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½ÑÑ
наÑÑÑоек (%s). РабоÑа пÑекÑаÑена."
-msgid "Unknown user or password incorrect."
-msgstr "ÐевеÑнÑе Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ паÑолÑ."
-msgid "Click here to try again"
-msgstr "ÐажмиÑе здеÑÑ, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿ÑобоваÑÑ ÐµÑе Ñаз."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Click here to return to %s"
-msgstr "ÐажмиÑе здеÑÑ, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð²ÐµÑнÑÑÑÑÑ Ð² %s"
-msgid "Go to the login page"
-msgstr "ÐеÑейÑи ко вÑ
одной ÑÑÑаниÑе"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, does not exist. Log out, and log back in to create a "
-"default preference file."
-msgstr ""
-"Файл наÑÑÑоек %s не ÑÑÑеÑÑвÑеÑ. ÐаконÑиÑе ÑеанÑ, а заÑем наÑниÑе его Ñнова, "
-"ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð²Ð¾ÑÑоздаÑÑ Ñайл. "
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Ðе ÑдаÑÑÑÑ Ð¾ÑкÑÑÑÑ Ñайл наÑÑÑоек %s. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Ðе ÑдаÑÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑаÑÑ Ñайл наÑÑÑоек %s. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Preference file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Ðе ÑдаÑÑÑÑ ÑкопиÑоваÑÑ Ñайл наÑÑÑоек %s из вÑеменного Ñайла "
-"%s. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error opening %s"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи оÑкÑÑÑии %s"
-msgid "Default preference file not found or not readable!"
-msgstr "Файл наÑÑÑоек по ÑмолÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ найден или недоÑÑÑпен Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑениÑ."
-msgid "Please contact your system administrator and report this error."
-msgstr "СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-msgid "Could not create initial preference file!"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи попÑÑке ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñайла наÑÑÑоек!"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s should be writable by user %s"
-msgstr "%s ÑÑебÑÐµÑ Ð¿Ñава доÑÑÑпа Ð´Ð»Ñ %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be opened. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Ðе ÑдаÑÑÑÑ Ð¾ÑкÑÑÑÑ Ñайл подпиÑи %s. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be written. Contact your system administrator "
-"to resolve this issue."
-msgstr "Ðе ÑдаÑÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑаÑÑ Ð² Ñайл подпиÑи %s. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Signature file, %s, could not be copied from temporary file, %s. Contact "
-"your system administrator to resolve this issue."
-msgstr ""
-"Ðе ÑдаÑÑÑÑ ÑкопиÑоваÑÑ Ñайл подпиÑи %s из вÑеменного Ñайла "
-"%s. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-msgid ""
-"You need to have php4 installed with the multibyte string function enabled "
-"(using configure option --enable-mbstring)."
-msgstr ""
-"Ðам необÑ
одима ÑÑÑановка PHP Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÑжкой модÑÐ»Ñ Ð¼Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾Ð±Ð°Ð¹ÑнÑÑ
ÑÑÑок (Ñ "
-"опÑией configure --with-mbstring)."
-msgid "ERROR : No available imapstream."
-msgstr "ÐШÐÐÐÐ: imapstream недоÑÑÑпен."
-msgid "ERROR : Could not complete request."
-msgstr "ÐШÐÐÐÐ: запÑÐ¾Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð±ÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑÑен."
-msgid "Query:"
-msgstr "ÐапÑоÑ:"
-msgid "Reason Given: "
-msgstr "ÐÑиÑина: "
-msgid "ERROR : Bad or malformed request."
-msgstr "ÐШÐÐÐÐ: ÐедопÑÑÑимÑй запÑоÑ."
-msgid "Server responded: "
-msgstr "ÐÑÐ²ÐµÑ ÑеÑвеÑа: "
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error connecting to IMAP server: %s."
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи попÑÑке ÑвÑзи Ñ IMAP-ÑеÑвеÑом: %s."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Bad request: %s"
-msgstr "ÐедопÑÑÑимÑй запÑоÑ: %s"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown error: %s"
-msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ñибка: %s"
-msgid "Read data:"
-msgstr "ЧÑение даннÑÑ
-msgid "ERROR : Could not append message to"
-msgstr "ÐШÐÐÐÐ: ÑообÑение не Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð±ÑÑÑ Ð¿ÑикÑеплено к "
-msgid "Solution: "
-msgstr "ÐодÑказки:"
-msgid ""
-"Remove unneccessary messages from your folder and start with your Trash "
-msgstr "УдалиÑе ненÑжнÑе ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð· папки и наÑниÑе ÑабоÑÑ Ð¸Ð· папки коÑзинÑ."
-msgid "(no subject)"
-msgstr "(Ð½ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ°)"
-msgid "Unknown Sender"
-msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑнÑй оÑпÑавиÑелÑ"
-msgid "Unknown response from IMAP server: "
-msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑнÑй оÑÐ²ÐµÑ IMAP-ÑеÑвеÑа: "
-msgid "Unknown date"
-msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð°Ñа"
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "Ð"
-msgid ""
-"Thread sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report this "
-"to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ IMAP-ÑеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Ð½Ðµ поддеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÐµÑ ÑоÑÑиÑÐ¾Ð²ÐºÑ Ð¿Ð¾ Ñемам.
СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ "
-"ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-msgid ""
-"Server-side sorting is not supported by your IMAP server.
Please report "
-"this to the system administrator."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ IMAP-ÑеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Ð½Ðµ поддеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÐµÑ ÑоÑÑиÑÐ¾Ð²ÐºÑ Ð½Ð° ÑеÑвеÑе.
СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ "
-"ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-msgid "Move Selected To"
-msgstr "ÐеÑемеÑÑиÑÑ Ð²ÑделеннÑе в"
-msgid "Transform Selected Messages"
-msgstr "ÐÑеобÑазоваÑÑ Ð²ÑделеннÑе ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Move"
-msgstr "ÐеÑемеÑÑиÑÑ"
-msgid "Expunge"
-msgstr "ÐÑиÑÑиÑÑ"
-msgid "mailbox"
-msgstr "папка"
-msgid "Read"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑиÑаннÑe"
-msgid "Unread"
-msgstr "ÐепÑоÑиÑаннÑe"
-msgid "Unthread View"
-msgstr "УбÑаÑÑ ÑоÑÑиÑÐ¾Ð²ÐºÑ Ð¿Ð¾ Ñемам"
-msgid "Thread View"
-msgstr "СоÑÑиÑоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ Ñемам"
-msgid "Toggle All"
-msgstr "ÐÑделиÑÑ Ð²Ñе"
-msgid "Unselect All"
-msgstr "СнÑÑÑ Ð²Ñделение"
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "ÐÑделиÑÑ Ð²Ñе"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Messages: %s to %s (%s total)"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ ÑообÑений: Ð¾Ñ %s до %s (%s вÑего)"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Viewing Message: %s (1 total)"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ ÑообÑениÑ: %s (1 вÑего)"
-msgid "Paginate"
-msgstr "РазбиÑÑ Ð½Ð° ÑÑÑаниÑÑ"
-msgid "Show All"
-msgstr "ÐоказаÑÑ Ð²Ñе"
-msgid "SquirrelMail could not decode the bodystructure of the message"
-msgstr "Ðе ÑдаеÑÑÑ ÑаÑкодиÑоваÑÑ ÑÑÑÑкÑÑÑÑ Ñела ÑообÑениÑ."
-msgid "the provided bodystructure by your imap-server"
-msgstr "ÑÑÑÑкÑÑÑа Ñела ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° ÑеÑвеÑе"
-msgid ""
-"Body retrieval error. The reason for this is most probably that the message "
-"is malformed."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑибка пÑи попÑÑке полÑÑиÑÑ Ñело ÑообÑениÑ. ÐеÑоÑÑÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÑиÑина: недопÑÑÑимÑй "
-"ÑоÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ ÑообÑениÑ."
-msgid "Command:"
-msgstr "Ðоманда:"
-msgid "Response:"
-msgstr "ÐÑвеÑ:"
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "СообÑение:"
-msgid "FETCH line:"
-msgstr "FETCH ÑÑÑока:"
-msgid "Hide Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "СкÑÑÑÑ Ð½ÐµÐ±ÐµÐ·Ð¾Ð¿Ð°ÑнÑе изобÑажениÑ"
-msgid "View Unsafe Images"
-msgstr "ÐоказаÑÑ Ð½ÐµÐ±ÐµÐ·Ð¾Ð¿Ð°ÑнÑе изобÑажениÑ"
-msgid "download"
-msgstr "загÑÑзиÑÑ"
-msgid "sec_remove_eng.png"
-msgstr "sec_remove_ru.png"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Option Type '%s' Not Found"
-msgstr "ÐпÑÐ¸Ñ '%s' не найдена"
-msgid "Current Folder"
-msgstr "ТекÑÑÐ°Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ°"
-msgid "Compose"
-msgstr "Ðовое ÑообÑение"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Error creating directory %s."
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи Ñоздании каÑалога %s."
-msgid "Could not create hashed directory structure!"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи попÑÑке ÑÐ¾Ð·Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ
-msgid "Service not available, closing channel"
-msgstr "СеÑÐ²Ð¸Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ´Ð¾ÑÑÑпен, завеÑÑение ÑоединениÑ"
-msgid "A password transition is needed"
-msgstr "ÐеобÑ
одима пеÑедаÑа паÑолÑ"
-msgid "Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ Ð½Ðµ вÑполнен: поÑÑовÑй ÑÑик недоÑÑÑпен"
-msgid "Requested action aborted: error in processing"
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¿ÑеÑван: оÑибка пÑи вÑполнении"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage"
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ Ð½Ðµ вÑполнен: недоÑÑаÑоÑно меÑÑа на диÑке"
-msgid "Temporary authentication failure"
-msgstr "ÐопÑÑка вÑеменной авÑоÑизаÑии не ÑдалаÑÑ"
-msgid "Syntax error; command not recognized"
-msgstr "СинÑакÑиÑеÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¾Ñибка: команда не ÑаÑпознана"
-msgid "Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
-msgstr "СинÑакÑиÑеÑÐºÐ°Ñ Ð¾Ñибка в паÑамеÑÑаÑ
или аÑгÑменÑаÑ
-msgid "Command not implemented"
-msgstr "Ðоманда не поддеÑживаеÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Bad sequence of commands"
-msgstr "ÐедопÑÑÑÐ¸Ð¼Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑледоваÑелÑноÑÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´"
-msgid "Command parameter not implemented"
-msgstr "ÐаÑамеÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ñ Ð½Ðµ поддеÑживаеÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Authentication required"
-msgstr "ТÑебÑеÑÑÑ Ð°Ð²ÑоÑизаÑиÑ"
-msgid "Authentication mechanism is too weak"
-msgstr "СпоÑоб авÑоÑизаÑии недоÑÑаÑоÑно заÑиÑен"
-msgid "Authentication failed"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи авÑоÑизаÑии"
-msgid "Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism"
-msgstr "ÐапÑоÑеннÑй ÑпоÑоб авÑоÑизаÑии ÑÑебÑÐµÑ ÑиÑÑованиÑ"
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable"
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ Ð½Ðµ вÑполнен: поÑÑовÑй ÑÑик недоÑÑÑпен"
-msgid "User not local; please try forwarding"
-msgstr "ÐолÑзоваÑÐµÐ»Ñ Ð½Ðµ на локалÑном ÑеÑвеÑе; иÑполÑзÑйÑе пеÑеÑÑлкÑ"
-msgid "Requested mail action aborted: exceeding storage allocation"
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ Ð½Ðµ вÑполнен: пÑевÑÑен Ð»Ð¸Ð¼Ð¸Ñ Ñ
-msgid "Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed"
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ Ð½Ðµ вÑполнен: недопÑÑÑимое Ð¸Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑового ÑÑика"
-msgid "Transaction failed"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка ÑÑанзакÑии"
-msgid "Unknown response"
-msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑнÑй оÑвеÑ"
-msgid "General Display Options"
-msgstr "ÐбÑие"
-msgid "Theme"
-msgstr "СÑилÑ"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Ðо ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Custom Stylesheet"
-msgstr "ÐолÑзоваÑелÑÑкий"
-msgid "Language"
-msgstr "ЯзÑк"
-msgid "Use Javascript"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Javascript"
-msgid "Autodetect"
-msgstr "ÐвÑомаÑиÑеÑки"
-msgid "Always"
-msgstr "ÐÑегда"
-msgid "Never"
-msgstr "Ðикогда"
-msgid "Mailbox Display Options"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмление папок"
-msgid "Number of Messages to Index"
-msgstr "ÐолиÑеÑÑво индекÑиÑованнÑÑ
-msgid "Enable Alternating Row Colors"
-msgstr "ÐодÑвеÑиваÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ð¶Ð´Ð¾Ðµ вÑоÑое ÑообÑение?"
