--- /dev/null
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ User-Agent:
+ - Python/3.10.0 aiohttp/3.7.4.post0 Tweepy/4.9.0
+ method: GET
+ uri: https://api.twitter.com/2/users/1072250532645998596/timelines/reverse_chronological
+ response:
+ body:
+ string: "{\"data\":[{\"id\":\"1527697210250518528\",\"text\":\"One of my favorite\
+ \ launches I got to help out with! https://t.co/Qe2H75hg59\"},{\"id\":\"1527695653995827201\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"did anyone say reverse chron? \\uD83D\\uDC40\\n\\nthis is the\
+ \ \\\"latest tweets \u2728\\\" timeline, and we have generous rate limits!\
+ \ https://t.co/Kx0Km4PuAu\"},{\"id\":\"1527691528071565312\",\"text\":\"Today\
+ \ we are launching the reverse-chronological home timeline on the Twitter\
+ \ API v2. https://t.co/eLFKqdCou1\"},{\"id\":\"1527691246449225728\",\"text\"\
+ :\"The time(line) has finally come! The reverse-chronological home timeline\
+ \ is now available on the Twitter API v2, allowing you to retrieve the most\
+ \ recent Tweets and Retweets from people you follow.\\n\\nCheck out the forum\
+ \ post for more information\\uD83D\\uDC47\\nhttps://t.co/JaaguOjtvl\"},{\"\
+ id\":\"1527627349214175232\",\"text\":\"@andypiper @anne_engineer @MichaelMadcat\
+ \ OooOooo that\u2019s a new one for the \u2018want\u2019 list\"},{\"id\":\"\
+ 1527624375721242624\",\"text\":\"RT @SociologyOxford: We're looking forward\
+ \ to welcoming Twitter's @suhemparack for our departmental seminar on Monday:\\\
+ n\\n \\uD83D\\uDCCD'Academic Researc\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1527621781464313858\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Taking a rest day to get the \\uD83E\\uDDE0 back to full strength.\
+ \ \\n\\nNo better place to do it\u2026 https://t.co/GkQAgzhZQ1\"},{\"id\"\
+ :\"1527621734878302208\",\"text\":\"@LeBraat @VeldaKiara Woohoo! Happy birthday\
+ \ @VeldaKiara \\uD83C\\uDF89\"},{\"id\":\"1527620214933757952\",\"text\":\"\
+ Happy birthday to the champion of Kenya dev communities \u2014 @VeldaKiara\
+ \ https://t.co/12Z6ZSDzjH\"},{\"id\":\"1527424172518940673\",\"text\":\"Big\
+ \ fan of how quick and easy Glitch has made it to spin up beautiful web apps.\
+ \ Congrats to the team on joining @fastly \\uD83D\\uDC4F\\uD83C\\uDFFB https://t.co/IzD8JC6QS3\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1527366064903860233\",\"text\":\"RT @woodworker: I've got mail.\
+ \ From @solderparty. It seems they do Keyboards for microcontroller. And the\
+ \ microcontroller boards to play wi\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1527354550394376202\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Tweet entity extractor that makes it easy for developers to find\
+ \ entities in Tweets based on the new Tweet Annotations in the #TwitterAPI\
+ \ v2 https://t.co/pgYscamXLQ https://t.co/YUVG9MxDIX\"},{\"id\":\"1527354524142227456\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Tweet image analyzer is a demo app for researchers that want to\
+ \ learn how to extract text from images in Tweets https://t.co/110V9VhzmL\
+ \ https://t.co/YdgcS6Nmen\"},{\"id\":\"1527354493020491779\",\"text\":\"Wordle\
+ \ stats that gives you the stats for Wordle players based on their Tweets\
+ \ https://t.co/HrfgPmohNb https://t.co/cgD2DLLjyk\"},{\"id\":\"1527354476083892240\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Twitter bookmarks search that lets you search and organize your\
+ \ Twitter bookmarks by @i_am_daniele https://t.co/a1GLIDb0uX https://t.co/tBm9rze3Xd\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1527354451937284117\",\"text\":\"Bookmarks to Notion, an app that\
+ \ lets you import your bookmarks to a Notion page https://t.co/O0wnVHbYKJ\
+ \ https://t.co/X9axhd4vfd\"},{\"id\":\"1527354400842272770\",\"text\":\"We\
+ \ have many demo apps on @glitch that showcase the various functionality\
+ \ of the #TwitterAPI v2. Below are 5 of my favorite ones, please try those\
+ \ out and let us know how you like those \\uD83E\\uDDF5\"},{\"id\":\"1527327677878657028\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"our best demos run on @glitch and we\u2019re just happy to see\
+ \ you part of something amazing. https://t.co/RdphUiXdcf\"},{\"id\":\"1527326965673254915\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"I introduced my friend to Dorfromantik today and I may have to\
