'civicrm_group' => array('cache_date', 'refresh_date'),
+ /**
+ * Specifications of all log table including
+ * - engine (default is archive, if not set.)
+ * - indexes (default is none and they cannot be added unless engine is innodb. If they are added and
+ * engine is not set to innodb an exception will be thrown since quiet acquiescence is easier to miss).
+ * - exceptions (by default those stored in $this->exceptions are included). These are
+ * excluded from the triggers.
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $logTableSpec = array();
* Setting Callback - Validate.
// do not log civicrm_mailing_recipients table, CRM-16193
$this->tables = array_diff($this->tables, array('civicrm_mailing_recipients'));
+ $this->logTableSpec = array_fill_keys($this->tables, array());
+ foreach ($this->exceptions as $tableName => $fields) {
+ $this->logTableSpec[$tableName]['exceptions'] = $fields;
+ }
+ CRM_Utils_Hook::alterLogTables($this->logTableSpec);
+ $this->tables = array_keys($this->logTableSpec);
if (defined('CIVICRM_LOGGING_DSN')) {
log_action ENUM('Initialization', 'Insert', 'Update', 'Delete')
+ if (!empty($this->logTableSpec[$table]['indexes'])) {
+ foreach ($this->logTableSpec[$table]['indexes'] as $indexName => $indexSpec) {
+ if (is_array($indexSpec)) {
+ $indexSpec = implode(" , ", $indexSpec);
+ }
+ $cols .= ", INDEX {$indexName}($indexSpec)";
+ }
+ }
// - prepend the name with log_
// - drop AUTO_INCREMENT columns
// - drop non-column rows of the query (keys, constraints, etc.)
$query = preg_replace("/^CREATE TABLE `$table`/i", "CREATE TABLE `{$this->db}`.log_$table", $query);
$query = preg_replace("/ AUTO_INCREMENT/i", '', $query);
$query = preg_replace("/^ [^`].*$/m", '', $query);
- $query = preg_replace("/^\) ENGINE=[^ ]+ /im", ') ENGINE=ARCHIVE ', $query);
+ $engine = strtoupper(CRM_Utils_Array::value('engine', $this->logTableSpec[$table], 'ARCHIVE'));
+ $query = preg_replace("/^\) ENGINE=[^ ]+ /im", ') ENGINE=' . $engine . ' ', $query);
// log_civicrm_contact.modified_date for example would always be copied from civicrm_contact.modified_date,
// so there's no need for a default timestamp and therefore we remove such default timestamps
// only do the change if any data has changed
$cond = array();
foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ $tableExceptions = array_key_exists('exceptions', $this->logTableSpec[$table]) ? $this->logTableSpec[$table]['exceptions'] : array();
// ignore modified_date changes
- if ($column != 'modified_date' && !in_array($column, CRM_Utils_Array::value($table, $this->exceptions, array()))) {
+ if ($column != 'modified_date' && !in_array($column, $tableExceptions)) {
$cond[] = "IFNULL(OLD.$column,'') <> IFNULL(NEW.$column,'')";