-msgid "Enable Page Selector"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð²ÑÐ±Ð¾Ñ ÑÑÑаниÑÑ"
-msgid "Maximum Number of Pages to Show"
-msgstr "ÐакÑималÑное колиÑеÑÑво ÑÑÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Message Display and Composition"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмление ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Wrap Incoming Text At"
-msgstr "ÐеÑÐµÐ½Ð¾Ñ ÑÑÑоки в позиÑии"
-msgid "Size of Editor Window"
-msgstr "Ð Ð°Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ Ð¾ÐºÐ½Ð° ÑедакÑоÑа ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Location of Buttons when Composing"
-msgstr "РаÑположение кнопок пÑи напиÑании ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Before headers"
-msgstr "ÐеÑед заголовками"
-msgid "Between headers and message body"
-msgstr "ÐÐµÐ¶Ð´Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ°Ð¼Ð¸ и Ñелом ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "After message body"
-msgstr "ÐоÑле Ñела ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Addressbook Display Format"
-msgstr "Ðид адÑеÑной книги"
-msgid "Javascript"
-msgstr "JavaScript"
-msgid "HTML"
-msgstr "HTML"
-msgid "Show HTML Version by Default"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ HTML-веÑÑÐ¸Ñ ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Enable Forward as Attachment"
-msgstr "ÐклÑÑиÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑенапÑавление вложением"
-msgid "Include CCs when Forwarding Messages"
-msgstr "Также оÑпÑавлÑÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑаÑам, ÑказаннÑм в поле \"ÐопиÑ\""
-msgid "Include Me in CC when I Reply All"
-msgstr "ÐобавлÑÑÑ Ñвой адÑÐµÑ Ð² поле \"ÐопиÑ:\" пÑи оÑвеÑе вÑем"
-msgid "Enable Mailer Display"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑовÑÑ Ð¿ÑогÑаммÑ"
-msgid "Display Attached Images with Message"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¾Ð±ÑажениÑ, вложеннÑе в пиÑÑмо"
-msgid "Enable Printer Friendly Clean Display"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð² виде, пÑигодном Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑаÑи"
-msgid "Enable Mail Delivery Notification"
-msgstr "РазÑеÑиÑÑ Ñведомление о доÑÑавке"
-msgid "Compose Messages in New Window"
-msgstr "ÐовÑе ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² новом окне"
-msgid "Width of Compose Window"
-msgstr "ШиÑина окна Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑообÑений"
-msgid "Height of Compose Window"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑоÑа окна Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑообÑений"
-msgid "Append Signature before Reply/Forward Text"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑавлÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑед ÑиÑиÑованнÑм ÑекÑÑом"
-msgid "Enable Sort by of Receive Date"
-msgstr "СоÑÑиÑовка по даÑе полÑÑениÑ"
-msgid "Enable Thread Sort by References Header"
-msgstr "СоÑÑиÑовка по Ñемам ÑообÑений"
-msgid "Special Folder Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка ÑпеÑиалÑнÑÑ
-msgid "Folder Path"
-msgstr "ÐаÑ
ождение папок (Path)"
-msgid "Do not use Trash"
-msgstr "Ðе иÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ ÐºÐ¾ÑзинÑ"
-msgid "Trash Folder"
-msgstr "ÐоÑзина (Trash)"
-msgid "Do not use Sent"
-msgstr "Ðе копиÑоваÑÑ ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ Sent"
-msgid "Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Ðапка Ñ Ð¾ÑпÑавленнÑми ÑообÑениÑми (Sent)"
-msgid "Do not use Drafts"
-msgstr "Ðе иÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑеÑновиков (Drafts)"
-msgid "Draft Folder"
-msgstr "Ðапка Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑеÑновиков (Drafts)"
-msgid "Folder List Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка ÑпиÑка папок"
-msgid "Location of Folder List"
-msgstr "РаÑположение ÑпиÑка Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ°Ð¼Ð¸"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Слева"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "СпÑава"
-msgid "pixels"
-msgstr "пикÑелей"
-msgid "Width of Folder List"
-msgstr "ШиÑина колонки Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ°Ð¼Ð¸"
-msgid "Minutes"
-msgstr "ÐинÑÑ"
-msgid "Seconds"
-msgstr "СекÑнд"
-msgid "Minute"
-msgstr "ÐинÑÑа"
-msgid "Auto Refresh Folder List"
-msgstr "ÐвÑомаÑиÑеÑки обновлÑÑÑ ÑпиÑок"
-msgid "Enable Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "СообÑаÑÑ Ð¾ непÑоÑмоÑÑеннÑÑ
-msgid "No Notification"
-msgstr "Ðе ÑообÑаÑÑ"
-msgid "Only INBOX"
-msgstr "ТолÑко поÑÑÑпаÑÑие в Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ INBOX"
-msgid "Unread Message Notification Type"
-msgstr "Ðид ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ непÑоÑиÑаннÑÑ
-msgid "Only Unseen"
-msgstr "ТолÑко непÑоÑиÑаннÑе"
-msgid "Unseen and Total"
-msgstr "ÐепÑоÑиÑаннÑе и вÑего"
-msgid "Enable Collapsible Folders"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ ÑвоÑаÑиваемÑе папки"
-msgid "Enable Cumulative Unread Message Notification"
-msgstr "ÐклÑÑиÑÑ Ñведомление о блоке непÑоÑиÑаннÑÑ
-msgid "Show Clock on Folders Panel"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð²ÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð² колонке Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ°Ð¼Ð¸"
-msgid "No Clock"
-msgstr "Ðе показÑваÑÑ Ð²ÑемÑ"
-msgid "Hour Format"
-msgstr "ФоÑмаÑ"
-msgid "12-hour clock"
-msgstr "12-ÑаÑовой"
-msgid "24-hour clock"
-msgstr "24-ÑаÑовой"
-msgid "Memory Search"
-msgstr "ÐÑкаÑÑ Ð² памÑÑи"
-msgid "Disabled"
-msgstr "ÐÑклÑÑено"
-msgid "Folder Selection Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑамеÑÑÑ Ð²ÑбоÑа папок"
-msgid "Selection List Style"
-msgstr "СÑÐ¸Ð»Ñ ÑпиÑка вÑбоÑа"
-msgid "Long: "
-msgstr "ÐодÑобно: "
-msgid "Indented: "
-msgstr "С оÑÑÑÑпом: "
-msgid "Delimited: "
-msgstr "С огÑаниÑиÑелем: "
-msgid "Name and Address Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка имени и адÑеÑа"
-msgid "Email Address"
-msgstr "ÐдÑÐµÑ e-mail"
-msgid "Edit Advanced Identities"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ Ð´Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸ÑелÑнÑе пÑоÑили"
-msgid "(discards changes made on this form so far)"
-msgstr "(оÑклониÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ ÑбÑоÑиÑÑ ÑоÑмÑ)"
-msgid "Multiple Identities"
-msgstr "ÐеÑколÑко пÑоÑилей"
-msgid "Same as server"
-msgstr "Ðак на ÑеÑвеÑе"
-msgid "Error opening timezone config, contact administrator."
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи опÑеделении вÑеменной зонÑ. СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÑиÑÑемнÑм админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-msgid "Timezone Options"
-msgstr "ÐÑеменнÑе поÑÑа"
-msgid "Your current timezone"
-msgstr "ТекÑÑÐ°Ñ Ð·Ð¾Ð½Ð°"
-msgid "Reply Citation Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑамеÑÑÑ Ð¾ÑвеÑного ÑиÑиÑованиÑ"
-msgid "Reply Citation Style"
-msgstr "СÑÐ¸Ð»Ñ Ð¾ÑвеÑного ÑиÑиÑованиÑ"
-msgid "No Citation"
-msgstr "Ðе ÑиÑиÑоваÑÑ"
-msgid "AUTHOR Said"
-msgstr "ÐÐТÐÐ ÑообÑил(а)"
-msgid "Quote Who XML"
-msgstr "ЦиÑиÑоваÑÑ Ð² XML-ÑÑиле"
-msgid "User-Defined"
-msgstr "ÐнаÑе"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation Start"
-msgstr "РнаÑале ÑиÑаÑÑ"
-msgid "User-Defined Citation End"
-msgstr "РконÑе ÑиÑаÑÑ"
-msgid "Signature Options"
-msgstr "ÐодпиÑÑ"
-msgid "Use Signature"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ"
-msgid "Prefix Signature with '-- ' Line"
-msgstr "ÐÑедваÑÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ ÑеÑÑой '-- '?"
-msgid "Take Address"
-msgstr "ÐапомниÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑ"
-msgid "Address Book Take:"
-msgstr "ÐапиÑÑ Ð² адÑеÑнÑÑ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ñ"
-msgid "Try to verify addresses"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑиÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑа"
-msgid "Config File Version"
-msgstr "ÐеÑÑÐ¸Ñ Ñайла конÑигÑÑаÑии"
-msgid "Squirrelmail Version"
-msgstr "ÐеÑÑÐ¸Ñ Squirrelmail"
-msgid "PHP Version"
-msgstr "ÐеÑÑÐ¸Ñ PHP"
-msgid "Organization Preferences"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки ÑайÑа"
-msgid "Organization Name"
-msgstr "Ðазвание оÑганизаÑии"
-msgid "Organization Logo"
-msgstr "ÐогоÑип компании"
-msgid "Organization Logo Width"
-msgstr "ШиÑина логоÑипа компании (в пикÑелаÑ
-msgid "Organization Logo Height"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑоÑа логоÑипа компании (в пикÑелаÑ
-msgid "Organization Title"
-msgstr "Ðазвание компании"
-msgid "Signout Page"
-msgstr "СÑÑаниÑа вÑÑ
-msgid "Provider Link URI"
-msgstr "ÐдÑÐµÑ Ð¿ÑовайдеÑа"
-msgid "Provider Name"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¼Ñ Ð¿ÑовайдеÑа"
-msgid "Default Language"
-msgstr "ЯзÑк по ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Top Frame"
-msgstr "РабоÑий ÑÑейм"
-msgid "Server Settings"
-msgstr "СеÑвеÑ"
-msgid "Mail Domain"
-msgstr "Ðомен"
-msgid "IMAP Server Address"
-msgstr "ÐдÑÐµÑ IMAP-ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid "IMAP Server Port"
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑ IMAP-ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid "IMAP Server Type"
-msgstr "Тип IMAP-ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid "Cyrus IMAP server"
-msgstr "IMAP-ÑеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Cyrus"
-msgid "University of Washington's IMAP server"
-msgstr "IMAP-ÑеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Ð¾Ñ ÐаÑингÑонÑкого ÑнивеÑÑиÑеÑа"
-msgid "Microsoft Exchange IMAP server"
-msgstr "IMAP-ÑеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Microsoft Exchange"
-msgid "Courier IMAP server"
-msgstr "IMAP-ÑеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Courier-IMAP"
-msgid "Not one of the above servers"
-msgstr "Ðи один из вÑÑеÑказаннÑÑ
-msgid "IMAP Folder Delimiter"
-msgstr "ÐгÑаниÑиÑÐµÐ»Ñ IMAP-папок"
-msgid "Use \"detect\" to auto-detect."
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ \"detect\" Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð²ÑомаÑиÑеÑкого опÑеделениÑ."
-msgid "Use TLS for IMAP Connections"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ TLS Ð´Ð»Ñ IMAP-Ñоединений"
-msgid "Requires PHP 4.3.x! Experimental."
-msgstr "ТÑебÑеÑÑÑ PHP 4.3.x! ÐедоÑÑаÑоÑно пÑоÑеÑÑиÑовано."
-msgid "IMAP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "СпоÑоб авÑоÑизаÑии IMAP"
-msgid "Use Sendmail Binary"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Sendmail"
-msgid "Sendmail Path"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑÑ Ðº Sendmail"
-msgid "SMTP Server Address"
-msgstr "ÐдÑÐµÑ SMTP-ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid "SMTP Server Port"
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑ SMTP-ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid "Use TLS for SMTP Connections"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ TLS Ð´Ð»Ñ SMTP-Ñоединений"
-msgid "SMTP Authentication Type"
-msgstr "СпоÑоб авÑоÑизаÑии SMTP"
-msgid "POP3 Before SMTP?"
-msgstr "POP3 пеÑед SMTP?"