+ \ fight her over the #SteamDeck\"},{\"id\":\"1527319569164926977\",\"text\"\
+ :\"Eyyyy @jamie_maguire1!!\\n\\uD83D\\uDE4C\\uD83C\\uDFFC\\uD83D\\uDE4C\\\
+ uD83C\\uDFFC\\n\\n https://t.co/eHstglloHl\"},{\"id\":\"1527318645948309505\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @hackingcommsci: Very excited to have Suhem joining us from\
+ \ @Twitter for #hackica22. Can't wait to see the cool projects using the Twitt\u2026\
+ \"},{\"id\":\"1527316287810318337\",\"text\":\"This is excellent news! https://t.co/FndZ0BDzC2\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1527297108100775936\",\"text\":\"Congrats to the @glitch team.\
+ \ I love how easy Glitch makes it for me to deploy working sample apps and\
+ \ demos. If you\u2019re a dev advocate, partner/sales engineer or solutions\
+ \ architect - definitely try it out - it saved me so much time in building\
+ \ fun sample apps with #TwitterAPI https://t.co/1vojbJ3HvM\"},{\"id\":\"1527264809330393089\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Milan https://t.co/Q0U9D2cTR0\"},{\"id\":\"1527107692858200064\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"If you\u2019re going to #ICA22 and attending #hackica22, I\u2019\
+ ll be doing a session on using the Twitter API v2 for research. Hope to see\
+ \ y\u2019all there https://t.co/xx8aHixfdy\"},{\"id\":\"1527097985305153543\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @GravelInstitute: For the first time ever, George Bush is right:\
+ \ George Bush did in fact launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion\u2026\
+ \"},{\"id\":\"1527063266278576128\",\"text\":\"\\\"si lo puedes creer, lo\
+ \ puedes crear\\\" \u2014\_@CrisGuadarramaM\"},{\"id\":\"1527048920169340929\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @hackaday: Network Time Protocol on the\_ESP32 https://t.co/JAZJ0Lsvrs\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1527047952950124544\",\"text\":\"aqui estoy https://t.co/Xrhyr1afh4\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526987122401366017\",\"text\":\"New favorite bot alert \\uD83D\\\
+ uDEA8\\n\\nWell done, @LuisMayoV https://t.co/jOPNbHZQn8\"},{\"id\":\"1526986177483526144\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"\\uD83C\\uDDEE\\uD83C\\uDDF9\"},{\"id\":\"1526972563053654016\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"About a year ago we launched our course on getting started with\
+ \ academic research using the #TwitterAPI v2. Since then it has been used\
+ \ by professors in various courses.\\n\\nIf you\u2019re looking to use Twitter\
+ \ data in your class, check it out & share with others https://t.co/IWpMNIqzUn\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526972060089479169\",\"text\":\"RT @YEmreTapan: People in our\
+ \ community frequently ask about how to study Twitter networks. Previously,\
+ \ we learned how to retrieve Twitter\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1526957996747722753\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @TwitterSpaces: Twitter Spaces are real live audio convos you\
+ \ can join from your couch. or the dog park. or the bathtub. wherever you\
+ \ ar\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1526932423467999232\",\"text\":\"@i_am_daniele Cheese\u2026\
+ \ just cheese\"},{\"id\":\"1526931381921644546\",\"text\":\"This \\uD83D\\\
+ uDC47\\uD83C\\uDFFC\\nJust because people aren\u2019t actively posting doesn\u2019\
+ t mean they aren\u2019t finding value and viewing ads on Twitter. https://t.co/K4Sk6vh39F\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526862555309817856\",\"text\":\"The \\uD83C\\uDF2F game has officially\
+ \ changed @grimesalittle https://t.co/Vlvfk9a8eK\"},{\"id\":\"1526854021725790208\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Next: planning my \u201Ccarry\u201D for #EMFCamp (time to fill\
+ \ out a wiki page over there), and I have a number of draft blog posts to\
+ \ actually finish, as well\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1526853766322040833\",\"text\"\
+ :\"Although I\u2019m out for a bit\u2026 I\u2019m just gonna leave this here\
+ \ - a side project I started to collate amazing resources and uses around\
+ \ the current Twitter API. ~20 stars already. Discussions are open (on GH).\
