$values['softContributions'] = $softContributions['soft_credit'];
if (isset($this->contribution_page_id)) {
- CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionPage::setValues(
- $this->contribution_page_id,
- $values
- );
+ $values = $this->addContributionPageValuesToValuesHeavyHandedly($values);
if ($this->contribution_page_id) {
// CRM-8254 - override default currency if applicable
$config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
return $prevFinancialItem->financial_account_id;
+ /**
+ * ContributionPage values were being imposed onto values.
+ *
+ * I have made this explicit and removed the couple (is_recur, is_pay_later) we
+ * REALLY didn't want superimposed. The rest are left there in their overkill out
+ * of cautiousness.
+ *
+ * The rationale for making this explicit is that it was a case of carefully set values being
+ * seemingly randonly overwritten without much care. In general I think array randomly setting
+ * variables en mass is risky.
+ *
+ * @param array $values
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function addContributionPageValuesToValuesHeavyHandedly(&$values) {
+ $contributionPageValues = array();
+ CRM_Contribute_BAO_ContributionPage::setValues(
+ $this->contribution_page_id,
+ $contributionPageValues
+ );
+ $valuesToCopy = array(
+ // These are the values that I believe to be useful.
+ 'title',
+ 'is_email_receipt',
+ 'pay_later_receipt',
+ 'pay_later_text',
+ 'receipt_from_email',
+ 'receipt_from_name',
+ 'receipt_text',
+ 'custom-pre_id',
+ 'custom_post_id',
+ 'honoree_profile_id',
+ 'onbehalf_profile_id',
+ // Kinda might be - but would be on the contribution...
+ 'campaign_id',
+ 'currency',
+ // Included for 'fear of regression' but can't justify any use for these....
+ 'intro_text',
+ 'payment_processor',
+ 'financial_type_id',
+ 'amount_block_is_active',
+ 'bcc_receipt',
+ 'cc_receipt',
+ 'created_date',
+ 'created_id',
+ 'default_amount_id',
+ 'end_date',
+ 'footer_text',
+ 'goal_amount',
+ 'initial_amount_help_text',
+ 'initial_amount_label',
+ 'intro_text',
+ 'is_allow_other_amount',
+ 'is_billing_required',
+ 'is_confirm_enabled',
+ 'is_credit_card_only',
+ 'is_monetary',
+ 'is_partial_payment',
+ 'is_recur_installments',
+ 'is_recur_interval',
+ 'is_share',
+ 'max_amount',
+ 'min_amount',
+ 'min_initial_amount',
+ 'recur_frequency_unit',
+ 'start_date',
+ 'thankyou_footer',
+ 'thankyou_text',
+ 'thankyou_title',
+ );
+ foreach ($valuesToCopy as $valueToCopy) {
+ if (isset($contributionPageValues[$valueToCopy])) {
+ $values[$valueToCopy] = $contributionPageValues[$valueToCopy];
+ }
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }