* @throws CRM_Core_Exception
public static function self_hook_civicrm_pre(\Civi\Core\Event\PreEvent $event) {
+ // Set the default role ID on create.
+ if ($event->entity === 'Participant' && $event->action === 'create' && empty($event->params['role_id'])) {
+ if (!empty($event->params['event_id'])) {
+ $event->params['role_id'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $event->params['event_id'], 'default_role_id');
+ }
+ else {
+ $params['role_id'] = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT default_role_id FROM civicrm_event WHERE id = %1', [
+ 1 => [$event->params['event_id'], 'Integer'],
+ ]);
+ }
+ }
if ($event->entity === 'Participant' && $event->action === 'create' && empty($event->params['created_id'])) {
// Set the "created_id" field if not already set.
// The created_id should always be the person that actually did the registration.
// don't add to recent items, CRM-4399
$formatted['skipRecentView'] = TRUE;
- if (!(!empty($params['participant_role_id']) || !empty($params['participant_role']))) {
- if (!empty($params['event_id'])) {
- $params['participant_role_id'] = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Event_DAO_Event', $params['event_id'], 'default_role_id');
- }
- else {
- $eventTitle = $params['event_title'];
- $params['participant_role_id'] = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT default_role_id FROM civicrm_event WHERE title = %1', [
- 1 => [$eventTitle, 'String'],
- ]);
- }
- }
$formatValues = [];
foreach ($params as $key => $field) {
if ($field == NULL || $field === '') {
$this->assertEquals('ERROR', $row['_status']);
+ /**
+ * Test that imports work generally.
+ */
+ public function testImportParticipant() :void {
+ $this->eventCreate(['title' => 'Rain-forest Cup Youth Soccer Tournament']);
+ $contactID = $this->individualCreate(['external_identifier' => 'ref-77']);
+ $this->importCSV('participant_with_ext_id.csv', [
+ ['name' => 'event_id'],
+ ['name' => 'do_not_import'],
+ ['name' => 'external_identifier'],
+ ['name' => 'fee_amount'],
+ ['name' => 'fee_currency'],
+ ['name' => 'fee_level'],
+ ['name' => 'is_pay_later'],
+ ['name' => 'role_id'],
+ ['name' => 'source'],
+ ['name' => 'status_id'],
+ ['name' => 'register_date'],
+ ['name' => 'do_not_import'],
+ ]);
+ $dataSource = new CRM_Import_DataSource_CSV($this->userJobID);
+ $row = $dataSource->getRow();
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Participant', 'get', [
+ 'contact_id' => $contactID,
+ 'sequential' => TRUE,
+ ])['values'][0];
+ $this->assertEquals($row['event_title'], $result['event_title']);
+ $this->assertEquals($row['fee_amount'], $result['participant_fee_amount']);
+ $this->assertEquals($row['participant_source'], $result['participant_source']);
+ $this->assertEquals($row['participant_status'], $result['participant_status']);
+ $this->assertEquals('2022-12-07 00:00:00', $result['participant_register_date']);
+ $this->assertEquals(['Attendee', 'Volunteer'], $result['participant_role']);
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $result['participant_is_pay_later']);
+ }
* @param array $submittedValues