+ \ I might not immediately deal with PRs while away. https://t.co/Rdp0Xo2qmh\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526837269520191488\",\"text\":\"\\uD83C\\uDDEB\\uD83C\\uDDF7\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526804934234189826\",\"text\":\"I can always rely on @biglesp\
+ \ to write exactly the article I\u2019m interested in! #BASIC https://t.co/BNRWbX9iTE\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526783143222599681\",\"text\":\"Oh wow it\u2019s early \\uD83E\\\
+ uDD71\"},{\"id\":\"1526723830361731072\",\"text\":\"@i_am_daniele Taking that\
+ \ bra off right,puttting your feet up and that ice cold glass of wine!! That\
+ \ feels good!\"},{\"id\":\"1526695419643695104\",\"text\":\"seeing a new animal\
+ \ you've never seen in real life for the first time\\n\\ndiscovering how weird\
+ \ seasonal allergies are (my allergies are terrible but I like my own attitude\
+ \ towards them)\\n\\nbeing alone without feeling lonely\\n\\nfinishing a good\
+ \ book\"},{\"id\":\"1526695418616111106\",\"text\":\"when you have zero cell\
+ \ reception and you don't care because it's your day off\\n\\nthe sweet spot:\
+ \ 72-75\xBA F / 22-23\xBA C\\n\\nfirst snow of the season\\n\\nsaying or receiving\
+ \ thank you\\n\\ngetting complimented for something you didn't know you looked\
+ \ like/could do\"},{\"id\":\"1526695417626259456\",\"text\":\"being able to\
+ \ figure out how to play your favorite songs on the piano\\n\\nbeing unsure\
+ \ if you helped someone or made them feel worse, and then they tell you or\
+ \ you realize you did a very good job\\n\\nplay your favorite album in a loop\
+ \ for a whole day\\n\\nsinging with a friend\\n\\nsunny days\"},{\"id\":\"\
+ 1526695416439242752\",\"text\":\"things that feel good (in no particular order):\\\
+ n\\nfalling in love\\n\\npetting your favorite pet\\n\\neating chocolate\\\
+ n\\nrunning so fast it feels like you're flying\\n\\nreceiving a kiss\\n\\\
+ n(add yours and let's turn twitter into the the most wholesome place for a\
+ \ day \\uD83D\\uDC47)\"},{\"id\":\"1526669053863116802\",\"text\":\"Taking\
+ \ time away from work until June - I may not respond to related queries before\
+ \ then.\"},{\"id\":\"1526632421537353728\",\"text\":\"RT @charmcli: \\uD83D\\\
+ uDEA8\\uD83D\\uDC25 Calling all devs! We\u2019re excited to host an open source\
+ \ dev tool discovery session with @TwitterDev this Thursday at 9am PD\u2026\
+ \"},{\"id\":\"1526594589091667968\",\"text\":\"RT @michaelrowe01: Hey Twitterverse\
+ \ - I am looking for an macOS #shortcut to automatically upload a pdf to DropBox\
+ \ without having Dropbox i\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1526569493392068608\",\"text\"\
+ :\"Just received my first Birdfeeder bookmark digest and I love it. @tehwey\
+ \ I like the dark theme!\\n\\nYou can try out Birdfeeder for free at https://t.co/j24mEMp1HY\
+ \ https://t.co/iiAizy0sib\"},{\"id\":\"1526558333804630019\",\"text\":\"In\
+ \ our podcast this week, we talked robots, Open Source trackballs, and LEGO,\
+ \ with a special guest! (I'll be taking a couple of weeks off, so you won't\
+ \ hear me for a few) https://t.co/LOFO5CHbuC\"},{\"id\":\"1526545643573022722\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Into the home stretch with work, ahead of time off and travels\
+ \ until June! \\uD83D\\uDE0E https://t.co/dl5G2TNjaK\"},{\"id\":\"1526266844172140544\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @newonbotwiki: New tutorial was added to Botwiki! https://t.co/Gv57Q51LYz\
+ \ Via @JessicaGarson\"},{\"id\":\"1526210732194414599\",\"text\":\"RT @circuitpyshow:\
+ \ New episode! Liz Clark aka @BlitzCityDIY joins the show and shares her\
+ \ maker journey and we talk all things MIDI. http\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1526209896601030656\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Did you know that the new Twitter API has a process for sharing\
+ \ technical proposals for changes? You can learn more via our open evolution\
+ \ project on GitHub https://t.co/0HNKhdnWyl\"},{\"id\":\"1526184823257194496\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @lexaloffle: \\uD83C\\uDF93 PICO-8 Education Edition: \\uD83C\\\
+ uDF1FOUT NOW! \\uD83C\\uDF1F\\n\\nhttps://t.co/3gtO0iWS1S // you'll need a\
