// assign vars to templates
$this->assign('action', $action);
+ $this->assign('selectedChild', CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('selectedChild', 'String', $this));
$id = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive',
$this, FALSE, 0
<div class="batch-entry form-item">
<div class="help">
- {ts}Click Validate & Process below when you've entered all items for the batch. You can also Save & Continue Later at any time. Go to Administer > Customize Data and Screens > Profiles > Reserved Profiles > to add, remove or change the order of columns.{/ts}
+ {ts}Click Validate & Process below when you've entered all items for the batch. You can also Save & Continue Later at any time.{/ts}
+ {if call_user_func(array('CRM_Core_Permission','check'), 'administer CiviCRM')}
+ {capture assign=batchEntryProfileURL}{crmURL p="civicrm/admin/uf/group" q="reset=1&selectedChild=reserved-profiles"}{/capture}
+ {ts 1=$batchEntryProfileURL}Add, remove or change the order of columns by editing the reserved <a href="%1" target="_blank">Contribution Bulk Entry profile</a>. Custom fields and a Personal Campaign Page field can be added if needed.{/ts}
+ {/if}
{if $batchAmountMismatch}
<div class="status message status-warning">
{if $rows}
<div id='mainTabContainer'>
- <li id='tab_user'> <a href='#user-profiles' title='{ts}User-defined Profile{/ts}'>{ts}User-defined Profiles{/ts}</a></li>
- <li id='tab_reserved'><a href='#reserved-profiles' title='{ts}Reserved Profiles{/ts}'>{ts}Reserved Profiles{/ts}</a></li>
+ <li id='tab_user-profiles'> <a href='#user-profiles' title='{ts}User-defined Profile{/ts}'>{ts}User-defined Profiles{/ts}</a></li>
+ <li id='tab_reserved-profiles'><a href='#reserved-profiles' title='{ts}Reserved Profiles{/ts}'>{ts}Reserved Profiles{/ts}</a></li>
{* handle enable/disable actions*}
</div> {* maincontainer*}
<script type='text/javascript'>
- CRM.$(function($) {ldelim}
- var selectedTab = '{if $selectedChild}{$selectedChild}{else}user-profiles{/if}';
- var tabIndex = $('#tab_' + selectedTab).prevAll().length;
- {literal}
+ var selectedTab = 'user-profiles';
+ {if $selectedChild}selectedTab = '{$selectedChild}';{/if}
+ {literal}
+ CRM.$(function($) {
+ var tabIndex = $('#tab_' + selectedTab).prevAll().length
$("#mainTabContainer").tabs( {active: tabIndex} );