'attributes' => $creditCardType,
'is_required' => FALSE,
+ //CRM-15509 this is probably a temporary resting place for these form assignments but we are working towards putting this
+ // in an option group & having php / payment processors define the billing form rather than the tpl
+ $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
+ $smarty->assign('paymentTypeName', 'credit_card');
+ $smarty->assign('paymentTypeLabel', ts('Credit Card Information'));
'attributes' => array('size' => 20, 'maxlength' => 64, 'autocomplete' => 'off'),
'is_required' => TRUE,
+ //CRM-15509 this is probably a temporary resting place for these form assignments but we are working towards putting this
+ // in an option group & having php / payment processors define the billing form rather than the tpl
+ $smarty = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
+ // replace these payment type names with an option group - moving name & label assumptions out of the tpl is a step towards that
+ $smarty->assign('paymentTypeName', 'direct_debit');
+ $smarty->assign('paymentTypeLabel', ts('Direct Debit Information'));
{if $form.credit_card_number or $form.bank_account_number}
<div id="payment_information">
- <fieldset class="billing_mode-group {if $paymentProcessor.payment_type & 2}direct_debit_info-group{else}credit_card_info-group{/if}">
+ <fieldset class="billing_mode-group {$paymentTypeName}_info-group">
- {if $paymentProcessor.payment_type & 2}
- {ts}Direct Debit Information{/ts}
- {else}
- {ts}Credit Card Information{/ts}
- {/if}
+ {$paymentTypeLabel}
{if $paymentProcessor.billing_mode & 2 and !$hidePayPalExpress }
<div class="crm-section no-label paypal_button_info-section">