+ \ keyboard!\\n\\nA web-based version of #pico8\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1526170917465903106\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Lookin good @TwitterDublin. Actually, lookin great https://t.co/DoyDxhzHj0\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526170139854503936\",\"text\":\"Can confirm\u2026 pizza and beer\
+ \ with @IgorBrigadir as your Dublin guide is the play\"},{\"id\":\"1526154571474771969\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"My #SteamDeck review: great for folks who like fiddling (with\
+ \ *everything*). Eventually, you'll remember you bought it to play some games...\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1526153184481357830\",\"text\":\"RT @GamesAtWork_Biz: check out\
+ \ e368: Chaos Agent Without Pants - with special guest @theRab & stories\
+ \ @BostonDynamics Spot, drones, open so\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1525866559910060033\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"TIL there's a standard for stickers. @juliaferraioli did *you*\
+ \ know about this? (if so, why am I just learning?) https://t.co/zTsFT9Oj2c\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525856157021179905\",\"text\":\"Oh, hi there! \\uD83D\\uDC26\
+ \ https://t.co/aGhUyHiSSP\"},{\"id\":\"1525623334938939392\",\"text\":\"\\\
+ uD83C\\uDDFA\\uD83C\\uDDE6 \\uD83C\\uDFB6 \\uD83C\\uDF8A\"},{\"id\":\"1525537549971759107\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"The volume of gingers in Dublin\u2026 I feel seen and accepted\
+ \ \\uD83D\\uDC68\\uD83C\\uDFFB\u200D\\uD83E\\uDDB0, even if I consider myself\
+ \ a recovering ginger\"},{\"id\":\"1525453767143038976\",\"text\":\"Love it!\
+ \ \\uD83C\\uDF08 https://t.co/9Z02Dv0zcc\"},{\"id\":\"1525402844131639296\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Happy weekend! Off to @HRP_palaces Hampton Court today for the\
+ \ Artisan Fair. What are you up to?\"},{\"id\":\"1525395319013376000\",\"\
+ text\":\"RT @_andrewlyons: Today, we opened up @spacesdashboard - your discovery\
+ \ guide to Social Audio on @twitterspaces as guests with @i_am_daniel\u2026\
+ \"},{\"id\":\"1525252806889857024\",\"text\":\"to all recruiters: sorry\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525250854684700673\",\"text\":\"I actually still love working\
+ \ at twitter. why?\\n\\n\u2022 tweeps are kind and resilient\\n\u2022 I still\
+ \ get to help people on twitter\\n\u2022 people (even people without a twitter\
+ \ account) root for us and our success\\n\\nplease never take all of the above\
+ \ for granted \\uD83D\\uDC99\"},{\"id\":\"1525232366909792256\",\"text\":\"\
+ developers, how would you change the profile page?\\n\\nasking for a friend\
+ \ https://t.co/X5u3GbE5ED\"},{\"id\":\"1525202101311258626\",\"text\":\"RT\
+ \ @TwitterEng: Achieving large-scale real-time data analytics on Twitter's\
+ \ high volume of data is uniquely challenging. In our latest blog\u2026\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525185359805444096\",\"text\":\"This is a https://t.co/LYswtRnxfc\
+ \ appreciation Tweet! As a Developer Advocate, it has made easy for me to\
+ \ share code, tutorials and content with other developers in such an easy\
+ \ and effective manner! Thanks @ThePracticalDev\"},{\"id\":\"1525170076491579393\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @TweetDeck: Have you tried the new TweetDeck Preview? We\u2019\
+ d love to hear from you!\\n\\nUse #TweetDeckFeedback to tell us what you think.\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525160409459609600\",\"text\":\"RT @arwaib: BREAKING: #Israeli\
+ \ forces target Palestinian journalist #ShireenAbuAqla\u2019s funeral procession,\
+ \ using batons against participants\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1525144460702539776\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"For those that follow me for Twitter API / data related content\
+ \ or updates, which version of the #TwitterAPI version do you use and why?\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525143990202355712\",\"text\":\"so tired \\uD83D\\uDE10\"},{\"\
+ id\":\"1525138926176022536\",\"text\":\"Spaces leaderboard: https://t.co/hsMnfwBjnL\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525137455934062593\",\"text\":\"My @spacesdashboard page: https://t.co/wVf6dayv2x\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525135946894696450\",\"text\":\"Today @_andrewlyons launched\
