// CRM-15728, Add new column reference_date to civicrm_action_log in order to track
// actual action_start_date for membership entity for only those schedule reminders which are not repeatable
static function updateReferenceDate(CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx) {
- //Add column civicrm_action_log.reference_date
- $query = "ALTER TABLE `civicrm_action_log`
- ADD COLUMN `reference_date` date COMMENT 'Stores the date from the entity which triggered this reminder action (e.g. membership.end_date for most membership renewal reminders)'";
- CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
+ //Add column civicrm_action_log.reference_date if not exists
+ $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = database() AND table_name = 'civicrm_action_log' AND COLUMN_NAME = 'reference_date' ";
+ $res = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($sql);
+ if ($res <= 0) {
+ $query = "ALTER TABLE `civicrm_action_log`
+ ADD COLUMN `reference_date` date COMMENT 'Stores the date from the entity which triggered this reminder action (e.g. membership.end_date for most membership renewal reminders)'";
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
+ }
//Retrieve schedule reminders for membership entity and is not repeatable and no absolute date chosen
$query = "SELECT schedule.* FROM civicrm_action_schedule schedule