public static function toBeSkipped_getlimit() {
$entitiesWithout = array(
'Case',//case api has non-std mandatory fields one of (case_id, contact_id, activity_id, contact_id)
- 'Contact', // existing behaviour on NULL = rtn all
'Contribution', //existing behaviour = fatal if 0 limit applied as offset of null is put in the query
'EntityTag', // non-standard api - has inappropriate mandatory fields & doesn't implement limit
'Event', // failed 'check that a 5 limit returns 5' - probably is_template field is wrong or something, or could be limit doesn't work right
'Extension', // can't handle creating 25
- 'Group', // // existing behaviour on NULL = rtn all
'MailingGroup', // no get call on MailingGroup
'Note', // fails on 5 limit - probably a set up problem
'Participant', //existing behaviour = fatal if 0 limit applied as null offset in sql
$cases = array(); // each case is array(0 => $inputtedApiOptions, 1 => $expectedResultCount)
$cases[] = array(
array('options' => array('limit' => NULL)),
- 0,
- 'check that a NULL limit returns 0',
+ 30,
+ 'check that a NULL limit returns unlimited',
$cases[] = array(
array('options' => array('limit' => FALSE)),
- 0,
- 'check that a FALSE limit returns 0',
+ 30,
+ 'check that a FALSE limit returns unlimited',
$cases[] = array(
array('options' => array('limit' => 0)),
- 0,
- 'check that a 0 limit returns 0',
+ 30,
+ 'check that a 0 limit returns unlimited',
$cases[] = array(
array('options' => array('limit' => 5)),
// each case is array(0 => $inputtedApiOptions, 1 => $expectedResultCount)
foreach ($cases as $case) {
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', $case[0]);
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], $result['count'], $case[2]);
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], count($result['values']));
+ $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, $case[0], $case[1], $case[2]);
//non preferred / legacy syntax
if(isset($case[0]['options']['limit'])) {
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', array('rowCount' => $case[0]['options']['limit']));
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], $result['count'], $case[2]);
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], count($result['values']));
- //non preferred / legacy syntax
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', array('option_limit' => $case[0]['options']['limit']));
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], $result['count'], $case[2]);
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], count($result['values']));
- //non preferred / legacy syntax
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', array('option.limit' => $case[0]['options']['limit']));
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], $result['count'], $case[2]);
- $this->assertEquals($case[1], count($result['values']));
+ $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, array('rowCount' => $case[0]['options']['limit']), $case[1], $case[2]);
+ $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, array('option_limit' => $case[0]['options']['limit']), $case[1], $case[2]);
+ $this->checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, array('option.limit' => $case[0]['options']['limit']), $case[1], $case[2]);
+ /**
+ * Check that get fetches an appropriate number of results
+ *
+ * @param string $entityName Name of entity to test
+ * @param unknown $params
+ * @param unknown $limit
+ * @param unknown $message
+ */
+ function checkLimitAgainstExpected($entityName, $params, $limit, $message) {
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess($entityName, 'get', $params);
+ if($limit == 30) {
+ $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($limit, $result['count'], $message);
+ $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($limit, $result['count'], $message);
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->assertEquals($limit, $result['count'], $message);
+ $this->assertEquals($limit, count($result['values']), $message);
+ }
+ }
* Create two entities and make sure we can fetch them individually by ID (e.g. using "contact_id=>2"
* or "group_id=>4")