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<h3 id="lightning-talks">Lightning talks (until 12:35)</h3>
<span class="label label-default">Room 32-144</span> Facilitator: <span class="session-speaker"><a href="https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board#donald">Donald Robertson</a></span>
- <p>Lightning talks are short presentations given by conference attendees on free software topics they're passionate about. Come to talk or just listen.<!-- <a href="https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2015/Lightning_Talks">Register to give a talk</a>.--> If you have slides, bring them on a flash drive before you plan to talk.</p>
+ <p>Lightning talks are short presentations given by conference attendees on free software topics they're passionate about. Come to talk or just listen. Register to give a talk at <a href="https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2015/Lightning_Talks">https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2015/Lightning_Talks</a>. If you have slides, bring them on a flash drive before you plan to talk.</p>
<h2><small>11:40 - 11:50: Break</small></h2>