$in = "'$entityType'";
+ $params = array();
+ $sqlParamKey = 1;
if (!empty($subTypes)) {
foreach ($subTypes as $key => $subType) {
$subTypeClauses[] = self::whereListHas("civicrm_custom_group.extends_entity_column_value", self::validateSubTypeByEntity($entityType, $subType));
AND $subTypeClause
if ($subName) {
- $strWhere .= " AND civicrm_custom_group.extends_entity_column_id = {$subName} ";
+ $strWhere .= " AND civicrm_custom_group.extends_entity_column_id = %{$sqlParamKey}";
+ $params[$sqlParamKey] = array($subName, 'String');
+ $sqlParamKey = $sqlParamKey + 1;
else {
- $params = array();
if ($groupID > 0) {
// since we want a specific group id we add it to the where clause
- $strWhere .= " AND civicrm_custom_group.id = %1";
- $params[1] = array($groupID, 'Integer');
+ $strWhere .= " AND civicrm_custom_group.id = %{$sqlParamKey}";
+ $params[$sqlParamKey] = array($groupID, 'Integer');
elseif (!$groupID) {
// since groupID is false we need to show all Inline groups