$result = civicrm_api3($entity, 'getlist', array('params' => array('id' => $val)));
- if (!empty($result['values'])) {
- foreach($result['values'] as $row) {
- $data[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'text' => $row['label']);
- }
- }
if ($field->isFrozen()) {
- if ($data) {
+ if (!empty($result['values'])) {
// Simplify array for single selects - makes client-side code simpler (but feels somehow wrong)
if (empty($select['multiple'])) {
- $data = $data[0];
+ $result['values'] = $result['values'][0];
- $field->setAttribute('data-entity-value', json_encode($data));
+ $field->setAttribute('data-entity-value', json_encode($result['values']));
return civicrm_api3_create_success($contacts, $params, 'contact', 'get_by_location', $dao);
+ * Overrides _civicrm_api3_generic_getlist_params.
+ *
+ * @param $request array
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_contact_getlist_params(&$request) {
+ // get the autocomplete options from settings
+ $acpref = explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR,
+ CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::getItem(CRM_Core_BAO_Setting::SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_NAME,
+ 'contact_autocomplete_options'
+ )
+ );
+ // get the option values for contact autocomplete
+ $acOptions = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values('contact_autocomplete_options', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, 'name');
+ $list = array();
+ foreach ($acpref as $value) {
+ if ($value && !empty($acOptions[$value])) {
+ $list[] = $acOptions[$value];
+ }
+ }
+ // If we are doing quicksearch by a field other than name, make sure that field is added to results
+ $field_name = CRM_Utils_String::munge($request['search_field']);
+ // Unique name contact_id = id
+ if ($field_name == 'contact_id') {
+ $field_name = 'id';
+ }
+ // phone_numeric should be phone
+ $searchField = str_replace('_numeric', '', $field_name);
+ if(!in_array($searchField, $list)) {
+ $list[] = $searchField;
+ }
+ $request['params']['options']['return'] = $list;
+ $request['params']['options']['sort'] = 'sort_name';
+ // Contact api doesn't support array(LIKE => 'foo') syntax
+ $request['params'][$request['search_field']] = $request['input'];
+ * Overrides _civicrm_api3_generic_getlist_output
+ *
+ * @param $result array
+ * @param $request array
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+function _civicrm_api3_contact_getlist_output($result, $request) {
+ $output = array();
+ if (!empty($result['values'])) {
+ foreach ($result['values'] as $row) {
+ $data = array(
+ 'id' => $row[$request['id_field']],
+ 'label' => $row[$request['label_field']],
+ );
+ $description = array();
+ foreach ($request['params']['options']['return'] as $item) {
+ if (!strpos($item, '_name') && !empty($row[$item])) {
+ $description[] = $row[$item];
+ }
+ }
+ $data['description'] = implode(' :: ', $description);
+ if (!empty($request['image_field'])) {
+ $data['image'] = isset($row[$request['image_field']]) ? $row[$request['image_field']] : '';
+ };
+ $output[] = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ return $output;
function _civicrm_api3_generic_getlist_params(&$request) {
$fieldsToReturn = array($request['id_field'], $request['label_field']);
- !empty($request['image_field']) && $fieldsToReturn[] = $request['image_field'];
- !empty($request['description_field']) && $fieldsToReturn[] = $request['description_field'];
+ if (!empty($request['image_field'])) {
+ $fieldsToReturn[] = $request['image_field'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($request['description_field'])) {
+ $fieldsToReturn[] = $request['description_field'];
+ }
$request['params']['options']['return'] = $fieldsToReturn;
$output = array();
if (!empty($result['values'])) {
foreach ($result['values'] as $row) {
- $output[] = array(
+ $data = array(
'id' => $row[$request['id_field']],
'label' => $row[$request['label_field']],
- 'description' => isset($request['description_field']) && isset($row[$request['description_field']]) ? $row[$request['description_field']] : NULL,
- 'image' => isset($request['image_field']) && isset($row[$request['image_field']]) ? $row[$request['image_field']] : NULL,
+ if (!empty($request['description_field'])) {
+ $data['description'] = isset($row[$request['description_field']]) ? $row[$request['description_field']] : '';
+ };
+ if (!empty($request['image_field'])) {
+ $data['image'] = isset($row[$request['image_field']]) ? $row[$request['image_field']] : '';
+ };
+ $output[] = $data;
return $output;
+ CRM.utils.formatSelect2Result = function(row) {
+ var markup = '<table class="crm-select2-row"><tr>';
+ if (row.image !== undefined) {
+ markup += '<td class="crm-select2-row-image"><img src="' + row.image + '"/></td>';
+ }
+ markup += '<td class="crm-select2-row-content"><div class="crm-select2-row-label">' + row.label + '</div>';
+ markup += '<div class="crm-select2-row-description">' + (row.description || '') + '</div>';
+ markup += '</td></tr></table>';
+ return markup;
+ };
// Initialize widgets
$(document).on('crmLoad', function(e) {
$('table.row-highlight', e.target)
$('.crm-select2', e.target).each(function() {
+ var $el = $(this);
// quickform doesn't support optgroups so here's a hack :(
$('option[value^=crm_optgroup]', this).each(function() {
$(this).nextUntil('option[value^=crm_optgroup]').wrapAll('<optgroup label="' + $(this).text() + '" />');
- var options = $(this).data('select-params') || {};
+ var options = $el.data('select-params') || {};
// Set placeholder from markup if not specified
- if ($(this).is('select:not([multiple])')) {
- options.allowClear = options.allowClear !== undefined ? options.allowClear : !($(this).hasClass('required'));
+ if ($el.is('select:not([multiple])')) {
+ options.allowClear = options.allowClear !== undefined ? options.allowClear : !($el.hasClass('required'));
if (options.placeHolder === undefined && $('option:first', this).val() === '') {
options.placeholderOption = 'first';
// Autocomplete using the getlist api
- if ($(this).data('api-entity') && $(this).hasClass('crm-form-entityref')) {
- $(this).addClass('crm-ajax-select')
- options.query = function(info) {
- var params = $(info.element).data('api-params') || {};
- params.input = info.term;
- params.page_num = info.page;
- CRM.api3($(info.element).data('api-entity'), 'getlist', params).done(function(data) {
- var results = {context: info.context, more: data.more_results, results: []};
- if (typeof(data.values) === 'object') {
- $.each(data.values, function(k, v) {
- results.results.push({id: v.id, text: v.label});
- });
+ if ($el.data('api-entity') && $el.hasClass('crm-form-entityref')) {
+ $el.addClass('crm-ajax-select');
+ $.extend(options, {
+ ajax: {
+ url: CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/rest'),
+ data: function (input, page_num) {
+ var params = $el.data('api-params') || {};
+ params.input = input;
+ params.page_num = page_num;
+ return {
+ entity: $el.data('api-entity'),
+ action: 'getlist',
+ json: JSON.stringify(params)
+ };
+ },
+ results: function(data) {
+ return {more: data.more_results, results: data.values || []};
- info.callback(results);
- });
- };
- options.initSelection = function(el, callback) {
- callback(el.data('entity-value'));
- };
+ },
+ formatResult: CRM.utils.formatSelect2Result,
+ formatSelection: function(row) {
+ return row.label;
+ },
+ escapeMarkup: function (m) {return m;},
+ initSelection: function(el, callback) {
+ callback(el.data('entity-value'));
+ }
+ });
'input' => $this->tag['name'],
$result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('tag', 'getlist', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->tag['id'], $result['values'][0]['id'], 'In line ' . __LINE__);
$this->assertEquals($this->tag['description'], $result['values'][0]['description'], 'In line ' . __LINE__);