return ($buttonName === '_qf_PDF_upload') || isset($c['values']['PDF']['buttons']['_qf_PDF_upload']);
+ /**
+ * Process the form after the input has been submitted and validated.
+ *
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ * @throws \CiviCRM_API3_Exception
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ */
+ public function postProcess(): void {
+ $form = $this;
+ $formValues = $form->controller->exportValues($form->getName());
+ [$formValues, $categories, $html_message, $messageToken, $returnProperties] = CRM_Contact_Form_Task_PDFLetterCommon::processMessageTemplate($formValues);
+ $html = $activityIds = [];
+ // CRM-16725 Skip creation of activities if user is previewing their PDF letter(s)
+ if ($this->isLiveMode()) {
+ $activityIds = $this->createActivities($form, $html_message, $form->_contactIds, $formValues['subject'], CRM_Utils_Array::value('campaign_id', $formValues));
+ }
+ if (!empty($formValues['document_file_path'])) {
+ [$html_message, $zip] = CRM_Utils_PDF_Document::unzipDoc($formValues['document_file_path'], $formValues['document_type']);
+ }
+ foreach ($form->_contactIds as $item => $contactId) {
+ $caseId = $form->getVar('_caseId');
+ if (empty($caseId) && !empty($form->_caseIds[$item])) {
+ $caseId = $form->_caseIds[$item];
+ }
+ $tokenHtml = CRM_Core_BAO_MessageTemplate::renderTemplate([
+ 'contactId' => $contactId,
+ 'messageTemplate' => ['msg_html' => $html_message],
+ 'tokenContext' => $caseId ? ['caseId' => $caseId] : [],
+ 'disableSmarty' => (!defined('CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY') || !CIVICRM_MAIL_SMARTY),
+ ])['html'];
+ $html[] = $tokenHtml;
+ }
+ $tee = NULL;
+ if ($this->isLiveMode() && Civi::settings()->get('recordGeneratedLetters') === 'combined-attached') {
+ if (count($activityIds) !== 1) {
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception("When recordGeneratedLetters=combined-attached, there should only be one activity.");
+ }
+ $tee = CRM_Utils_ConsoleTee::create()->start();
+ }
+ $type = $formValues['document_type'];
+ $mimeType = $this->getMimeType($type);
+ // ^^ Useful side-effect: consistently throws error for unrecognized types.
+ $fileName = method_exists($form, 'getFileName') ? ($form->getFileName() . '.' . $type) : 'CiviLetter.' . $type;
+ if ($type === 'pdf') {
+ CRM_Utils_PDF_Utils::html2pdf($html, $fileName, FALSE, $formValues);
+ }
+ elseif (!empty($formValues['document_file_path'])) {
+ $fileName = pathinfo($formValues['document_file_path'], PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.' . $type;
+ CRM_Utils_PDF_Document::printDocuments($html, $fileName, $type, $zip);
+ }
+ else {
+ CRM_Utils_PDF_Document::html2doc($html, $fileName, $formValues);
+ }
+ if ($tee) {
+ $tee->stop();
+ $content = file_get_contents($tee->getFileName(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 5);
+ if (empty($content)) {
+ throw new \CRM_Core_Exception("Failed to capture document content (type=$type)!");
+ }
+ foreach ($activityIds as $activityId) {
+ civicrm_api3('Attachment', 'create', [
+ 'entity_table' => 'civicrm_activity',
+ 'entity_id' => $activityId,
+ 'name' => $fileName,
+ 'mime_type' => $mimeType,
+ 'options' => [
+ 'move-file' => $tee->getFileName(),
+ ],
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
+ $form->postProcessHook();
+ CRM_Utils_System::civiExit();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert from a vague-type/file-extension to mime-type.
+ *
+ * @param string $type
+ * @return string
+ * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
+ */
+ protected function getMimeType($type) {
+ $mimeTypes = [
+ 'pdf' => 'application/pdf',
+ 'docx' => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document',
+ 'odt' => 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text',
+ 'html' => 'text/html',
+ ];
+ if (isset($mimeTypes[$type])) {
+ return $mimeTypes[$type];
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new \CRM_Core_Exception("Cannot determine mime type");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param CRM_Core_Form $form
+ * @param string $html_message
+ * @param array $contactIds
+ * @param string $subject
+ * @param int $campaign_id
+ * @param array $perContactHtml
+ *
+ * @return array
+ * List of activity IDs.
+ * There may be 1 or more, depending on the system-settings
+ * and use-case.
+ *
+ * @throws CRM_Core_Exception
+ */
+ public function createActivities($form, $html_message, $contactIds, $subject, $campaign_id, $perContactHtml = []) {
+ $activityParams = [
+ 'subject' => $subject,
+ 'campaign_id' => $campaign_id,
+ 'source_contact_id' => CRM_Core_Session::getLoggedInContactID(),
+ 'activity_type_id' => CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getKey('CRM_Activity_BAO_Activity', 'activity_type_id', 'Print PDF Letter'),
+ 'activity_date_time' => date('YmdHis'),
+ 'details' => $html_message,
+ ];
+ if (!empty($form->_activityId)) {
+ $activityParams += ['id' => $form->_activityId];
+ }
+ $activityIds = [];
+ switch (Civi::settings()->get('recordGeneratedLetters')) {
+ case 'none':
+ return [];
+ case 'multiple':
+ // One activity per contact.
+ foreach ($contactIds as $i => $contactId) {
+ $fullParams = ['target_contact_id' => $contactId] + $activityParams;
+ if (!empty($form->_caseId)) {
+ $fullParams['case_id'] = $form->_caseId;
+ }
+ elseif (!empty($form->_caseIds[$i])) {
+ $fullParams['case_id'] = $form->_caseIds[$i];
+ }
+ if (isset($perContactHtml[$contactId])) {
+ $fullParams['details'] = implode('<hr>', $perContactHtml[$contactId]);
+ }
+ $activity = civicrm_api3('Activity', 'create', $fullParams);
+ $activityIds[$contactId] = $activity['id'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'combined':
+ case 'combined-attached':
+ // One activity with all contacts.
+ $fullParams = ['target_contact_id' => $contactIds] + $activityParams;
+ if (!empty($form->_caseId)) {
+ $fullParams['case_id'] = $form->_caseId;
+ }
+ elseif (!empty($form->_caseIds)) {
+ $fullParams['case_id'] = $form->_caseIds;
+ }
+ $activity = civicrm_api3('Activity', 'create', $fullParams);
+ $activityIds[] = $activity['id'];
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Unrecognized option in recordGeneratedLetters: " . Civi::settings()->get('recordGeneratedLetters'));
+ }
+ return $activityIds;
+ }