if ($params['context'] == 'current') {
- if (($params['contact_id'] == $values['contact_id_a'] and $values['is_permission_a_b'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::EDIT) or
- ($params['contact_id'] == $values['contact_id_b'] and $values['is_permission_b_a'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::EDIT)
- ) {
- $relationship['sort_name'] .= <<<HEREDOC
- <i class="crm-i fa-asterisk" title="{$values['display_name']} can be viewed and edited by $displayName"></i>
- }
- if (($params['contact_id'] == $values['contact_id_a'] and $values['is_permission_a_b'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::VIEW) or
- ($params['contact_id'] == $values['contact_id_b'] and $values['is_permission_b_a'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::VIEW)
- ) {
- $relationship['sort_name'] .= <<<HEREDOC
- <i class="crm-i fa-eye" title="{$values['display_name']} can be viewed by $displayName"></i>
- }
- if (($values['cid'] == $values['contact_id_a'] and $values['is_permission_a_b'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::EDIT) or
- ($values['cid'] == $values['contact_id_b'] and $values['is_permission_b_a'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::EDIT)
- ) {
- $relationship['relation'] .= <<<HEREDOC
- <i class="crm-i fa-asterisk" title="$displayName can be viewed and edited by {$values['display_name']}"></i>
- }
- if (($values['cid'] == $values['contact_id_a'] and $values['is_permission_a_b'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::VIEW) or
- ($values['cid'] == $values['contact_id_b'] and $values['is_permission_b_a'] == CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::VIEW)
- ) {
- $relationship['relation'] .= <<<HEREDOC
- <i class="crm-i fa-eye" title="$displayName can be viewed by {$values['display_name']}"></i>
+ $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
+ $contactCombos = [
+ [
+ 'permContact' => $params['contact_id'],
+ 'permDisplayName' => $displayName,
+ 'otherContact' => $values['cid'],
+ 'otherDisplayName' => $values['display_name'],
+ 'columnKey' => 'sort_name',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'permContact' => $values['cid'],
+ 'permDisplayName' => $values['display_name'],
+ 'otherContact' => $params['contact_id'],
+ 'otherDisplayName' => $displayName,
+ 'columnKey' => 'relation',
+ ],
+ ];
+ foreach ($contactCombos as $combo) {
+ foreach ([CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::EDIT, CRM_Contact_BAO_Relationship::VIEW] as $permType) {
+ $smarty->assign('permType', $permType);
+ if (($combo['permContact'] == $values['contact_id_a'] and $values['is_permission_a_b'] == $permType)
+ || ($combo['permContact'] == $values['contact_id_b'] and $values['is_permission_b_a'] == $permType)
+ ) {
+ $smarty->assign('permDisplayName', $combo['permDisplayName']);
+ $smarty->assign('otherDisplayName', $combo['otherDisplayName']);
+ $relationship[$combo['columnKey']] .= $smarty->fetch('CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl');
+ }
+ }
{if $row.rtype EQ 'a_b' AND $is_contact_id_a}
{if $row.is_permission_a_b == 1}
- {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-asterisk"></i>
+ {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=1 permDisplayName=$displayName otherDisplayName=$row.display_name}
- {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-eye"></i>
+ {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=2 permDisplayName=$displayName otherDisplayName=$row.display_name}
{if $row.is_permission_a_b == 1}
- {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-asterisk"></i>
+ {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=1 otherDisplayName=$displayName permDisplayName=$row.display_name}
- {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-eye"></i>
+ {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=2 otherDisplayName=$displayName permDisplayName=$row.display_name}
{if $row.rtype EQ 'a_b' AND $is_contact_id_a}
{if $row.is_permission_b_a == 1}
- {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-asterisk"></i>
+ {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=1 otherDisplayName=$displayName permDisplayName=$row.display_name}
- {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-eye"></i>
+ {ts 1=$row.display_name 2=$displayName}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=2 otherDisplayName=$displayName permDisplayName=$row.display_name}
{if $row.is_permission_b_a == 1}
- {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-asterisk"></i>
+ {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view and update information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=1 permDisplayName=$displayName otherDisplayName=$row.display_name}
- {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} <i class="crm-i fa-eye"></i>
+ {ts 1=$displayName 2=$row.display_name}<strong>%1</strong> can view information about <strong>%2</strong>{/ts} {include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=2 permDisplayName=$displayName otherDisplayName=$row.display_name}
--- /dev/null
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | CiviCRM version 5 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2018 |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | This file is a part of CiviCRM. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is free software; you can copy, modify, and distribute it |
+ | under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License |
+ | Version 3, 19 November 2007 and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception. |
+ | |
+ | CiviCRM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
+ | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
+ | See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
+ | |
+ | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public |
+ | License and the CiviCRM Licensing Exception along |
+ | with this program; if not, contact CiviCRM LLC |
+ | at info[AT]civicrm[DOT]org. If you have questions about the |
+ | GNU Affero General Public License or the licensing of CiviCRM, |
+ | see the CiviCRM license FAQ at http://civicrm.org/licensing |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+{* Partial for displaying permissions associated with a relationship *}
+{if $permType eq 1}
+{include file="CRM/Contact/Page/View/RelationshipPerm.tpl" permType=2}
+{capture assign="permText"}
+{if $permType eq 1}
+{ts 1=$permDisplayName 2=$otherDisplayName}%2 can be edited by %1{/ts}
+{ts 1=$permDisplayName 2=$otherDisplayName}%2 can be viewed by %1{/ts}
+<span class="fa-stack" title="{$permText}">
+ <i class="crm-i fa-square fa-stack-2x"></i>
+ <i class="crm-i {if $permType eq 1}fa-pencil{else}fa-eye{/if} fa-inverse fa-stack-1x"></i>