+ \ @spacesdashboard. A way to discover and explore Spaces and their creators\
+ \ with a comprehensive view of the Spacesverse https://t.co/l5styAPwJ7\"},{\"\
+ id\":\"1525129446784741376\",\"text\":\"starting now! https://t.co/0KmwdrRJiE\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525129258607181824\",\"text\":\"https://t.co/B4u7HCXE5n\"},{\"\
+ id\":\"1525091195453681664\",\"text\":\"Happy kung-fu kenny day to those who\
+ \ celebrate \\uD83E\\uDD73\\n\\n#nowplaying \\n\\nhttps://t.co/rQtKm5HddN\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1525079426299568128\",\"text\":\"RT @codebar: Hey all, @trans_code\
+ \ is going to @europython this summer, Tuesday 12th July 2022 \u2728\\n\\\
+ nTrans*Code is a free full-day workshop & h\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1525067978227822592\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Well now \\uD83D\\uDE43 must be nearly time for a holiday.\"},{\"\
+ id\":\"1524934140046368768\",\"text\":\"Send me all the recommendations?\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1524933942742163456\",\"text\":\"I\u2019ll be hanging out in the\
+ \ european time zones over the next month, starting tomorrow.\\n\\ndublin\\\
+ nlondon\\nbudapest\\nlake como\\nst moritz\\nzermatt\\navignon\\nparis\"},{\"\
+ id\":\"1524933282898399232\",\"text\":\"I think I\u2019m quite ready for another\
+ \ adventure https://t.co/JaJcgMTAOh\"},{\"id\":\"1524904820469125146\",\"\
+ text\":\"Truly enjoyed seeing @kayvz and @boo in action. They drove serious\
+ \ work, but did so in a fun way. Very sorry to see them go.\"},{\"id\":\"\
+ 1524882463075491848\",\"text\":\"Right, @Xbox Cloud Gaming all set up on #SteamDeck,\
+ \ Steam back catalogue downloaded \\uD83D\\uDC7E that's all for today. Time\
+ \ for bed.\"},{\"id\":\"1524871241559072791\",\"text\":\"listening to a Space\
+ \ from @TwitterDev and testing the API... \\uD83D\\uDC4B\"},{\"id\":\"1524865904890331157\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Happening now -> https://t.co/PQvTty3tCk\"},{\"id\":\"1524862908781543434\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"RT @ZxSpectROM: Tomorrow at 18:00GMT the very last 7 Ukrainian\
+ \ Fundraiser RC2014 kits will go in sale at z80kits. \\n\\nThese are the last\
+ \ I ha\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1524862798823669766\",\"text\":\"RT @europython:\
+ \ Hey hey! @trans_code is coming to @europython this summer! 12th July 2022!\
+ \ \u2728\\n\\nTrans*Code is a free full day workshop & hack\u2026\"},{\"\
+ id\":\"1524833175024848898\",\"text\":\"RT @jamie_maguire1: A great video\
+ \ tutorial by @jessicagarson that shows you how to create a Twitter Bot\\\
+ n\\nAn accompanying blog with low leve\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1524796546306478083\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"Today marks the launch of Devs in the Details, a technical video\
+ \ series made for developers by developers building with the Twitter API.\_\
+ \_\\uD83D\\uDE80\\n\\nIn this premiere episode, @jessicagarson walks us through\
+ \ how she built @FactualCat #WelcomeToOurTechTalk\\n\u2B07\uFE0F\\n\\nhttps://t.co/nGa8JTQVBJ\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1524755167522000904\",\"text\":\"RT @josecastillo: Hey you! Are\
+ \ you in the New York area? Interested in hardware-oriented stuff? Drop by\
+ \ the workshop of @the_prepared in Br\u2026\"},{\"id\":\"1524746260862754816\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"I\u2019m back \\uD83C\\uDF99\\n\\nand I have a guest who\u2019\
+ ll bring a nice surprise!\\n\\ntune in tomorrow: \\n\\nhttps://t.co/B4u7HCG2GN\"\
+ },{\"id\":\"1524731295917658115\",\"text\":\"So... the #SteamDeck arrived!\
+ \ And also, excitingly, so did this (and some other goodies, from @yongxiangxu251\
+ \ \\uD83D\\uDE4F\\uD83C\\uDFFB)! Unsure which one will provide me the most\
+ \ entertainment, but I'm working now, so I shall investigate later! #esp32c3\
+ \ #micropython https://t.co/ZArQow0DTj\"},{\"id\":\"1524728475172708357\"\
+ ,\"text\":\"So, @SparkMailApp on iOS/iPadOS/macOS is pretty nice, might even\
+ \ claw me back away from using webmail as my default UI...\"}],\"meta\":{\"\
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+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+ url: https://api.twitter.com/2/users/1072250532645998596/timelines/reverse_chronological
