public static function add(&$form) {
$error = NULL;
- // If statement has been altered so that we do not need to check !$this->get_template_vars("isCaptcha") in CRM/Contribute/Form/Contribution/Main.php
- if (!function_exists('recaptcha_get_html')) {
- require_once E::path('lib/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php');
+ // If we already added reCAPTCHA then don't add it again.
+ // The `recaptcha_get_html` function only exists once recaptchalib.php has been included via this function.
+ if (function_exists('recaptcha_get_html')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ require_once E::path('lib/recaptcha/recaptchalib.php');
- // Load the Recaptcha api.js over HTTPS
- $useHTTPS = TRUE;
+ // Load the Recaptcha api.js over HTTPS
+ $useHTTPS = TRUE;
- $html = recaptcha_get_html(\Civi::settings()->get('recaptchaPublicKey'), $error, $useHTTPS);
+ $html = recaptcha_get_html(\Civi::settings()->get('recaptchaPublicKey'), $error, $useHTTPS);
- $form->assign('recaptchaHTML', $html);
- $form->assign('recaptchaOptions', \Civi::settings()->get('recaptchaOptions'));
- $form->add(
- 'text',
+ $form->assign('recaptchaHTML', $html);
+ $form->assign('recaptchaOptions', \Civi::settings()->get('recaptchaOptions'));
+ $form->add(
+ 'text',
+ 'g-recaptcha-response',
+ 'reCaptcha',
+ );
+ $form->registerRule('recaptcha', 'callback', 'validate', 'CRM_Utils_ReCAPTCHA');
+ $form->addRule('g-recaptcha-response', E::ts('Please go back and complete the CAPTCHA at the bottom of this form.'), 'recaptcha');
+ if ($form->isSubmitted() && empty($form->_submitValues['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
+ $form->setElementError(
- 'reCaptcha',
+ E::ts('Please go back and complete the CAPTCHA at the bottom of this form.')
- $form->registerRule('recaptcha', 'callback', 'validate', 'CRM_Utils_ReCAPTCHA');
- $form->addRule('g-recaptcha-response', E::ts('Please go back and complete the CAPTCHA at the bottom of this form.'), 'recaptcha');
- if ($form->isSubmitted() && empty($form->_submitValues['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
- $form->setElementError(
- 'g-recaptcha-response',
- E::ts('Please go back and complete the CAPTCHA at the bottom of this form.')
- );
- }