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-A Twitter library for Python! Also works with identi.ca/laconi.ca !
+A Python library for accessing the Twitter API.
- + OAuth support (including xAuth)
- + Covers the entire Twitter API
- + Actively under development
- + Streaming API support
- + Cache system (memory, file)
+Requires Python 2.5 or later. Python 3 not yet supported.
-Documentation: http://joshthecoder.github.com/tweepy/docs/index.html
+Documentation: http://tweepy.readthedocs.org/
+Source Code: http://github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy
Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/tweepy
-Chat: IRC freenode.net #tweepy
- Web interface: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=tweepy
-Wiki: http://wiki.github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy
-Bug tracker: http://github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy/issues
+ Server: freenode.net
+ Channel: #tweepy
-Souce code:
- Library: http://github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy
- Examples: http://github.com/joshthecoder/tweepy-examples
-Author: Joshua Roesslein
-License: MIT
- Python 2.4 or newer
- Simplejson <http://undefined.org/python/#simplejson>
- **Included in python 2.6+
- Python-OAuth <http://code.google.com/p/oauth>
- **Bundled with this library
+If you have a Github account please fork the repository,
+create a topic branch, and commit your changes.
+Then submit a pull request from that branch.
+I would also accept patches via the mailing list, but pull requests
+on Github is the preferred method.