return $write;
- * Provides list of writeable backends. Works only when address is added,
- * e.g. $name='addaddr'.
- *
- * NOTE: This function needs to remain during the templating process to maintain
- * some degree of backwards compatability with plugins.
- *
- * @param string $name name of form
- * @return string html formated backend field (select or hidden)
- */
-function list_writable_backends($name) {
- global $color, $abook;
- if ( $name != 'addaddr' ) { return; }
- $writeable_abook = 1;
- if ( $abook->numbackends > 1 ) {
- $backends = $abook->get_backend_list();
- $writeable_abooks=array();
- while (list($undef,$v) = each($backends)) {
- if ($v->writeable) {
- // add each backend to array
- $writeable_abooks[$v->bnum]=$v->sname;
- // save backend number
- $writeable_abook=$v->bnum;
- }
- }
- if (count($writeable_abooks)>1) {
- // we have more than one writeable backend
- $ret=addSelect('backend',$writeable_abooks,null,true);
- return html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td', _("Add to:"),'right', $color[4] ) .
- html_tag( 'td', $ret, 'left', $color[4] )) . "\n";
- }
- }
- // Only one backend exists or is writeable.
- return html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td',
- addHidden('backend', $writeable_abook),
- 'center', $color[4], 'colspan="2"')) . "\n";
* Sort array by the key "name"