c['IGNORE_LIST'] += build_mute_dict()
-def switch():
- """
- Switch stream
- """
- try:
- target = g['stuff'].split()[0]
- # Filter and ignore
- args = parse_arguments()
- try:
- if g['stuff'].split()[-1] == '-f':
- guide = 'To ignore an option, just hit Enter key.'
- printNicely(light_magenta(guide))
- only = raw_input('Only nicks [Ex: @xxx,@yy]: ')
- ignore = raw_input('Ignore nicks [Ex: @xxx,@yy]: ')
- args.filter = filter(None, only.split(','))
- args.ignore = filter(None, ignore.split(','))
- elif g['stuff'].split()[-1] == '-d':
- args.filter = c['ONLY_LIST']
- args.ignore = c['IGNORE_LIST']
- except:
- printNicely(red('Sorry, wrong format.'))
- return
- # Public stream
- if target == 'public':
- keyword = g['stuff'].split()[1]
- if keyword[0] == '#':
- keyword = keyword[1:]
- # Kill old thread
- g['stream_stop'] = True
- args.track_keywords = keyword
- # Start new thread
- th = threading.Thread(
- target=stream,
- args=(
- args))
- th.daemon = True
- th.start()
- # Personal stream
- elif target == 'mine':
- # Kill old thread
- g['stream_stop'] = True
- # Start new thread
- th = threading.Thread(
- target=stream,
- args=(
- args,
- g['original_name']))
- th.daemon = True
- th.start()
- printNicely('')
- if args.filter:
- printNicely(cyan('Only: ' + str(args.filter)))
- if args.ignore:
- printNicely(red('Ignore: ' + str(args.ignore)))
- printNicely('')
- except:
- printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
def trend():
+def mentions():
+ """
+ Mentions timeline
+ """
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ num = c['HOME_TWEET_NUM']
+ if g['stuff'].isdigit():
+ num = int(g['stuff'])
+ for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.mentions_timeline(count=num)):
+ draw(t=tweet)
+ printNicely('')
+def whois():
+ """
+ Show profile of a specific user
+ """
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ if screen_name.startswith('@'):
+ try:
+ user = t.users.show(
+ screen_name=screen_name[1:],
+ include_entities=False)
+ show_profile(user)
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Omg no user.'))
+ else:
+ printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
def view():
Friend view
printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
-def mentions():
- """
- Mentions timeline
- """
- t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- num = c['HOME_TWEET_NUM']
- if g['stuff'].isdigit():
- num = int(g['stuff'])
- for tweet in reversed(t.statuses.mentions_timeline(count=num)):
- draw(t=tweet)
- printNicely('')
-def conversation():
+def search():
- Conversation view
+ Search
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- try:
- id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0])
- except:
- printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
- return
- tid = c['tweet_dict'][id]
- tweet = t.statuses.show(id=tid)
- limit = 9
- thread_ref = []
- thread_ref.append (tweet)
- prev_tid = tweet['in_reply_to_status_id']
- while prev_tid and limit:
- limit -= 1
- tweet = t.statuses.show(id=prev_tid)
- prev_tid = tweet['in_reply_to_status_id']
- thread_ref.append (tweet)
- for tweet in reversed(thread_ref):
- draw(t=tweet)
- printNicely('')
+ g['stuff'] = g['stuff'].strip()
+ rel = t.search.tweets(q=g['stuff'])['statuses']
+ if rel:
+ printNicely('Newest tweets:')
+ for i in reversed(xrange(c['SEARCH_MAX_RECORD'])):
+ draw(t=rel[i],
+ keyword=g['stuff'])
+ printNicely('')
+ else:
+ printNicely(magenta('I\'m afraid there is no result'))
def tweet():
-def favorite():
+def conversation():
- Favorite
+ Conversation view
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
tid = c['tweet_dict'][id]
- t.favorites.create(_id=tid, include_entities=False)
- printNicely(green('Favorited.'))
- draw(t.statuses.show(id=tid))
+ tweet = t.statuses.show(id=tid)
+ limit = c['CONVERSATION_MAX']
+ thread_ref = []
+ thread_ref.append(tweet)
+ prev_tid = tweet['in_reply_to_status_id']
+ while prev_tid and limit:
+ limit -= 1
+ tweet = t.statuses.show(id=prev_tid)
+ prev_tid = tweet['in_reply_to_status_id']
+ thread_ref.append(tweet)
+ for tweet in reversed(thread_ref):
+ draw(t=tweet)
t.statuses.update(status=status, in_reply_to_status_id=tid)
-def delete():
+def favorite():
- Delete
+ Favorite
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
tid = c['tweet_dict'][id]
- t.statuses.destroy(id=tid)
- printNicely(green('Okay it\'s gone.'))
