$preUpgradeMessage .= '<br />' . ts('To continue using Google Checkout Payment Processor with latest version of CiviCRM, requires updating merchant account settings. Please refer "Set API callback URL and other settings" section of <a href="%1" target="_blank"><strong>Google Checkout Configuration</strong></a> doc.', array(1 => 'http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/x/zAJTAg'));
+ global $civicrm_root;
+ $ofcFile = "$civicrm_root/packages/OpenFlashChart/php-ofc-library/ofc_upload_image.php";
+ if (file_exists($ofcFile)) {
+ // http://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-13572
+ // Depending on how the code was upgraded, some sites may still have copies of old
+ // source files left behind. This is often a forgivable offense, but it's quite
+ // dangerous for CIVI-SA-2013-001.
+ $preUpgradeMessage .= '<br />' . ts('This system includes an outdated, insecure script (%1). Please delete it.', array(
+ 1 => $ofcFile
+ ));
+ }
static function checkMessageTemplate(&$template, &$message, $latestVer, $currentVer) {