-msgid "Invert Time"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¾Ð±ÑаÑнÑй ÑоÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ñемени"
-msgid "Use Confirmation Flags"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Confirmation Flags"
-msgid "Folders Defaults"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки папок по ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Default Folder Prefix"
-msgstr "ÐÑеÑÐ¸ÐºÑ Ð¿Ð¾ ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Show Folder Prefix Option"
-msgstr "РазÑеÑаÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿ÑÐ¸Ñ Ð²ÑбоÑа пÑеÑикÑа"
-msgid "By default, move to trash"
-msgstr "Ðо ÑмолÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑемеÑаÑÑ Ð² коÑзинÑ"
-msgid "By default, move to sent"
-msgstr "Ðо ÑмолÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑемеÑаÑÑ Ð² Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ \"ÐÑпÑавленнÑе\""
-msgid "By default, save as draft"
-msgstr "Ðо ÑмолÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ ÑоÑ
ÑанÑÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ðº ÑеÑновик"
-msgid "List Special Folders First"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ ÑпеÑиалÑнÑе папки пеÑвÑми в ÑпиÑке"
-msgid "Show Special Folders Color"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ ÑпеÑиалÑнÑе папки дÑÑгим ÑвеÑом"
-msgid "Auto Expunge"
-msgstr "ÐвÑомаÑиÑеÑки оÑиÑаÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ¸"
-msgid "Default Sub. of INBOX"
-msgstr "Ðо ÑмолÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ñе папки ÑоздаÑÑÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ðº подпапки Ð´Ð»Ñ INBOX"
-msgid "Show 'Contain Sub.' Option"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿ÑÐ¸Ñ \"ÑодеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ¸\""
-msgid "Default Unseen Notify"
-msgstr "Ðо ÑмолÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑаÑÑ Ð¾ непÑоÑиÑаннÑÑ
-msgid "Default Unseen Type"
-msgstr "Тип непÑоÑиÑаннÑÑ
ÑообÑений по ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Auto Create Special Folders"
-msgstr "ÐвÑомаÑиÑеÑки ÑоздаваÑÑ ÑпеÑиалÑнÑе папки"
-msgid "Default Javascript Adrressbook"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑнÑÑ ÐºÐ½Ð¸Ð³Ñ Ñ Javascript по ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Auto delete folders"
-msgstr "ÐвÑомаÑиÑеÑки ÑдалÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ¸"
-msgid "Enable /NoSelect folder fix"
-msgstr "ÐÑпÑавлÑÑÑ Ð¾ÑÐ¸Ð±ÐºÑ /NoSelect"
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "ÐбÑие"
-msgid "Default Charset"
-msgstr "ÐодиÑовка по ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Data Directory"
-msgstr "ÐаÑалог Ñ Ð½Ð°ÑÑÑойками полÑзоваÑелей"
-msgid "Temp Directory"
-msgstr "ÐаÑалог Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²ÑеменнÑÑ
-msgid "Hash Level"
-msgstr "УÑÐ¾Ð²ÐµÐ½Ñ Ñ
-msgid "Hash Disabled"
-msgstr "Ðе иÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ°Ñалоги"
-msgid "Moderate"
-msgstr "Ðемного"
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "СÑедний ÑÑовенÑ"
-msgid "Default Left Size"
-msgstr "Ð Ð°Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ Ð»ÐµÐ²Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ ÑÑейма"
-msgid "Usernames in Lowercase"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¼Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑзоваÑÐµÐ»Ñ Ð² нижнем ÑегиÑÑÑе"
-msgid "Allow use of priority"
-msgstr "РазÑеÑиÑÑ Ð¸ÑполÑзование пÑиоÑиÑеÑов"
-msgid "Hide SM attributions"
-msgstr "Ðе добавлÑÑÑ SM-аÑÑибÑÑÑ Ðº ÑообÑениÑм"
-msgid "Enable use of delivery receipts"
-msgstr "РазÑеÑиÑÑ Ð¸ÑполÑзование Ñведомлений"
-msgid "Allow editing of identities"
-msgstr "РазÑеÑиÑÑ ÑедакÑиÑование пÑоÑилей"
-msgid "Allow editing of full name"
-msgstr "РазÑеÑиÑÑ ÑедакÑиÑование полного имени"
-msgid "Use server-side sorting"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ ÑоÑÑиÑÐ¾Ð²ÐºÑ Ð½Ð° ÑеÑвеÑе"
-msgid "Use server-side thread sorting"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ ÑоÑÑиÑÐ¾Ð²ÐºÑ Ð¿Ð¾ Ñемам на ÑеÑвеÑе"
-msgid "Allow server charset search"
-msgstr "РазÑеÑиÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¸Ñк кодиÑовки на ÑеÑвеÑе"
-msgid "UID support"
-msgstr "ÐоддеÑжка иденÑиÑикаÑоÑа UID"
-msgid "PHP session name"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¼Ñ ÑеанÑа PHP"
-msgid "Message of the Day"
-msgstr "ÐÑивеÑÑÑвие"
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Ðаза даннÑÑ
-msgid "Address book DSN"
-msgstr "DSN адÑеÑной книги"
-msgid "Address book table"
-msgstr "ТаблиÑа адÑеÑной книги"
-msgid "Preferences DSN"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка DSN"
-msgid "Preferences table"
-msgstr "ТаблиÑа 'preferences'"
-msgid "Preferences username field"
-msgstr "Ðоле имени в 'preferences'"
-msgid "Preferences key field"
-msgstr "Ðоле клÑÑа в 'preferences'"
-msgid "Preferences value field"
-msgstr "Ðоле знаÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² 'preferences'"
-msgid "Themes"
-msgstr "ТемÑ"
-msgid "Style Sheet URL (css)"
-msgstr "URL ÑÑÑаниÑÑ Ñ css-ÑÑилÑми"
-msgid "Default theme"
-msgstr "Тема по ÑмолÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Use index number of theme"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÑ Ð¸Ð½Ð´ÐµÐºÑа ÑемÑ"
-msgid "Configuration Administrator"
-msgstr "ÐдминиÑÑÑаÑÐ¾Ñ Ð½Ð°ÑÑÑойки"
-msgid "Theme Name"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¼Ñ ÑемÑ"
-msgid "Theme Path"
-msgstr "ÐаÑ
ождение ÑемÑ"
-msgid "Plugins"
-msgstr "ÐодÑли"
-msgid "Change Settings"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ Ð½Ð°ÑÑÑойки"
-msgid "Config file can't be opened. Please check config.php."
-msgstr "Файл конÑигÑÑаÑии недоÑÑÑпен. ÐÑовеÑÑÑе config.php."
-msgid "Administration"
-msgstr "ÐдминиÑÑÑиÑование"
-msgid ""
-"This module allows administrators to manage SquirrelMail main configuration "
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÑÐ»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð·Ð²Ð¾Ð»ÑÐµÑ Ð°Ð´Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸ÑÑÑаÑоÑам ÑедакÑиÑоваÑÑ Ð½Ð°ÑÑÑойки SquirrelMail в "
-"Ñдаленном Ñежиме."
-msgid "Bug Reports:"
-msgstr "ÐÑпÑавка ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ð± оÑибкаÑ
-msgid "Show button in toolbar"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ ÐºÐ½Ð¾Ð¿ÐºÑ Ð² менÑ"
-msgid "TODAY"
-msgstr "СÐÐÐÐÐЯ"
-msgid "Go"
-msgstr "ÐалÑÑе"
-msgid "l, F j Y"
-msgstr "l, F j Y"
-msgid "ADD"
-msgstr "ÐÐÐÐÐÐТЬ"
-msgid "EDIT"
-msgid "DEL"
-msgstr "УÐÐÐÐТЬ"
-msgid "Start time:"
-msgstr "ÐаÑало:"
-msgid "Length:"
-msgstr "РазмеÑ:"
-msgid "Priority:"
-msgstr "ÐÑиоÑиÑеÑ:"
-msgid "Title:"
-msgstr "Ðаголовок:"
-msgid "Set Event"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¼ÑÑкÑ"
-msgid "Event Has been added!"
-msgstr "ÐамÑÑка ÑоÑ
-msgid "Date:"
-msgstr "ÐаÑа:"
-msgid "Time:"
-msgstr "ÐÑемÑ:"
-msgid "Day View"
-msgstr "ÐÑкÑÑÑÑ Ð´ÐµÐ½Ñ"
-msgid "Do you really want to delete this event?"
-msgstr "ХоÑиÑе ÑдалиÑÑ ÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¼ÑÑкÑ?"
-msgid "Event deleted!"
-msgstr "ÐамÑÑка Ñдалена!"
-msgid "Nothing to delete!"
-msgstr "ÐеÑего ÑдалÑÑÑ!"
-msgid "Update Event"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¼ÑÑкÑ"
-msgid "Do you really want to change this event from:"
-msgstr "Ð Ñамом деле измениÑÑ ÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¼ÑÑÐºÑ Ñ:"
-msgid "to:"
-msgstr "на:"
-msgid "Event updated!"
-msgstr "ÐамÑÑка ÑоÑ
-msgid "Month View"
-msgstr "ÐÑкÑÑÑÑ Ð¼ÐµÑÑÑ"
-msgid "0 min."
-msgstr "0 мин"
-msgid "15 min."
-msgstr "15 мин"
-msgid "30 min."
-msgstr "30 мин"
-msgid "45 min."
-msgstr "45 мин"
-msgid "1 hr."
-msgstr "1 ÑаÑ"
-msgid "1.5 hr."
-msgstr "1.5 ÑаÑа"
-msgid "2 hr."
-msgstr "2 ÑаÑа"
-msgid "2.5 hr."
-msgstr "2.5 ÑаÑа"
-msgid "3 hr."
-msgstr "3 ÑаÑа"
-msgid "3.5 hr."
-msgstr "3.5 ÑаÑа"
-msgid "4 hr."
-msgstr "4 ÑаÑа"
-msgid "5 hr."
-msgstr "5 ÑаÑов"
-msgid "6 hr."
-msgstr "6 ÑаÑов"
-msgid "Calendar"
-msgstr "ÐалендаÑÑ"
-msgid "Delete & Prev"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ Ð¸ назад"
-msgid "Delete & Next"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ Ð¸ впеÑед"
-msgid "Move to:"
-msgstr "ÐеÑемеÑÑиÑÑ Ð²:"
-msgid "Delete/Move/Next Buttons:"
-msgstr "Ðнопки УдалиÑÑ/ÐеÑемеÑÑиÑÑ/ÐпеÑед"
-msgid "Display at top"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð²Ð²ÐµÑÑ
-msgid "with move option"
-msgstr "Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ñией пеÑемеÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² дÑÑгÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ"
-msgid "Display at bottom"
-msgstr "показÑваÑÑ Ð²Ð½Ð¸Ð·Ñ"
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It "
-"is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐÐТÐÐ - ÑÑÐ¾Ñ ÑпиÑок ÑодеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑовÑе ÑеÑвеÑа, коÑоÑÑе извеÑÑÐ½Ñ ÐºÐ°Ðº "
-"иÑполÑзÑемÑе Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑаÑÑÑлки Ñпама, и его ÑекомендÑеÑÑÑ Ð¸ÑполÑзоваÑÑ."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to "
-"be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one "
-"to use."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐÐТÐÐ - ÐоÑÑовÑе ÑеÑвеÑа коÑоÑÑе оÑкÑÑÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑеÑÑлки Ñпама (mail relays). "
-"Также Ñ
оÑоÑий ÑпиÑок."
-msgid ""
-"COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use "
-"their ISP's mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up "
-"account and send spam directly from there."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐÐТÐÐ - некоÑоÑÑе ÑпаммеÑÑ Ð´Ð¾Ð·Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÑÑÑÑ Ð´Ð¾ ÑвоиÑ
пÑовайдеÑов по Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ "
-"ÑаÑÑÑлки Ñпама. ÐÑÐ¾Ñ ÑпиÑок ÑилÑÑÑÑÐµÑ ÑакиÑ
полÑзоваÑелей, коÑоÑÑе не "
-"иÑполÑзÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑовÑе ÑеÑвеÑа пÑовайдеÑов Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾ÑÑÑлки ÑообÑений."
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Blackhole entries."
-msgstr "ÐÐÐТÐÐ - RPL+ Blackhole ÑпиÑок ÑпаммеÑов"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ OpenRelay entries."
-msgstr "ÐÐÐТÐÐ - RBL+ OpenRelay ÑпиÑок ÑеÑвеÑов пеÑеÑÑлки"
-msgid "COMMERCIAL - RBL+ Dial-up entries."
