var crmMailing = angular.module('crmMailing', ['ngRoute', 'ui.utils','ngSanitize']);
var chck = []; //to fill the group variable $scope.incGroup
var chck2= []; // to get id and text in the required format
- var mltokens = [];
- var global = 0;
+ var mltokens = []; //we store list of the tokens in this
+ var global = 0; //use this to reload mailingList page once
return crmApi('Mailing', 'getsingle', {id: $});
else {
- //created_id has been set to my id. Does not save without created_id. Needs to made generic based on the user
+ //selected mail in case of a new mailing. some default values are set
return {visibility: "Public Pages", url_tracking:"1",dedupe_email:"1", forward_replies:"0", auto_responder:"0", open_tracking:"1"
crmMailing.controller('mailingCtrl', function($scope, crmApi, selectedMail, $location,$route, $sce, $window) {
//setting variables to the values we have got to the api
- $scope.submitted = false;
$scope.partialUrl = partialUrl;
$scope.campaignList = CRM.crmMailing.campNames;
$scope.mailList = CRM.crmMailing.civiMails;
$scope.tmpList = CRM.crmMailing.mesTemplate;
$scope.mailingGrp = CRM.crmMailing.mailGrp;
$scope.user_id = CRM.crmMailing.contactid;
+ mltokens = CRM.crmMailing.mailTokens;
+ //set currentMailing to selectedMail
$scope.currentMailing = selectedMail;
$scope.currentMailing.created_id = $scope.user_id;
- mltokens = CRM.crmMailing.mailTokens;
+ //when pre is true, preview mailing is opened
$scope.pre = false;
+ //counts number of recipients
$scope.noOfRecipients = 0;
+ //object testMailing for and
$scope.testMailing = {};
$ = "";
$ = "";
window.ct = $scope.currentMailing;
+ //previewbody_html stores value of HTML in editor, similar functionality of text and subject based on name
$scope.previewbody_html = "";
$scope.previewbody_text = "";
$scope.preview_subject = "";
- $scope.param = {};
+ //object for tokens
$scope.token = "";
+ //chck and chck2 are used for mailing groups
chck = [];
chck2 = [];
+ // stores name of the sender, email stores the mail address of the sender, total stores the concatenation of the two
+ // stores the reply to email address
$scope.from = {};
$ = "";
$ = "";
$ = "";
$scope.reply ={};
$ = "";
+ //replyaddress is the array used to save the set of fromemailAddress of the person
$scope.replyaddress = [];
for(var a in $scope.fromAddress){
var b = {}; = splt;
+ // retrieves the + value so it can be read by the select2 widget
if ($scope.currentMailing.from_name != null) {
$ = $scope.currentMailing.from_name;
$ = $scope.currentMailing.from_email;
$scope.mailid = [];
+ //putting all the ids of mails corresponding to the current mailing in mailid.
for (var a in $scope.mailingGrp) {
if ($scope.mailingGrp[a].mailing_id==$ {
var b = $scope.mailingGrp[a].entity_id + " " + $scope.mailingGrp[a].entity_table +" " + $scope.mailingGrp[a].group_type;
+ //used to put the Template id in tst so it can be used
if ($scope.currentMailing.msg_template_id!=null) {
- //Making the object for data
+ //Making the object for data in the mailing group related directive
for (var a in chck) {
- var b ={}
+ var b ={}; = chck[a];
var splt = chck[a].split(" ");
$scope.incGroup = chck2;
+ //tabact is set to 0. stores value of active tab
$scope.tabact = 0;
+ //all tabs with tab index greater than maxtab will be disabled. if not a new mail, no tab will be disabled
+ //otherwise all except first tab disabled
if($ != null)
$scope.maxtab = 3;
$scope.maxtab = 0;
+ //increments active tab value and maxtab when next is clicked
$scope.tabupdate = function(){
$scope.tabact = $scope.tabact + 1;
$scope.maxtab = Math.max($scope.maxtab,$scope.tabact);
+ //decrements active tab value
$scope.prevtabupdate = function(){
$scope.tabact = $scope.tabact - 1;
+ //set active tab to 0 when recipient is clicked
+ $scope.recclicked = function(){
+ $scope.tabact = 0;
- $scope.mailingForm = function() {
- if ($scope.mailing_form.$valid) {
- // Submit as normal
- }
- else {
- $scope.mailing_form.submitted = true;
- }
+ //set active tab to 1 when content is clicked
+ //also call appropriate save function if clicked from recipient tab
+ $scope.conclicked = function(){
+ if($scope.tabact == 0)
+ $scope.save_next_page1();
+ $scope.tabact = 1;
+ };
+ //set active tab to 2 when schedule and send is clicked
+ //also call appropriate save functions if clicked from recipient or content tab
+ $scope.schedclicked = function(){
+ if($scope.tabact == 0)
+ $scope.save_next_page1();
+ else if($scope.tabact == 1)