+version: 1
--- /dev/null
+- request:
+ body: null
+ headers:
+ Accept:
+ - '*/*'
+ Accept-Encoding:
+ - gzip, deflate
+ Connection:
+ - keep-alive
+ User-Agent:
+ - Python/3.10.0 Requests/2.27.1 Tweepy/4.9.0
+ method: GET
+ uri: https://api.twitter.com/2/users/1072250532645998596/timelines/reverse_chronological
+ response:
+ body:
+ string: !!binary |
+ 4Y0XnohxxIQXE174Axxe9qf0D/gXfDIvqgigNLZ7piWyCrjImzcf52Qm+vfbkazk9t7f/n47ibb3
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+ 5mHqQRPdhRrRK6xUD5yS+49lDQ/8MOQ+w9/tbE8V/Yccfr8NW8cX37kMtr1nGsbOdqYW2P/3/+W/
+ 8EDvw7au+MEeCQd+r3JQBVziAaxGySiCooPQG1ULIE5l+3c300Ea2qPi1p/cxoZfmnM7G23/4Q//
+ AwAA//8DACezXFdnQgAA
+ headers:
+ api-version:
+ - '2.43'
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+ - no-cache, no-store, max-age=0
+ content-disposition:
+ - attachment; filename=json.json
+ content-encoding:
+ - gzip
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+ - '7938'
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+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ date:
+ - Fri, 20 May 2022 17:08:16 UTC
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+ - tsa_b
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+ - guest_id_marketing=v1%3A165306649566838768; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sun,
+ 19 May 2024 17:08:16 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
+ - guest_id_ads=v1%3A165306649566838768; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sun, 19 May
+ 2024 17:08:16 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
+ - personalization_id="v1_9fPfEVO4cdJJonsdLLpHvg=="; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sun,
+ 19 May 2024 17:08:16 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
+ - guest_id=v1%3A165306649566838768; Max-Age=63072000; Expires=Sun, 19 May 2024
+ 17:08:16 GMT; Path=/; Domain=.twitter.com; Secure; SameSite=None
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+ - max-age=631138519
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+ - '180'
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+ - '178'
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+ - '1036'
+ x-xss-protection:
+ - '0'
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+version: 1
| `GET /2/users/:id/mentions`_ | :meth:`AsyncClient.get_users_mentions` |
+ | `GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological`_ | :meth:`AsyncClient.get_home_timeline` |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
| `GET /2/users/:id/tweets`_ | :meth:`AsyncClient.get_users_tweets` |
| .. centered:: |Tweet counts|_ |
.. _GET /2/tweets/search/recent: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/search/api-reference/get-tweets-search-recent
.. |Timelines| replace:: *Timelines*
.. _GET /2/users/:id/mentions: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-mentions
+.. _GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-reverse-chronological
.. _GET /2/users/:id/tweets: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-tweets
.. |Tweet counts| replace:: *Tweet counts*
.. _GET /2/tweets/counts/all: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/counts/api-reference/get-tweets-counts-all
.. automethod:: AsyncClient.get_users_mentions
+.. automethod:: AsyncClient.get_home_timeline
.. automethod:: AsyncClient.get_users_tweets
Tweet counts
| `GET /2/users/:id/mentions`_ | :meth:`Client.get_users_mentions` |
+ | `GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological`_ | :meth:`Client.get_home_timeline` |
+ +--------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
| `GET /2/users/:id/tweets`_ | :meth:`Client.get_users_tweets` |
| .. centered:: |Tweet counts|_ |
.. _GET /2/tweets/search/recent: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/search/api-reference/get-tweets-search-recent
.. |Timelines| replace:: *Timelines*
.. _GET /2/users/:id/mentions: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-mentions
+.. _GET /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-reverse-chronological
.. _GET /2/users/:id/tweets: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-tweets
.. |Tweet counts| replace:: *Tweet counts*
.. _GET /2/tweets/counts/all: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/counts/api-reference/get-tweets-counts-all