-msgstr "ÐÐÐТÐÐ - RBL+ ÑпиÑок модемнÑÑ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Relays - Osirusofts list of verified open relays. Seems to "
-"include servers used by auto-replies too."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Osirusoft Relays - ÑпиÑок ÑеÑвеÑов пеÑеÑÑлки Ð¾Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ð¸ "
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Dialups - Osirusofts Dialup Spam Source list."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Osirusoft Dialups - СпиÑок модемнÑÑ
ÑпаммеÑов Ð¾Ñ Osirusoft."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - Sites that continually spam and "
-"have been manually added after multiple nominations. Use with caution. Seems "
-"to catch abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Osirusoft Confirmed Spam Source - ÐÐ¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¸ пÑовайдеÑÑ, коÑоÑÑе "
-"занимаÑÑÑÑ ÑаÑÑÑлкой Ñпама и бÑли занеÑÐµÐ½Ñ Ð² ÑпиÑок вÑÑÑнÑÑ. Ðногда невеÑно."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - List of hosts that are secure but relay for "
-"other mail servers that are not secure."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Osirusoft Smart Hosts - СпиÑок ÑеÑвеÑов, коÑоÑÑе Ñами по Ñебе не "
-"пеÑеÑÑлаÑÑ Ñпам-ÑообÑениÑ, но ÑвлÑÑÑÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑеÑÑлоÑнÑм пÑнкÑом Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´ÑÑгиÑ
-"ÑеÑвеÑов, коÑоÑÑе оÑÑÑлаÑÑ Ñпам."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - It is believed that these are IP "
-"ranges of companies that are known to produce spam software. Seems to catch "
-"abuse auto-replies from some ISPs."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Osirusoft Spamware Developers - СодеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ñ ÑпиÑок IP-адÑеÑов, "
-"коÑоÑÑе подозÑеваÑÑÑÑ Ð² ÑаÑÑÑлке Ñпама или пÑÐ¸Ð½Ð°Ð´Ð»ÐµÐ¶Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñм, коÑоÑÑе "
-"пÑоизводÑÑ Ð¾Ð±ÐµÑпеÑение Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¾ÑÑÑлки Ñпама. Ðногда ÑилÑÑÑÑÐµÑ Ð»ÐµÐ³Ð¸ÑимнÑе "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - List of listservers that opt "
-"users in without confirmation."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Osirusoft Unconfirmed OptIn Servers - СпиÑок ÑеÑвеÑов ÑаÑÑÑлки, "
-"коÑоÑÑе добавлÑÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑа подпиÑÑиков без ÑоглаÑÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð¸."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Osirusoft Insecure formmail.cgi scripts - List of insecure formmail."
-"cgi scripts. (planned)."
-msgstr ""
о наÑÑÑоенной ÑиÑÑемой cgi-ÑкÑипÑов, коÑоÑÑе "
-"позволÑÑÑ Ð¾ÑпÑавлÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑовÑе ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÑеÑез веб-инÑеÑÑейÑ. ÐÑ Osirusoft"
-msgid "FREE - Osirusoft Open Proxy Servers - List of Open Proxy Servers."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - СпиÑок незаÑиÑеннÑÑ
пÑокÑи-ÑеÑвеÑов Ð¾Ñ Osirusoft."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer "
-"false positives than ORBS did though."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - ORDB - ÑÑо замена ÑÑедÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð² небÑÑие ÑеÑвеÑÑ ORBS. Ðногда "
-"ÑабоÑÐ°ÐµÑ Ð´Ð°Ð¶Ðµ лÑÑÑе ORBS."
-msgid "FREE - - Direct SPAM sources."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - - ÑпиÑок ÑеÑвеÑов, ÑаÑÑÑлаÑÑиÑ
-msgid "FREE - - Dial-up lists - includes some DSL IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - - ÑпиÑок Ñпам-ÑеÑвеÑов дозвона, вклÑÑÐ°Ñ "
-"некоÑоÑÑе адÑеÑа IP на DSL."
-msgid "FREE - - Bulk mailers that do not use confirmed opt-in."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - - cеÑвеÑа ÑаÑÑÑлки, коÑоÑÑе подпиÑÑваÑÑ, не "
-"ÑпÑаÑÐ¸Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑазÑеÑениÑ."
-msgid "FREE - - Other misc. servers."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - - пÑоÑие ÑеÑвеÑа, имеÑÑие оÑноÑение к ÑпамÑ."
-msgid "FREE - - Single Stage servers."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - - ÑеÑвеÑÑ, оÑÑÑлаÑÑие Ñпам напÑÑмÑÑ."
-msgid "FREE - - SPAM Support servers."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - - ÑеÑвеÑÑ, поддеÑживаÑÑие ÑаÑÑÑлки Ñпама."
-msgid "FREE - - Web Form IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - - СодеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ñ ÑпиÑок IP-адÑеÑов, на коÑоÑÑÑ
-"дейÑÑвÑÑÑ Ð²ÐµÐ±-ÑоÑмÑ."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside "
-"the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends "
-"you NOT use their service."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Dorkslayers пÑедоÑÑавлÑÑÑ ÑпиÑок оÑновнÑÑ
Ñпам-ÑеÑвеÑов и "
пеÑеÑÑлÑÑиков за пÑеделами СШÐ. Ðа Ñвоем ÑайÑе они не ÑекомендÑÑÑ "
-"полÑзоваÑÑÑÑ Ð¸Ñ
-msgid "FREE - SPAMhaus - A list of well-known SPAM sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAMhaus - ÑпиÑок обÑеизвеÑÑнÑÑ
иÑÑоÑников Ñпама."
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - SPAMCOP - An interesting solution that lists servers that "
-"have a very high spam to legit email ratio (85% or more)."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ (пока) - SPAMCOP - инÑеÑеÑнÑй подÑ
од, коÑоÑÑй ÑилÑÑÑÑÐµÑ Ñе "
-"ÑеÑвеÑÑ, коÑоÑÑе оÑÑÑлаÑÑ Ð¼Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñпам-ÑообÑений (85% вÑеÑ
ÑообÑений и болÑÑе)."
-msgid "FREE - - I don't have any detailed info on this list."
-msgstr "FREE - - недоÑÑаÑоÑно инÑоÑмаÑии."
-msgid "FREE - - Relay Stop List. Very conservative OpenRelay List."
-msgstr "FREE - - ÑпиÑок пеÑеÑÑлÑÑиков. ÐÑÐµÐ½Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½ÑеÑваÑивен."
-msgid "FREE - Open Relays - Another list of Open Relays."
-msgstr "FREE - Open Relays - дÑÑгой ÑпиÑок пеÑеÑÑлÑÑиков."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM Source - List of Direct SPAM Sources."
-msgstr "FREE - SPAM Source - ÑпиÑок ÑаÑÑÑлÑÑиков Ñпама."
-msgid "FREE - SPAM ISPs - List of SPAM-friendly ISPs."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - SPAM ISPs - ÑпиÑок пÑовайдеÑов, поддеÑживаÑÑиÑ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon DUL - Another list of Dial-up or otherwise dynamically "
-"assigned IPs."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Leadmon DUL - ÐÑе один ÑпиÑок диалапÑиков и пÑоÑиÑ
динамиÑеÑки "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SPAM Source - List of IPs has received SPAM "
-"directly from."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Leadmon SPAM Sourc - СпиÑок IP-адÑеÑов, Ñ ÐºÐ¾ÑоÑÑÑ "
-"полÑÑал Ñпам."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - Bulk mailers that do not require confirmed opt-"
-"in or that have allowed known spammers to become clients and abuse their "
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Leadmon Bulk Mailers - СеÑвеÑа, оÑÑÑлаÑÑие ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÐµÐ· "
-"ÑоглаÑÐ¸Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñо подпиÑÑиков."
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Open Relays - Single Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Leadmon Open Relays - СпиÑок ÑеÑвеÑов пеÑеÑÑлки, коÑоÑÑе не "
-"ÑÐºÐ°Ð·Ð°Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð° пÑоÑиÑ
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon Multi-stage - Multi-Stage Open Relays that are not listed on "
-"other active RBLs and that have sent SPAM to"
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Leadmon Multi-stage - ÐÑе один ÑпиÑок оÑкÑÑÑÑÑ
ÑеÑвеÑов, "
-msgid ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - Sites on this listing have sent "
-"direct SPAM from IPs in netblocks where the entire block has no DNS "
-"mappings. It's a list of BLOCKS of IPs being used by people who have SPAMmed "
-msgstr ""
-"FREE - Leadmon SpamBlock - ÑпиÑок блоков IP-адÑеÑов, оÑпÑавивÑиÑ
Ñпам на "
-msgid ""
-"FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Both Open Relays and Direct "
-"SPAM Sources."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ (пока) - Not Just Another Blacklist - ÑпиÑок как ÑаÑÑÑлÑÑиков, Ñак "
-"и пеÑеÑÑлÑÑиков Ñпама."
-msgid "FREE, for now - Not Just Another Blacklist - Dial-up IPs."
-msgstr "ÐÐСÐÐÐТÐÐ - Not Just Another Blacklist - Ðиалап-адÑеÑа, ÑаÑÑÑлаÑÑие Ñпам."
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - пеÑеÑÑлÑÑики"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - Confirmed Multi-stage Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - многоÑÑадийнÑе пеÑеÑÑлÑÑики"
-msgid "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - UN-Confirmed Relays"
-msgstr "FREE - Distributed Sender Boycott List - неподÑвеÑжденнÑе пеÑеÑÑлÑÑики"
-msgid "Saved Scan type"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑанÑннÑй Ñип ÑканиÑованиÑ"
-msgid "Message Filtering"
-msgstr "ФилÑÑÑование ÑообÑений"
-msgid "What to Scan:"
-msgstr "ЧÑо ÑканиÑоваÑÑ:"
-msgid "All messages"
-msgstr "ÐÑе ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Only unread messages"
-msgstr "ТолÑко непÑоÑиÑаннÑе ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "СоÑ
-msgid "Match:"
-msgstr "Ðде иÑкаÑÑ:"
-msgid "Header"
-msgstr "Ðаголовок"
-msgid "Contains:"
-msgstr "СодеÑжиÑ:"
-#, c-format
-msgid "If %s contains %s then move to %s"
-msgstr "ÐÑли %s ÑодеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ñ %s, Ñо пеÑемеÑÑиÑÑ ÑообÑение в %s"
-msgid "Message Filters"
-msgstr "ФилÑÑÑование ÑообÑений"
-msgid ""
-"Filtering enables messages with different criteria to be automatically "
-"filtered into different folders for easier organization."
-msgstr ""
-"ФилÑÑÑование ÑообÑений позволÑÐµÑ Ð°Ð²ÑомаÑиÑеÑки пеÑемеÑаÑÑ ÑообÑениÑ, "
-"подпадаÑÑие под Ñе или инÑе кÑиÑеÑии, в ÑазнÑе папки Ñ ÑелÑÑ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ Ñдобной "
-"оÑганизаÑии иÑ
-msgid "SPAM Filters"
-msgstr "СÐÐÐ-ÑилÑÑÑÑ"
-msgid ""
-"SPAM filters allow you to select from various DNS based blacklists to detect "
-"junk email in your INBOX and move it to another folder (like Trash)."
-msgstr ""
ÑеÑвеÑов Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑаÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð·Ð½Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñпама "
-"и позволÑÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ð¼ авÑомаÑиÑеÑки пеÑемеÑаÑÑ ÑÑи ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² ÑазнÑе папки "
-"(напÑимеÑ, в коÑзинÑ)."
-msgid "Spam Filtering"
-msgstr "СÐÐÐ-ÑилÑÑÑÑ"
-msgid "WARNING! Tell your admin to set the SpamFilters_YourHop variable"
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ! ÐопÑоÑиÑе ваÑего админиÑÑÑаÑоÑа наÑÑÑоиÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑеменнÑÑ "
-msgid "Move spam to:"
-msgstr "ÐеÑемеÑаÑÑ Ñпам в:"
-msgid ""
-"Moving spam directly to the trash may not be a good idea at first, since "
-"messages from friends and mailing lists might accidentally be marked as "
-"spam. Whatever folder you set this to, make sure that it gets cleaned out "
-"periodically, so that you don't have an excessively large mailbox hanging "
-msgstr ""
-"Ðе ÑÑÐ¾Ð¸Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑемеÑаÑÑ Ð²ÐµÑÑ Ñпам напÑÑмÑÑ Ð² коÑзинÑ, Ñ
оÑÑ ÑÑо и ÑоблазниÑелÑно, "
-"поÑÐ¾Ð¼Ñ ÑÑо иногда Ñпам-ÑеÑвеÑа оÑибаÑÑÑÑ Ð¸ помеÑаÑÑ Ð¾Ð±ÑÑнÑе ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ°Ðº "
-"Ñпам. ÐÑÑÑе оÑвеÑÑи ÑпеÑиалÑнÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑого Ñода ÑообÑений и вÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð¾Ñ "
-"вÑемени ÐµÑ Ð¿ÑоÑмаÑÑиваÑÑ Ð½Ð° ÑлÑÑай, еÑли ÑÑда Ð¿Ð¾Ð¿Ð°Ð´ÐµÑ Ð½ÐµÐ²ÐµÑно "
-"оÑÑилÑÑÑованное ÑообÑение."
