* @param array $fields
* List of data fields to translate, organized by table and column.
* Omitted/unlisted fields are not translated. Any listed field may be translated.
- * Values should be TRUE-ish.
+ * Values should be TRUE.
* Ex: $fields['civicrm_event']['summary'] = TRUE
- * Ex: $fields['civicrm_event']['summary'] = 'yesplease';
- *
- * At time of writing, the `$fields` list x is prepopulated based on `<localizable>` fields in core's `xml/schema`.
- * In the future, it may also be prepopulated with `<localizable>` fields in ext's `xml/schema`.
- * For the interim, you may wish to fill-in `<localizable>` fields from ext's.
+ * @return mixed
public static function translateFields(&$fields) {
return self::singleton()->invoke(['fields'], $fields, self::$_nullObject,