.. automethod:: Client.get_users_mentions
+.. automethod:: Client.get_home_timeline
.. automethod:: Client.get_users_tweets
Tweet counts
user_id = 783214 # User ID for @Twitter
await self.client.get_users_mentions(user_id)
+ @tape.use_cassette("test_asyncclient_get_home_timeline.yaml")
+ async def test_get_home_timeline(self):
+ await self.client.get_home_timeline()
async def test_get_users_tweets(self):
user_id = 783214 # User ID for @Twitter
user_id = 783214 # User ID for @Twitter
+ @tape.use_cassette("test_client_get_home_timeline.yaml")
+ def test_get_home_timeline(self):
+ self.client.get_home_timeline()
def test_get_users_tweets(self):
user_id = 783214 # User ID for @Twitter
), data_type=Tweet, user_auth=user_auth
+ async def get_home_timeline(self, *, user_auth=True, **params):
+ """get_home_timeline( \
+ *, end_time=None, exclude=None, expansions=None, \
+ max_results=None, media_fields=None, pagination_token=None, \
+ place_fields=None, poll_fields=None, since_id=None, \
+ start_time=None, tweet_fields=None, until_id=None, \
+ user_fields=None, user_auth=True \
+ )
+ Allows you to retrieve a collection of the most recent Tweets and
+ Retweets posted by you and users you follow. This endpoint returns up
+ to the last 3200 Tweets.
+ .. note::
+ When using OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE with
+ ``user_auth=False``, a request is made beforehand to Twitter's API
+ to determine the authenticating user's ID. This is cached and only
+ done once per :class:`Client` instance for each access token used.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ end_time : datetime.datetime | str | None
+ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ (ISO 8601/RFC 3339). The new UTC timestamp
+ from which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in second
+ granularity and is inclusive (for example, 12:00:01 includes the
+ first second of the minute).
+ Please note that this parameter does not support a millisecond
+ value.
+ exclude : list[str] | str | None
+ Comma-separated list of the types of Tweets to exclude from the
+ response.
+ expansions : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`expansions_parameter`
+ max_results : int | None
+ Specifies the number of Tweets to try and retrieve, up to a maximum
+ of 100 per distinct request. By default, 100 results are returned
+ if this parameter is not supplied. The minimum permitted value is
+ 1. It is possible to receive less than the ``max_results`` per
+ request throughout the pagination process.
+ media_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`media_fields_parameter`
+ pagination_token : str | None
+ This parameter is used to move forwards or backwards through
+ 'pages' of results, based on the value of the ``next_token`` or
+ ``previous_token`` in the response. The value used with the
+ parameter is pulled directly from the response provided by the API,
+ and should not be modified.
+ place_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`place_fields_parameter`
+ poll_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`poll_fields_parameter`
+ since_id : int | str | None
+ Returns results with a Tweet ID greater than (that is, more recent
+ than) the specified 'since' Tweet ID. There are limits to the
+ number of Tweets that can be accessed through the API. If the
+ limit of Tweets has occurred since the ``since_id``, the
+ ``since_id`` will be forced to the oldest ID available. More
+ information on Twitter IDs is `here`_.
+ start_time : datetime.datetime | str | None
+ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ (ISO 8601/RFC 3339). The oldest UTC timestamp
+ from which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in second
+ granularity and is inclusive (for example, 12:00:01 includes the
+ first second of the minute).
+ Please note that this parameter does not support a millisecond
+ value.
+ tweet_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`tweet_fields_parameter`
+ until_id : int | str | None
+ Returns results with a Tweet ID less than (that is, older than) the
+ specified 'until' Tweet ID. There are limits to the number of
+ Tweets that can be accessed through the API. If the limit of Tweets
+ has occurred since the ``until_id``, the ``until_id`` will be
+ forced to the most recent ID available. More information on Twitter
+ IDs is `here`_.