-msgid ""
-"The more messages you scan, the longer it takes. I would suggest that you "
-"scan only new messages. If you make a change to your filters, I would set "
-"it to scan all messages, then go view my INBOX, then come back and set it to "
-"scan only new messages. That way, your new spam filters will be applied and "
-"you'll scan even the spam you read with the new filters."
-msgstr ""
-"Чем болÑÑе ÑообÑений Ð²Ñ ÑканиÑÑеÑе, Ñем долÑÑе ÑÑо Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð°ÐµÑ Ð²Ñемени. ÐÑÑÑе "
-"наÑÑÑоиÑÑ ÑилÑÑÑÑ Ñак, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð¾Ð½Ð¸ ÑканиÑовали ÑолÑко новÑе ÑообÑениÑ. ÐÑли Ð²Ñ "
-"ÑолÑко ÑÑо поменÑли Ñвои наÑÑÑойки ÑилÑÑÑов и Ñ
оÑиÑе обÑабоÑаÑÑ Ð²Ñе ÑÑаÑÑе "
-"ÑообÑениÑ, Ñо вÑбеÑиÑе опÑÐ¸Ñ \"ÑканиÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ñе ÑообÑениÑ\", заÑем веÑниÑеÑÑ "
-"в Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ INBOX. ÐÑе ÑÑаÑÑе ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð±ÑдÑÑ Ð¾ÑÑилÑÑÑÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ новÑм наÑÑÑойкам. "
-"ÐоÑле ÑÑого поменÑйÑе опÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾Ð±ÑаÑно на \"ÑканиÑоваÑÑ ÑолÑко непÑоÑиÑаннÑе\", "
-"ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ ÑÑаÑиÑÑ Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÑÑе вÑемени пÑи оÑкÑÑÑии папки."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam is sent to %s"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеÑÑлаÑÑ Ñпам в %s"
-msgid "[not set yet]"
-msgstr "[не наÑÑÑоено]"
-#, c-format
-msgid "Spam scan is limited to %s"
-msgstr "СканиÑоваÑÑ Ð½Ð° Ñпам %s"
-msgid "New Messages Only"
-msgstr "ÑолÑко новÑе ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "All Messages"
-msgstr "вÑе ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "ON"
-msgstr "Ðкл"
-msgid "OFF"
-msgstr "ÐÑкл"
-msgid " not found."
-msgstr " не найдено."
-msgid "Today's Fortune"
-msgstr "Ð¡ÐµÐ³Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð¼ говоÑÐ¸Ñ Fortune"
-msgid "Fortunes:"
-msgstr "Fortunes:"
-msgid "Show fortunes at top of mailbox"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ fortunes ввеÑÑ
Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑового ÑÑика"
-msgid "IMAP server information"
-msgstr "Ð¡Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ð± IMAP-ÑеÑвеÑе"
-msgid ""
-"Run some test IMAP commands, displaying both the command and the result. "
-"These tests use the Squirrelmail IMAP commands and your current Squirrelmail "
-"configuration. Custom command strings can be used."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑполнение некоÑоÑÑÑ
команд IMAP, Ñ Ð²Ñводом как ÑамиÑ
команд, Ñак и "
-"ÑезÑлÑÑаÑа иÑ
ÑабоÑÑ. Ð ÑеÑÑаÑ
иÑполÑзÑÑÑÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ñ IMAP Squirrelmail и "
-"ÑекÑÑие паÑамеÑÑÑ Squirrelmail. Ðожно иÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¸ дÑÑгие командÑ."
-msgid "Mailinglist"
-msgstr "СпиÑок ÑаÑÑÑлки"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting help for this list. You will "
-"receive an emailed response at the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑпÑавка пиÑÑма на %s Ñ Ð¿ÑоÑÑбой пÑиÑлаÑÑ Ð¸Ð½ÑÑÑÑкÑии по обÑаÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñм "
-"ÑпиÑком ÑаÑÑÑлки. ÐÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑÑиÑе оÑÐ²ÐµÑ Ð½Ð° ÑказаннÑй ниже адÑеÑ."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be subscribed to "
-"this list. You will be subscribed with the address below."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑпÑавка пиÑÑма на %s Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑоÑом на подпиÑÐºÑ Ð½Ð° даннÑÑ ÑаÑÑÑлкÑ. ÐÐ»Ñ "
-"ÑаÑÑÑлки бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¸ÑполÑзоваÑÑÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑ, ÑказаннÑй ниже."
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"This will send a message to %s requesting that you will be unsubscribed from "
-"this list. It will try to unsubscribe the adress below."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑпÑавка пиÑÑма на %s Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑоÑом на Ñдаление ваÑего адÑеÑа из ÑаÑÑÑлки. ÐÐ»Ñ "
-"ÑÑого бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¸ÑполÑзован адÑеÑ, ÑказаннÑй ниже."
-msgid "Send Mail"
-msgstr "ÐÑпÑавиÑÑ ÑообÑение"
-msgid "Post to List"
-msgstr "ÐÑпÑавиÑÑ Ð² ÑаÑÑÑлкÑ"
-msgid "Reply to List"
-msgstr "ÐÑвеÑиÑÑ Ð² ÑаÑÑÑлкÑ"
-msgid "List Archives"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑ
ив ÑообÑений"
-msgid "Contact Listowner"
-msgstr "СвÑзаÑÑÑÑ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¾ÑдинаÑоÑом ÑпиÑка"
-msgid "Mailing List"
-msgstr "СпиÑок ÑаÑÑÑлки"
-msgid "POP3 connect:"
-msgstr "ÐодклÑÑение к поÑÑÐ¾Ð²Ð¾Ð¼Ñ ÑÑÐ¸ÐºÑ POP3:"
-msgid "No server specified"
-msgstr "Ðе вÑбÑано ни одного ÑеÑвеÑа."
-msgid "Error "
-msgstr "ÐÑибка "
-msgid "POP3 noop:"
-msgstr "POP3 noop:"
-msgid "No connection to server"
-msgstr "ÐопÑÑка ÑвÑзи Ñ ÑеÑвеÑом не ÑдалаÑÑ"
-msgid "POP3 user:"
-msgstr "ÐÑ
одное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ POP3:"
-msgid "no login ID submitted"
-msgstr "не Ñказано вÑ
одное имÑ"
-msgid "connection not established"
-msgstr "Ñоединение не ÑдалоÑÑ"
-msgid "POP3 pass:"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ POP3:"
-msgid "No password submitted"
-msgstr "паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ñказан"
-msgid "authentication failed "
-msgstr "оÑибка пÑи авÑоÑизаÑии "
-msgid "POP3 apop:"
-msgstr "POP3 apop:"
-msgid "No login ID submitted"
-msgstr "Ðе Ñказано имÑ"
-msgid "No server banner"
-msgstr "ÐÐµÑ ÑеÑвеÑного баннеÑа"
-msgid "abort"
-msgstr "пÑеÑваÑÑ"
-msgid "apop authentication failed"
-msgstr "попÑÑка авÑоÑизаÑии apop не ÑдалаÑÑ"
-msgid "POP3 login:"
-msgstr "ÐÑ
одное Ð¸Ð¼Ñ POP3:"
-msgid "POP3 top:"
-msgstr "POP3 top:"
-msgid "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgstr "POP3 pop_list:"
-msgid "Premature end of list"
-msgstr "ÐÑеждевÑеменное завеÑÑение ÑпиÑка"
-msgid "POP3 get:"
-msgstr "POP3 get:"
-msgid "POP3 last:"
-msgstr "POP3 last:"
-msgid "POP3 reset:"
-msgstr "POP3 reset:"
-msgid "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgstr "POP3 send_cmd:"
-msgid "Empty command string"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑÑÐ°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ ÑÑÑока"
-msgid "POP3 quit:"
-msgstr "POP3 quit:"
-msgid "connection does not exist"
-msgstr "Ñоединение не ÑÑÑановлено"
-msgid "POP3 uidl:"
-msgstr "POP3 uidl:"
-msgid "POP3 delete:"
-msgstr "POP3 delete:"
-msgid "No msg number submitted"
-msgstr "Ðе задан Ð½Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÑ ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Command failed "
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи вÑполнении командÑ"
-msgid "Remote POP server Fetching Mail"
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзка поÑÑÑ Ñ Ñдаленного POP-ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid "Select Server:"
-msgstr "ÐÑбеÑиÑе ÑеÑвеÑ:"
-msgid "Password for"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ"
-msgid "Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзиÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Fetching from "
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзка поÑÑÑ Ð¸Ð·"
-msgid "Oops, "
-msgstr "УвÑ, "
-msgid "Opening IMAP server"
-msgstr "Соединение Ñ IMAP-ÑеÑвеÑом"
-msgid "Opening POP server"
-msgstr "Соединение Ñ POP-ÑеÑвеÑом"
-msgid "Login Failed:"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка вÑ
-msgid "Login OK: No new messages"
-msgstr "ÐÑ
од на ÑеÑвеÑ: Ð½ÐµÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²ÑÑ
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox EMPTY"
-msgstr "ÐÑ
од на ÑеÑвеÑ: ÑÑик пÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Login OK: Inbox contains ["
-msgstr "ÐÑ
од на ÑеÑвеÑ. ÐÑего ÑообÑений: ["
-msgid "] messages"
-msgstr "]"
-msgid "Fetching UIDL..."
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ UIDL..."
-msgid "Server does not support UIDL."
-msgstr "СеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Ð½Ðµ поддеÑÐ¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°ÐµÑ UIDL."
-msgid "Leaving Mail on Server..."
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑа оÑÑаÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ð° ÑеÑвеÑе..."
-msgid "Deleting messages from server..."
-msgstr "Удаление ÑообÑений Ñ ÑеÑвеÑа..."
-msgid "Fetching message "
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзка ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ "
-msgid "Server error...Disconnect"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка ÑеÑвеÑа... завеÑÑение ÑоединениÑ"
-msgid "Reconnect from dead connection"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеÑоединиÑÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Saving UIDL"
-msgstr "СоÑ
Ñанение UIDL"
-msgid "Refetching message "
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзка ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ "
-msgid "Error Appending Message!"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи запиÑи ÑообÑениÑ!"
-msgid "Closing POP"
-msgstr "ÐакÑÑÑие POP-ÑеанÑа"
-msgid "Logging out from IMAP"
-msgstr "ÐÑклÑÑение Ð¾Ñ IMAP"
-msgid "Message appended to mailbox"
-msgstr "СообÑение добавлено в папкÑ"
-msgid "Message "
-msgstr "СообÑение "
-msgid " deleted from Remote Server!"
-msgstr " Ñдалено Ñ ÑеÑвеÑа!"
-msgid "Delete failed:"
-msgstr "Ðе ÑдалоÑÑ ÑдалиÑÑ ÑообÑение:"
-msgid "Remote POP server settings"
-msgstr "ÐаÑамеÑÑÑ POP-ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid ""
-"You should be aware that the encryption used to store your password is not "
-"perfectly secure. However, if you are using pop, there is inherently no "
-"encryption anyway. Additionally, the encryption that we do to save it on the "
-"server can be undone by a hacker reading the source to this file."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑли Ð²Ñ ÑеÑиÑе ÑоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð° ÑеÑвеÑе, имейÑе в видÑ, ÑÑо он бÑÐ´ÐµÑ "
Ñанен в Ñлабо заÑиÑÑованном виде (впÑоÑем, еÑли Ð²Ñ Ð¸ÑполÑзÑеÑе POP, Ñо "
-"Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð¸ Ñак не заÑиÑÑован, когда он пÑÑеÑеÑÑвÑÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾ ÑеÑи). ÐлÑÑ, "
-"иÑполÑзÑемÑй Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑоÑ
ÑÐ°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñего паÑолÑ, Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð±ÑÑÑ Ð»ÐµÐ³ÐºÐ¾ подобÑан лÑбÑм "
-msgid "If you leave password empty, it will be required when you fetch mail."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑли Ð²Ñ Ð¾ÑÑавиÑе поле 'паÑолÑ' пÑÑÑÑм, ÑиÑÑема бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑаÑиваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ°Ð¶Ð´Ñй "
-msgid "Encrypt passwords (informative only)"
-msgstr "ШиÑÑоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ñоли (Ñлабое ÑиÑÑование)"
-msgid "Add Server"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ ÑеÑвеÑ"
-msgid "Server:"
-msgstr "СеÑвеÑ:"
-msgid "Port:"
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑ:"
-msgid "Alias:"
-msgstr "ÐлиаÑ:"
-msgid "Username:"
-msgstr "ÐÑ
одное имÑ:"
-msgid "Store in Folder:"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑанÑÑÑ ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² папке:"
-msgid "Leave Mail on Server"
-msgstr "ÐÑÑавлÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ Ð½Ð° ÑеÑвеÑе"
-msgid "Check mail during login"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñи вÑ
оде в SquirrelMail"
-msgid "Check mail during folder refresh"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ Ð¿Ñи обновлении ÑпиÑка Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ°Ð¼Ð¸"
-msgid "Modify Server"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ ÑеÑвеÑ"
-msgid "Server Name:"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¼Ñ ÑеÑвеÑа:"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ"
-msgid "No-one server in use. Try to add."
