<div class="crm-block crm-petition-form-block">
{if $duplicate == "confirmed"}
-{ts}You have already signed this petition.{/ts}
+ <p>
+ {ts}You have already signed this petition.{/ts}
+ </p>
{if $duplicate == "unconfirmed"}
-<p>{ts}You have already signed this petition but you still <b>need to verify your email address</b>.{/ts}</br> {ts}Please check your email inbox for the confirmation email. If you don't find it, verify if it isn't in your spam folder.{/ts}
+ <p>{ts}You have already signed this petition but you still <b>need to verify your email address</b>.{/ts}</br> {ts}Please check your email inbox for the confirmation email. If you don't find it, verify if it isn't in your spam folder.{/ts}</p>
{if $duplicate}
-<p>{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
-{include file="CRM/Campaign/Page/Petition/SocialNetwork.tpl" petition_id=$survey_id petitionTitle=$petitionTitle}
+ <p>{ts}Thank you for your support.{/ts}</p>
+ {if $is_share}
+ {include file="CRM/Campaign/Page/Petition/SocialNetwork.tpl" petition_id=$survey_id petitionTitle=$petitionTitle}
+ {/if}
<div class="crm-section crm-petition-contact-profile">
{include file="CRM/Campaign/Form/Petition/Block.tpl" fields=$petitionContactProfile}