// No label supplied, do nothing
+ // Strip unsafe characters and trim to max length, allowing room for a
+ // unique suffix composed of an underscore + 4 alphanumeric chars,
+ // supporting up to 36^4=1,679,616 unique names for any given value of
+ // $label. Half that amount could be considered the working limit, as
+ // much above that the time to find a non-existent suffix becomes
+ // unacceptable.
+ $maxSuffixLen = 5;
$maxLen = static::getSupportedFields()['name']['maxlength'] ?? 255;
- // Strip unsafe characters and trim to max length (-3 characters leaves room for a unique suffix)
- $name = CRM_Utils_String::munge($label, '_', $maxLen - 3);
- // Find existing records with the same name
- $sql = new CRM_Utils_SQL_Select($this::getTableName());
- $sql->select(['id', 'name']);
- $sql->where('name LIKE @name', ['@name' => $name . '%']);
- // Include all fields that are part of the index
- foreach (array_diff($indexNameWith, ['name']) as $field) {
- $sql->where("`$field` = @val", ['@val' => $this->$field]);
- }
- $query = $sql->toSQL();
- $existing = self::executeQuery($query)->fetchMap('id', 'name');
- $dupes = 0;
- $suffix = '';
- // Add unique suffix if existing records have the same name
- while (in_array($name . $suffix, $existing)) {
- $suffix = '_' . ++$dupes;
- }
- $this->name = $name . $suffix;
+ $name = CRM_Utils_String::munge($label, '_', $maxLen - $maxSuffixLen);
+ // Define an arbitrary limit on how many guesses we will perform before
+ // throwing an exception. This would occur only in some unanticipated use
+ // case.
+ $max_guesses = 36 ^ ($maxSuffixLen - 1);
+ $guesses_per_loop = 5;
+ $guess_count = 0;
+ do {
+ // Make an initial attempt to guess a unique name by searching for
+ // 5 candidates (the original $name plus $name with 4 random suffixes).
+ // If all of these happen to exist in the table, we'll keep trying,
+ // doubling the number of guesses each time through the loop.
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $guesses_per_loop; $i++, $guess_count++) {
+ $suffix = $guess_count == 0 ? '' :
+ '_' . CRM_Utils_String::createRandom($maxSuffixLen - 1, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789');
+ $candidates[$i] = $name . $suffix;
+ }
+ $sql = new CRM_Utils_SQL_Select($this::getTableName());
+ $sql->select(['id', 'LOWER(name) name_lc']);
+ $sql->where('name IN (@candidates)', ['@candidates' => $candidates]);
+ // Narrow the search by specifying the value of any additional fields
+ // that may be part of the index.
+ foreach (array_diff($indexNameWith, ['name']) as $field) {
+ $sql->where("`$field` = @val", ['@val' => $this->$field]);
+ }
+ $query = $sql->toSQL();
+ // Search the table for our candidates using case-sensitivity determined
+ // by the collation of the name column -- case-insensitive by default.
+ // Array $existing_lc will contains all the candidates found in the table,
+ // converted to lower-case.
+ $existing_lc = self::executeQuery($query)->fetchMap('id', 'name_lc');
+ if (count($existing_lc) < $guesses_per_loop) {
+ // Not all of our candidates were found in the table, so we'll search
+ // for the first element of $candidates that wasn't found. This search
+ // is performed case-insensitive to ensure that the selected candidate
+ // is unique with both ci and cs collation of the name column. If the
+ // original (unsuffixed) value of $name doesn't exist in the table, then
+ // that value will be our selected candidate.
+ foreach ($candidates as $c) {
+ if (!in_array(strtolower($c), $existing_lc)) {
+ $this->name = $c;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // All candidates were found in the table. Try harder next time.
+ $guesses_per_loop = min(1000, $guesses_per_loop * 2);
+ if ($guess_count > $max_guesses) {
+ throw new CRM_Core_Exception("CRM_Core_DAO::makeNameFromLabel failed to generate a unique name for label $label.");
+ }
+ }
+ } while (1);
->addValue('label', 'My test search')
// Name will be created from munged label
- $this->assertEquals('My_test_search', $savedSearch0['name']);
- // Name will have _1, _2, etc. appended to ensure it's unique
- $this->assertEquals('My_test_search_1', $savedSearch1['name']);
- $this->assertEquals('My_test_search_2', $savedSearch2['name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('My_test_search', $savedSearch0['name'], "SavedSearch 0");
+ // Name will have _r appended to ensure it's unique, where r is a string of
+ // random chars.
+ $this->assertEquals('My_test_search_', substr($savedSearch1['name'], 0, 15), "SavedSearch 1");
+ $this->assertEquals('My_test_search_', substr($savedSearch2['name'], 0, 15), "SavedSearch 2");
+ $this->assertNotSame($savedSearch1['name'], $savedSearch2['name'], "SavedSearch 1,2");
$display0 = SearchDisplay::create()
->addValue('saved_search_id', $savedSearch0['id'])
->addValue('type', 'table')
// Name will be created from munged label
- $this->assertEquals('My_test_display', $display0['name']);
- // Name will have _1 appended to ensure it's unique to savedSearch0
- $this->assertEquals('My_test_display_1', $display1['name']);
- // This is for a different saved search so doesn't need a number appended
- $this->assertEquals('My_test_display', $display2['name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('My_test_display', $display0['name'], "SearchDisplay 0");
+ // Name will have _r appended (r is random string) to ensure it's unique to
+ // savedSearch0.
+ $this->assertEquals('My_test_display_', substr($display1['name'], 0, 16), "SearchDisplay 1");
+ // This is for a different saved search so doesn't need a suffix appended
+ $this->assertEquals('My_test_display', $display2['name'], "SearchDisplay 2");