-msgstr "ÐеобÑ
одимо добавиÑÑ Ñ
оÑÑ Ð±Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð¸Ð½ ÑеÑвеÑ."
-msgid "Fetching Servers"
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзка поÑÑÑ Ñ ÑеÑвеÑов"
-msgid "Confirm Deletion of a Server"
-msgstr "ÐодÑвеÑдиÑе Ñдаление ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid "Selected Server:"
-msgstr "ÐÑбÑаннÑй ÑеÑвеÑ:"
-msgid "Confirm delete of selected server?"
-msgstr "ХоÑиÑе ÑдалиÑÑ Ð²ÑбÑаннÑй ÑеÑвеÑ?"
-msgid "Confirm Delete"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ"
-msgid "Mofify a Server"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ ÑеÑвеÑ"
-msgid "Undefined Function"
-msgstr "ÐеопÑÐµÐ´ÐµÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð°Ñ ÑÑнкÑиÑ"
-msgid "Hey! Wath do You are looking for?"
-msgstr "Ðй! Тебе Ñего надо?"
-msgid "Fetch"
-msgstr "ÐабÑаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Warning, "
-msgstr "Ðнимание, "
-msgid "Mail Fetch Result:"
-msgstr "РезÑлÑÑаÑÑ ÑнÑÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ:"
-msgid "Simple POP3 Fetch Mail"
-msgstr "ÐапÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ Ñ POP3 ÑеÑвеÑа"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for downloading email from a pop3 mailbox to your "
-"account on this server."
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑнÑÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ POP3 Ñ Ð´ÑÑгого ÑеÑвеÑа."
-msgid "Message Details"
-msgstr "ÐодÑобноÑÑи ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Close Window"
-msgstr "ÐакÑÑÑÑ Ð¾ÐºÐ½Ð¾"
-msgid "Save Message"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ ÑообÑение"
-msgid "View Message details"
-msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑеÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÑобноÑÑи ÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "New Mail Notification"
-msgstr "ÐповеÑение о новÑÑ
-msgid ""
-"Select Enable Media Playing to turn on playing a media file when "
-"unseen mail is in your folders. When enabled, you can specify the media file "
-"to play in the provided file box."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑбеÑиÑе игÑаÑÑ Ð·Ð²Ñковой Ñайл, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ ÑиÑÑема оповеÑала Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð²Ñком пÑи "
оде новой поÑÑÑ. ÐÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе вÑбÑаÑÑ, какой звÑк пÑи ÑÑом иÑполÑзоваÑÑ."
-msgid ""
-"The Check all boxes, not just INBOX option will check ALL of your "
-"folders for unseen mail, not just the inbox for notification."
-msgstr ""
-"Ð Ñежиме ÐÑовеÑÑÑÑ Ð²Ñе папки Ð²Ñ Ð±ÑдеÑе ÑзнаваÑÑ Ð¾ пÑиÑ
оде новÑÑ
в "
-"лÑбÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÑ, а не ÑолÑко во вÑ
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Show popup option will enable the showing of a popup "
-"window when unseen mail is in your folders (requires JavaScript)."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐпÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑаÑÑ ÑиÑÑемнÑм ÑообÑением бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¾ÑкÑÑваÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ðµ окоÑко, "
-"еÑли вам пÑиÑла Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑа (необÑ
одима поддеÑжка JavaScript)."
-msgid ""
-"Use the Check RECENT to only check for messages that are recent. "
-"Recent messages are those that have just recently showed up and have not "
-"been \"viewed\" or checked yet. This can prevent being continuously annoyed "
-"by sounds or popups for unseen mail."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐпÑÐ¸Ñ ÑолÑко ÐÐÐЫРпозволÑÐµÑ Ð²Ð°Ð¼ огÑаниÑиÑÑÑÑ ÑолÑко новÑми "
-"ÑообÑениÑми, инаÑе Ð²Ñ Ð±ÑдеÑе полÑÑаÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾Ð± обÑем колиÑеÑÑве "
ÑообÑений, ÑÑо Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð±ÑÑÑÑо надоеÑÑÑ."
-msgid ""
-"Selecting the Change title option will change the title in some "
-"browsers to let you know when you have new mail (requires JavaScript, and "
-"only works in IE but you won't see errors with other browsers). This will "
-"always tell you if you have new mail, even if you have Check RECENT "
-msgstr ""
-"ÐпÑÐ¸Ñ ÐзменÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ðº окна бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ðº ваÑего бÑаÑзеÑа "
-"пÑи полÑÑении вами новой поÑÑÑ (ÑÑебÑÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð´ÐµÑжки JavaScript и ÑабоÑÐ°ÐµÑ "
-"ÑолÑко в IE). ÐÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÐºÐ°Ð·ÑваÑÑÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ñее колиÑеÑÑво непÑоÑиÑаннÑÑ
ÑообÑений, "
-"даже еÑли Ð²Ñ Ð²ÑбеÑеÑе опÑÐ¸Ñ ÑолÑко ÐÐÐЫÐ."
-msgid ""
-"Select from the list of server files the media file to play when new "
-"mail arrives. If no file is specified, \"(none)\", no sound will be used."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑбеÑиÑе из ÑпиÑка Ñайлов на ÑеÑвеÑе, каким звÑком оповеÑаÑÑ Ð¾ "
оде новой поÑÑе. ÐÑли ни один Ñайл не вÑбÑан, звÑк не бÑÐ´ÐµÑ "
-msgid "Enable Media Playing"
-msgstr "ÐÑоигÑÑваÑÑ Ð·Ð²Ñк"
-msgid "Check all boxes, not just INBOX"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑÑÑÑ Ð²Ñе папки, а не ÑолÑко \"ÐÑ
-msgid "Count only messages that are RECENT"
-msgstr "СÑиÑаÑÑ ÑолÑко ÐÐÐЫРÑообÑениÑ"
-msgid "Change title on supported browsers."
-msgstr "ÐзменÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²Ð¾Ðº окна бÑаÑзеÑа."
-msgid "requires JavaScript to work"
-msgstr "ÑÑебÑÐµÑ JavaScript"
-msgid "Show popup window on new mail"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ ÑиÑÑемное ÑообÑение в оÑделÑном окоÑке"
-msgid "Select server file:"
-msgstr "ÐÑбÑаÑÑ Ñайл на ÑеÑвеÑе:"
-msgid "(none)"
-msgstr "(неÑ)"
-msgid "Try"
-msgstr "ТеÑÑ"
-msgid "Current File:"
-msgstr "ÐÑбÑан Ñайл:"
-msgid "New Mail"
-msgstr "ÐÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑа"
-msgid "SquirrelMail Notice:"
-msgstr "СообÑение Ð¾Ñ SquirrelMail:"
-msgid "You have new mail!"
-msgstr "Ðам пÑиÑла Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑа!"
-msgid "NewMail Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка оповеÑений"
-msgid ""
-"This configures settings for playing sounds and/or showing popup windows "
-"when new mail arrives."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑли Ð²Ñ Ñ
оÑиÑе полÑÑаÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑение о пÑиÑ
оде новÑÑ
ÑообÑений, Ð²Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе ÑÑо "
-"наÑÑÑоиÑÑ Ð·Ð´ÐµÑÑ."
-msgid "New Mail Notification options saved"
-msgstr "ÐпÑии оповеÑений ÑоÑ
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Messages"
-msgstr "%s новÑÑ
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s New Message"
-msgstr "%s новое ÑообÑение"
-msgid "Test Sound"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑиÑÑ Ð·Ð²Ñк"
-msgid "No sound specified"
-msgstr "ÐвÑк не Ñказан"
-msgid "Loading the sound..."
-msgstr "ÐагÑÑзка звÑка..."
-msgid "Sent Subfolders Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка подпапок папки 'Sent'"
-msgid "Use Sent Subfolders"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð¿Ð°Ð¿ÐºÐ¸ оÑпÑавленнÑÑ
-msgid "Monthly"
-msgstr "ÐаждÑй меÑÑÑ"
-msgid "Quarterly"
-msgstr "ÐжекваÑÑалÑно"
-msgid "Yearly"
-msgstr "Ðжегодно"
-msgid "Base Sent Folder"
-msgstr "Ðапка Ñ Ð¾ÑпÑавленнÑми ÑообÑениÑми (Sent)"
-msgid "Report as Spam"
-msgstr "СообÑиÑÑ Ð¾ Ñпаме"
-msgid "SpamCop - Spam Reporting"
-msgstr "SpamCop - Ñпамоловка"
-msgid ""
-"Help fight the battle against unsolicited email. SpamCop reads the spam "
-"email and determines the correct addresses to send complaints to. Quite "
-"fast, really smart, and easy to use."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐомоÑÑ Ð² боÑÑбе Ñ Ð¼ÑÑоÑнÑми пиÑÑмами. SpamCop ÑиÑÐ°ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ¸ Ñпама и "
-"опÑеделÑеÑ, кÑда пеÑенапÑавлÑÑÑ ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¾ ниÑ
. ÐÑÑÑÑо, Ñдобно и пÑавилÑно."
-msgid "SpellChecker Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑамеÑÑÑ Ð¿ÑовеÑки пÑавопиÑаниÑ"
-msgid ""
-"Here you may set up how your personal dictionary is stored, edit it, or "
-"choose which languages should be available to you when spell-checking."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐдеÑÑ Ð²Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе наÑÑÑоиÑÑ ÑÑнкÑии пÑовеÑки пÑавопиÑаниÑ: наÑÑÑоиÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ "
-"лиÑнÑй ÑловаÑик, или ÑказаÑÑ, какие ÑзÑки ÑделаÑÑ Ð´Ð¾ÑÑÑпнÑми пÑи пÑовеÑке."
-msgid "Check Spelling"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑиÑÑ Ð¿ÑавопиÑание"
-msgid "Back to "SpellChecker Options" page"
-msgstr "ÐеÑнÑÑÑÑÑ Ðº "ÐаÑамеÑÑам пÑовеÑки пÑавопиÑаниÑ""
-msgid "ATTENTION:"
-msgstr "Ðнимание:"
-msgid ""
-"SquirrelSpell was unable to decrypt your personal dictionary. This is most "
-"likely due to the fact that you have changed your mailbox password. In order "
-"to proceed, you will have to supply your old password so that SquirrelSpell "
-"can decrypt your personal dictionary. It will be re-encrypted with your new "
-"password after this.
If you haven't encrypted your dictionary, then it "
-"got mangled and is no longer valid. You will have to delete it and start "
-"anew. This is also true if you don't remember your old password -- without "
-"it, the encrypted data is no longer accessible."
-msgstr ""
-"СиÑÑема пÑовеÑки пÑавопиÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ SquirrelSpell бÑла не в ÑоÑÑоÑнии оÑкÑÑÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ "
-"лиÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ. СкоÑее вÑего ÑÑо пÑоизоÑло из-за Ñого, ÑÑо Ð²Ñ Ñменили Ñвой "
-"паÑолÑ. ЧÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð²Ð¾ÑÑÑановиÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ, вам необÑ
одимо ввеÑÑи Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑÑаÑÑй "
-"паÑолÑ, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ SquirrelSpell мог ÑаÑкодиÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ. ÐоÑле ÑÑого "
-"ÑловаÑÑ Ð±ÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ð¸Ñован заново ваÑим новÑм паÑолем.
ÐÑли Ð²Ñ Ð½Ðµ "
-"кодиÑовали Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ, знаÑÐ¸Ñ ÑÑо-Ñо ÑлÑÑилоÑÑ Ñ Ñайлом и ÑиÑÑема не в "
-"ÑоÑÑоÑнии его пÑоÑиÑаÑÑ. Ðам пÑидеÑÑÑ ÑдалиÑÑ ÐµÐ³Ð¾ и наÑаÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¾. Также "
-"пÑидеÑÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑпиÑÑ ÐµÑли Ð²Ñ Ð½Ðµ помниÑе Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑÑаÑÑй паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ - без него ÑаÑкÑÑÑÑ "
-"ÑловаÑÑ Ð½ÐµÐ²Ð¾Ð·Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾."
