private $limit = NULL;
private $offset = NULL;
private $params = array();
+ private $distinct = NULL;
// Public to work-around PHP 5.3 limit.
public $strict = NULL;
return $this;
+ /**
+ * Return only distinct values
+ *
+ * @param bool $isDistinct allow DISTINCT select or not
+ * @return CRM_Utils_SQL_Select
+ */
+ public function distinct($isDistinct = TRUE) {
+ if ($isDistinct) {
+ $this->distinct = 'DISTINCT ';
+ }
+ return $this;
+ }
* Limit results by adding extra condition(s) to the WHERE clause
$sql .= ")\n";
if ($this->selects) {
- $sql .= 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $this->selects) . "\n";
+ $sql .= 'SELECT ' . $this->distinct . implode(', ', $this->selects) . "\n";
else {
$sql .= 'SELECT *' . "\n";
$startDateClauses = $this->prepareStartDateClauses();
- $firstQuery = $query->copy()
- ->merge($this->selectIntoActionLog(self::PHASE_RELATION_FIRST, $query))
- ->merge($this->joinReminder('LEFT JOIN', 'rel', $query))
- ->where(" IS NULL")
- ->where($startDateClauses)
- ->strict()
- ->toSQL();
- \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($firstQuery);
// In some cases reference_date got outdated due to many reason e.g. In Membership renewal end_date got extended
// which means reference date mismatches with the end_date where end_date may be used as the start_action_date
// criteria for some schedule reminder so in order to send new reminder we INSERT new reminder with new reference_date
// value via UNION operation
+ $referenceReminderIDs = array();
+ $referenceDate = NULL;
if (!empty($query['casUseReferenceDate'])) {
+ // First retrieve all the action log's ids which are outdated or in other words reference_date now don't match with entity date.
+ // And the retrieve the updated entity date which will later used below to update all other outdated action log records
+ $sql = $query->copy()
+ ->select(' as id')
+ ->select($query['casDateField'] . ' as reference_date')
+ ->merge($this->joinReminder('INNER JOIN', 'rel', $query))
+ ->where(" IS NOT NULL AND reminder.reference_date IS NOT NULL AND reminder.reference_date <> !casDateField")
+ ->where($startDateClauses)
+ ->orderBy(" desc")
+ ->strict()
+ ->toSQL();
+ $dao = \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
+ while ($dao->fetch()) {
+ $referenceReminderIDs[] = $dao->id;
+ $referenceDate = $dao->reference_date;
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($referenceReminderIDs)) {
+ $firstQuery = $query->copy()
+ ->merge($this->selectIntoActionLog(self::PHASE_RELATION_FIRST, $query))
+ ->merge($this->joinReminder('LEFT JOIN', 'rel', $query))
+ ->where(" IS NULL")
+ ->where($startDateClauses)
+ ->strict()
+ ->toSQL();
+ \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($firstQuery);
+ }
+ else {
+ // INSERT new log to send reminder as desired entity date got updated
$referenceQuery = $query->copy()
->merge($this->selectIntoActionLog(self::PHASE_RELATION_FIRST, $query))
->merge($this->joinReminder('LEFT JOIN', 'rel', $query))
- ->where(" IS NOT NULL")
+ ->where(" = !reminderID")
- ->where("reminder.action_date_time IS NOT NULL AND reminder.reference_date IS NOT NULL")
- ->groupBy(", reminder.reference_date")
- ->having(" = MAX( AND reminder.reference_date <> !casDateField")
+ ->param('reminderID', $referenceReminderIDs[0])
+ // Update all the previous outdated reference date valued, action_log rows to the latest changed entity date
+ $updateQuery = "UPDATE civicrm_action_log SET reference_date = '" . $referenceDate . "' WHERE id IN (" . implode(', ', $referenceReminderIDs) . ")";
+ \CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($updateQuery);