return $plainText;
+ /**
+ * Re-encrypt an existing token with a newer version of the key.
+ *
+ * @param string $oldToken
+ * @param string $keyTag
+ * Ex: 'CRED'
+ *
+ * @return string|null
+ * A re-encrypted version of $oldToken, or NULL if there should be no change.
+ * @throws \Civi\Crypto\Exception\CryptoException
+ */
+ public function rekey($oldToken, $keyTag) {
+ /** @var \Civi\Crypto\CryptoRegistry $registry */
+ $registry = \Civi::service('crypto.registry');
+ $sourceKeys = $registry->findKeysByTag($keyTag);
+ $targetKey = array_shift($sourceKeys);
+ if ($this->isPlainText($oldToken)) {
+ if ($targetKey['suite'] === 'plain') {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $tokenData = $this->parse($oldToken);
+ if ($tokenData['k'] === $targetKey['id'] || !isset($sourceKeys[$tokenData['k']])) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ $decrypted = $this->decrypt($oldToken);
+ return $this->encrypt($decrypted, $targetKey['id']);
+ }
* Parse the content of a token (without decrypting it).
$this->assertEquals($inputText, $actualText);
+ public function testRekeyCiphertext() {
+ /** @var \Civi\Crypto\CryptoRegistry $cryptoRegistry */
+ $cryptoRegistry = \Civi::service('crypto.registry');
+ /** @var \Civi\Crypto\CryptoToken $cryptoToken */
+ $cryptoToken = \Civi::service('crypto.token');
+ $first = $cryptoToken->encrypt("hello world", 'UNIT-TEST');
+ $this->assertRegExp(';k=asdf-key-1;', $first);
+ $this->assertEquals('hello world', $cryptoToken->decrypt($first));
+ // If the keys haven't changed yet, then rekey() is a null-op.
+ $second = $cryptoToken->rekey($first, 'UNIT-TEST');
+ $this->assertTrue($second === NULL);
+ // But if we add a newer key, then rekey() will yield new token.
+ $cryptoRegistry->addSymmetricKey($cryptoRegistry->parseKey('::foo') + [
+ 'tags' => ['UNIT-TEST'],
+ 'weight' => -100,
+ 'id' => 'new-key',
+ ]);
+ $third = $cryptoToken->rekey($first, 'UNIT-TEST');
+ $this->assertNotRegExp(';k=asdf-key-1;', $third);
+ $this->assertRegExp(';k=new-key;', $third);
+ $this->assertEquals('hello world', $cryptoToken->decrypt($third));
+ }
+ public function testRekeyUpgradeDowngradePlaintext() {
+ /** @var \Civi\Crypto\CryptoRegistry $cryptoRegistry */
+ $cryptoRegistry = \Civi::service('crypto.registry');
+ /** @var \Civi\Crypto\CryptoToken $cryptoToken */
+ $cryptoToken = \Civi::service('crypto.token');
+ // In the first pass, we have no real key.
+ $cryptoRegistry->addPlainText(['tags' => ['APPLE'], 'weight' => -1]);
+ $first = $cryptoToken->encrypt("hello world", 'APPLE');
+ $this->assertEquals('hello world', $first);
+ $this->assertEquals('hello world', $cryptoToken->decrypt($first));
+ // If the keys haven't changed yet, then rekey() is a null-op.
+ $second = $cryptoToken->rekey($first, 'APPLE');
+ $this->assertTrue($second === NULL);
+ // But if we add a key, then it takes precedence.
+ $cryptoRegistry->addSymmetricKey($cryptoRegistry->parseKey('::applepie') + [
+ 'tags' => ['APPLE'],
+ 'weight' => -3,
+ 'id' => 'interim-key',
+ ]);
+ $third = $cryptoToken->rekey($first, 'APPLE');
+ $this->assertRegExp(';k=interim-key;', $third);
+ $this->assertEquals('hello world', $cryptoToken->decrypt($third));
+ // But if we add another key with earlier priority,
+ $cryptoRegistry->addPlainText(['tags' => ['APPLE'], 'weight' => -4]);
+ $fourth = $cryptoToken->rekey($third, 'APPLE');
+ $this->assertEquals('hello world', $fourth);
+ $this->assertEquals('hello world', $cryptoToken->decrypt($fourth));
+ }
public function testReadPlainTextWithoutRegistry() {
// This is performance optimization - don't initialize crypto.registry unless
// you actually need it.