$this->callAPISuccess('event', 'delete', array('id' => $result['id']));
+ /**
+ * Chaining get event and loc block.
+ */
+ public function testChainingGetLocBlock() {
+ // create a loc block and an event for that loc block.
+ $eventParams = $this->_params[0];
+ $eventParams['loc_bloc_id'] = '$value.id';
+ $locBlockParams = array(
+ 'address' => array(
+ 'street_address' => 'Kipdorp 24',
+ 'postal_code' => '2000',
+ 'city' => 'Antwerpen',
+ 'country_id' => '1020',
+ 'location_type_id' => '1',
+ ),
+ 'api.Event.create' => $eventParams,
+ 'sequential' => 1,
+ );
+ $createResult = $this->callAPIAndDocument('LocBlock', 'create', $locBlockParams, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
+ $locBlockId = $createResult['id'];
+ $addressId = $createResult['values'][0]['address_id'];
+ $eventId = $createResult['values'][0]['api.Event.create']['id'];
+ // request the event with its loc block:
+ $check = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'getsingle', array(
+ 'id' => $eventId,
+ 'api.LocBlock.get' => array('id' => '$value.loc_block_id'),
+ 'sequential' => 1,
+ ));
+ // assert
+ $this->assertEquals($eventId, $check['id'], ' in line ' . __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $check['api.LocBlock.get']['count'], ' in line ' . __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($locBlockId, $check['api.LocBlock.get']['id'], ' in line ' . __LINE__);
+ // cleanup
+ $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'delete', array('id' => $eventId));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Chaining get event and non existing loc block.
+ *
+ * Even if there is no loc block, at least the event should be returned.
+ * http://forum.civicrm.org/index.php/topic,36113.0.html
+ */
+ public function testChainingGetNonExistingLocBlock() {
+ $params = $this->_params[0];
+ $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument($this->_entity, 'create', $params, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
+ $check = $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'get', array(
+ 'id' => $result['id'],
+ // this chaining request should not break things:
+ 'api.LocBlock.get' => array('id' => '$value.loc_block_id'),
+ ));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $check['is_error'], ' in line ' . __LINE__);
+ $this->assertEquals($result['id'], $check['id'], ' in line ' . __LINE__);
+ $this->callAPISuccess($this->_entity, 'Delete', array('id' => $result['id']));
+ }
* Check with complete array + custom field.