while ($dao->fetch()) {
$totals[$dao->batch_id] = (array) $dao;
- $dao->free();
return $totals;
$addressDAO->id = $dao->id;
- $addressDAO->free();
$block->is_primary = FALSE;
- $block->free();
if (!$dao->fetch()) {
- $dao->free();
$fieldValues = array($dao->table_name, $dao->column_name, $dao->id);
$cache->set($cacheKey, $fieldValues);
$sql = "UPDATE `{$customGroup->table_name}` SET `{$customField->column_name}` = REPLACE(`{$customField->column_name}`, %1, %2) WHERE `{$customField->column_name}` LIKE %3";
- $customGroup->free();
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql, $params);
- $customField->free();
$entityFileDAO->entity_id = $field['entity_id'];
$entityFileDAO->file_id = $field['file_id'];
- $entityFileDAO->free();
$value = $field['file_id'];
$type = 'String';
$dao->id = $id;
- $dao->free();
$childNote = new CRM_Core_DAO_Note();
$childNote->id = $childId;
- $childNote->free();
$recent[] = $childId;
$return = $note->delete();
- $note->free();
if ($showStatus) {
CRM_Core_Session::setStatus($status, ts('Deleted'), 'success');
$optionValue->weight = $opWeight;
- $optionValue->free();
$tags[$tag->id]['color'] = !empty($tag->color) ? $tag->color : NULL;
- $tag->free();
return $tags;
- $dao->free();
// While we have nodes left to build, shift the first (alphabetically)
// node of the list, place it in our tags list and loop through the
// list of unplaced nodes to find its children. We make a copy to
while ($dao->fetch()) {
$tagSets[$dao->id] = $dao->name;
- $dao->free();
return $tagSets;
if ($options && $flip) {
$options = array_flip($options);
- $customField->free();
return $options;
// Core field: load schema
$dao = new $daoName();
$fieldSpec = $dao->getFieldSpec($fieldName);
- $dao->free();
// Ensure we have the canonical name for this field
$fieldName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $fieldSpec, $fieldName);
// Get list of fields for the option table
$dao = new $daoName();
$availableFields = array_keys($dao->fieldKeys());
- $dao->free();
$select = "SELECT %1 AS id, %2 AS label";
$from = "FROM %3";
while ($dao->fetch()) {
$output[$dao->id] = $dao->label;
- $dao->free();
// Localize results
if (!empty($params['localize']) || $pseudoconstant['table'] == 'civicrm_country' || $pseudoconstant['table'] == 'civicrm_state_province') {
$I18nParams = [];
'currency' => $this->format($itemDAO->currency),
} // end items loop
- $itemDAO->free();
else {
// In this case, split record just uses the FROM account from the trxn, and there's only one record here
$fieldValueMap[$responseField->option_group_id][$responseField->value] = $value;
- $responseField->free();
//actual data formatting.
$hasData = FALSE;
while ($dao->fetch()) {
$contactIds[] = $dao->cid;
- $dao->free();
$contributionSum = 0;
- $dao->free();
// format result set.
$this->formatDisplay($rows, FALSE);