{if $conflictRowCount}
<p class="error">
- {ts 1=$conflictRowCount 2=$downloadConflictRecordsUrl}CiviCRM has detected %1 records with conflicting transaction ids within this data file. If you continue, these records will be skipped. OR, you can download a file with just these problem records - <a href='%2'>Download Conflicts</a>. Then correct them in the original import file, cancel this import and begin again at step 1.{/ts}
+ {ts 1=$conflictRowCount 2=$downloadConflictRecordsUrl}CiviCRM has detected %1 records with conflicting participant IDs within this data file. If you continue, these records will be skipped. OR, you can download a file with just these problem records - <a href='%2'>Download Conflicts</a>. Then correct them in the original import file, cancel this import and begin again at step 1.{/ts}
{if $conflictRowCount}
<tr class="error"><td class="label">{ts}Conflicting Rows{/ts}</td>
<td class="data">{$conflictRowCount}</td>
- <td class="explanation">{ts}Rows with conflicting transaction ids within this file. These rows will be skipped (not imported).{/ts}
+ <td class="explanation">{ts}Rows with conflicting participant IDs within this file. These rows will be skipped (not imported).{/ts}
{if $conflictRowCount}
<p><a href="{$downloadConflictRecordsUrl}">{ts}Download Conflicts{/ts}</a></p>
{if $unMatchCount }
<p class="error">
- {ts count=$unMatchCount plural='CiviCRM has detected mismatched participant IDs. These records have not been Updated.'}CiviCRM has detected mismatched participant ID. This record have not been updated.{/ts}
+ {ts count=$unMatchCount plural='CiviCRM has detected mismatched participant IDs. These records have not been updated.'}CiviCRM has detected a mismatched participant ID. This record has not been updated.{/ts}
<p class="error">
- {ts 1=$downloadMismatchRecordsUrl}You can <a href="%1">Download Mismatched Participantss</a>. You may then correct them, and import the new file with the corrected data.{/ts}
+ {ts 1=$downloadMismatchRecordsUrl}You can <a href="%1">Download Mismatched Participants</a>. You may then correct them, and import the new file with the corrected data.{/ts}
{if $invalidRowCount }
<p class="error">
- {ts count=$invalidRowCount plural='CiviCRM has detected invalid data and/or formatting errors in %count records. These records have not been imported.'}CiviCRM has detected invalid data and/or formatting errors in one record. This record have not been imported.{/ts}
+ {ts count=$invalidRowCount plural='CiviCRM has detected invalid data and/or formatting errors in %count records. These records have not been imported.'}CiviCRM has detected invalid data and/or formatting errors in one record. This record has not been imported.{/ts}
<p class="error">
{ts 1=$downloadErrorRecordsUrl}You can <a href="%1">Download Errors</a>. You may then correct them, and import the new file with the corrected data.{/ts}
{if $conflictRowCount}
<p class="error">
- {ts count=$conflictRowCount plural='CiviCRM has detected %count records with conflicting transaction IDs within this data file or relative to existing participant records. These records have not been imported.'}CiviCRM has detected one record with conflicting transaction ID within this data file or relative to existing particpant records. This record have not been imported.{/ts}
+ {ts count=$conflictRowCount plural='CiviCRM has detected %count records with conflicting participant IDs within this data file or relative to existing participant records. These records have not been imported.'}CiviCRM has detected one record with conflicting participant ID within this data file or relative to existing participant records. This record has not been imported.{/ts}
<p class="error">
- {ts 1=$downloadConflictRecordsUrl}You can <a href="%1">Download Conflicts</a>. You may then review these records to determine if they are actually conflicts, and correct the transaction IDs for those that are not.{/ts}
+ {ts 1=$downloadConflictRecordsUrl}You can <a href="%1">Download Conflicts</a>. You may then review these records to determine if they are actually conflicts, and correct the participant IDs for those that are not.{/ts}
{ts count=$duplicateRowCount plural='CiviCRM has detected %count records which are duplicates of existing CiviCRM participant records.'}CiviCRM has detected one record which is a duplicate of existing CiviCRM participant record.{/ts} {$dupeActionString}
<p {if $dupeError}class="error"{/if}>
- {ts 1=$downloadDuplicateRecordsUrl}You can <a href="%1">Download Duplicates</a>. You may then review these records to determine if they are actually duplicates, and correct the transaction IDs for those that are not.{/ts}
+ {ts 1=$downloadDuplicateRecordsUrl}You can <a href="%1">Download Duplicates</a>. You may then review these records to determine if they are actually duplicates, and correct the participant IDs for those that are not.{/ts}
{if $conflictRowCount}
<tr class="error"><td class="label">{ts}Conflicting Rows (skipped){/ts}</td>
<td class="data">{$conflictRowCount}</td>
- <td class="explanation">{ts}Rows with conflicting transaction IDs (NOT imported).{/ts}
+ <td class="explanation">{ts}Rows with conflicting participant IDs (NOT imported).{/ts}
{if $conflictRowCount}
<p><a href="{$downloadConflictRecordsUrl}">{ts}Download Conflicts{/ts}</a></p>