<table class="report-layout">
{assign var="counter" value=1}
{foreach from=$filters item=table key=tableName}
- {assign var="filterCount" value=$table|@count}
- {* Wrap custom field sets in collapsed accordion pane. *}
- {if $colGroups.$tableName.group_title and $filterCount gte 1}
- {* we should close table that contains other filter elements before we start building custom group accordian *}
- {if $counter eq 1}
+ {assign var="filterCount" value=$table|@count}
+ {* Wrap custom field sets in collapsed accordion pane. *}
+ {if $colGroups.$tableName.group_title and $filterCount gte 1}
+ {* we should close table that contains other filter elements before we start building custom group accordian
+ *}
+ {if $counter eq 1}
- {assign var="counter" value=0}
- {/if}
- <div class="crm-accordion-wrapper crm-accordion collapsed">
- <div class="crm-accordion-header">
- {$colGroups.$tableName.group_title}
- </div><!-- /.crm-accordion-header -->
- <div class="crm-accordion-body">
- <table class="report-layout">
+ {assign var="counter" value=0}
- {foreach from=$table item=field key=fieldName}
- {assign var=fieldOp value=$fieldName|cat:"_op"}
- {assign var=filterVal value=$fieldName|cat:"_value"}
- {assign var=filterMin value=$fieldName|cat:"_min"}
- {assign var=filterMax value=$fieldName|cat:"_max"}
- {if $field.operatorType & 4}
- <tr class="report-contents crm-report crm-report-criteria-filter crm-report-criteria-filter-{$tableName}">
- <td class="label report-contents">{$field.title}</td>
- {include file="CRM/Core/DateRange.tpl" fieldName=$fieldName from='_from' to='_to'}
- </tr>
- {elseif $form.$fieldOp.html}
- <tr class="report-contents crm-report crm-report-criteria-filter crm-report-criteria-filter-{$tableName}" {if $field.no_display} style="display: none;"{/if}>
- <td class="label report-contents">{$field.title}</td>
- <td class="report-contents">{$form.$fieldOp.html}</td>
- <td>
- <span id="{$filterVal}_cell">{$form.$filterVal.label} {$form.$filterVal.html}</span>
- <span id="{$filterMin}_max_cell">{$form.$filterMin.label} {$form.$filterMin.html} {$form.$filterMax.label} {$form.$filterMax.html}</span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- {/if}
- {/foreach}
- {if $colGroups.$tableName.group_title}
- </table>
- </div><!-- /.crm-accordion-body -->
- </div><!-- /.crm-accordion-wrapper -->
- {assign var=closed value="1"} {*-- ie table tags are closed-- *}
- {else}
- {assign var=closed value="0"} {*-- ie table tags are not closed-- *}
+ <div class="crm-accordion-wrapper crm-accordion collapsed">
+ <div class="crm-accordion-header">
+ {$colGroups.$tableName.group_title}
+ </div><!-- /.crm-accordion-header -->
+ <div class="crm-accordion-body">
+ <table class="report-layout">
+ {/if}
+ {foreach from=$table item=field key=fieldName}
+ {assign var=fieldOp value=$fieldName|cat:"_op"}
+ {assign var=filterVal value=$fieldName|cat:"_value"}
+ {assign var=filterMin value=$fieldName|cat:"_min"}
+ {assign var=filterMax value=$fieldName|cat:"_max"}
+ {if $field.operatorType & 4}
+ <tr class="report-contents crm-report crm-report-criteria-filter crm-report-criteria-filter-{$tableName}">
+ <td class="label report-contents">{$field.title}</td>
+ {include file="CRM/Core/DateRange.tpl" fieldName=$fieldName from='_from' to='_to'}
+ </tr>
+ {elseif $form.$fieldOp.html}
+ <tr class="report-contents crm-report crm-report-criteria-filter crm-report-criteria-filter-{$tableName}" {if $field.no_display} style="display: none;"{/if}>
+ <td class="label report-contents">{$field.title}</td>
+ <td class="report-contents">{$form.$fieldOp.html}</td>
+ <td>
+ <span id="{$filterVal}_cell">{$form.$filterVal.label} {$form.$filterVal.html}</span>
+ <span id="{$filterMin}_max_cell">{$form.$filterMin.label} {$form.$filterMin.html} {$form.$filterMax.label} {$form.$filterMax.html}</span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {if $colGroups.$tableName.group_title}
+ </table>
+ </div><!-- /.crm-accordion-body -->
+ </div><!-- /.crm-accordion-wrapper -->
+ {assign var=closed value="1"} {*-- ie table tags are closed-- *}
+ {else}
+ {assign var=closed value="0"} {*-- ie table tags are not closed-- *}
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ {if $closed eq 0 }
+ </table>
- {/foreach}
- {if $closed eq 0 }</table>{/if}