$this->completeTransaction($input, $ids, $objects, $transaction, $recur);
+ /**
+ * Gets PaymentProcessorID for PayPal
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getPayPalPaymentProcessorID() {
+ // This is an unreliable method as there could be more than one instance.
+ // Recommended approach is to use the civicrm/payment/ipn/xx url where xx is the payment
+ // processor id & the handleNotification function (which should call the completetransaction api & by-pass this
+ // entirely). The only thing the IPN class should really do is extract data from the request, validate it
+ // & call completetransaction or call fail? (which may not exist yet).
+ $paymentProcessorTypeID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType',
+ 'PayPal', 'id', 'name'
+ );
+ return (int) civicrm_api3('PaymentProcessor', 'getvalue', array(
+ 'is_test' => 0,
+ 'options' => array('limit' => 1),
+ 'payment_processor_type_id' => $paymentProcessorTypeID,
+ 'return' => 'id',
+ ));
+ }
* This is the main function to call. It should be sufficient to instantiate the class
* (with the input parameters) & call this & all will be done
// processor id & the handleNotification function (which should call the completetransaction api & by-pass this
// entirely). The only thing the IPN class should really do is extract data from the request, validate it
// & call completetransaction or call fail? (which may not exist yet).
- $paymentProcessorTypeID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType',
- 'PayPal', 'id', 'name'
- );
- $paymentProcessorID = (int) civicrm_api3('PaymentProcessor', 'getvalue', array(
- 'is_test' => 0,
- 'options' => array('limit' => 1),
- 'payment_processor_type_id' => $paymentProcessorTypeID,
- 'return' => 'id',
- ));
+ $paymentProcessorID = self::getPayPalPaymentProcessorID();
if (!$this->validateData($input, $ids, $objects, TRUE, $paymentProcessorID)) {
return FALSE;
// membership would be an easy add - but not relevant to my customer...
$this->_component = $input['component'] = 'contribute';
$input['trxn_date'] = date('Y-m-d-H-i-s', strtotime(self::retrieve('time_created', 'String')));
- $paymentProcessorID = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Financial_DAO_PaymentProcessorType',
- 'PayPal', 'id', 'name'
- );
+ $paymentProcessorID = self::getPayPalPaymentProcessorID();
if (!$this->validateData($input, $ids, $objects, TRUE, $paymentProcessorID)) {
throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Data did not validate');