* versions. Produces warning on login page. Bug should be fixed only in 4.3.0
* This detects if the IMAP server has logins disabled, and if so,
* squelches the display of the login form and puts up a message
$org_logo_height>0) {
$width_and_height .= " height=\"$org_logo_height\"";
$logo_str = '<img src="'.$org_logo.'" ' .
'alt="'. sprintf(_("%s Logo"), $org_name).'" ' .
$width_and_height .
-$oTemplate->assign('color', $color);
$oTemplate->assign('logo_str', $logo_str);
$oTemplate->assign('sm_attribute_str', $sm_attribute_str);
$oTemplate->assign('org_name_str', sprintf (_("%s Login"), $org_name));
$oTemplate->assign('submit_field', addSubmit(_("Login")));
+// Turn off delayed error handling to make sure all errors are dumped.
\ No newline at end of file