-msgid "Delete my dictionary and start a new one"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ ÑловаÑÑ Ð¸ наÑаÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñй"
-msgid "Decrypt my dictionary with my old password:"
-msgstr "РаÑкодиÑоваÑÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ ÑловаÑÑ ÑÑаÑÑм паÑолем:"
-msgid "Proceed"
-msgstr "ÐалÑÑе"
-msgid "You must make a choice"
-msgstr "ÐожалÑйÑÑа, ÑделайÑе вÑбоÑ"
-msgid "You can either delete your dictionary or type in the old password. Not both."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑе ÑдалиÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑÑаÑÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ ввеÑÑи паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑаÑкодиÑовки, но "
-"не и Ñо и дÑÑгое ÑÑазÑ."
-msgid "This will delete your personal dictionary file. Proceed?"
-msgstr "ÐÑо дейÑÑвие ÑÐ´Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ. ÐÑодолжиÑÑ?"
-msgid "Error Decrypting Dictionary"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи оÑкÑÑÑии ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "Cute."
-msgstr "УÑа."
-#, c-format
-msgid "I tried to execute '%s', but it returned:"
-msgstr "ÐÑи попÑÑке вÑполниÑÑ '%s' полÑÑен ÑезÑлÑÑаÑ:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell is misconfigured."
-msgstr "СиÑÑема пÑавопиÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ наÑÑÑоена."
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Results"
-msgstr "РезÑлÑÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÑовеÑки"
-msgid "Spellcheck completed. Commit changes?"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑка пÑавопиÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñена. СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ?"
-msgid "No changes were made."
-msgstr "ÐикакиÑ
изменений не пÑоизведено."
-msgid "Now saving your personal dictionary... Please wait."
-msgstr "ÐапиÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñего лиÑного ÑловаÑÑ Ð½Ð° диÑк. ÐодождиÑе..."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Found %s errors"
-msgstr "Ðайдено оÑибок: %s"
-msgid "Line with an error:"
-msgstr "СÑÑока Ñ Ð¾Ñибкой:"
-msgid "Error:"
-msgstr "ÐÑибка:"
-msgid "Suggestions:"
-msgstr "ÐодÑказки:"
-msgid "Suggestions"
-msgstr "ÐодÑказки"
-msgid "Change to:"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ Ð½Ð°:"
-msgid "Occurs times:"
-msgstr "Ðайдено Ñаз:"
-msgid "Change this word"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ ÑÑо Ñлово"
-msgid "Change"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ"
-msgid "Change ALL occurances of this word"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ ÐСРÑлова Ñ ÑÑой оÑибкой"
-msgid "Change All"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ Ð²Ñе"
-msgid "Ignore this word"
-msgstr "ÐÑопÑÑÑиÑÑ ÑÑо Ñлово"
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "ÐÑопÑÑÑиÑÑ"
-msgid "Ignore ALL occurances this word"
-msgstr "ÐÑопÑÑÑиÑÑ ÐСРÑлова Ñ ÑÑой оÑибкой"
-msgid "Ignore All"
-msgstr "ÐÑопÑÑÑиÑÑ Ð²Ñе"
-msgid "Add this word to your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ ÑÑо Ñлово в Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "Add to Dic"
-msgstr "Ð ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "Close and Commit"
-msgstr "ÐакÑÑÑÑ Ð¸ ÑоÑ
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and commit changes?"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑка пÑавопиÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ законÑена. ХоÑиÑе закÑÑÑÑ Ð¸ ÑоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ?"
-msgid "Close and Cancel"
-msgstr "ÐакÑÑÑÑ Ð¸ оÑклониÑÑ"
-msgid "The spellcheck is not finished. Really close and discard changes?"
-msgstr "ÐÑовеÑка пÑавопиÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ законÑена. ХоÑиÑе закÑÑÑÑ Ð¸ оÑклониÑÑ Ð²Ñе изменениÑ?"
-msgid "No errors found"
-msgstr "ÐÑибок не найдено"
-msgid "Your personal dictionary was erased."
-msgstr "ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑик бÑл Ñдален."
-msgid "Dictionary Erased"
-msgstr "СловаÑÑ Ñдален"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was erased. Please close this window and click "
-"\"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck over."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑик бÑл Ñдален. ÐакÑойÑе ÑÑо окно и нажмиÑе \"ÐÑовеÑка "
-"пÑавопиÑаниÑ\" Ñнова, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð½ÑиÑÑ Ð¿ÑовеÑкÑ."
-msgid "Close this Window"
-msgstr "ÐакÑÑÑÑ Ð¾ÐºÐ½Ð¾"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Now return to the "
-""SpellChecker options" menu and make your selection again."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð±Ñл закодиÑован новÑм паÑолем. ÐеÑниÑеÑÑ Ð½Ð° ÑÑÑаниÑÑ Ñ "
-""ÐаÑамеÑÑами пÑовеÑки пÑавопиÑаниÑ" и вÑбеÑиÑе его еÑÑ Ñаз."
-msgid "Successful Re-encryption"
-msgstr "ÐеÑекодиÑовка пÑоÑла ÑÑпеÑно"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary was re-encrypted successfully. Please close this "
-"window and click \"Check Spelling\" button again to start your spellcheck "
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð±Ñл ÑÑпеÑно заÑиÑен новÑм паÑолем. ÐакÑойÑе ÑÑо окно и "
-"нажмиÑе ÐºÐ½Ð¾Ð¿ÐºÑ \"ÐÑовеÑиÑÑ Ð¿ÑавопиÑание\" заново, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð·Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸ÑÑ Ð¿ÑовеÑкÑ."
-msgid "Dictionary re-encrypted"
-msgstr "СловаÑÑ Ð·Ð°ÑиÑен"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been encrypted and is now "
-"stored in an encrypted format."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð±Ñл заÑиÑÑован и ÑепеÑÑ Ñ
ÑаниÑÑÑ Ð² "
-"закодиÑованном ÑоÑмаÑе."
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary has been decrypted and is now "
-"stored as clear text."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð±Ñл ÑаÑÑиÑÑован и ÑепеÑÑ Ñ
ÑаниÑÑÑ Ð² "
-"незаÑиÑÑованном ÑоÑмаÑе."
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Crypto Settings"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки ÑиÑÑовки лиÑного ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "ÐиÑнÑй ÑловаÑик"
-msgid "No words in your personal dictionary."
-msgstr "РваÑем лиÑном ÑловаÑе Ð½ÐµÑ Ñлов."
-msgid "Please check any words you wish to delete from your dictionary."
-msgstr "ÐÑмеÑÑÑе Ñлова, коÑоÑÑе Ð²Ñ Ñ
оÑиÑе ÑдалиÑÑ Ð¸Ð· ÑловаÑÑ."
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s dictionary"
-msgstr "%s ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "Delete checked words"
-msgstr "УдалиÑÑ Ð²ÑделеннÑе Ñлова"
-msgid "Edit your Personal Dictionary"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "Please make your selection first."
-msgstr "СнаÑала вÑбеÑиÑе опÑиÑ."
-msgid ""
-"This will encrypt your personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ Ð±ÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°ÑиÑен паÑолем и ÑоÑ
Ñанен на диÑке в заÑиÑÑованом "
-"ÑоÑмаÑе. ÐÑодолжиÑÑ?"
-msgid ""
-"This will decrypt your personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text "
-"format. Proceed?"
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ Ð±ÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð½Ðµ заÑиÑен паÑолем и ÑоÑ
Ñанен на диÑке в незаÑиÑÑованом "
-"ÑоÑмаÑе. ÐÑодолжиÑÑ?"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently encrypted. This "
-"helps protect your privacy in case the web-mail system gets compromized and "
-"your personal dictionary ends up stolen. It is currently encrypted with the "
-"password you use to access your mailbox, making it hard for anyone to see "
-"what is stored in your personal dictionary.
-"strong> If you forget your password, your personal dictionary will become "
-"unaccessible, since it can no longer be decrypted. If you change your "
-"mailbox password, SquirrelSpell will recognize it and prompt you for your "
-"old password in order to re-encrypt the dictionary with a new key.
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð² даннÑй Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ ÑоÑ
Ñанен в закодиÑованном "
-"ÑоÑмаÑе. ÐÑо делаеÑÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð½Ð¸ÑелÑной заÑиÑÑ Ð²Ð°ÑиÑ
: в "
-"ÑлÑÑае еÑли ÑеÑÐ²ÐµÑ Ð±ÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð²Ð·Ð»Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½ и даннÑе Ñ Ð½ÐµÐ³Ð¾ поÑ
иÑенÑ, ÑодеÑжимое ваÑего "
-"ÑловаÑÑ Ð±ÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ
иÑиÑелÑм недоÑÑÑпно.
-"ÑиÑÑовки иÑполÑзÑеÑÑÑ ÑÐ¾Ñ Ð¶Ðµ паÑолÑ, ÑÑо иÑполÑзÑеÑÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñего поÑÑового "
-"ÑÑика. ÐÑли Ð²Ñ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñе паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð° ваÑем ÑÑике, ÑиÑÑема бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð½Ðµ в ÑоÑÑоÑнии "
-"ÑаÑÑиÑÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ. Ð ÑÑом ÑлÑÑае ÑиÑÑема запÑоÑÐ¸Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑÑаÑÑй паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð¸ "
-"пеÑекодиÑÑÐµÑ ÑловаÑÑ Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñим новÑм паÑолем.
-msgid "Please decrypt my personal dictionary and store it in a clear-text format."
-msgstr "РаÑÑиÑÑоваÑÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ лиÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð¸ Ñ
ÑаниÑÑ ÐµÐ³Ð¾ в неÑиÑÑованном виде."
-msgid "Change crypto settings"
-msgstr "ÐзмениÑÑ Ð½Ð°ÑÑÑойки ÑиÑÑованиÑ"
-msgid ""
-"Your personal dictionary is currently not encrypted. You "
-"may wish to encrypt your personal dictionary to protect your privacy in case "
-"the webmail system gets compromized and your personal dictionary file gets "
-"stolen. When encrypted, the file's contents look garbled and are hard to "
-"decrypt without knowing the correct key (which is your mailbox password)."
-"p> ATTENTION: If you decide to encrypt your personal "
-"dictionary, you must remember that it gets "hashed" with your "
-"mailbox password. If you forget your mailbox password and the administrator "
-"changes it to a new value, your personal dictionary will become useless and "
-"will have to be created anew. However, if you or your system administrator "
-"change your mailbox password but you still have the old password at hand, "
-"you will be able to enter the old key to re-encrypt the dictionary with the "
-"new value.
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÐ°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ñ
ÑаниÑÑÑ Ð² незаÑиÑÑованном виде. ÐÑли "
-"Ð²Ñ Ñ
оÑиÑе, ÑиÑÑема Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ð¸ÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ñолем, ÑÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ Ð² ÑлÑÑае "
-"взлома ÑеÑвеÑа и Ñ
Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð±Ñл им недоÑÑÑпен. ÐÑли "
-"Ð²Ñ Ð²ÑбеÑеÑе опÑÐ¸Ñ Ð·Ð°ÐºÐ¾Ð´Ð¸ÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ, он бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ñ
ÑаниÑÑÑÑ Ð² ÑиÑÑованном "
-"бинаÑном ваÑианÑе, и его ÑодеÑжимое бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð½ÐµÐ²Ð¾Ð·Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð½Ð¾ пÑоÑиÑаÑÑ Ð±ÐµÐ· паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ "
-"(Ñого же, ÑÑо и Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑовÑй паÑолÑ).
-"ÑеÑиÑе закодиÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÑловаÑÑ, Ñо Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð½Ð¸ÑÑ, ÑÑо он кодиÑÑеÑÑÑ Ñем же "
-"паÑолем, ÑÑо и на ваÑем поÑÑовом ÑÑике. ÐÑли Ð²Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð±ÑдеÑе Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑовÑй "
-"паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð°Ð´Ð¼Ð¸Ð½Ð¸ÑÑÑаÑÐ¾Ñ ÑÐ¼ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ ÐµÐ³Ð¾ на новÑй, Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð±ÑÐ´ÐµÑ "
-"ÑÑеÑÑн и вам пÑидеÑÑÑ Ð½Ð°ÑаÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñй. Ð ÑлÑÑае еÑли Ð²Ñ ÑмениÑе Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑолÑ, но "
-"бÑдеÑе помниÑÑ ÑÑаÑÑй, Ñо ÑиÑÑема Ð¿Ð¾Ð·Ð²Ð¾Ð»Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼ пеÑекодиÑоваÑÑ ÑловаÑÑ Ñ "
-"новÑм паÑолем."
-msgid "Please encrypt my personal dictionary and store it in an encrypted format."
-msgstr "ÐакодиÑоваÑÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¹ ÑловаÑÑ Ð¸ Ñ
ÑаниÑÑ ÐµÐ³Ð¾ в заÑиÑÑованном виде."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Deleting the following entries from %s dictionary:"
-msgstr "Удаление ÑледÑÑÑиÑ
Ñлов из ÑловаÑÑ %s:"
-msgid "All done!"