+ $scope.save_next_page2();
+ $scope.tabact = 2;
+ };
+ //goes to the mailing list page
$scope.back = function (){
$window.location.href = "#/mailing" ;
+ //on changing the selected template, updates subject and body_html of currentMailing
$scope.tmp = function (tst){
if($scope.currentMailing.msg_template_id == null){
- $scope.recclicked = function(){
- $scope.tabact = 0;
- };
- $scope.conclicked = function(){
- if($scope.tabact == 0)
- $scope.save_next_page1();
- $scope.tabact = 1;
- };
- $scope.schedclicked = function(){
- if($scope.tabact == 0)
- $scope.save_next_page1();
- else if($scope.tabact == 1)
- $scope.save_next_page2();
- $scope.tabact = 2;
- };
- //to split the value of selectedMail.scheduled_date into the date and time separately
+ //joining and scheddate.time gives us scheduled date of current mailing
$ = "";
$scope.scheddate.time = "";
- $scope.ans="";
+ //checkNow decides whether we see the date picker or not. Depends on send immediately being on or off
$scope.checkNow = function(){
if($ == 1 ){
$ = 0;
$ = "";
$scope.scheddate.time = "";
- }
+ };
//changing the screen from compose on screen to upload content
$scope.upldChange= function(composeS){
return false;
+ //we should only see groups with appropriate mailing visibility
$scope.isGrp= function(grp){
return grp.visibility == "Public Pages";
+ //only completed mails are shown in the groupings
$scope.isCompMail= function(ml){
return ml.is_completed == 1;
+ //This is used to open the update the values in preview mailing
$scope.preview_update = function(){
var resulta =crmApi('Mailing','preview',{id:$});
resulta.success(function(data) {
+ //checks if body_text is empty or not
$scope.isBody_text = function(){
if($scope.currentMailing.body_text == null || $scope.currentMailing.body_text == "" )
return false;
return true;
+ //parses html
$scope.deliberatelyTrustDangerousSnippet = function() {
return $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.previewbody_html);
$scope.deliberatelyTrustDangerousSnippet3 = function() {
return $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.preview_subject);
+ //gets number of mailing recipients
$scope.mailing_recipients= function() {
var resulta =crmApi('MailingRecipients', 'get', {mailing_id: $, options: {limit:1000}});
resulta.success(function(data) {
+ //gets mailing groups associated with current mailing id. formats it in the required way
$scope.mailingGroup = function() {
var resulta =crmApi('MailingGroup', 'get', {mailing_id: $, options: {limit:1000}})
resulta.success(function(data) {
+ //save repeat is a function that is repeated in all versions of save
$scope.save_repeat = function(){
if ($ != "") {
var splt = $" ");
$scope.currentMailing.from_name = spltb;
+ //save_next is used in recipient page. stores mailing groups
$scope.save_next = function() {
+ //splits the groups based on include exclude mailing and groups
+ //deletes existing mailing groups of that id
if ($scope.mailid != null) {
for (var a in $scope.mailid) {
var result_2= crmApi('MailingGroup', 'delete', {
+ //in second page save neither groups or schedule date information.
$scope.save_next_page2 = function() {
var result = crmApi('Mailing', 'create', {
+ //save scheduling information and not groups
$scope.save_next_page3 = function() {
if ($scope.currentMailing.scheduled_date == $scope.currentMailing.approval_date
+ //call save of page2 and go to listing page
$ = function() {
+ //call save of page1 and go to listing page
$scope.save_page1 = function() {
+ //if we save on page one, subject isnt defined. so we equate it to mailing name for now so we can save
$scope.save_next_page1 = function() {
if($ == null){
$scope.currentMailing.subject = $;
+ //set approval date to current time, also schedule date based on send immediately or not. then call 3rd page save
+ //go back to listing page
$scope.submitButton= function(){
$scope.currentMailing.approval_status_id = "1";
$scope.currentMailing.approver_id = $scope.user_id;
+ //we use this to open the preview modal based on value of pre
+ //send test api called to send the test
$scope.sendTest = function(){
var resulta =crmApi('Mailing','send_test',{test_email:$, test_group:$,
+ //used for tokens select2 widget
return {
restrict : 'AE',
+ //ckeditor directive
crmMailing.directive('ckedit', function() {
return {
require: '?ngModel',
+ //used for file upload
crmMailing.directive('file', function(){
return {
scope: {
+ //used to insert the time entry
return {
restrict :'AE',