return \Civi::service('civi_api_kernel')->runSafe($entity, $action, $params, $extra);
+ * Procedural wrapper for the OO api version 4.
+ *
+ * @param string $entity
+ * @param string $action
+ * @param array $params
+ * @param string|int $index
+ * If $index is a string, the results array will be indexed by that key.
+ * If $index is an integer, only the result at that index will be returned.
+ *
+ * @return \Civi\Api4\Generic\Result
+ * @throws \API_Exception
+ * @throws \Civi\API\Exception\NotImplementedException
+ */
+function civicrm_api4($entity, $action, $params = [], $index = NULL) {
+ $apiCall = \Civi\Api4\Utils\ActionUtil::getAction($entity, $action);
+ foreach ($params as $name => $param) {
+ $setter = 'set' . ucfirst($name);
+ $apiCall->$setter($param);
+ }
+ $result = $apiCall->execute();
+ // Index results by key
+ if ($index && is_string($index) && !CRM_Utils_Rule::integer($index)) {
+ $result->indexBy($index);
+ }
+ // Return result at index
+ if (CRM_Utils_Rule::integer($index)) {
+ $item = $result->itemAt($index);
+ if (is_null($item)) {
+ throw new \API_Exception("Index $index not found in api results");
+ }
+ // Attempt to return a Result object if item is array, otherwise just return the item
+ if (!is_array($item)) {
+ return $item;
+ }
+ $result->exchangeArray($item);
+ }
+ return $result;
* Version 3 wrapper for civicrm_api.
+ // result is an array, but in js, an array is also an object
+ // Assign all the metadata properties to it, mirroring the results arrayObject in php
+ function arrayObject(data) {
+ var result = data.values || [];
+ if (_.isArray(result)) {
+ delete(data.values);
+ _.assign(result, data);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ CRM.api4 = function(entity, action, params, index) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ if (typeof entity === 'string') {
+ $.post(CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/api4/' + entity + '/' + action), {
+ params: JSON.stringify(params),
+ index: index
+ })
+ .done(function (data) {
+ resolve(arrayObject(data));
+ })
+ .fail(function (data) {
+ reject(data.responseJSON);
+ });
+ } else {
+ $.post(CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/api4'), {
+ calls: JSON.stringify(entity)
+ })
+ .done(function(data) {
+ _.each(data, function(item, key) {
+ data[key] = arrayObject(item);
+ });
+ resolve(data);
+ })
+ .fail(function (data) {
+ reject(data.responseJSON);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ };
* AJAX api
* @link