-msgstr "ÐоÑово."
-msgid "Personal Dictionary Updated"
-msgstr "ÐиÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½"
-msgid "No changes requested."
-msgstr "ÐикакиÑ
изменений не запÑоÑено."
-msgid "Please wait, communicating with the server..."
-msgstr "ÐодождиÑе, Ñоединение Ñ ÑеÑвеÑом..."
-msgid ""
-"Please choose which dictionary you would like to use to spellcheck this "
-msgstr "ÐÑбеÑиÑе, какой ÑловаÑÑ Ð¸ÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÑовеÑки ÑÑого ÑообÑениÑ:"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Initiating"
-msgstr "ÐниÑиализаÑÐ¸Ñ ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð¿ÑовеÑки пÑавопиÑаниÑ"
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Settings adjusted to: %s with %s as "
-"default dictionary."
-msgstr ""
-"ÐаÑÑÑойки измененÑ: бÑÐ´ÐµÑ Ð¸ÑполÑзоваÑÑÑÑ %s, и ÑловаÑÑ "
-"%s по ÑмолÑаниÑ."
-#, c-format
-msgid "Using %s dictionary (system default) for spellcheck."
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзÑеÑÑÑ ÑловаÑÑ %s (ÑиÑÑемнÑй по ÑмолÑаниÑ)."
-msgid "International Dictionaries Preferences Updated"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки иноÑÑÑаннÑÑ
ÑловаÑей обновленÑ"
-msgid ""
-"Please check any available international dictionaries which you would like "
-"to use when spellchecking:"
-msgstr ""
-"ÐÑбеÑиÑе лÑбÑе из доÑÑÑпнÑÑ
ÑловаÑей, коÑоÑÑе Ð²Ñ Ñ
оÑели Ð±Ñ Ð¸ÑполÑзоваÑÑ Ð¿Ñи "
-"пÑовеÑке пÑавопиÑаниÑ:"
-msgid "Make this dictionary my default selection:"
-msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ ÑÑÐ¾Ñ ÑловаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ ÑмолÑаниÑ:"
-msgid "Make these changes"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ ÑÑи изменениÑ"
-msgid "Add International Dictionaries"
-msgstr "ÐобавиÑÑ Ð¸Ð½Ð¾ÑÑÑаннÑе ÑловаÑи"
-msgid "Please choose which options you wish to set up:"
-msgstr "ÐÑбеÑиÑе, ÑÑо именно Ð²Ñ Ñ
оÑиÑе наÑÑÑоиÑÑ:"
-msgid "Edit your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð»Ð¸ÑнÑй ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "Set up international dictionaries"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑоиÑÑ Ð¸Ð½Ð¾ÑÑÑаннÑе ÑловаÑи"
-msgid "Encrypt or decrypt your personal dictionary"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки ÑиÑÑÐ¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñего лиÑного ÑловаÑÑ"
-msgid "not available"
-msgstr "недоÑÑÑпно"
-msgid "SquirrelSpell Options Menu"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойка ÑиÑÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ð¿ÑавопиÑаниÑ"
-msgid "Translator"
-msgstr "ÐеÑеводÑик"
-msgid "Saved Translation Options"
-msgstr "СоÑ
ÑаненнÑе паÑамеÑÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑеводÑика"
-msgid "Your server options are as follows:"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки ÑеÑвеÑов:"
-msgid "19 language pairs, maximum of 1000 characters translated, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "19 ÑзÑковÑÑ
паÑ, макÑимÑм 1000 Ñимволов, ÑиÑÑема Systran"
-msgid "12 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "12 ÑзÑковÑÑ
паÑ, без огÑаниÑений, ÑиÑÑема Systran"
-msgid ""
-"784 language pairs, no known limits, powered by Translation Experts's "
-msgstr "784 ÑзÑковÑÑ
паÑÑ, без огÑаниÑений, ÑиÑÑема Translation Experts's InterTran"
-msgid "8 language pairs, no known limits, powered by GPLTrans (free, open source)"
-msgstr "8 ÑзÑковÑÑ
паÑ, без огÑаниÑений, ÑиÑÑема GPLTrans (оÑкÑÑÑÑй код)"
-msgid "4 language pairs for Hellenic, no known limits, powered by Systran"
-msgstr "4 ÑзÑковÑÑ
Ð¿Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð³ÑеÑеÑкого, без огÑаниÑений, ÑиÑÑема Systran"
-msgid ""
-"You also decide if you want the translation box displayed, and where it will "
-"be located."
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ не показÑваÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿ÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑевода и где ее ÑазмеÑаÑÑ Ð½Ð° ÑÑÑаниÑе."
-msgid "Select your translator:"
-msgstr "ÐÑбеÑиÑе пеÑеводÑика:"
-msgid "When reading:"
-msgstr "ÐÑи ÑÑении:"
-msgid "Show translation box"
-msgstr "ÐоказÑваÑÑ Ð¾Ð¿ÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑевода"
-msgid "to the left"
-msgstr "Ñлева"
-msgid "in the center"
-msgstr "по ÑенÑÑÑ"
-msgid "to the right"
-msgstr "ÑпÑава"
-msgid "Translate inside the SquirrelMail frames"
-msgstr "ÐÑоизводиÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑевод внÑÑÑи инÑеÑÑейÑа SquirrelMail"
-msgid "When composing:"
-msgstr "ÐÑи напиÑании:"
-msgid "Not yet functional, currently does nothing"
-msgstr "ÐÑе не внедÑено, в даннÑй Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð½Ðµ ÑабоÑаеÑ."
-msgid "Translation Options"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑÑойки пеÑеводÑика"
-msgid ""
-"Which translator should be used when you get messages in a different "
-msgstr "Ðакой пеÑеводÑик иÑполÑзоваÑÑ, когда пÑиÑ
Ð¾Ð´Ð¸Ñ ÑообÑение на дÑÑгом ÑзÑке?"
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s to %s"
-msgstr "%s на %s"
-msgid "English"
-msgstr "ÐнглийÑкий"
-msgid "Chinese"
-msgstr "ÐиÑайÑкий"
-msgid "French"
-msgstr "ФÑанÑÑзÑкий"
-msgid "German"
-msgstr "ÐемеÑкий"
-msgid "Italian"
-msgstr "ÐÑалÑÑнÑкий"
-msgid "Japanese"
-msgstr "ЯпонÑкий"
-msgid "Korean"
-msgstr "ÐоÑейÑкий"
-msgid "Portuguese"
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑÑгалÑÑкий"
-msgid "Spanish"
-msgstr "ÐÑпанÑкий"
-msgid "Russian"
-msgstr "Ð ÑÑÑкий"
-msgid "Translate"
-msgstr "ÐеÑевеÑÑи"
-msgid "Brazilian Portuguese"
-msgstr "ÐоÑÑÑгалÑÑкий (ÐÑазилиÑ)"
-msgid "Bulgarian"
-msgstr "ÐолгаÑÑкий"
-msgid "Croatian"
-msgstr "ХоÑваÑÑкий"
-msgid "Czech"
-msgstr "ЧеÑÑкий"
-msgid "Danish"
-msgstr "ÐаÑÑкий"
-msgid "Dutch"
-msgstr "ÐолландÑкий"
-msgid "European Spanish"
-msgstr "ÐÑпанÑкий (ÐвÑопа)"
-msgid "Finnish"
-msgstr "ФинÑкий"
-msgid "Greek"
-msgstr "ÐÑеÑеÑкий"
-msgid "Hungarian"
-msgstr "ÐенгеÑÑкий"
-msgid "Icelandic"
-msgstr "ÐÑландÑкий"
-msgid "Latin American Spanish"
-msgstr "ÐÑпанÑкий (ÐаÑ. ÐмеÑ.)"
-msgid "Norwegian"
-msgstr "ÐоÑвежÑкий"
-msgid "Polish"
-msgstr "ÐолÑÑкий"
-msgid "Romanian"
-msgstr "Ð ÑмÑнÑкий"
-msgid "Serbian"
-msgstr "СеÑбÑкий"
-msgid "Slovenian"
-msgstr "СловенÑкий"
-msgid "Swedish"
-msgstr "ШведÑкий"
-msgid "Turkish"
-msgstr "ТÑÑеÑкий"
-msgid "Welsh"
-msgstr "УÑлÑÑкий"
-msgid "Indonesian"
-msgstr "ÐндонезийÑкий"
-msgid "Latin"
-msgstr "ÐаÑинÑкий"
-msgid "to English"
-msgstr "на английÑкий"
-msgid "from English"
-msgstr "Ñ Ð°Ð½Ð³Ð»Ð¸Ð¹Ñкого"
-msgid "Delivery error report"
-msgstr "СообÑение об оÑибке пÑи доÑÑавке"
-msgid "Undelivered Message Headers"
-msgstr "Ðаголовки недоÑÑавленного ÑообÑениÑ"
-#~ msgid "Not available"
-#~ msgstr "оÑÑÑÑÑÑвÑеÑ"
-#~ msgid "Unknown message number in reply from server: "
-#~ msgstr "ÐеизвеÑÑнÑй Ð½Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÑ ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² оÑвеÑе ÑеÑвеÑа: "
-#~ msgid "(unknown sender)"
-#~ msgstr "(неизв. оÑпÑавиÑелÑ)"
-#~ msgid "35 min."
-#~ msgstr "35 мин"
-#~ msgid "Message details"
-#~ msgstr "ÐодÑобноÑÑи"
-#~ msgid "(local media)"
-#~ msgstr "(локалÑнÑе ÑайлÑ)"
-#~ msgid "Local Media File:"
-#~ msgstr "Файл Ñ Ð´Ð¸Ñка:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "10 language pairs, maximum of 25 kilobytes translated, powered by Systran"
-#~ msgstr "10 ÑзÑковÑÑ
паÑ, макÑимÑм 25Ðб ÑекÑÑа, ÑиÑÑема Systran"
-#~ msgid "Enable Subtle Printer Friendly Link"
-#~ msgstr "ÐобавлÑÑÑ ÑÑÑÐ»ÐºÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑеÑ
ода к \"веÑÑии Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑаÑи\""
-#~ msgid "Authenticated SMTP"
-#~ msgstr "ÐÑполÑзоваÑÑ SMTP-аÑÑенÑиÑикаÑиÑ"
-#~ msgid "Viewing a message attachment"
-#~ msgstr "ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ Ð²ÑÑавки"
-#~ msgid "Cc:"
-#~ msgstr "ÐопиÑ:"
-#~ msgid "Bcc:"
-#~ msgstr "Ð¡Ð»ÐµÐ¿Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ msgstr "<Ð½ÐµÑ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ°>"
-#~ msgid "Enable request/confirm reading"
-#~ msgstr "ÐклÑÑиÑÑ Ð½Ð¾ÑиÑикаÑии"
-#~ msgid "Use receive date for sort"
-#~ msgstr "СоÑÑиÑоваÑÑ ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ даÑе полÑÑениÑ"
-#~ msgid "There was an error contacting the mail server."
-#~ msgstr "ÐÑибка пÑи попÑÑке ÑвÑзи Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑовÑм ÑеÑвеÑом."
-#~ msgid "Contact your administrator for help."
-#~ msgstr "СвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÐаÑим админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом."
-#~ msgid "No Messages found"
-#~ msgstr "СообÑений не найдено"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Please contact your system administrator and report the following error:"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ÐожалÑйÑÑа, ÑвÑжиÑеÑÑ Ñ ÐаÑим админиÑÑÑаÑоÑом и ÑообÑиÑе о ÑледÑÑÑей "
-#~ "оÑибке:"
-#~ msgid "No To Address"
-#~ msgstr "ÐÐµÑ \"ÐомÑ\""
-#~ msgid "Found"
-#~ msgstr "Ðайдено"
-#~ msgid "messages"
-#~ msgstr "ÑообÑений"
-#~ msgid "Error decoding mime structure. Report this as a bug!"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "ÐÑибка пÑи попÑÑке ÑаÑкодиÑоваÑÑ ÑÑÑÑкÑÑÑÑ. ÐÑпÑавÑÑе ÑообÑение об оÑибке "
-#~ "авÑоÑам!"
-#~ msgid "Submit message"
-#~ msgstr "ÐÑпÑавиÑÑ ÑообÑение"
-#~ msgid "POP3: premature NOOP OK, NOT an RFC 1939 Compliant server"
-#~ msgstr "POP3: оÑибка ÑеÑвеÑа (premature NOOP OK, not RFC 1939 compliant)"
-#~ msgid "NOOP failed. Server not RFC 1939 compliant"
-#~ msgstr "NOOP failed. Server not RFC 1939 compliant"