// At the moment this is duplicating other code in this section, but refactoring in small steps.
$activityTypeObj = new CRM_Activity_BAO_ActivityType($this->_activityTypeId);
- $this->assign('activityType', $activityTypeObj->getActivityType());
+ $this->assign('activityTypeNameAndLabel', $activityTypeObj->getActivityType());
// Set title.
if (isset($activityTypeDisplayLabels)) {
{/if} {* End Delete vs. Add / Edit action *}
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">
- {if $action eq 4 && ($activityType.machineName neq 'Inbound Email' || $allow_edit_inbound_emails == 1)}
+ {if $action eq 4 && ($activityTypeNameAndLabel.machineName neq 'Inbound Email' || $allow_edit_inbound_emails == 1)}
{if !$context }
{assign var="context" value='activity'}
// Check the smarty template has the correct values assigned.
- $keyValuePair = $form->getTemplate()->get_template_vars('activityType');
+ $keyValuePair = $form->getTemplate()->get_template_vars('activityTypeNameAndLabel');
$this->assertEquals('47395hc', $keyValuePair['machineName']);
$this->assertEquals('Hide Cookies', $keyValuePair['displayLabel']);