.. _Space fields: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/data-dictionary/object-model/space
.. _Tweet fields: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/data-dictionary/object-model/tweet
.. _user fields: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/data-dictionary/object-model/user
+These constants are available directly in the :mod:`tweepy` module, which means
+each file itself does not need to be imported. For example,
+:const:`tweepy.user.USER_FIELDS` is available as :const:`tweepy.USER_FIELDS`.
+.. autodata:: tweepy.direct_message_event.DIRECT_MESSAGE_EVENT_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.direct_message_event.DM_EVENT_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.list.LIST_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.media.MEDIA_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.place.PLACE_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.poll.POLL_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.space.PUBLIC_SPACE_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.space.SPACE_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.tweet.PUBLIC_TWEET_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.tweet.TWEET_FIELDS
+.. autodata:: tweepy.user.USER_FIELDS
from tweepy.cache import Cache, FileCache, MemoryCache
from tweepy.client import Client, Response
from tweepy.cursor import Cursor
-from tweepy.direct_message_event import DirectMessageEvent
+from tweepy.direct_message_event import (
from tweepy.errors import (
BadRequest, Forbidden, HTTPException, NotFound, TooManyRequests,
TweepyException, TwitterServerError, Unauthorized
-from tweepy.list import List
-from tweepy.media import Media
+from tweepy.list import List, LIST_FIELDS
+from tweepy.media import Media, MEDIA_FIELDS
from tweepy.pagination import Paginator
-from tweepy.place import Place
-from tweepy.poll import Poll
-from tweepy.space import Space
+from tweepy.place import Place, PLACE_FIELDS
+from tweepy.poll import Poll, POLL_FIELDS
+from tweepy.space import PUBLIC_SPACE_FIELDS, Space, SPACE_FIELDS
from tweepy.streaming import (
StreamingClient, StreamResponse, StreamRule
-from tweepy.tweet import ReferencedTweet, Tweet
-from tweepy.user import User
+from tweepy.tweet import (
+from tweepy.user import User, USER_FIELDS
# Global, unauthenticated instance of API
api = API()
from tweepy.utils import parse_datetime
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`DirectMessageEvent` objects
+ "attachments",
+ "created_at",
+ "dm_conversation_id",
+ "event_type",
+ "id",
+ "participant_ids",
+ "referenced_tweets",
+ "sender_id",
+ "text",
+#: Alias for :const:`DIRECT_MESSAGE_EVENT_FIELDS`
class DirectMessageEvent(HashableID, DataMapping):
"""Direct Message (DM) conversations are made up of events. The Twitter API
v2 currently supports three event types: MessageCreate, ParticipantsJoin,
from tweepy.utils import parse_datetime
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`List` objects
+ "created_at",
+ "description",
+ "follower_count",
+ "id",
+ "member_count",
+ "name",
+ "owner_id",
+ "private",
class List(HashableID, DataMapping):
"""The list object contains `Twitter Lists`_ metadata describing the
referenced List. The List object is the primary object returned in the List
from tweepy.mixins import DataMapping
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`Media` objects
+ "alt_text",
+ "duration_ms",
+ "height",
+ "media_key",
+ "non_public_metrics",
+ "organic_metrics",
+ "preview_image_url",
+ "promoted_metrics",
+ "public_metrics",
+ "type",
+ "url",
+ "variants",
+ "width",
class Media(DataMapping):
"""Media refers to any image, GIF, or video attached to a Tweet. The media
object is not a primary object on any endpoint, but can be found and
from tweepy.mixins import DataMapping, HashableID
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`Place` objects
+ "contained_within",
+ "country",
+ "country_code",
+ "full_name",
+ "geo",
+ "id",
+ "name",
+ "place_type",
class Place(HashableID, DataMapping):
"""The place tagged in a Tweet is not a primary object on any endpoint, but
can be found and expanded in the Tweet resource.
from tweepy.utils import parse_datetime
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`Poll` objects
+ "duration_minutes",
+ "end_datetime",
+ "id",
+ "options",
+ "voting_status",
class Poll(HashableID, DataMapping):
"""A poll included in a Tweet is not a primary object on any endpoint, but
can be found and expanded in the Tweet object.
from tweepy.utils import parse_datetime
+#: All the potential publically-available fields for :class:`Space` objects
+ "created_at",
+ "creator_id",
+ "ended_at",
+ "host_ids",
+ "id",
+ "invited_user_ids",
+ "is_ticketed",
+ "lang",
+ "participant_count",
+ "scheduled_start",
+ "speaker_ids",
+ "started_at",
+ "state",
+ "title",
+ "topic_ids",
+ "updated_at",
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`Space` objects
+ "subscriber_count",
class Space(HashableID, DataMapping):
"""Spaces allow expression and interaction via live audio conversations.
The Space data dictionary contains relevant metadata about a Space; all the
from tweepy.utils import parse_datetime
+#: All the potential publically-available fields for :class:`Tweet` objects
+ "attachments",
+ "author_id",
+ "context_annotations",
+ "conversation_id",
+ "created_at",
+ "edit_controls",
+ "edit_history_tweet_ids",
+ "entities",
+ "geo",
+ "id",
+ "in_reply_to_user_id",
+ "lang",
+ "possibly_sensitive",
+ "public_metrics",
+ "referenced_tweets",
+ "reply_settings",
+ "source",
+ "text",
+ "withheld",
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`Tweet` objects
+ "non_public_metrics",
+ "organic_metrics",
+ "promoted_metrics",
class Tweet(HashableID, DataMapping):
"""Tweets are the basic building block of all things Twitter. The Tweet
object has a long list of ‘root-level’ fields, such as ``id``, ``text``,
from tweepy.utils import parse_datetime
+#: All the potential fields for :class:`User` objects
+ "created_at",
+ "description",
+ "entities",
+ "id",
+ "location",
+ "name",
+ "pinned_tweet_id",
+ "profile_image_url",
+ "protected",
+ "public_metrics",
+ "url",
+ "username",
+ "verified",
+ "verified_type",
+ "withheld",
class User(HashableID, DataMapping):
"""The user object contains Twitter user account metadata describing the
referenced user. The user object is the primary object returned in the