+ t.favorites.create(_id=tid, include_entities=False)
+ printNicely(green('Favorited.'))
+ draw(t.statuses.show(id=tid))
+ printNicely('')
def unfavorite():
-def search():
- """
- Search
- """
- t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- g['stuff'] = g['stuff'].strip()
- rel = t.search.tweets(q=g['stuff'])['statuses']
- if rel:
- printNicely('Newest tweets:')
- for i in reversed(xrange(c['SEARCH_MAX_RECORD'])):
- draw(t=rel[i],
- keyword=g['stuff'])
- printNicely('')
- else:
- printNicely(magenta('I\'m afraid there is no result'))
-def message():
+def delete():
- Send a direct message
+ Delete
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- user = g['stuff'].split()[0]
- if user[0].startswith('@'):
- try:
- content = g['stuff'].split()[1]
- except:
- printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
- t.direct_messages.new(
- screen_name=user[1:],
- text=content
- )
- printNicely(green('Message sent.'))
- else:
- printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
+ try:
+ id = int(g['stuff'].split()[0])
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
+ return
+ tid = c['tweet_dict'][id]
+ t.statuses.destroy(id=tid)
+ printNicely(green('Okay it\'s gone.'))
def show():
printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t open url in this tweet.'))
-def ls():
- """
- List friends for followers
- """
- t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- # Get name
- try:
- name = g['stuff'].split()[1]
- if name.startswith('@'):
- name = name[1:]
- else:
- printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
- raise Exception('Invalid name')
- except:
- name = g['original_name']
- # Get list followers or friends
- try:
- target = g['stuff'].split()[0]
- except:
- printNicely(red('Omg some syntax is wrong.'))
- # Init cursor
- d = {'fl': 'followers', 'fr': 'friends'}
- next_cursor = -1
- rel = {}
- # Cursor loop
- while next_cursor != 0:
- list = getattr(t, d[target]).list(
- screen_name=name,
- cursor=next_cursor,
- skip_status=True,
- include_entities=False,
- )
- for u in list['users']:
- rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name']
- next_cursor = list['next_cursor']
- # Print out result
- printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' ' + d[target] + '.')
- for name in rel:
- user = ' ' + cycle_color(name)
- user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
- printNicely(user)
def inbox():
Inbox direct messages
+def message():
+ """
+ Send a direct message
+ """
+ t = Twitter(auth=authen())
+ user = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ if user[0].startswith('@'):
+ try:
+ content = g['stuff'].split()[1]
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
+ t.direct_messages.new(
+ screen_name=user[1:],
+ text=content
+ )
+ printNicely(green('Message sent.'))
+ else:
+ printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
def trash():
Remove message
printNicely(green('Message deleted.'))
-def whois():
+def ls():
- Show profile of a specific user
+ List friends for followers
t = Twitter(auth=authen())
- screen_name = g['stuff'].split()[0]
- if screen_name.startswith('@'):
- try:
- user = t.users.show(
- screen_name=screen_name[1:],
- include_entities=False)
- show_profile(user)
- except:
- printNicely(red('Omg no user.'))
- else:
- printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
+ # Get name
+ try:
+ name = g['stuff'].split()[1]
+ if name.startswith('@'):
+ name = name[1:]
+ else:
+ printNicely(red('A name should begin with a \'@\''))
+ raise Exception('Invalid name')
+ except:
+ name = g['original_name']
+ # Get list followers or friends
+ try:
+ target = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Omg some syntax is wrong.'))
+ # Init cursor
+ d = {'fl': 'followers', 'fr': 'friends'}
+ next_cursor = -1
+ rel = {}
+ # Cursor loop
+ while next_cursor != 0:
+ list = getattr(t, d[target]).list(
+ screen_name=name,
+ cursor=next_cursor,
+ skip_status=True,
+ include_entities=False,
+ )
+ for u in list['users']:
+ rel[u['name']] = '@' + u['screen_name']
+ next_cursor = list['next_cursor']
+ # Print out result
+ printNicely('All: ' + str(len(rel)) + ' ' + d[target] + '.')
+ for name in rel:
+ user = ' ' + cycle_color(name)
+ user += color_func(c['TWEET']['nick'])(' ' + rel[name] + ' ')
+ printNicely(user)
def follow():
printNicely(red('Please try again.'))