+ user_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`user_fields_parameter`
+ user_auth : bool
+ Whether or not to use OAuth 1.0a User Context to authenticate
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict | requests.Response | Response
+ References
+ ----------
+ https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-reverse-chronological
+ .. _here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-ids
+ """
+ id = await self._get_authenticating_user_id(oauth_1=user_auth)
+ route = f"/2/users/{id}/timelines/reverse_chronological"
+ return await self._make_request(
+ "GET", route, params=params,
+ endpoint_parameters=(
+ "end_time", "exclude", "expansions", "max_results",
+ "media.fields", "pagination_token", "place.fields",
+ "poll.fields", "since_id", "start_time", "tweet.fields",
+ "until_id", "user.fields"
+ ), data_type=Tweet, user_auth=user_auth
+ )
async def get_users_tweets(self, id, *, user_auth=False, **params):
"""get_users_tweets( \
id, *, end_time=None, exclude=None, expansions=None, \
), data_type=Tweet, user_auth=user_auth
+ def get_home_timeline(self, *, user_auth=True, **params):
+ """get_home_timeline( \
+ *, end_time=None, exclude=None, expansions=None, \
+ max_results=None, media_fields=None, pagination_token=None, \
+ place_fields=None, poll_fields=None, since_id=None, \
+ start_time=None, tweet_fields=None, until_id=None, \
+ user_fields=None, user_auth=True \
+ )
+ Allows you to retrieve a collection of the most recent Tweets and
+ Retweets posted by you and users you follow. This endpoint returns up
+ to the last 3200 Tweets.
+ .. note::
+ When using OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE with
+ ``user_auth=False``, a request is made beforehand to Twitter's API
+ to determine the authenticating user's ID. This is cached and only
+ done once per :class:`Client` instance for each access token used.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ end_time : datetime.datetime | str | None
+ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ (ISO 8601/RFC 3339). The new UTC timestamp
+ from which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in second
+ granularity and is inclusive (for example, 12:00:01 includes the
+ first second of the minute).
+ Please note that this parameter does not support a millisecond
+ value.
+ exclude : list[str] | str | None
+ Comma-separated list of the types of Tweets to exclude from the
+ response.
+ expansions : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`expansions_parameter`
+ max_results : int | None
+ Specifies the number of Tweets to try and retrieve, up to a maximum
+ of 100 per distinct request. By default, 100 results are returned
+ if this parameter is not supplied. The minimum permitted value is
+ 1. It is possible to receive less than the ``max_results`` per
+ request throughout the pagination process.
+ media_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`media_fields_parameter`
+ pagination_token : str | None
+ This parameter is used to move forwards or backwards through
+ 'pages' of results, based on the value of the ``next_token`` or
+ ``previous_token`` in the response. The value used with the
+ parameter is pulled directly from the response provided by the API,
+ and should not be modified.
+ place_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`place_fields_parameter`
+ poll_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`poll_fields_parameter`
+ since_id : int | str | None
+ Returns results with a Tweet ID greater than (that is, more recent
+ than) the specified 'since' Tweet ID. There are limits to the
+ number of Tweets that can be accessed through the API. If the
+ limit of Tweets has occurred since the ``since_id``, the
+ ``since_id`` will be forced to the oldest ID available. More
+ information on Twitter IDs is `here`_.
+ start_time : datetime.datetime | str | None
+ YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ (ISO 8601/RFC 3339). The oldest UTC timestamp
+ from which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in second
+ granularity and is inclusive (for example, 12:00:01 includes the
+ first second of the minute).
+ Please note that this parameter does not support a millisecond
+ value.
+ tweet_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`tweet_fields_parameter`
+ until_id : int | str | None
+ Returns results with a Tweet ID less than (that is, older than) the
+ specified 'until' Tweet ID. There are limits to the number of
+ Tweets that can be accessed through the API. If the limit of Tweets
+ has occurred since the ``until_id``, the ``until_id`` will be
+ forced to the most recent ID available. More information on Twitter
+ IDs is `here`_.
+ user_fields : list[str] | str | None
+ :ref:`user_fields_parameter`
+ user_auth : bool
+ Whether or not to use OAuth 1.0a User Context to authenticate
+ Returns
+ -------
+ dict | requests.Response | Response
+ References
+ ----------
+ https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-users-id-reverse-chronological
+ .. _here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-ids
+ """
+ id = self._get_authenticating_user_id(oauth_1=user_auth)
+ route = f"/2/users/{id}/timelines/reverse_chronological"
+ return self._make_request(
+ "GET", route, params=params,
+ endpoint_parameters=(
+ "end_time", "exclude", "expansions", "max_results",
+ "media.fields", "pagination_token", "place.fields",
+ "poll.fields", "since_id", "start_time", "tweet.fields",
+ "until_id", "user.fields"
+ ), data_type=Tweet, user_auth=user_auth
+ )
def get_users_tweets(self, id, *, user_auth=False, **params):
"""get_users_tweets( \
id, *, end_time=None, exclude=None, expansions=None, \