+// 19 to 22 inch rack adapter
+difference() { // For adding the screw holes
+ length = 80;
+ width = 45;
+ height = 45;
+ rack_length = 20;
+ rack_thickness = 3;
+ rack_hole_x_offset = 10;
+ rack_hole_y_offset = 10;
+ rack_hole_r = 5;
+ support_thickness = 10;
+ support_base_thickness = 2;
+ support_hole_y_offset = 20;
+ support_hole_z_offset = 20;
+ support_hole_r = 2;
+ support_length = length - rack_length;
+ union(r = 0) {
+ difference() { // Extra triangle supports on both sides of the Y axis
+ translate([support_base_thickness, 0, 0])
+ linear_extrude(height(x, y) = (-width / support_length) * x + width) square(size = [support_length, width]);
+ translate([support_base_thickness, support_thickness, 0])
+ linear_extrude(height) square(size = [support_length, width - support_thickness * 2]);
+ }
+ difference() { // Cut our L bracket
+ linear_extrude(height) square(size = [length, width]);
+ translate([0,0, rack_thickness])
+ linear_extrude(height)
+ translate([support_base_thickness, 0]) square(size = [length, width]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Holes for rackmount
+ translate([rack_hole_x_offset + support_length, width - rack_hole_y_offset, 0])
+ linear_extrude(height) circle(r = rack_hole_r);
+ translate([rack_hole_x_offset + support_length, rack_hole_y_offset, 0])
+ linear_extrude(height) circle(r = rack_hole_r);
+ // Holes for mounting to unit
+ translate([-1, support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset]) rotate(a = [0, 90])
+ linear_extrude(height) circle(r = support_hole_r);
+ translate([-1, width - support_hole_y_offset, support_hole_z_offset]) rotate(a = [0, 90])
+ linear_extrude(height) circle(r = support_hole_r);
+ translate([-1, support_hole_y_offset, height - support_hole_z_offset]) rotate(a = [0, 90])
+ linear_extrude(height) circle(r = support_hole_r);
+ translate([-1, width - support_hole_y_offset, height - support_hole_z_offset]) rotate(a = [0, 90])
+ linear_extrude(height) circle(r = support_hole_r);
+ // TODO: Make this code work:
+ // translate([0, support_hole_y_offset, 20]) rotate(a = [0, 90])
+ // linear_extrude(height)
+ // pack(size = [10, 10]) {
+ // circle(r = 2);
+ // circle(r = 2);
+ // circle(r = 2);
+ // circle(r = 2);
+ // }