+def switch():
+ """
+ Switch stream
+ """
+ try:
+ target = g['stuff'].split()[0]
+ # Filter and ignore
+ args = parse_arguments()
+ try:
+ if g['stuff'].split()[-1] == '-f':
+ guide = 'To ignore an option, just hit Enter key.'
+ printNicely(light_magenta(guide))
+ only = raw_input('Only nicks [Ex: @xxx,@yy]: ')
+ ignore = raw_input('Ignore nicks [Ex: @xxx,@yy]: ')
+ args.filter = filter(None, only.split(','))
+ args.ignore = filter(None, ignore.split(','))
+ elif g['stuff'].split()[-1] == '-d':
+ args.filter = c['ONLY_LIST']
+ args.ignore = c['IGNORE_LIST']
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry, wrong format.'))
+ return
+ # Public stream
+ if target == 'public':
+ keyword = g['stuff'].split()[1]
+ if keyword[0] == '#':
+ keyword = keyword[1:]
+ # Kill old thread
+ g['stream_stop'] = True
+ args.track_keywords = keyword
+ # Start new thread
+ th = threading.Thread(
+ target=stream,
+ args=(
+ args))
+ th.daemon = True
+ th.start()
+ # Personal stream
+ elif target == 'mine':
+ # Kill old thread
+ g['stream_stop'] = True
+ # Start new thread
+ th = threading.Thread(
+ target=stream,
+ args=(
+ args,
+ g['original_name']))
+ th.daemon = True
+ th.start()
+ printNicely('')
+ if args.filter:
+ printNicely(cyan('Only: ' + str(args.filter)))
+ if args.ignore:
+ printNicely(red('Ignore: ' + str(args.ignore)))
+ printNicely('')
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('Sorry I can\'t understand.'))
def cal():
Unix's command `cal`
show_calendar(month, date, rel)
+def theme():
+ """
+ List and change theme
+ """
+ if not g['stuff']:
+ # List themes
+ for theme in g['themes']:
+ line = light_magenta(theme)
+ if c['THEME'] == theme:
+ line = ' ' * 2 + light_yellow('* ') + line
+ else:
+ line = ' ' * 4 + line
+ printNicely(line)
+ else:
+ # Change theme
+ try:
+ # Load new theme
+ c['THEME'] = reload_theme(g['stuff'], c['THEME'])
+ # Redefine decorated_name
+ g['decorated_name'] = lambda x: color_func(
+ '[' + x + ']: ')
+ printNicely(green('Theme changed.'))
+ except:
+ printNicely(red('No such theme exists.'))
def config():
Browse and change config
printNicely(light_magenta('Sorry I can\'s understand.'))
-def theme():
- """
- List and change theme
- """
- if not g['stuff']:
- # List themes
- for theme in g['themes']:
- line = light_magenta(theme)
- if c['THEME'] == theme:
- line = ' ' * 2 + light_yellow('* ') + line
- else:
- line = ' ' * 4 + line
- printNicely(line)
- else:
- # Change theme
- try:
- # Load new theme
- c['THEME'] = reload_theme(g['stuff'], c['THEME'])
- # Redefine decorated_name
- g['decorated_name'] = lambda x: color_func(
- '[' + x + ']: ')
- printNicely(green('Theme changed.'))
- except:
- printNicely(red('No such theme exists.'))
def help_discover():
Discover the world
light_green('home 7') + ' will show 7 tweets.\n'
usage += s * 2 + light_green('mentions') + ' will show mentions timeline. ' + \
light_green('mentions 7') + ' will show 7 mention tweets.\n'
- usage += s * 2 + light_green('conversation 12') + ' will show the chain of replies prior to the tweet with ' + \
- light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
usage += s * 2 + light_green('whois @mdo') + ' will show profile of ' + \
magenta('@mdo') + '.\n'
usage += s * 2 + light_green('view @mdo') + \
usage += s * 2 + \
light_green('allrt 12 20 ') + ' will list 20 newest retweet of the tweet with ' + \
light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
+ usage += s * 2 + light_green('conversation 12') + ' will show the chain of ' + \
+ 'replies prior to the tweet with ' + light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
usage += s * 2 + light_green('rep 12 oops') + ' will reply "' + \
light_yellow('oops') + '" to tweet with ' + \
light_yellow('[id=12]') + '.\n'
- 'conversation',
+ 'conversation',
- conversation,
+ conversation,
[], # home
['@'], # view
[], # mentions
- [], # conversation
[], # tweet
[], # retweet
[], # quote
[], # allretweet
+ [], # conversation
[], # favorite
[], # reply
[], # delete