--- /dev/null
+namespace Civi\OAuth;
+/** @noinspection ALL */
+use CRM_OAuth_ExtensionUtil as E;
+use Civi\Test\HeadlessInterface;
+use Civi\Test\HookInterface;
+use Civi\Test\TransactionalInterface;
+ * @group headless
+ */
+class AuthCodeFlowTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase implements HeadlessInterface, HookInterface,
+ TransactionalInterface
+ use \Civi\Test\ContactTestTrait;
+ use \Civi\Test\Api3TestTrait;
+ private $providers = [];
+ public function setUpHeadless()
+ {
+ // Civi\Test has many helpers, like install(), uninstall(), sql(), and sqlFile().
+ // See: https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/testing/phpunit/#civitest
+ return \Civi\Test::headless()->install('oauth-client')->apply();
+ }
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ }
+ public function tearDown(): void
+ {
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ public function hook_civicrm_oauthProviders(&$providers) {
+ $providers = array_merge($providers, $this->providers);
+ }
+ public function makeDummyProviderThatGetsAToken(): void
+ {
+ $idTokenHeader = ['alg' => 'RS256', 'kid' => '123456789', 'typ' => 'JWT'];
+ $idTokenPayload = [
+ 'iss' => 'https://dummy',
+ 'azp' => 'something',
+ 'aud' => 'something',
+ 'sub' => '987654321',
+ 'email' => 'test@baz.biff',
+ 'email_verified' => true,
+ 'at_hash' => 'fake hash value',
+ 'nonce' => '111',
+ 'iat' => 1619151829,
+ 'exp' => 9999999999
+ ];
+ $idToken = base64_encode(json_encode($idTokenHeader))
+ . '.' . base64_encode(json_encode($idTokenPayload));
+ $authServerResponse = [
+ 'status' => 200,
+ 'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8'],
+ 'body' => json_encode(
+ [
+ 'access_token' => 'example-access-token-value',
+ 'token_type' => 'Bearer',
+ 'scope' => 'foo',
+ 'refresh_token' => 'example-refresh-token-value',
+ 'created_at' => time(),
+ 'expires_in' => 3600,
+ 'id_token' => $idToken
+ ]
+ )
+ ];
+ $this->providers['dummy'] = [
+ 'name' => 'dummy',
+ 'title' => 'Dummy Provider',
+ 'class' => 'Civi\OAuth\DummyProvider',
+ 'options' => [
+ 'urlAuthorize' => 'https://dummy/authorize',
+ 'urlAccessToken' => 'https://dummy/token',
+ 'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => '{{use_id_token}}',
+ 'scopes' => ['foo'],
+ 'cannedResponses' => [$authServerResponse]
+ ],
+ 'contactTemplate' => [
+ 'values' => [
+ 'contact_type' => 'Individual',
+ ],
+ 'chain' => [
+ 'email' => ['Email', 'create', ['values' => ['contact_id' => '$id', 'email' => '{{token.resource_owner.email}}']]],
+ ],
+ ]
+ ];
+ require_once 'tests/fixtures/DummyProvider.php';
+ }
+ public function makeDummyProviderClient(): array
+ {
+ $client = \Civi\Api4\OAuthClient::create(false)->setValues(
+ [
+ 'provider' => 'dummy',
+ 'guid' => "example-client-guid",
+ 'secret' => "example-secret",
+ ]
+ )->execute()->single();
+ return $client;
+ }
+ public function testFetchAndStoreSysToken()
+ {
+ $this->makeDummyProviderThatGetsAToken();
+ $client = $this->makeDummyProviderClient();
+ /** @var OAuthTokenFacade $tokenService */
+ $tokenService = \Civi::service('oauth2.token');
+ // This is the call that \CRM_OAuth_Page_Return::run would make upon receiving an auth code.
+ $tokenRecord = $tokenService->init(
+ [
+ 'client' => $client,
+ 'scope' => 'foo',
+ 'tag' => null,
+ 'storage' => 'OAuthSysToken',
+ 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
+ 'cred' => ['code' => 'example-auth-code'],
+ ]
+ );
+ $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($tokenRecord['id']));
+ $this->assertEquals($client['id'], $tokenRecord['client_id']);
+ $this->assertEquals(['foo'], $tokenRecord['scopes']);
+ $this->assertEquals('example-access-token-value', $tokenRecord['access_token']);
+ $this->assertEquals('example-refresh-token-value', $tokenRecord['refresh_token']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Bearer', $tokenRecord['token_type']);
+ $this->assertEquals('test@baz.biff', $tokenRecord['resource_owner_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ [
+ 'iss' => 'https://dummy',
+ 'azp' => 'something',
+ 'aud' => 'something',
+ 'sub' => '987654321',
+ 'email' => 'test@baz.biff',
+ 'email_verified' => true,
+ 'at_hash' => 'fake hash value',
+ 'nonce' => '111',
+ 'iat' => 1619151829,
+ 'exp' => 9999999999
+ ],
+ $tokenRecord['resource_owner']);
+ }