From: Andrew Engelbrecht <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 19:59:34 +0000 (-0400)
Subject: add signed txt, etc. if it's in an encrypted block

add signed txt, etc. if it's in an encrypted block

later there will need to be fingerprint checking to make sure that
edward can't become a decryption service for edward traffic observers.

diff --git a/edward b/edward
index d7f055d..9a78185 100755
--- a/edward
+++ b/edward
@@ -357,6 +357,9 @@ def flatten_payloads (eddymsg_obj):
     flat_string = ""
+    if eddymsg_obj == None:
+        return ""
     if eddymsg_obj.multipart == True:
         for sub in eddymsg_obj.subparts:
             flat_string += flatten_payloads (sub)
@@ -366,6 +369,13 @@ def flatten_payloads (eddymsg_obj):
     for piece in eddymsg_obj.payload_pieces:
         if piece.piece_type == "text":
             flat_string += piece.string
+        elif piece.piece_type == "message":
+            flat_string += flatten_payloads(piece.plainobj)
+        elif ((piece.piece_type == "clearsign") \
+                or (piece.piece_type == "detachedsig")) \
+                and (piece.gpg_data != None):
+                    flat_string += flatten_payloads (piece.gpg_data.plainobj)
     return flat_string