name : Arthur Almeida
organization: Neuwald Tecnologia da Informação
+- name : Sean Prónay
+ organization: Apple Street Market
+ jira : ASMC
- github : axon-obriend
name : Dan O'Brien
organization: Ginkgo Street Labs
organization: Nubay Services
jira : dtarrant
+- name : Dean Valentine
+ organization: National Democratic Institute
+ jira :
- name : Diego Viegas
organization: dotPro
jira : diegov
organization: Jvillage Network
jira : dinalondon
+- github : dsnopek
+ name : David Snopek
+ organization: myDropWizard
- github : dvhirst
name : Donald Hirst
jira : dvhirst
name : Naomi Rosenberg
jira : naomi
+- name : Anthony Colombo
+ organization: DreamSpace
+ jira : Hunabku
- github : ineffyble
name : Effy Elden
jira : effy
- github : jernic
name : jernic
+- name : Jeremy Nicholls
+ organization: SEN Magazine
+ jira : jern
- github : jeromelebleu
name : Jérôme Lebleu
jira : jlebleu
organization: Freeform Solutions
jira : lola_slade
+- github : lsmithgo
+ name : Lionel Smith-Gordon
+ jira : lsmithgo
- name : Madura Krishnamoorthy
organization: CompuCorp
jira : madura
organization: Third Sun
jira : thirdsun
-- name : Thomas Nilefalk
+- github : thoni56
+ name : Thomas Nilefalk
+ organization: Responsive Development Technologies
jira : thoni56
- github : tobiaslounsbury
organization: Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
jira : tom.m
- name : Torrance Hodgson
jira : torrance123
# CiviCRM 4.7.24
-Released September 6, 2017;
+Released September 6, 2017
- **[Synopsis](#synopsis)**
- **[Features](#features)**
AGH Strategies - Andrew Hunt; Australian Greens - Seamus Lee; CiviCRM - Coleman
Watts, Tim Otten; CompuCorp - Michael Devery; Coop SymbioTIC - Samuel Vanhove;
-dsnopek; Electronic Frontier Foundation - Mark Burdett; Fuzion - Chris Burgess,
-Eileen McNaughton, Jitendra Purohit; JMA Consulting - Edsel Lopez, Monish Deb,
-Pradeep Nayak; John Kingsnorth; Korlon - Stuart Gaston; Left Join Labs - Sean
-Madsen; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew
-Wire; Oxfam Germany - Thomas Schüttler; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie
-McClelland; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
+Electronic Frontier Foundation - Mark Burdett; Fuzion - Chris Burgess, Eileen
+McNaughton, Jitendra Purohit; JMA Consulting - Edsel Lopez, Monish Deb, Pradeep
+Nayak; John Kingsnorth; Korlon - Stuart Gaston; Left Join Labs - Sean Madsen;
+Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire;
+myDropWizard - David Snopek; Oxfam Germany - Thomas Schüttler; Progressive
+Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following
reviewers contributed their comments:
-AGH Strategies - Andrew Hunt; Alcohol Justice - Bruce Wolfe; ASMC; Australian
-Greens - Seamus Lee; British Humanist Association - William Gordon; CiviCoop -
-Jaap Jansma; civicrm-builder; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; CiviDesk -
-Nicolas Ganivet; CompuCorp - Guanhuan Chen, Jamie Novick, Michael Devery; Coop
-SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Samuel Vanhove, Stéphane Lussier; Dave Greenberg;
-DevMate - Adam Kwiatkowski; dsnopek;; Electronic Frontier
-Foundation - Mark Burdett; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; Fuzion - Chris Burgess,
-Eileen McNaughton, Jitendra Purohit, Peter Davis; Greenleaf Advancement - Karen
-Stevenson; Hunabku; jern; JMA Consulting - Edsel Lopez, Joe Murray, Monish Deb,
-Pradeep Nayak; John Kingsnorth; Korlon - Stuart Gaston; Lighthouse Design and
-Consulting - Brian Shaughnessy; lsmithgo; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon
-Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Nathan Brettell; Oxfam Germany - Thomas
-Schüttler; Progressive Technology Project - Jamie McClelland; Semper IT - Karin
-Gerritsen; Skvare - Mark Hanna; Stephen Palmstrom; Tadpole Collective - Kevin
-Cristiano; Team Expansion - Greg Harris; Thomas Bacon; Thomas Nilefalk; thoni56;
-Torrance Hodgson; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton
+Alcohol Justice - Bruce Wolfe; Apple Street Market - Sean Prónay; British
+Humanist Association - William Gordon; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; CiviDesk -
+Nicolas Ganivet; CompuCorp - Guanhuan Chen, Jamie Novick; Coop SymbioTIC -
+Mathieu Lutfy, Stéphane Lussier; Dave Greenberg; DevMate - Adam Kwiatkowski;
+DreamSpace - Anthony Colombo; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; Fuzion - Peter Davis;
+Greenleaf Advancement - Karen Stevenson; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray; Lighthouse
+Design and Consulting - Brian Shaughnessy; Lionel Smith-Gordon; Nathan Brettell;
+National Democratic Institute - Dean Valentine; Responsive Development
+Technologies - Thomas Nilefalk; Semper IT - Karin Gerritsen; SEN Magazine -
+Jeremy Nicholls; Skvare - Mark Hanna; Stephen Palmstrom; Tadpole Collective -
+Kevin Cristiano; Team Expansion - Greg Harris; Thomas Bacon; Torrance Hodgson
## <a name="feedback"></a>Feedback
-These release notes are edited by Andrew Hunt. If you'd like to provide
-feedback on them, please login to and contact
+These release notes are edited by Alice Frumin and Andrew Hunt. If you'd like
+to provide feedback on them, please login to
+and contact `@agh1`.